Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 538 Learned Civil and Martial Arts and Selling It to the Emperor's House

Chapter 538 Learned Civil and Martial Arts and Selling It to the Emperor's House (Fourth Change)
Chapter 542

The cavalry of the Wei army and the cavalry of the Liang army were like two angry bulls, with red eyes, facing each other.

Ordinarily speaking, in terms of combat experience, Xie Ailiang's army is more abundant, and Xie Ai's army is mostly Qiang people and Xiliang people. You must know that Xiliang is located in a frontier fortress, and the folk customs are tough. Those Xiliang Han people can survive surrounded by a crowd Survive, no matter whether you are a fierce man who can catch a horse or not.

However, what Xie Ai never imagined was that from time to time some of the cavalrymen of the Liang army who were galloping at high speed fell off their horses, and immediately the cavalrymen behind them were trampled into flesh, and they couldn't even scream.

Xie Ai was also puzzled, he could clearly see that these Wei cavalry did not shoot arrows.Xie Ai looked back at the soldiers around him, and finally found the clue.It turned out that these soldiers of the Liang army were very tired in rushing all the way, and forced to march for more than 1000 miles, even hard-working people could not bear it.Even the so-called ethnic groups on horseback, the Xianbei and the Huns, they also suffered.As long as they are not desperate, their marching speed is not fast.The daily distance of the Huns was only [-] miles.

With a "bang", the two cavalry finally collided. On the one hand, they were waiting for work and recharging their energy.When they fought against each other on the first day of the junior high school, they were immediately judged.


Immediately, the two cavalrymen turned on their backs, and from time to time, some knights fell off their horses. They had no time to get up before they were trampled into flesh by the cavalry behind them.After fighting for a while, Xie Ai found helplessly that the cavalry of the Liang army under his command was like paper, and was defeated by the Wei army.

Although the Liang army's cavalry remained undiminished and their morale was high, compared to the Wei army's dense cavalry attacking formation, they were knocked off their horses one by one, or were knocked off their horses.Those cavalrymen of the Liang army who had fallen off their horses all had a look in their eyes, and there was a strong color of unwillingness in their eyes.

On one side of the hill, Xie An was wearing a Confucian gown. Jin belongs to Jinde among the five virtues, so all Jin people still prefer white.Therefore, Xie An and Xie Ai in the crowd were the only two that stood out.Xie An smiled all over his face, and said lightly: "The overall situation is certain!"

Xie Ai suddenly spotted Xie An and his party on the opposite hillside.Especially the thin figure in front of Xie Anma.

"Your Majesty!" Xie Aibei started from his heart, and there was no turning back for An Fu!

Xie An rushed to Zhang Yaoling and said, "Guiyi Hou has made great achievements now, why don't you order them to surrender?"

Zhang Yaoling is just a spoiled child, where has he seen such a battle?He pouted, almost crying.Mrs. Pei has seen big storms, she came forward and said: "Soldiers of Great Liang, Ai's family is the Queen Mother of Liang Kingdom, you all stop, listen to what Ai's family says, and surrender!"

In fact, Xie Ai didn't plan to continue the fight without Pei's persuasion.He couldn't watch the soldiers around him die tragically in front of him one by one, and Zhang Yaoling was in Xie An's hands, so he was also afraid that Xie An would hurt Zhang Yaoling.

Under Xie Ai's order, the sound of Jin Ming sounded in the Liang army's army. When they heard the drum, they advanced, and when they heard the sound of gold, they retreated. This is the same truth for thousands of years.

After hearing about the disappearance of the Liang army's retreating troops, Xie An also asked Ming Jin to retreat.

However, during this half-hour fight, Huangyanggou was already littered with corpses and blood flowed like rivers.Including more than 6000 soldiers of the Wei army, a total of [-] people fell to the ground.

Xie Ai went up the mountain in light clothes, with only Tiger Niang by his side.

Xie An asked, "General Xie, do you want to surrender?"

"Mr. Anshi! Ai has three conditions. If Mr. Anshi agrees, tens of thousands of Liang soldiers will surrender to Wei!"

Xie An said: "But say it's defenseless!"

"Win the king and lose the bandits, please Anshi swear to treat the king and the family of the First Lord kindly!"

Xie An said without hesitation: "As long as he returns to righteousness and doesn't think about returning to the country, and doesn't have any objections, he can guarantee his wealth and honor forever!" After speaking, Xie An took out the imperial edict issued by Ran Min, in which Zhang Yaoling was named Guiyi Hou, the Empress Dowager Pei is the Lord of Liangxiang.And in Yecheng, he gave Guiyi Hou Mansion a reward of one million coins and thousands of pieces of cloth!

Xie Ai looked at the date of the edict, it was actually a month and a half ago.

There was a huge wave in Xie Ai's heart. He was regretting in his heart. If he hadn't provoked Ran Min and attacked Wei Guo Da Sanguan, he would not have caused Zhang Yaoling to suffer.Now he doesn't have to blame himself, even if he doesn't attack Wei State, Wei State will attack Liang State.

Xie Ai shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty is Ming Mingjun, so there is no need to mention the rest of the conditions, and it seems that Ai is too petty!"

According to the "History of Wei", in October of the sixth year of Wei Yongxing, Zhenxi General Xie Anke Gu Zangcheng captured Liang Lord Yaoling and his family, and then Fuliang General Xie Ai's department, Xie Ai's department all went down, and Liangguo was destroyed.


In Bijing County, the governor of Jiuzhen learned that Zhu Fan, the governor of Jiaozhou, led more than ten thousand reinforcements and was ambushed by Ran Ming, who suffered heavy losses. Zhu Fan was killed in the rebellion.

What Ran Ming didn't expect was that he hadn't sent anyone to attack Jiuzhen County. Jiuzhen County (including today's Thanh Hoa Province, Nghe An Province, Ha Tinh Province, and Quang Binh Province in Vietnam.) Jiaozhi County suddenly burst into flames.The chaos in Jiaozhi County and Jiuzhen County this time is not like the previous civil uprisings. To be precise, it should be an uprising of the gentry.Basically, more than a dozen major surnames and all the powerful landlords in the two counties rebelled against the Jin Dynasty.

Although Ran Ming and Dong Jin are enemies, Ran Ming has no intention of standing idly by.After all, since the turmoil of the Three Kingdoms of the Han Dynasty for a hundred years, because Jiaozhou was under Shi Xie's management, it has not been affected by war, and it has become a relatively peaceful area in China.Under such circumstances, many Central Plains gentry moved to Jiaozhou one after another. These Central Plains gentry brought a lot of money, servants and advanced technology to settle in Jiaozhou, allowing the Central Plains culture to really spread to Jiaozhou.

Once Ran Ming does not ask about the rebellion in Jiaozhou and lets the Jin Dynasty handle it by itself, it may take until next year to send troops to quell the rebellion.By the time the Jin army sent troops to quell the rebellion, I am afraid that the Han people in these two counties would have been killed in sevens and eighties.Take Rinan County, the southernmost of the three counties in Jiaozhou, as an example when Emperor Wu of Jin unified the Three Kingdoms and Jiaozhou surrendered to the Jin Dynasty. Today, there are less than a thousand aborigines in the Southern Han Dynasty.

As a great prince of Wei, Ran Ming naturally would not sit back and watch the Han people in Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen counties die innocently.As long as he makes a move at this time, he can conquer the true heart of the Han people in Erzhou, and may even threaten the Eastern Jin Dynasty from the south.

Ran Ming finally decided to intervene in the rebellion of Jiuzhen and Jiaozhi counties.But now he is short of major generals, so he has no choice but to call all levels of management personnel of Zhongnan Company to find a solution.

When the representatives of the major families of Zhongnan Company arrived at the venue, Ran Ming said straight to the point: "You must have heard that now Jiuzhen County is in chaos, and Jiaozhi County is also in chaos. Now the rebellion has hit all counties in the second county. All the soldiers and officials of the Jin Dynasty were slaughtered, and more than [-] counties in the two counties are now in a state of anarchy."

Speaking of this time, Ran Ming narrowed his eyes, "Now is our chance. In the past, some people always said that Jiaozhou was a barren land, like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat. Is it true? A small Rinan County, You must have all been pleasantly surprised. Like the iron ore, coal mine, copper mine, and all kinds of ruby, sapphire, and aquamarine mines that you are planning to mine now, are you willing to give up the fat in your mouth?" Then, Ran Ming The conversation changed, and he said again: "No matter what we do, anyway, we can't stay out of this matter. If we change the opinion of the people, we will regret it at that time!"

"Your Highness, we have no soldiers or generals this time, so I'm afraid it's not easy to intervene. If we fail, we will be burned!" Zheng Jian said: "The chaos in Jiaozhou is only three feet frozen, not a day's cold. When it comes to the root, it is still The court of the Jin Dynasty squeezed this place too much. In the past, the Jin Dynasty court appointed officials, and this was the place where the officials were dispatched. If the officials want to leave this ghost place, they can only rely on two things, political achievements and bribes. Political achievements are to educate the people and spread favors. However, this method is too slow to take effect, and usually junior officials will resort to bribery. If they want to bribe, they need a lot of money, and where the money comes from, it is not the people under the rule."

In fact, what Zheng Jian said is a special historical cultural phenomenon in China.Not to mention Jiaozhou, this phenomenon also exists in You, Liang, Yi, and Guang.People are criminals, and officials are also criminals.They are all amateurs, so naturally they can't talk about forging ahead, and almost all have the attitude of dawdling, as monks hitting the clock for a day, just muddling along.These people's loyalty to the imperial court is very weak. If it is better in the prosperous age, the imperial court has a lot of prestige, and they dare not act arbitrarily, but once there is chaos in the imperial court, they will be the source of the disaster.

Ran Ming thought silently in his heart that Wei Guo must change this policy in the future.The working experience in Bianxian, Bianjun, and Bianzhou is regarded as the main qualifications of officials.All the chief officials of the six departments of the three provinces must have the experience of being an official in Bianzhou, so that they can supervise the officials from the root, earnestly educate the people, spread the favor widely, and distribute the favor of Wei Guo to the four directions.

Zheng Jian said: "The Jin Dynasty has already lost the hearts of the people in Jiaozhou. Unless there is strong deterrence and strong suppression, the chaos will be difficult to change. But if His Highness raises his arms, these rioters will definitely take refuge."

"Oh!" Hearing this, Ran Ming became interested, "How do you say that?"

Zheng Jian said: "Don't look at how powerful these rioters are, there are tens of thousands of them, but they are a group of filthy people. If His Highness hadn't wiped out the army of Jiuzhen Taishou and Jiaozhou Inspector Zhu Fan, these Jiaozhou gentry would never dare to rebel. Jin. Although His Highness has adopted a strategy, those rioters don’t know His Highness’s true strength. They must now think that Zhu Fan’s [-] troops were easily wiped out by His Highness, and it would be easier for His Highness to deal with them. Furthermore, the Jin Dynasty court will never tolerate them rebelling against the Jin Dynasty to stand on their own feet, as soon as three months, or as late as half a year or a year, the Jin Dynasty will definitely send troops to suppress the rebellion!"

(End of this chapter)

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