Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 537 There is no greater merit than the destruction of the country and the capture of the kin

Chapter 537 There is no greater merit than the destruction of the country and the capture of the king (third shift)

Chapter 541 There is no greater achievement than the destruction of the country and the capture of the king
Xie Ai smiled wryly and said: "If they attack suddenly in the city, although they can't fall into the city, they can still open the city gate and respond to the enemy troops outside the city to enter the city. If not, our Guzang has already changed hands!"

Just as Xie Ai predicted, Xie An still has a better skill.

Gu Zang City, Xie An really lacks interest in this world-famous city.There are no exquisite gardens like those in the south of the Yangtze River, nor mountains and rivers, so there is nothing remarkable here.

Xie An sneaked into Guzang City with the caravan, with the purpose of taking it and destroying Liangguo.

Ever since Ran Ming promoted business in Wei Guo, the Guanzhong gentry also followed this favorable policy.

Chang'an, in the middle of Guanzhong, is also the material distribution center of the last stop in Guanzhong on the Silk Road.The gentry in Guanzhong did not dislike money biting their hands. They also despised merchants in their mouths, and secretly sent their confidants to join hands.

However, with a large amount of money earned from the Silk Road, the Guanzhong nobles were very satisfied.But slowly, they discovered that Liang Guo actually had a thorn stuck in their throats, which made them very uncomfortable.Whether it was Zhang Zuo's time or Xie Ai's time, Liang's economy was no longer as good as it was in Zhang Chonghua's time.Their tax revenue is getting less and less.

In particular, Zhang Zuo left Gu Zang and ransacked Gu Zang on a large scale, which made it a mess when Xie Ai took over Gu Zang.But Xie Ai can turn stones into gold, and he doesn't change things out of thin air. In desperation, he needs to support the army and pay the officials of Liang State. Where does the money come from? Isn't it exploited from the people?
But Xie Ai couldn't bear to exploit the people, so he paid attention to the merchant's caravan.From the initial [-]% of the customs duty, to the end of the hunger, it actually increased to [-]%.

Now the Guanzhong gentry and the merchants of the Huaxia Business League are unwilling. Liangguo has collected tariffs, which is tantamount to cutting their flesh.They don't care if they cut too little, but they can't stand too much.

These Wei merchants and the Guanzhong gentry combined together, this Liang country must be eradicated, as long as the Wei country annexes Liang country, they can circulate goods and materials in the territory of Wei country, as long as they pay [-]% of the tax and show the tax payment certificate, they can go all over the country. Exempt the secondary tax, so they will save a lot of money, which will add up to a huge number.

Taking people's money is like killing their parents, and the hatred cannot be shared.

You must know that Liang State is from east to west, spanning the three states of Liang, Sha, and He (Shazhou is now Dunhuang, and Hezhou is now Linxia.) The westernmost point is Congling (the Pamirs). There is no need to pay secondary taxes for a journey of thousands of miles, and at most one or two hits on the road.

These merchants began to show their greedy face. As long as it is profitable in this world, there is nothing they will not do.In this way, these merchants began to contact Liangguo officials in private, and after some negotiations.They finally reached a consensus with Liangguo Prime Minister Zhang Guan.

To say that Zhang Guan is an alliance with Xie Ai, he and Xie Ai were brothers in the trenches when they were fighting Zhang Zuo together.But some people can only share joys and sorrows, but cannot share wealth.Xie Ai supports Zhang Yaoling. Although he has no idea of ​​being Cao Cao, he often regards himself as Zhuge Liang, but he is actually a powerful minister.Xie Ai did not allow strange voices to appear in Liangguo, and immediately emptied Zhang Guan.

What kind of Zhang Guan is that? He was originally from the rich family of Feng Yi County.His younger brother was called Zhang Ju, who was originally the horse riding Sima of Later Zhao, and later established himself as the King of Qin according to Chang'an, and was destroyed by Fu Jian.In fact, Zhang Guan, like his younger brother Zhang Ju, is an unwilling master.

He reached a preliminary cooperation intention with the merchants, and at the price of Liangzhou Mu, he conveyed his sincerity to the State of Wei.However, the precondition is to have someone with weight in Wei Guo interview him in Guzang.

At this point, these merchants could no longer make decisions, so they had to hand over the problem to Xie An.Don't look at Xie An's elegant and generous appearance, but in his heart he is still a powerful figure with Confucianism outside and Law inside.Xie An naturally knew about Xie Ai's entanglement with Ran Min.In the country of Wei, which is established by martial arts, and the martial arts prevails, it is too difficult for civil servants to get ahead.It is much easier for a military general to do meritorious service. If he destroys Liangguo again, Xie An can at least take the position of Sangong or Jiuqing, and he will be able to take care of his grandson in the future.

In this way, Xie An told Ran Min his strategic idea of ​​destroying the Liang Kingdom. When Ran Min heard it, he felt that there was a lot to do, so he agreed, and sent Zhang Ping, who was "deaf and dumb", with more than [-] "deaf and dumb" soldiers. Dumb" expert came to help Xie An.

However, after Xie An's action, it happened that Xie Ai led the main force of the Liang army to attack Dashanguan. At this time, Xie An did not have enough troops to defend Dashanguan. In order to support Dong Run, he sent more than 4 people, and the remaining 8000 troops, he took away more than 8000 cavalry, and [-] troops were too weak to defend Guanzhong.In desperation, Xie An had no choice but to set up an empty city plan to slow down Xie Ai's marching speed.There are only [-] soldiers and horses left to defend Chang'an.

In fact, when Xie Ai thought that Xie An might be in Guzang, Xie An had already succeeded.With the help of Zhang Guan, the leader of the party, Xie Ai's confidant generals who stayed in Guzang, as well as members of Tianyan and the death squad, were all attacked by "deaf and dumb". These people loyal to Xie Ai were either killed or killed. was captured.

Right here, Zhang Guan came forward to report: "Mr. Anshi has been accomplished, our soldiers and horses from the Great Wei have invaded the palace and captured Zhang Yaoling, the puppet king of the Liang Kingdom!"

Xie An said calmly: "Let's go, let's enter the palace and meet this little King Liang!"

Although Zhang Guan, the prime minister of Liang, contributed a lot in the process of pacifying Guzang City, without his contribution, Xie An would not have been able to enter Guzang City at all.But for this "hero" who contributed a lot, Xie An looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

As a veteran of the three dynasties of Zhang Jun, Zhang Chonghua, and Yaoling in Liangguo, Zhang Guan kept his attitude very low.Even if he was following Xie An, he didn't dare to keep pace with Xie An, but fell behind by half a shoulder.But if he doesn't keep a low profile, he won't succeed. Who told Zhang Guan that he has no capital in his hands at this time?
Xie An entered the city a quarter of an hour late on purpose, and it was exactly this insignificant quarter of an hour that Zhang Guan tried his best to win over eight hundred dead soldiers and Liangzhou gentry servants. Song also died in the chaos.At this time, not only Zhang Guan was alone, but even the gentry in Liangzhou suffered heavy losses.

Xie Ai is not Ran Ming, he never had the idea of ​​dividing the gentry, so when he was in power, he continued to use local talented gentry to jointly govern Liangzhou, teach agriculture and mulberry, and establish schools.Ordinarily, Xie Ai's move should have won the hearts of Liangzhou gentry.There is a saying that does not worry about being few, but about unevenness.In short, although Liangzhou has a large territory, there are too few prosperous places. Except for Guzang City, Jincheng, and Zhangye, other places are wild lands.In order to stabilize Zhang Guan, Xie Ai had to give a large number of official positions to Zhang Guan. In this way, Xie Ai did not have enough big cakes in his hands to share with the gentry.Especially the Ma clan of Fufeng, whose ancestor was Ma Yuan, General Fubo of the Han Dynasty, who was very powerful in Liangzhou.

Xie Ai has a strong army in his hands, even if Ma Shi refuses to accept, he has to bow his head. If Xie Ai can stabilize Liangguo for a few years, such small problems will disappear invisible.But Xie Ai didn't have time to stabilize the place. Although Xie Ai was a great general in the dynasty, it was a pity that he came from a poor family and was always tolerated by the gentry.In this way, Zhang Guan turned against Xie Ai, and most of the Liangzhou gentry responded.

Xie An, who was born in a famous noble family, was different. Xie An was a corporal who was a virtuous corporal, and he handed over every detail, and soon let the Liangzhou gentry surrender to Wei.

Xie An suppressed Xie Ai with weak strength. Rather than saying that Xie An won, it is better to say that Xie An's momentum is strong and it is the general trend.Behind Xie An is not only a prosperous and powerful Wei State, but also a first-class wealthy Xie family backing him. In comparison, Xie Ai, who came from a poor family, is far worse.

Xie An quickly stabilized Guzang City. After stabilizing Guzang City, Xie An left [-] soldiers to defend the city, and the remaining [-] cavalry moved to Gulang Huangyanggou to set up an ambush.

Xie Ai returned to aid Guzang City in a hurry. The distance of more than 1000 miles, even if most of the cavalry of Xie Ai's tribe, were rushing non-stop, the troops of Xie Ai's tribe were exhausted.But when he was about to reach Huangyanggou, he suddenly heard the sound of drums and trumpets, and ambushes came out everywhere.

Although Huangyanggou has a ditch in its name, it is actually a gentle slope valley, and it is not a dangerous place. Except for a few weeds, there are no trees at all.But Xie Ai didn't do the most basic wayfinding in order to hurry.

Xie Ai thought that since Xie An's attack was a surprise attack, there must not be many soldiers around him.Xie An, with few soldiers and horses, had to rely on the danger of the city if he wanted to keep Guzang City. In this way, the decisive battle under the city that Xie Ai imagined did not happen.But here's the big fight.

The terrain on both sides of Huangyanggou was slightly higher, and the cavalry of the Western Army in Weiguo Town was condescending. After three waves of arrow rain, they launched a charge.

Xie Ai stood on the chariot, looking coldly at the cavalry of the Wei army appearing on the valleys on both sides. He saw the cavalry of the Liang army gradually stabilized their positions, drew out their swords, and shouted: "The enemy invaded our Great Liang country, and all the soldiers will be cut off with me. Enemy!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The soldiers of the Liang army gradually calmed down from their panic when they saw that the general was not afraid in the face of danger.Seeing that the army's morale was available, Xie Ai ordered the troops to attack.

The Liang army deserves to be a mighty force in the world. In the past, if the army lost [-]% or [-]% in ambushes, the morale would suffer, and the entire army would be defeated.However, the more than [-] riders of Xie Ai's tribe did not retreat but advanced, and their morale was soaring.

More than [-] Liang army cavalry were shot and killed more than [-] people by three waves of arrows from the Wei army. The remaining [-] cavalry shouted again and again, the iron hoofs were like thunder, and the torrent of galloping cavalry seemed to tremble. stand up.

The cavalry of the Zhenxi Army was established on the basis of Huyanqun's Canglang Battalion, and the main general was Huyanqun.Hu Yanqun had not been with Ran Ming for a long time, so he was considered a battle-hardened veteran.Holding the big horizontal knife that Ran Ming rewarded, Hu Yanqun shouted loudly: "Great Wei Wansheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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