Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 536 No problem is the biggest problem

Chapter 536 No problem is the biggest problem (Part [-])
Chapter 540 No problem is the biggest problem
Murong Ke went on to say: "The enemy's three armies advance together and retreat together, which may make our Great Wei lose sight of the other, but if we go to one of the three, the other two armies are just a bluff, so there is nothing to worry about."

Ran Min nodded.As a northern country, Wei's Changshui Army is no longer a traditional naval force, but a navy.At present, all the main battleships have basically eliminated the Mengchong battleships. The Wei army has already replaced Mengchong with wheel ships and centipede ships, and the five-tooth warships have replaced the battleships.

Although the overall number of the Wei army's navy is far less than that of the Jin army's navy, but in terms of overall carrying capacity and combat effectiveness, it far exceeds the Jin army's navy.

Unless the Jin army is in a special water area, laying an ambush and attacking with fire, otherwise on the frontal battlefield, the five-tooth warship of the Wei army is enough to block ten with one.

Even if you don't have to attack the Xiangyang cannon and the eight-ox crossbow from afar, you won't suffer a loss if you hit the tall and strong hull of the Wei army.

Ran Min silently calculated in his heart that although Ran Ming took away a large number of Wei Jun's transport ships, he did not take away the warships. Except for the four warships left in Dinghai City, the rest were in their ports.

Wei's five-tooth warship can carry 1000 people, including more than [-] soldiers and more than [-] auxiliary soldiers.If the fourteen main battleships of the Wei army were dispatched together, they could carry at least [-] soldiers.Coupled with some other auxiliary warships in the Wei Jun Navy, the Wei Jun Navy can project at least [-] troops remotely.

2 horses may not be enough to attack medium and large cities such as Jiankang, Zhenjiang, Gushu, Changsha, and Jiangxia, but it is far enough to deal with unprepared mid-to-lower cities.

Ran Min was very moved by Murong Ke's proposal.

"It's a pity that there are too few people around me who have both ability and political integrity like Xuan Gong. General Dong Run was dragged in Hanzhong and had no time to clone himself. General Hussars attacked Zhang Wen and had to deal with Huan Wen. He had no time to take care of himself. General Anbei must be on guard against capriciousness." Tuoba Department." Ran Min sighed, "If I have talents like Xuan Gong to help me, why should I be afraid of the invasion of Jin? I don't know if Xuan Gong is willing to assist me and relieve my worries!"

Ever since Ran Min arrived, Murong Ke had vaguely guessed Ran Min's intentions.

Sure enough, Ran Min said the words to get him out of the mountain.Although Murong Ke was one of the top ten famous generals of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, he encountered ups and downs in his early years and was naturally tenacious.Now that Ran Min proposes to use him, it is not really what Ran Min said, there is no one in Wei who can use him.It was Ran Min who was willing to put aside ethnic conflicts and resolve the issues between Han and Xianbei.

Murong Ke has no ambition to dominate the world and become emperor.

His heart is loyal to the Murong royal family, but also to the Xianbei family.Although Xianbei people were only naturalized in Wei at this time, although they were only naturalized, they lived happier than before.Young and strong rely on their own hands to work hard to earn food and money, which is much better than when they were in Yan State.Although this harmed the interests of some great nobles and tribal leaders, ordinary tribesmen have received great benefits.

The Xianbei people are nomadic people. Many pastures in Qingzhou employ some Xianbei women or young laborers to take care of and manage the pastures, or to comb wool and learn wool weaving techniques.They all used their own efforts to live a life full of hope and sunshine.Driven by this common interest, the collective cohesion of the Murong tribe of the Xianbei tribe has been successfully divided by the State of Wei. Although they still cannot forget the State of Yan at this time, they are still working hard to learn Chinese.Because they have become Wei nationality.Because the Wei nationality must be able to speak Chinese, even if you can't speak it, you must at least be able to understand Chinese.

Looking at this phenomenon, Murong Ke wanted to say that he was comfortable, but that would be a lie.But he really hoped that everyone in the Xianbei Murong Department could live a better life.A former servant of Murong Ke, because he is very clever and can speak Chinese, has now been promoted to a second-level foreman on the construction site, and his subordinates are in charge of more than 2000 Xianbei youths.

Murong Ke knows that there is still a long way to go before the Murong tribe of the Xianbei tribe can truly enter the Wei State, and there are many things to do.However, now it is a signal.Ran Min's friendly signal to the Murong Ministry.

Although Murong Ke was a little reconciled, letting the Murong tribe join the Han nationality, just like the lonely tribe joined the Xianbei tribe.

Murong Ke thought about it, he shouldered the hope of the Murong Department, Murong Ye might not be able to count on it, and gaining Ran Min's trust could also give the Murong Department of Xianbei more hope.

Murong Ke didn't answer yet, but he heard Ran Min say: "I know that this matter makes Xuan Gong a bit difficult to decide. Although it is a difficult time for Wei Guo, it is much better than Yongxing's three years. In Yongxing's three years, it was I myself have lost confidence and am powerless to return to the sky. But the sky is endless, and I can change the world. Now the people think about peace, and the unification of the world is irreversible. Either I will destroy Jin, or Jin will destroy Wei. If I cannot resist Jin The army is attacking from three directions, Xuangong can leave on his own, or go back to Liaodong, or take refuge in the Jin Kingdom, I will never stop it. The prince and general Xiang Ning said that when a man is alive, he should use the three-foot Qingfeng to establish an inexhaustible achievement. Looking for a Marquis from thousands of miles away. Now that our country of Wei is employing people, I really hope that Xuan Gong will stay and assist me in creating this unworldly achievement. Although I cannot share the world with Xuan Gong, you are indispensable for a great wealth!"

"Your Majesty is so confidant to the subject, if the subject doesn't know how to flatter, how can he be called by others!" Murong Ke said seriously.

When Ran Min heard this, he was even more delighted.Ran Min glanced at Murong Chui again, and then Ran Min felt a headache.Murong Ke is easy to arrange, since he proposes a strategy of invading Jin along the coast, he will hand over the Changshui Army to him.Ran Min knew that the Changshui Army was now loyal to Ran Ming, and they would not do anything that threatened Wei's interests.As long as Murong Ke is safe and secure, once he acts rashly, he will definitely be backlashed by the Changshui army.

"Murong Chui"

"The end is here!"

"I ordered you to be the vanguard general, leading the Yue cavalry army of 6000 horses, rushing to help Guanzhong in the starry night, under the restraint of General Zhenxi, and fully cooperate with him to fight back against the Liang army!"

"The last general will never disgrace his life!"

What surprised Xie Ai was that in Dashan Pass, Wei Jun did not leave a single person behind, and the warehouses in the city were full of grain and grass.Although the food is not too much, about [-] shi, but there is a lot of fodder, more than [-] shi, even if the Liang army's [-] horses consume, it is enough to eat for more than a month. With this batch of food and grass , greatly reducing Xie Ai's logistical pressure.

Xie Aibai was puzzled.Ordinarily, even if Xie An had no strength to resist him, he would transfer the food and grass, and even if he didn't have time to transfer the food and grass, he could still burn it.What is Xie An's intention for this kind of act of endorsing the enemy?
Suddenly, Xie Ai thought of a possibility.

"Come here, order someone to carefully inspect this batch of grain and grass to see if it has been poisoned."

"General, please don't worry, the army has already arranged for people to check!" Zhang Mao said: "Because the number is too large, we can't check it out for a while. It is estimated that the inspection should be completed tomorrow morning!"

Xie Ai smiled slightly: "That's good, that's good!"

"General, please redeem the general for talking too much!" Zhang Mao said suspiciously: "The general sees that the general has lost his mind recently, and it seems to be hurting morale!"

Xie Ai also understood this truth, and said truthfully: "Xie Anshi is a famous talent. After he came to Guanzhong and took office, although he didn't make any great achievements on the surface, he took Hanzhong quietly. There is no truth behind the great reputation. Master, Xie Anshi has done too many things that are against common sense, and there must be demons when things go wrong, Ai can't guess what Xie Anshi is planning, and I feel uneasy!"

"The last general will save it!" Zhang Mao said: "Could it be that the general is worrying too much, Xie Anshi is just a man with a name in vain!"

"I hope Ai is worried!" Xie Ai said with a wry smile: "There is no good way now, since you can't guess Xie Anshi's intentions, then type out his intentions, Ai won't believe it, wait This general is approaching the city of Chang'an, how can he be so calm?"

The next day, Xie Ai left [-] troops to guard Dashan Pass, and continued to lead the troops to set off. However, when they arrived at Chencang Pass, Chencang Pass was also empty like Dashan Pass.However, there was not a grain of grain in this old warehouse, and nothing was seized, it was just an empty city.

Xie Ai's doubts were even worse, and the uneasiness in his heart became more intense.

Just when Xie Ai's main force was about to leave Chencang, he suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and looked back at Gu Zang inexplicably.

"No, I fell for it!" Xie Ai was briefly absent-minded.Then he calmed down, no matter how panicked he was at this moment, it would not help the matter.

Xie Ai suddenly said: "Tiger Niang, is there anything unusual about Gu Zang recently?"

In addition to having a team of dead soldiers, Xie Ai also inherited the "Blue Eyes" established by Zhang Chonghua.Although Qingyan's intelligence network in the Central Plains was damaged, the intelligence network in Liangzhou and the Western Regions was not damaged.

The tiger lady thought for a while and said, "My lord, there is nothing unusual."

Xie Ai was still worried, he suddenly asked: "Is there any business trip to Guzang recently?"

"There are quite a few of them!" Hu Niang said: "The general moved back to the old capital, and the merchants who had been unknown for a long time also heard the news, and now the caravans pass by Guzang every day!"

Xie Ai said: "Ai wants to see the latest caravan situation!"

As Xie Ai's confidant, Tiger Mother finally discovered Xie Ai's abnormality.

"My lord, could it be that Gu Zang has changed!"

"I can't tell yet, but I hope it's just Ai Qi who is worrying about the sky!" Xie Ai looked at Qingyan's information and discovered the problem of Gu Zang. The final destination of ordinary caravans is the Western Regions, and Gu Zang is just a transit place. Four caravans have stayed in Guzang for at least seven days, and there is no sign of leaving yet.

"Hu Niang, how many days do you think those caravans usually stay in Guzang?"

"Generally speaking, it will not exceed three days!"

"Three days!" Xie Ai pointed to the four caravans and said, "These four caravans have a total of 620 armed guards, thousands of camels and horses, and 240 vehicles of different sizes. This is the biggest problem."

(End of this chapter)

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