Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 533 It’s Impossible To Marry A Princess

Chapter 533 It is Impossible to Marry a Princess

Chapter 537 It's Impossible To Marry A Princess
The interest rate of this late payment fee is one-tenth per day, which means that if the payment is late for one year, it will more than double, and if it is not paid for one year, compulsory action will be taken.Confiscation of family property and assets, in order to evade taxes and transfer assets, will be punished for the crime of covering up.

In particular, the tax that the Zheng family needs to pay is very scary. The grain alone is 23 shi, and the cloth is 20 horses.If these things were left in Yongxing for three years, Ran Min would never bring more than ten thousand parts to fight with Xianbei's [-] troops.However, seeing this situation, Ran Min's heart suddenly became active.

He no longer worried that he was surrounded by the Jin State on three sides, and he was not afraid that the Jin State would use up food consumption to consume Wei State alive.Countless merchants and gentry no longer hesitated, and they brought a large number of gifts to Jiaodong Kingdom, asking to join the Zhongnan Company.Ran Ming only left Jing Zhan and Du Cong in Jiaodong country, and the two had limited authority, so they had to contact Ran Ming through special channels.

Ran Ming told Du Cong that it is not impossible to join Zhongnan Company, and asked them to send qualified representatives to Lu Rong to talk with Ran Ming in person.

After getting this news, the Jiaodong Kingdom became popular in Buqigang. At this time, they already knew that food in Champa Kingdom was not valuable, and what was valuable was porcelain and silk, as well as various things produced in Wei Kingdom.At this time, the demand for various commercial products in Wei State increased greatly, and the prices of fine linen, cloth, and silk all tended to rise.

As going to sea needs to stay away from the ground for a long time, without fresh vegetables, people are prone to scurvy.The canned food in Jiaodong country can solve this problem very well. Now, for the first time, the price of various canned fruits exceeds the price of beef and mutton.In fact, it is not the hottest, the hottest is the various shipyards that have sprung up like mushrooms.

In Wei State, no one dared to poach Ran Ming's corner, but these gentry and merchants still had a way. They spent a lot of money to find outstanding shipbuilders in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Even Ran Ming's shipyard received enough orders for the shipyard to continue. Production has been suspended for three years.

Not at the shipyard, an official pointed at the tall warship that had just been launched and said, "Master Xie, this warship was designed according to His Highness's wishes, and the full load capacity is [-] shi (about [-] tons). The angle of attack and the sides are clad with iron sheets. At present, there is no ship that can withstand the impact of this ship!"

Jie Fei pondered and said: "It's still impossible to make the big ship that His Highness said is feasible without sails and can sail a hundred thousand miles!"

"There is no way around this. We don't know how the boiling water can start the machine." The official said: "We will be able to build such a big ship one day!"

"If it doesn't work now, then it will take ten years. If ten years won't work, we will use it for 30 years. After I die, I still have a son. After my son dies, we still have grandsons, sons and grandchildren, who will continue to multiply. One day we will Such a big ship can be built!" Jie Fei exclaimed, "Once this kind of overlord of the sea appears, our Great Wei will expand thousands of miles into a vast sea. Who else can rival our Great Wei?"

Of course, most of Wei's sea ships were brought to the Indo-China Peninsula by Ran Ming, and there were very few Wei's sea ships left at this time. With the right to use sea-going ships, the price of these charter ships has risen to more than three times the cost of the ship.Even Ran Ming felt incredible.

"This warship needs sea trials, and those merchants have paid a price of a thousand dollars for a single position. We have more than 200 positions on this ship. If we rent out all these positions, we will have the money to build another ship!" The official said cautiously. : "Master Xie, look at this!"

Xie Feidao: "Sign a life-and-death agreement for them, and tell them that we will not be responsible for any accidents on the ship. On board, they must obey our command. If any trouble occurs, they will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish!"

"The lower officials save it, the lower officials save it!"

In the autumn of the sixth year of Yongxing, when the Eastern Jin Dynasty was ready, the East Road Sima Xi was the commander in chief, and based on Xuzhou, the troops were divided into three groups, attacking Gaocheng from Mount Tai.Xiaopei attacked Qingyu in three ways.In the middle route, Huan Wen was the commander in chief, and the water and land routes were used to attack Hanzhong from the Hanshui River, while the land route was from Xiangyang, passing through Nanyang, and Keluoyang.After taking Luoyang, the army was divided into two, one way pretended to attack Yecheng, and the other way attacked Guanzhong.

The West Route Army was dominated by Zhang Zuo, Wang Zhuo and Fu Jian left and right vanguard, and entered Hanzhong and Guanzhong by Jiange Shuzhong plank road.

Xie Ai of Liang State took the opportunity to lead Liang's army with more than [-] infantry and cavalry, and Chen Bing dispersed and left the pass.The army of Daiguo is frequently mobilized, and it seems that there will be a major move.

When Ran Min in Yecheng got the news that Chu Suanzi was going to send troops to attack Wei, it was already mid-August.

Ran Min shook his head and smiled wryly when he received the news: "It seems that a big war is inevitable!"

Even Ran Min didn't know that Huan Wen had two major killers this time, the original gunpowder package that was delivered by a catapult, and the rocket that was launched by a heavy bed crossbow!
Ran Min was silent, he considered the gains and losses.Ran Min looked at Chen Yong in a daze, and paused slightly: "Continue!"

With Ran Min's approval, Chen Yong marked the deployment of Dai's troops on the sand table with a small blue flag, and then used a small red flag to place Wei's Youzhou, Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Yongzhou borders within the strike range of Dai's cavalry The cities and passes are also marked one by one.

Chen Yongdao: "Currently there are 63 cities in our Great Wei that may be attacked by the acting army, stretching for more than 700 miles. If we only passively defend, if we want to ensure that the border of our Great Wei is not lost, based on the current defensive strength, at least It is necessary to add more than 63 infantry and cavalry to the [-] border towns of Youzhou, Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Yongzhou."

Ran Min shook his head and said: "Passive defense is not my style. Besides, in a war on our land of Wei, no matter whether we win or lose, we will suffer a lot. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I will not adopt a passive defense strategy. Since there is nothing to do To avoid it is to keep the enemy out of the country!"

"Your Majesty's words are very true!" Chen Yong pointed to the sand table and said, "Our chief of staff's opinion is that we can use offense instead of defense. First, we will move all the people outside the 63 cities on the northern border to the city. In all areas outside the city, fortify the wall and clear the field. The generation army is not good at attacking the city for a long time. In a short period of time, the safety of the border town can be guaranteed. As long as the fortification of the border and the second-line deep city is completed, the 3 cavalry of Bingzhou and the Yue cavalry battalion can be used. [-] horses will go straight to Shengle. As long as Tuoba Shiyiqian is awarded the head, Daiguo will naturally be nothing to worry about."

Ran Min said: "What's your opinion, dear friends!"

Zuo Servant Zhang Gan pondered and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the strategy of division should be adopted, and Dai Guo is not a concern. Dai Guo is not the only one of Tuoba Shiyijian's family. In fact, Dai Guo has four forces, except for the Tuoba tribe. In addition, there are Liu Kuren, Liu Weichen, and Helan tribes. Among them, Liu Weichen's tribe and Tuoba Tuoba Shiyiqian have a deep hatred, and the two sides are in the same situation. Even He Narangan of the Helan tribe and Tuoba Shi Yiqian faces disagreement."

Having said this, the ministers already understood in their hearts.The Chief of Staff only conducts comprehensive thinking from a purely military point of view, but Zuo Pushe and Zhang Gan advocate political means.Although it was only an expedient measure, it solved the embarrassing situation of Wei Guo being attacked by enemies.

Ran Min said: "If you can talk about surrendering to Liu Weichen's department, that would be great. But will Liu Weichen surrender?"

Zhang Qiandao: "Liu Weichen is the leader of the Tiefo Department of the Xiongnu Branch, the third son of Liu Wuheng, and the younger brother of Liu Xiwuxi. He is also the clan of Liu Yuan of the Han Kingdom of the Huns, (historically the father of Hu Xia Wulie Emperor Hao Lianbobo.) When Liu Wuheng died, it was said that Liu Xiwuxi, the elder brother of Liu Weichen, later killed Liu Xiwuxi and established himself as the leader of the Tiefo tribe. Because Tuoba Shiyiqian had a good relationship with Liu Xiwuxi, Liu Weichen and Tuoba Shi Yiqian felt very bad. Later, Tuoba Shiyiqian annexed the Tiefo Department under the banner of revenge for Liu Wuxi. As a result, Liu Weichen was defeated, and the two sides forged a grudge. Tuoba Shiyiqian In order to win over Liu Weichen and stabilize Daiguo, he made peace with Liu Weichen. But Liu Weichen took advantage of this time to ask Tuoba Shiyiqian for his daughter as his wife, but Tuoba Shiyiqian refused, and the two sides had deep grievances."

Ran Min thought for a while and said: "The meaning of Zuo Pushe is to let me choose a woman as the righteous daughter, make her the Princess of Wei, marry Liu Weichen as his wife and children, and make peace!"

"No!" Zhang Qiandao: "Liu Weichen is a bully and fears the hard. The more he is favored, the more arrogant he is. So what I mean is that the general is ordered to select the best soldiers in the army, or to transfer the Modao army north to Jinyang. , to deter Liu Weichen, let him see His Majesty's martial arts, and be willing to surrender Liu Weichen."

Ran Min thought about it, the Modao Army was specially formed to restrain the cavalry, and the cavalry of the Jin Dynasty was very good.Leaving the Mo Dao Army behind is actually useless for heroes.Ran Min said: "Zhunqing's play! This matter will be handed over to Zhang Pushe. Come, order the Modao school Wei Xiongjian and deputy Dugu Jinwen to lead the whole Modao army to the north, and receive the generals of Anbei University Temperance!"

Although the Wei State is strong in military and weak in culture, there are still some phenomena of civil and military incompatibility. Infighting is the root of the Chinese people.Even when the war comes, civil servants still don't want the warrior to sing a one-man show.Even if Zhang Gan doesn't show up, there will be Liu Qun. They hope that their wisdom can share the credit of the generals.

It is too difficult for civil servants to obtain titles. In the state of Wei, military meritorious service can be awarded to a certain extent, but civil servants rarely get titles.In addition to the 48 meritorious service in the founding of the country, civil servants can only have the opportunity to have the title of knighthood if they are ranked as the governor of a state or the rank of nine ministers.In the state of Wei, there were only a few dozen people like Liu Qun, Zhang Gan, and Tiao You.However, what made Wenchen more happy was that the important generals of the Wei State were all leading their troops abroad, such as Dong Run in Hanzhong, Zhang Wen in Luoyang, Jiang Gan in Xiangshan, Xu Yuan in Beiping, Ran Feng in Pingzhou, Ji Ke in Jinyang and Xie An are in Chang'an, Guanzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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