Chapter 541
Chapter 545
The long arrows are like lightning, Liu Qing has ten arrows one after another, which is a good interpretation of the archery skills of the Huns.

However, Dugu Jinwen has long been on guard against Liu Qing's arrow.So when two waves of Wulianzhu arrows flew towards him, he unhurriedly dialed the arrows with Mo Dao. Mo Dao reached out to catch the arrow.

I saw the right hand copying the bow, and the left hand grasping the arrow. After grasping the arrow, I didn't even look at it, but directly reflected it back.

Liu Qing hastily stepped inside to hide, although he managed to dodge the arrow, but he didn't know that Dugu Jinwen didn't shoot him at all, but shot his horse.The horse was hit by an arrow in the buttocks, and was frightened by the arrow, throwing Liu Qing off the horse.

At this moment, especially Dugu Jinwen, abandoning the knife and grabbing the bow, grabbing the arrow and turning the arrow against Liu Qing, deeply shocked all the members of Tiefo tribe.

Everyone including Zhang Gan and Liu Weichen looked at Dugu Jinwen in disbelief.

Everyone stopped cheering, and also stopped shouting. In the large open space inside and outside the tooth tent, thousands of elite soldiers of the Iron Buddha Department were only panting deeply.

"Law Return"

"Law Return"

Dugu Jinwen is a member of the Dugu tribe of the Xianbei nationality, so he naturally heard that the so-called Lugui means heroes and warriors in Xianbei.The Tiefo tribe is actually a tribe formed by the Zuoxian tribe of the Xiongnu, who have been intermarried with the Xianbei for a long time, and are mixed blood.Their native language includes both Xiongnu language and Xianbei words, but as nobles, they all respect Chinese.

Liu Weichen's face suddenly changed drastically.It turned out that at this time a general told him the news that Wei Jun's Modao Army had gone out.Liu Weichen also wanted to get back his position and make Wei Guo look bad.But seeing that all the warriors in the clan admired Dugu Jinwen, I'm afraid they would not be willing to let them attack such a great hero.

However, when Liu Weichen heard that Wei Jun only rode a thousand men, he smiled instead of anger: "Although our Iron Buddha Department is far inferior to Wei Guo's strength, it is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated by others. Since they don't know how to praise, give them a lesson!"

Unlike the Han people, the Huns and Xianbei have clear love and hatred.Even if they killed their clansmen, as long as it was a fair duel and a head-on fight, instead of holding grudges, they would be proud of it.Surrender to each other.But if they are calculated by tricks, it will be an endless situation.

"Captain Semulunta, you lead your 5000 men to stop the Wei army!"


Semulunta is a captain of the Tiefo Department, which is different from the captain of Wei State. Their captain is based on power.Qianchang is a tribe that can produce thousands of Ding in the tribe.The Duwei is an intermediate force between less than [-] households and [-] households.As soon as Semulunta ordered his five thousand cavalry, he saw Wei Jun's Modao army lined up in a neat formation, advancing like a wall.

Under the sun, the shining Mo Dao was like mirrors shining with cold light, which made people unable to open their eyes.

"It's Wei Jun, prepare to shoot arrows!"

After a while, Semulun Tabu started trotting, and gradually ran at the speed of the cavalry.They started to shoot arrows while galloping, although the arrow rain of the five thousand cavalry was quite dense and extremely accurate.But the result was a surprise to Muronta.

Although Wei Jun was hit by an arrow, no one fell to the ground.Some Mo Dao Shou have already inserted several arrows in their bodies, but they still move forward!
"Damn it!" Semulunta said, "I don't believe I can't kill them! Warriors, come with me!"

Five thousand cavalry charged, and there was naturally a lot of movement.They resounded through the sky like rolling thunder.

When Mo Daojun saw the cavalry of the Iron Buddha Department attacking, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"Prepare for battle!"

The five hundred Mo Daomen stopped immediately, and they lined up horizontally in a team of fifty, forming a formation of fifty by ten.The Mo Dao hand in the first row pressed the handle of the Mo Dao against the ground, and pointed the blade obliquely at the enemy cavalry.The Mo Dao hand in the second row holds the Mo Dao tightly with both hands, ready to raise the Dao and chop at any time.

At this time, the cavalry of the Wei army protected the left, right and rear sides of the Modao army. Due to the regular formation of the Modao army, a large number of crossbowmen were needed to cooperate. At this time, the cavalry temporarily acted as crossbowmen.All of these cavalrymen are equipped with double crossbows. Without panic, they jumped off their horses, using the horses as a cover, slowly moved the lever to wind up the crossbows, and aimed the two crossbows at the incoming cavalry at the same time.

Semulunta of the Iron Buddha Department can also be regarded as Liu Weichen's sharp blade. He has always played the role of a forward in the process of fighting for the grassland. Although Semulunta is not the most brave warrior, he is Liu Weichen's most loyal subordinate.

It's just that he didn't know how powerful Mo Dao was. Seeing that the five hundred Wei army infantry were at the forefront, he adopted the simplest and most violent pig attack method.Some people say that the pig sudden tactics were invented by the Japanese, but this is actually wrong.In fact, this was invented by the first Huns, and almost all nomadic peoples, including the Huns, knew this tactic.The Jurchen dinner Aguda took this pig-out tactic to the extreme.He used 70 cavalry to defeat the [-] Liao army at once.

Under normal circumstances, they first use rangers to test and look for defensive weaknesses. As long as they find the enemy's weaknesses, they will adopt pig-like tactics regardless of losses.Pig advances by leaps and bounds, in fact, it is not a derogatory term.The main defense method of the Han army is the outer shield, gun and inner bow. As long as the outer defense is broken through, facing ordinary archers, it will be a one-sided massacre.

Seeing that the bows and arrows were ineffective, the iron Buddha cavalry also put away their bows and arrows. They were not as wealthy as the Han people, and iron arrows were extremely precious to them.In ordinary hunting, either bone arrows or stone arrows are used, and iron arrows are only used in battle.

A row of hundreds of cavalry rushed to the front, of course this was just a feint.

As a result, he was shot back by a burst of crossbow arrows from the cavalry.After probing several times in a row, Semulunta found that Wei Jun was a hedgehog with thorns.Helpless, he had no choice but to order the most tragic pig sudden tactics.

When hundreds of cavalry rode their horses directly into the Modao army formation, some of the Modao soldiers in the front row were broken, and some Modao hands were knocked into the air, but the formation only loosened for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Seeing the loose formation of the Wei army, Semulunta seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

Semulunta said: "Kill all the Han dogs! Let the Han dogs see how powerful we are!"

However, Semulunta didn't know that he made a fatal mistake at this time!

The Modao army has begun to show its power. When hundreds of cavalrymen die in front of the Modao hand, the cavalry's attack formation will inevitably be affected. It is not impossible for the cavalry who have lost their speed to break through the Modao army. It will take human lives to attack continuously , Exhausting Mo Dao Shou's strength.

Obviously, if one thousand Wei troops faced five thousand Iron Buddha cavalry, each Mo Daoist only needed to kill five people on average, and they would not be exhausted to death.

When Semulunta woke up, he was stunned. More than half of his 200 cavalry had been killed or injured, while the opponent had only dozens of casualties. The record of more than [-] made him realize the gap.

Semulunta ordered the troops to retreat, and Wei Jun Modaoshou did not order to pursue them.After all, this time they are not here to destroy the Iron Buddha Department, but to subdue them, let them realize the gap, and seeing the power is enough.

Liu Weichen saw the tragic scene of corpses strewn all over the field, and finally understood the gap between Wei Jun and him.Fortunately, Ran Min almost retreated under the iron cavalry of the 14 Yan army with more than [-] strong troops.

Since then, Mo Dao Army has an additional nickname-the weapon on earth.

The Yellow River is full of harm, but only benefits.This set is about the Hetao area, which is now the Ningxia area.Because there is no shortage of water sources here, and there is also the famous Shahu Lake. Of course, the area of ​​the Shahu Lake at this time far exceeds that of later generations. This is the only area in the north where rice can be grown, and it is called Saishang Jiangnan.

But this fortress in the south of the Yangtze River is now in the hands of the Tiefo Department.The predecessor of this Iron Buddha Department is the Zuoxian King Department of the Huns.In fact, all nomadic peoples in northern China, such as Xianbei, Rouran, Dingling, Gaoche, and Turks in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, are descendants of the Huns.In "Book of Jin" and "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", it is recorded that Ran Min slaughtered the Xiongnu and Jie tribes.This is very irresponsible way of writing.In fact, if the Xiongnu perished, how could there be Hao Lianbo's Great Xia, let alone the Chaos of Houjing.

On the shore of Shahu Lake, the south side of Liu Weichen's tooth tent is a desert, and the west bank is the famous Helan Mountain.The lake is next to the golden sand, the sand is surrounded by the green lake, and the sand and water are connected, which is a wonderful workmanship!Looking west from Shahu Lake, you can see the majestic Helan Mountain with towering peaks and overlapping peaks. The temperature difference between the mountain and the mountain is large. In early autumn and mid-spring, light rain turns into snow, and the snow accumulates into mountains. The sun does not melt.

Such a large piece of heaven-sent fertile soil was occupied by the Tiefo Department, and thus became the source of conflict among the Tuoba Department, Tiefo Department, and Helan Department of Daiguo.Of course, although the Helan tribe refused to accept that the Tiefo tribe occupied the Hetao area, they suffered from insufficient strength and could not compete with the Tiefo tribe.Although the Tuoba tribe is more powerful than the Tiefo tribe, it is a pity that he can't swallow the Tiefo tribe with more than 8 accounts and [-] people who control strings.

Although it is late autumn at this time, the weather in the Central Plains and even in Guanzhong is still hot with some residual heat, while the Hetao area has a cool breeze and a slight chill.

But at this time, Zhang Qian smiled and said: "The big thing is done, and it's lucky that I don't disgrace my life!"

Just when Zhang Gan reached a settlement with Liu Weichen's Ministry of the Dai Kingdom, Ran Min, who was in Yecheng, also received the news that the entire Liang Kingdom had surrendered.

Ran Min read the battle report three times and murmured, "How is this possible! How is this possible!"

As Ran Min's old opponent, Xie Ai is very important, and Ran Min knows very well.Don't look at Xie Ai who can't shoot arrows or cavalry.But this frail scholar, like Chen Qingzhi, proved to the world what a Confucian general is.

In fact, although Chen Qingzhi has a great record, he is suspected of playing tricks.After all, at that time, the state of Wei was already at sunset, and there was only an empty shell left.Under the command of Xie Ai, the Liang army won three victories three times, and defeated the army of the Twelve Route of Hou Zhao, with nearly 20 soldiers and horses.Zhao Jun was still very tyrannical at that time.

Liu Qun saw the battle report and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is not a crime of war. In front of Xie Anshi, I am afraid that even if Sun Wu is alive, he will not be able to recover!"

"Oh!" Ran Min said, "What do you mean by that?"

(End of this chapter)

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