Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 534 Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, I prefer to go to the mountain

Chapter 534 Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, I prefer to go to the mountain (six more)
Chapter 538 Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains

The military generals in the court are either too low-level, they are soft-spoken, or their prestige is not enough to convince the public.

Finally, the threat from Dai Guo was resolved, and Ran Min heaved a sigh of relief.Looking at Chen Yong, he said, "Now that the issue of the Dai State has been resolved, how will the Chief of Staff deal with this attack from the Jin Dynasty?"

Chen Yong was secretly delighted.To know the issue of Daiguo is one of the thorny issues plaguing the Chief of Staff.You must know that there are more than 40 cavalry in the Dai Kingdom (During the Yongjia period, the Tuoba tribe had [-] soldiers, one of the northern overlords, and the Murong tribe was too weak at that time!) Chen Yong saw that there was almost no need to deploy troops and resources. The country's problem can be solved.In this way, along the lines of Guanzhong, Hanzhong, Nanyang, and Xiangshan, Wei State can use more resources.

Chen Yong organized his language and came up with a backup plan.

"East and west two lines of defense, counterattack the middle!" Chen Yong said: "The commander of the Jin army's east route army is Sima Xi, king of Wuling, the clan of the Jin Dynasty. Sima Xi is the fourth son of Sima Rui, the emperor of Jin and Yuan. General, Zhenjun General, Attendant, Secretary Superintendent, Zhenjun General Dazai. He has no academics but has military skills, which means that this person is a formidable enemy. Although our army is slightly stronger than the Jin army, once a field battle with it , will definitely cause a lot of losses. The opinion of the Chief of Staff is that on the eastern front, we should defend in an all-round way, use cities, mountains, rivers and other dangerous places, defend the whole line, defend layer by layer, and fight positional warfare with the Jin army, forcing them to send their limited elite Power is consumed in battles against fortifications."

Ran Min nodded, he had also heard of Sima Xi, King of Wuling.This is a strange flower in the Sima clan.The Sima family is generally weak, but Sima Xi is an exception.He is not only proficient in the art of war, but also very brave. He is good at using a Fangtian painted halberd weighing more than 60 catties. Frightened, he secretly killed a rebel soldier with a refined iron dagger.

Chen Yong said again: "In Guanzhong, we have a strong pass to hold on to. Naturally, we can ensure that Guanzhong is not lost at a small price. We can concentrate our superior forces and confront Huanwen's Xifu army in Nanyang. After the vigor is exhausted..."

"I think it's wrong!" Wang Meng said: "As we all know, Huan Wen and Chu Suanzi are at odds, we can do the opposite. We should defend Huan Wen and focus on the decisive battle against Sima Xi! The reason is also very simple, Qingzhou, Along the Xiangshan line is the place where the Four World Wars were fought, and there is almost no danger to defend. Moreover, our Wei State is an important place for commerce and an important place for business and taxation. We cannot give up at all. As for the statement that Sima Xi is a strong enemy, the minister does not agree. Sima Xi Although he has a strategy, he has a fatal flaw. He has never led an army independently. Therefore, he is just a Zhao Kuo who can talk about soldiers on paper. As for Guanzhong, I think that Xie Anshi can be given the right to make his own decisions and let them Let's have a duel between two thanks, even if we lose, we have a big pass, but we can guarantee that we will not lose in the pass."

Wang Meng completely overturned the decision of the Chief of Staff at once.Chen Yong felt a little discouraged.

But Ran Min heard Wang Meng's cryptic meaning.It was to deliberately keep Huan Wen aside, so as to deepen Chu Suanzi's suspicion of Huan Wen.For Sima Xi, the clan prince of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Meng planned to eradicate Sima's idea of ​​having force at once.

Ran Min was more inclined to Wang Meng's suggestion. Besides, for Xie Ai, Ran Min wanted to see if he would be as powerful as before.

Ran Min began to dig holes for Huan Wen according to Wang Meng's strategy.Huan Wen also launched the final mobilization here.

Now Huan Wen is full of spirits. You must know that Wei Jun is a mountain in Huan Wen's heart. Apart from facing Wei Jun, Huan Wen is invincible in everything else, but when he meets Wei Jun, he loses again and again.Not to mention that ordinary Xifu soldiers were afraid of the Wei army, even Huan Wen was a little apprehensive.

But, it's all right now.Taking advantage of the quelling of Sima Xun's rebellion, he let the Xifu soldiers sweep away Sima Xun's rebels like a gust of wind sweeps away fallen leaves.This long-lost victory boosted the morale of the Xifu soldiers.In particular, gunpowder weapons have been successfully put into active service. Although there are only two types of gunpowder weapons, they are the gunpowder packs launched by catapults, and the other is rockets launched by bed crossbows.

Huan Wen had already taken the generals of the Xifu Army to watch the experiment of gunpowder weapons.Huan Wen believed that in front of the gunpowder weapons at the bottom of the box, no matter how strong the camp was, it would be as vulnerable as paper in front of his weapons.

Perhaps it was destined in the dark, Wang Meng proposed to let Wei Jun avoid fighting Huan Wen, and inadvertently let Wei Jun escape.

Outside Gushu City, outside the Xifu Army Camp, Huan Wen began to swear to the Northern Expedition.[-] soldiers from Xifu, more than [-] cavalry, plus more than [-] civilian husbands, and more than [-] horses left Gushu in a mighty way and embarked on the road of the Northern Expedition.

This Northern Expedition was different from Huan Wen's three Northern Expeditions in history. Although Huan Wen was nominally the commander of the Northern Expedition, in fact he could only mobilize the generals of the Xifu Army under his command.And Sima Xi, Zhang Zuo, Xie Ai, Wang Zhuo, and Fu Jian will definitely listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement.

Also different from the Huanwen Northern Expedition in history, this time he had a bad start. The 10,000+ army just left the old lair and came to Liyang in the north of Dangtu.

Huan Wen didn't care too much, since Liyang was still the hinterland of the Jin Dynasty, so he hastily set up a big camp and rested at night.However, just after nightfall, dozens of men in black warrior uniforms appeared beside the camp.They are none other than Ran Min's "Deaf and Mute" members.

Although Wang Meng meant to guard Huan Wen, but this kind of harassment that slows down the enemy's progress is still indispensable.In this way, the deaf and dumb members entered the camp and quietly killed more than [-] people.

Although there are more than 10,000 people in front of an army of [-]+, even Mao is not counted.However, Huan Wen was very annoyed, which hurt morale too much.Huan Wen was so angry that he beheaded the captain in charge of patrolling.And ordered to strictly guard against death.

However, the next night, the battle drums were beating outside the camp. Hearing the sound of the huge drums, without Huan Wen's order, the well-trained Xifu soldiers were wearing armor and holding weapons, ready to meet the enemy.The soldiers of the Xifu Army seemed to be subconscious, without much hesitation, they acted quickly, assembled quickly, assembled continuously, formed formations, quickly joined the brigade, and waited for the appearance of the enemy.The crossbowmen are in front, the shieldmen are in the side, the spearmen are in the back, and the cavalry is behind. Everything is like a flexible war machine, which can easily launch an attack or calmly defend.

It's just that not long after the assembly was over, the war drums stopped again, and the shouts of killing disappeared completely, never appearing again.After waiting for an hour, no enemies were found.Not long after the Xifu soldiers fell asleep helplessly, the drums sounded again, and the shouts of killing shook the sky again.No, these soldiers got up again.It was found that there were also no enemies.

Repeatedly, the Xifu soldiers were exhausted.Everyone has pink eye.

Huan Wen was very annoyed, he quietly hid a cavalry in the camp, and let the tiger general Mao Husheng lead it, and if the enemy harassed again, he would rush out and kill them all.However, the enemy seemed to have seen through Huan Wen's strategy.

The sound of drums in the middle of the night was gone, but the troubles of the Xifu Army did not decrease.
In broad daylight, on a good official road, a big trap will appear for no apparent reason, or else it will be a burst of arrows, shooting dozens of soldiers and turning around and running away.It was this kind of inconspicuous sparrow battle that allowed Huanwen's Xifu army to travel less than [-] miles in seven days, which can be said to be a snail crawl.The troubles are more than that, and the physical strength and morale of the Xifu soldiers have dropped sharply.

Huan Wen was so anxious that his mouth was full of blisters, but he had no countermeasures. This is like a lion facing a mouse. Although the mouse cannot kill the lion, it can successfully arouse the lion's anger.

Unlike Huan Wen's setbacks, Sima Xi and Zhang Zuo's journey was in full swing. Sima Xi's army arrived in Jinxiang, and Zhang Zuo also successfully arrived at the city of Hanzhong.

Almost at the same time, Xie Ai and Xie An launched a duel.

What made Xie Ai extremely depressed was that there was no one in Dasan Pass at this time, the city gate was not only wide open, but also grain and grass piled up inside.Xie An also asked people to hang a huge banner on the city wall, "The empty city is here, do you dare to take it, little Xie An?"

Encountering this situation, Xie Ai was in a dilemma.He believed that this Xie An would never give him an empty city for nothing.Dashan Pass is the west gate of Guanzhong. Unless Xie An is crazy, Xie An will never give up Dashan Pass empty-handed.

In order to avoid being caught by Xie An's trick, Xie Ai had no choice but to retreat ten miles and set up camp as a plan for the future.

Seeing Xie Ai's troubled face, Liang Guo Zhechong General Zhang Hao said: "The general doesn't need to worry about this, the general is willing to be the pioneer of the army and find the way for the general!"

"What if Xie Anshi has an ambush in Dashan Pass?" Xie Ai knew that Xie An was famous, so he would not believe that Xie An would make such a foolish move.He was more and more sure that Xie An must have a backup.

But Zhang Hao said disapprovingly: "What if there is an ambush? It's nothing more than taking advantage of our army's rush into the Wengcheng, and then suddenly lowered the Qianjin gate, making it difficult for our army to look after each other, and then all the ambushes came out."

"General Zhang has a solution?"

"What's so difficult about this!" Zhang Hao said: "The last general will first order the whole army, and recruit those who dare to die first, just to find out the reality of the Wei army. There is a saying that knows that there are tigers on the mountain, and if you go to the tiger mountain, you will naturally not be afraid. The ambush of the Wei army. Let people build two fine steel frames and erect them at the Qianjin gate when the army passes through the city gate, so that our army can enter the urn city continuously. Although the inner urn city has the advantage of the city wall, it is far away It is not as tall and strong as the outer city wall."

When the general army is attacked by surprise, it will cause riots because it does not know how many enemies are in ambush.As long as there are riots, this combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.However, if the soldiers knew that the enemy was in an ambush and were mentally prepared in advance, this kind of commotion would not occur.

(End of this chapter)

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