Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 539 A weak country without diplomacy relies on strength

Chapter 539
Chapter 543

Seeing that Ran Ming was listening carefully, Zheng Jian didn't mean to interrupt, but rather became interested.The concept of learning literary and martial arts in ancient times and selling them to the emperor's family has long been deeply ingrained.

Zheng Jian is also unavoidable, as a member of the Zheng family, he is not willing to be a housekeeper of the Zheng family.In fact, this is also attributable to the Chinese people's official-based thinking. Even merchants who are wealthy and powerful, they also get official status.Zheng Jian, as a professional manager of Zheng's consortium, is not short of money, but what he lacks is identity.

Now, let me express my opinion. If Ran Ming is accepted into the palace, an official status will be indispensable.

Zheng Jian said excitedly: "Your Highness, since ancient times, there have been no ordinary people like this, but how many people really won the world by changing the people? What they are looking for is nothing more than being recruited."

Now that Ran Ming understood Zheng Jian's meaning, the leader of Jiuzhen Bianmin might have sniffed him out in private.

Ran Mingdao: "Mr. Wen Yue's words are very true. Now there are only two or three thousand Tang troops in Rinan County alone, more than [-] pioneer teams, and [-] Qilin guards. Relying on these forces, if you want to keep Rinan County safe and sound, the pressure is not small. It would be the best if we can recruit people from the second counties of An'an!"

Zheng Jian said: "Actually, there is no need to suppress the rebellion by force. Firstly, His Highness has too few troops. Even if he tries to suppress the rebellion, it may not help the matter. Even if we can transfer troops from the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid it will not be able to quench our thirst. Now His Highness needs Stabilize Rinan County, transfer the elite troops to Hengshan, and once the mutated people show signs of going south, we will deal a thunderous blow to completely dispel their hope of going south, and then His Highness can send someone to subdue them!"

Ran Ming said to Ren Ao: "General Ren, do you have the confidence to defend Hengshan?"

Ren Ao laughed and said: "Those rioters are nothing more than a bunch of local chickens and dogs, why should Ao be afraid of them? With Qilin guarding the world's mighty army in hand, if Ao can't hold Hengshan, I would like to come and see you!"

Ran Ming nodded.

Zheng Jian said: "It's not enough to guard Hengshan and ensure the safety of Rinan County, but also divide Jiuzhen and Cochin gentry?"

"Oh!" Ran Ming asked curiously, "How to differentiate?"

Zheng Jian said: "In fact, most of the gentry in Jiaozhou didn't really follow the thieves. They were just waiting and watching. Some of them were afraid that their property would be looted by the mobs, so they had no choice but to commit themselves to the thieves. If Your Highness gives them a hope, protect their safety , to protect their property from loss. Most of these gentry have big families and great careers, so naturally they will not easily follow the thieves. Once the court puts down the rebellion and settles their accounts after the autumn, they will have no bones left."

Ran Ming thought secretly.In history, Li Zicheng's Chuang army swept across the north. Many generals and local gentry of the Ming Dynasty had to commit themselves to the Chuang army, fearing that their families would be ruined.But once the army fails, these people will make trouble.Li Zicheng was a gentry when he was successful, and a soldier when he was defeated. In the end, he became a gentry and died.Once Ran Ming gives them hope so that they can live safely in Rinan County, they will never be involved in rebellion. No matter which side they stand on, they may ruin their family. The safest way is to sit on the sidelines and watch.

The benefits of doing so are obvious, but in the end it needs the army to guarantee it.

Ran Ming rushed to Liu Qi and said, "Master Liu, how many Tang troops can the Tang State send to Rinan County?"

Liu Qi said: "Now Tang has established three divisions, six brigades and eighteen regiments, and now three regiments have arrived in Nichinan. Qi can still transport at least six regiments to Nichinan."

Ran Ming nodded.There is no way to transport the Tang army to Nichinan, and the Tang army still needs to stabilize the Tang state. Once the Tang army is greatly reduced, it will be difficult to guarantee the safety of the Tang state.Ran Ming said: "It doesn't need too much, just send three more regiments. Tang also needs stability!"

Ran Ming said again: "Everyone, we are all in the same boat now. No matter how much money we earn, we need to spend it with our lives. Now we have to put the safety of Rinan County as the first priority. Now each family must send you The guards, strong men, servants, and stewards over the age of 20 and under the age of 40 are all gathered, issued weapons, and armed themselves!"

"Your Highness has orders, dare not obey them!"


Just as Ran Ming was about to seize the Indochina Peninsula in one fell swoop, taking advantage of the time when Jin had no time to attend to him and Jiaozhou natives rioted, the Zuo servant of the Wei Dynasty shot Zhang Gan and arrived at Liu Weichen's tooth tent.

Speaking of Liu Weichen who killed his brother to seize the throne, he is not ashamed in the history books.In fact, the other person who did the same thing as him was an emperor through the ages.

Liu Weichen is also a person who is unwilling to let others down. He is brave and resourceful, and he is definitely not as miserable as it is written in the history books.He has long had the heart of not being a minister and acting for the country, and now Wei Guo sent an envoy to come, which is exactly what he wants.

This is a typical master who has a milk is a mother, but he likes to play tricks.When he met Zhang Gan, he deliberately ordered the elite of his clan to form three thousand majestic swordsmen, pointed at Zhang Gan and said arrogantly: "Your envoy, how about the warriors of this Great Khan?"

Zhang Gan is Ran Min's founding father, so he doesn't accept this.Immediately, he said impatiently: "Golden jade and its outer ears!"

Instead of being angry, Liu Weichen smiled and said, "Would it be fancy but not useful, you will know if you try it?"

Zhang Qiannu started from his heart, he is already in his forties, close to fifty, even a military commander can't do what he wants at this time, let alone just a civil servant, it is obvious that he wants to compete with the warriors in the army insult him.

Zhang Qiandao: "It's just a vulgar army man. I am the second-rank Shangshu servant of the Great Wei Dynasty. How can I lower my status. If you want to compete, you can. I have a deputy lieutenant and deputy envoy, just like Khan wants!"

Zhang Qian's deputy envoy is Dugu Jinwen, deputy lieutenant of the Modao Army.

Dugu Jinwen has a violent temper and is supercilious.After he surrendered to Wei State with Murong Ke, he was quickly cleaned up by Wei Xiongjian, the Modao Military Academy, and let him know what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and people beyond people.

Among Ran Ming's [-] disciples, Xiong Jian is the strongest in personal martial arts. Even Ran Ming can't beat him for ten rounds.Although Dugu Jinwen is skilled and powerful, under Ran Ming's deliberate teaching, Xiong Jian has been trained to become a killing machine.Xiong Jian is very familiar with the vitals of the human body, he specializes in the vitals of the human body, and his moves are quick and ruthless.Being beaten so badly by Xiong Jian, Dugu Jinwen was not only not angry, but rather convinced.

As the Modao Army went northward to Jinyang along Yecheng, Dugu Jinwen challenged countless masters in the Modao Army, and the results were always unfavorable.

At this time, his temper that had just rested, now his tail began to curl up again.

Wei Guoan, the Peking University General, is a Wei Guoyuan Sili Xiaowei and General Wei.Ji Li is a confidant general, and he is the most powerful general in Wei State except Ran Min.

In terms of fighting alone, neither the gold slave nor the iron slave is his opponent.Although Lin Heishan did not fight against him, if he risked his life to fight, he would still be dead.

Dugu Jinwen dared to challenge Ji Wei, but the result is self-evident. He was swept off his horse by Ji Wei with a halberd. Fortunately, Ji Wei didn't want his life, but Dugu Jin Wen was shot horizontally with the halberd instead of horizontally. .

Even with a horizontal shot, Dugu Jinwen vomited blood.Although Dugu Jinwen is of Han descent, under the influence of the Xianbei people, like the Xianbei people, they believe that the strong are respected. Frustrated by the two powerful generals of Wei, Xiong Jian and Ji Wei, Dugu Jinwen is completely honest.

Although Dugu Jinwen did not dare to be arrogant in front of Ji Wei and Xiong Jian, but in front of Liu Weichen, he still has the capital to be arrogant: "I have learned the method of killing people, and there is absolutely no room for shooting. I think the matter of strength is still counted." Now, if the warrior under Khan's command is unfortunately killed by someone, it will be too late to regret!"

Slap in the face, definitely a slap in the face.Liu Weichen said: "Are the warriors under this Khan's account cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Dugu Jinwen, who is eight feet five inches tall, definitely weighs more than two hundred catties. Even the strong warriors of the Tiefo tribe, there are not many people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Just looking at his ferocious appearance makes people feel timid before fighting. three points.

Liu Weichen was very angry, but none of the warriors in the clan dared to challenge Dugu Jinwen.Now Liu Weichen couldn't lose face anymore, he said with a smile: "It is well known that Ben Khan has a bloody horse in his hand. If any warrior can defeat the warriors of Wei, Ben Khan will give him the bloody horse!"

Zhang Gandao: "Since Khan is so confident, Gan also expressed his heart. Gan has a precious sword bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor in his hand. The winner of the competition will get this sword."

Liu Weichen said: "The envoy of the Kingdom of Wei is too stingy, Ben Khan took out a hard-earned BMW, and you only offered one knife!"

Zhang Qian didn't explain, and directly took out the precious sword from the hands of the attendants behind him.Originally, this precious sword was used by Ran Min to win over Liu Weichen, but it turned out that Liu Weichen was so ignorant, so he had to give it away as a prize.

Zhang Qian opened the knife box, and took out this six-foot-long, dark treasured knife.Zhang Qiandao: "This knife is six feet three inches long, four inches wide, and about half a finger thick. This knife is made of flying iron from the sky. It was produced by the famous master Yan Hu in the Central Plains. It took three years to make it. This knife weighs 29 catties. Six liang, blowing hair and breaking hair, cutting iron like mud."

"Bragging!" Liu Weichen said with a smile, "Why has Ben Khan never heard of such a precious sword?"

Zhang Qiandao: "The first owner of this knife is Sun Fudu, who was the enemy of thousands of people. Sun Fudu was beheaded by His Majesty the Emperor, so this knife became the trophy of His Majesty the Emperor. Later, His Majesty bestowed it on His Royal Highness King Jiaodong, from the time of Sun Fudu. , and then to my Royal Highness King Jiaodong of Wei, this sword has experienced countless battles, countless weapons have been cut off by this sword, and tens of thousands of people have been beheaded by it, but this sword has not suffered any damage!"

In fact, this saber is not as powerful as Zhang Qian said, although it looks like Ran Ming's royal bestowed saber, it is not this saber.It was Wei Meng, a master craftsman under Ran Ming's command, who invented the double fat quenching method, and the newly forged sword, but it really broke.

At this time, Liu Weichen's generals were talking about it, there were those who didn't believe it, and there were also those who admired it.

Holding a knife, Zhang Gan suddenly walked towards a general of the Tiefo Department in the field and said, "This warrior, I will lend you a weapon!"

After obtaining Liu Weichen's consent, the warrior gave Zhang Gan the Zhangba iron spear in his hand.

Zhang Qian suddenly flipped his wrist, and the precious saber in his hand cut into a stream of light, flying towards the Zhangba Iron Spear.

(End of this chapter)

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