Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 540 Who dares to speak bravely in front of Mo Dao?

Chapter 540 Who dares to speak bravely in front of Mo Dao? (six more)
Chapter 544 Who dares to speak bravely in front of Mo Dao?
There was a muffled "bang", but the big horizontal knife did not break in two as people imagined, but the Zhangba iron spear broke.Although this iron spear is not a magical weapon, it is a weapon made of real iron.It was this iron spear as thick as a child's arm that snapped in two.

"Ah!" Liu Weichen couldn't help but exclaimed at this time, as the leader of the Iron Buddha Department, he was also well-informed.Such a thick iron spear can actually be broken with one blow. If it is on the battlefield, it may be the end of the spear breaking and death.Liu Weichen asked someone to pick up the broken spear, and he found that there were fresh broken marks at the fracture, and the section was flat.Now he saw the true value of Zhang Gan's treasured sword.

Zhang Gan said with a smile: "Khan, how about my treasured sword?"

Liu Weichen stepped forward and looked at the treasured sword carefully, and found that this treasured sword was not as sharp as other swords and swords. "Huh!" Liu Weichen exclaimed in surprise: "There is no blade?"

Zhang Qiandao: "This is called epee without front, it's a coincidence that it doesn't work!"

Liu Weichen nodded silently.

Zhang Qian said again: "Khan, what is the price of this knife? How does it compare with that bloody BMW?"

Liu Weichen said: "Peerless magic soldiers are hard to come by, and hard to find. Although bloody BMWs are rare, it is not impossible to find them. The Wusun Kingdom in the Western Regions has at least a thousand horses. If Ben Khan really wants to Taking it recklessly, Wusun Kingdom would not dare not give it to them. But this peerless magic weapon is different. It is really hard to find!"

Zhang Qiandao: "Khan, we Han people have a saying that a sword is given to a hero, and beautiful jade is given to a beautiful woman. If the two sides compete, the winner will get the sword!"

There is a saying that people die for money, and birds die for food. Stimulated by blood treasures that are worth tens of thousands of gold and have no price, the warriors of the Iron Buddha tribe are already ready to move, their eyes are red.But hearing the gift of this treasured sword, the scene became even crazier.After a while, more than [-] warriors who thought they had good skills stood up and challenged Dugu Jinwen.

The first to appear was Yitu Wupa, known as the number one warrior of the Iron Buddha Department.Yi Tuwupa is eight feet tall and has great strength. He is good at using a three-stone strong bow to swing left and right. One stone bow has a pulling force of 120 catties, while three stones have a pulling force of 360 catties.In addition to archery, Yitu Wupa is better at melee combat. In his hand is a shovel, which is a rare weapon and has disappeared now.Its shape is like a fork, with a sharp point in the middle of the end, which is called the front. It is about three feet long. There is a crescent at the back of the front.The handle is two feet long, and the end is equipped with a prismatic iron drill, which is called "鐏".Tin can be used to stab racks.Because this kind of weapon is too big and heavy, only the tall and strong can use it.

In fact, during the Sui and Tang dynasties, the famous general Shangguo Zhuyuluo and the general Qianniubei Yuwen Chengdu both used this weapon.

Yitu Wupa rode his horse towards Dugu Jinwen, holding a gilt and bright-winged 镋.

At this time, Dugu Jinwen closed his eyes very pretendingly, because he heard that Guan Yu, a general in the Three Kingdoms period, often closed his eyes.That's because all the enemies are not worthy of letting him open his eyes and shoot.If Guan Gong doesn't open his eyes, he will kill someone if he opens his eyes.

When Yitu Wupa was about thirty steps away from Dugu Jinwen, Dugu Jinwen was still as motionless as a mountain.Just when Yitu Wupa was twenty steps away from Dugu Jinwen, Dugu Jinwen finally moved.

"Kill!" Dugu Jinwen yelled violently, veins in his arms popped out, he dragged hard, his legs clamped the horse's belly, and the horse began to charge.The Mo Dao quickly rubbed against the hard ground, bursting out a string of sparks, and after a round of force, the Mo Dao arrived just as Yitu Wu Pa's secret path was not good.

Dugu Jinwen's Mo Dao slashed fiercely at Yi Tu Wu Pa's body, and with a sound that made his teeth sore, the fish scale armor on Yi Tu Wu Pa's body was like paper paste, and was severely slashed by Mo Dao. torn apart.

One trick, just one trick.The number one warrior of the Iron Buddha Department was chopped off by Dugu Jinwen, and fell to the ground with a face full of unwillingness before he even had time to release the weapon in his hand.

"Who dares to fight to the death with me!" Dugu Jinwen didn't turn his head, he knew the effect of his blow, he rode his horse and charged in front of the dozens of Iron Buddha Warriors who challenged him.

The number one warrior of the Iron Buddha Department was hacked to death without a single face-to-face fight.Now they are no match for Yitu Wupa, how could they beat Dugu Jinwen, a fierce man?
The Huns are brave and brave. In fact, they are also afraid of death. Otherwise, if everyone is not afraid of death, how can Li Ling's 7 Han soldiers be surrounded by a [-] Huns army, and they fought and retreated, but they could kill more than a thousand soldiers? inside.Decapitate several times the enemy.Of course, if they were really brave and fearless, they would not have the record of Ran Min's three thousand Han riding over [-] Huns, beheading more than [-] ranks, and chasing hundreds of miles.

The faces of these iron Buddha warriors were so frightened that no one dared to fight.

This made Liu Weichen very angry, but he hadn't had time to roar yet.I heard Dugu Jinwen say: "You are all cowards, don't fight each other one by one, just be sharp, let's fight together!"

Hearing that Dugu Jinwen looked down on his generals so much, Liu Weichen almost turned his nose.Seeing the expressions of fear on the faces of all the generals, Liu Weichen's lungs were about to explode.

"Since General Wei ordered you to fight, you will fight together!" Liu Weichen wanted to cut Wei's face, but this Dugu Jinwen took him down for a while, and roared: "If you dare not fight, Immediately step on the meat mud! All your family members will be reduced to slaves! If you go to war, no matter the winner or loser, you will be rewarded!"

The Tiefo tribe inherited part of the ancient system of the Xiongnu, entrusting 24 chiefs, including Qianchang, Baichang, Shichang, Pi Xiaowang, Xiang, Duwei, Danghu, and Qiqu.At this time, a big household named Liu Qing.This Liu Qing is not the same clan of Liu Weichen, but also the same clan of Liu Yuan.After the Han Kingdom was destroyed by the Huns, he led his troops to defect to Liu Weichen's father, Liu Wuheng.But Liu Qing's tribe is declining day by day.In the environment where the strong are respected by the Huns, Liu Qing hopes to rely on his own bravery to save the tribe's life.

Liu Qingdao: "If you die, you will die. We, the descendants of the Canglang God, cannot be looked down upon!"

"That's right, kill this Han dog, and we'll have everything. Khan's BMW is enough to exchange for a thousand ordinary horses. Then we can marry another woman and buy a few female slaves, hehe..."

"Anyway, you'll die if you fight or not. It's better to fight. Kill him and let him see how powerful our Iron Buddha Warriors are!"

"It's crazy, I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth! I will chop him alive later!"

"It's crazy, I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth! I will chop him alive later!"

"Kill!" Unable to bear the pressure, Liu Qing let out a roar, pulled out his horse, whipped it, and rushed to Dugu Jinwen first.Under the leadership of Liu Qing, more than [-] warriors from the Tiefo tribe also roared and shouted, brandishing spears, spears, knives, and swords, and rushed towards Dugu Jinwen.Dugu Jinwen didn't pretend to be aggressive this time, but rushed towards the group of iron Buddha warriors.

The distance between the two sides was not too far, at most it was four or five hundred steps, which was just enough for the horses to speed up.Fortunately, these iron Buddha warriors did not use bows and arrows. In a few breaths, Dugu Jinwen rushed into the formation of Iron Buddha warriors.I saw Dugu Jinwen's Damo Dao swung a big sweep, and with a sound of "swish", the tip of the Mo Dao dexterously passed across the neck of a Tiefo warrior, and cut his throat. When two warriors fell, Dugu Jinwen's Mo Dao remained undiminished, and with another puff, he chopped off the head of another Tiefo warrior who was about to attack.

For the first time, Lonely Jinwen slashed to death the number one warrior of the Iron Buddha Department.The second time he slashed the sword, cutting two enemies with one sword, the movement was as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.In just a few breaths of meeting each other, three people were killed.

Zhang Qian was originally worried that the Tiefo Department would fight too much and Dugu Jinwen would be no match for four.So at this time, Zhang Gan had already ordered someone to send a signal for a surprise attack to the [-] Mo Daomen and [-] heavy armored cavalry outside Yazhang.

"He's really a fierce general!" Zhang Gan watched Dugu Jinwen like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and immediately put his heart in his stomach.

Liu Weichen was full of fear. He said he had heard of most of Wei's generals.He would not be surprised to say that Ran Min of Wei State had such force, and he would not be surprised even if General Anbei was born.Even if it was Lin Heishan, the number one thug next to Ran Ming, Liu Weichen would not be so sad, but this Dugu Jinwen has never been well-known.

Dugu Jinwen knew from the name that this was a member of the Dugu tribe. Wei Guo accepted the surrender of the Dugu tribe, and that was after the destruction of the Yan Kingdom. In just over a year, he did not expect such a warrior from the Dugu tribe to surrender. Ran Min .

In just a few breaths of time, Dugu Jinwen was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing the corpses of the warriors of the Iron Buddha Department all over the field.You must know that this is not an ordinary soldier of the Iron Buddha Department, but a general.Among them, Qianchang is the lowest, and Liu Qing, the head of the Iron Buddha Department, is the highest.

The head of the Iron Buddha Department is the second-level nobleman after Liu Weichen, the Khan.It is equivalent to an official at the state governor level of Wei State.

However, at this time, besides Liu Qing, there were four Qianchang and Qu Shuai.

Seeing that there were only four people around, Liu Qing was so frightened that he was sweating profusely.He is not a fledgling on the battlefield, nor is he weak, but there is a big gap between him as a warrior and Dugu Jinwen.

Liu Qingze retreated sharply, about a dozen or so steps away, suddenly took off his riding bow, held the bow with his right hand, drew the arrow with his left hand, and shot five arrows quickly, and then changed hands without looking at the result, holding the bow with his left hand, and drawing the arrow with his right , the same five arrows in a row.

This hand archery has a name, called left and right bow.Why is it called a left and right bow?The main reason is that bows and arrows require strong arm strength. All archers in ancient times basically carried only two pots of arrows, 24.It is not because too many arrows are too heavy, but because human physical strength is limited. Even an excellent archer, two pots of arrows will exhaust his physical strength.It is definitely an exaggerated description like arrows raining down on the battlefield for a long time.In fact, no matter how many arrows there are, the soldiers cannot shoot them all.

PS: Weakly ask for votes

(End of this chapter)

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