Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 542: All Hees in the World Are Profitable

Chapter 542
Chapter 546

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit." Liu Qun said: "Sima Qian gave the most intuitive explanation in "Historical Records."

Liu Qun paused for a moment, and then continued: "Since the king of Jiaodong took possession of the Jiaodong Kingdom, and put forward the views that no agriculture is unstable, no labor is not strong, and no business is not rich, His Majesty has agreed that Jiaodong King should be a pilot for the Wei State in Qingzhou. , With the gratifying results of Qingzhou's business development, His Majesty has placed business and industry in the same important position as farming. With the introduction of various policies to benefit business, benefit industry, benefit business, and benefit industry, our big Wei has achieved rapid development in both industry and commerce. Especially in terms of tax revenue, in the first year of Yongxing, His Majesty ordered the world to be tax-free, but in the second year of Yongxing, our Great Wei only had 8000 million yuan. In the third year of Yongxing, there was 19 gold (one gold is equal to ten thousand yuan), and in the first half of the year of Yongxing, the income exceeded 50 gold."

Ran Ming proposed the national policy of promoting business, and Ran Min knew about it.And I also know that the commercial tax has far exceeded the agricultural tax.It's just that Ran Min never figured out how this pro-business policy had something to do with Xie Ai's defeat and the surrender of the entire Liang country.In Ran Min's understanding, apart from wealth, how could this business shake the foundation of the rule.

Looking at Ran Min's puzzled eyes, Liu Qun explained: "Your Majesty also knows that after the rapid development of our Great Wei's commerce, all kinds of commodities have fully met the needs of our Great Wei. Even if they are dumped to Jin, there are still a lot of commodities Backlog. In order to find a sales area, these merchants have set their sights on the Western Regions, and they have restarted the Silk Road.”

Ran Min nodded, but he still asked curiously: "Why does Xie Ai lose in the first battle, what does it matter if the whole country of Liang falls?"

Liu Qun said: "The merchants of the Wei Kingdom today are no longer the humble merchants of the past. Those humble merchants were integrated by His Royal Highness King Jiaodong to form the Huaxia Merchant Alliance. This merchant alliance gradually formed a new force in the Wei Kingdom. This emerging force not only includes the big merchants from various prefectures and counties, but also the participation of the major gentry. With the demise of the Yan Kingdom, the grassland trade routes have gradually declined. The Western Regions trade routes are particularly important. However, because Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai Liangliang These merchants can't bypass the commercial roads in the Western Regions that occupy more than three thousand miles. They have to be exploited by Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai. Because the existence of the two Liang countries has seriously damaged the vital interests of these merchants. Youdao is to steal people's money, just like Killing parents. Today’s merchants are no longer bullied and slaughtered in the past. The business tax in our country of Wei is [-]%, but Zhang Zuo black-heartedly draws [-]%, and Xie Ai also draws in order to strengthen the army. Two and a half percent. In this way, only [-]% of the profits of the merchants have been taken away in the two Liang countries. The existence of the Liang country is no longer in the interests of the merchants. As long as the three thousand miles of the Liang country are owned by our Great Wei, They only need to pay [-]% of the raw material tax and [-]% of the finished product tax to be able to pass through the country tax-free. In this way, the profits of the merchants will increase significantly. Therefore, since last year, the Huaxia Business Alliance has secretly begun to buy a lot of cold The gentry and officials of the country encouraged them to join Wei."

In fact, in order to overthrow Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai's exploitation of Wei's merchants, the price paid by Wei's merchants is not small.They even took out the regional management rights of mellow liquor in Liangzhou, Shazhou, and Hezhou, as well as wool.Relying on the advanced textile technology obtained from Ran Ming, these members of the Huaxia Business Alliance can only buy 300 million catties of wool from the major nobles in the three states of Liangguo at a price of ten yuan per catty.

In fact, due to different ideas, these Liang country gentry still don't know the value of wool. Most of the Liang country is not suitable for farming. Their main business is still relying on grazing, and wool is useless.In the hands of merchants in Wei State, these useless wool can be woven into finer fabrics, made into durable, beautiful clothes, and earn a lot of money.They thought they had taken advantage of it, and the merchants in Wei State sent them 3000 million yuan in money every year.

Although 3000 million yuan is obviously not enough compared to Ran Ming's big investment.But the 3000 million yuan is more than 100 million mu of fertile land, which can be harvested in a year when the weather is good and the weather is good, and this harvest is guaranteed by drought and flood, and it will not be shaken.

In this way, not only will the nobles of the Wei state not share their fields, nor will they rob them of their wealth, but it will bring them huge benefits.In the eyes of the gentry, they will not be loyal to any family or surname forever, they will only be loyal to their interests.Following Zhang Zuo, instead of increasing their interests, they will become fat sheep in the eyes of Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai.If there is no comparison, they may be afraid of the force of the two and dare not resist.But with the support of the Wei State, it will be different. The combat effectiveness of the Wei State's army is recognized as the number one in the world.

Under such circumstances, the gentry of Liangzhou were tempted. They reached an alliance of interests with the merchants of Wei State. Without interfering with Liang State's political privileges, they fully cooperated with Wei State's actions.

In this era when there was no imperial examination system, the power of the gentry was very large, and it was controlled by the gentry from the center to the localities of Liangguo.They turned against Xie Ai, no matter how powerful Xie Ai was, unless he killed them all, he would not be able to change this situation.

Except for Xie Ai's confidant army officers and soldiers, more than [-]% of the officials in the entire Liang country are against him, even if he is the emperor, there is nothing he can do.Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty was a hero enough to have a general idea, but he had to compromise in the face of the collective attack of the seven sects and five wang gentry at that time.What's more, Xie Ai is just a general.

"Coincidentally, Zhang Zuo usurped the throne and killed a large number of Xiliang gentry and officials who were loyal to Zhang Chonghua. The business alliance bought it. More than [-]% of the officials and gentry in Dongliang country were successfully instigated by the Huaxia business alliance. Therefore, Zhang Zuo has already faced the situation of betrayal in Liang country. He must have discovered that the situation in Liang country is not good, so he went along with the wind Push the boat, agree with Chu Suanzi's opinion, exchange Liangzhou for Liangzhou, and surrender to the Jin Dynasty. After Xie Ai unified Liangliang, he didn't even have time to stabilize the place, so he launched an attack on our Great Wei. In fact, Xie Ai I don't know, but like Zhang Zuo, he has already separated from the gentry of Liangguo."

Hearing this, Ran Min's heart was even more agitated. It turns out that merchants also have the ability to split the soil and expand the territory.

Liu Qun continued: "One more thing, Xie An will not care about the gains and losses of a city or a place with Xie Ai. Xie An only wants to take down Guzang, and he doesn't care about the gains and losses of dozens of cities in Guanzhong. But Xie Ai is different. , Gu Zang is Xie Ai's weakness, if Xie An attacks Gu Zang, Xie Ai will do his best to save him. Therefore, it is not surprising that Xie An easily defeated Xie Ai."

Ran Min sighed and said, "Could it be that our Great Wei has already achieved great momentum?"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Liu Qun said with a smile, "Now that our Great Wei has formally unified the north, only one Chou Chi country, the Yang family, is no longer a concern."

Ran Min was forced to revolt from the initial resistance to the oppression of the Hu people.In order to simply kill the master on the head and turn over to be the master.Three years before Yongxing, Ran Min didn't even think about how to govern a country well.But as the powerful enemies were eliminated one by one, Ran Min's psychology gradually changed.

He wanted to develop Wei, and he wanted to unify the world.But unifying the world is not a child's play, and it requires real fighting with real swords and guns. Ran Min actually doesn't want the Jin Dynasty to be an enemy, let alone the Han people fighting among the same clan.In fact, if Ran Min in history was really, as someone said, an ungrateful warlord who accepted his thief as his father, he could have retreated and avoided the edge like the Jianghuai refugee commander.

After Wei Tong, the former governor of Yanzhou in the Wei State, surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, he surrendered to the Yan State in the 11th year of Yonghe.At the same time, Sun Hei, the prefect of Lanling, Gao Zhu, the prefect of Jibei, Gao Weng, the prefect of Hanoi, Wang Hui, the prefect of Hanoi, and Han Gao, the prefect of Liyang, surrendered to Yan at the same time.None of the prefects of Wei who betrayed Ran Min first were truly loyal to the Jin Dynasty, and none of them even saw the face of the Yan army. After being extremely disappointed with the Jin Dynasty, they directly sent envoys to surrender.

If Ran Min hadn't adhered to the principle that the Han people would not fight the Han people, he would have easily broken the embarrassing situation of lack of food, and he could have stabilized the State of Wei, or occupied Yuzhou and Luozhou.But Ran Min didn't do that. Was it because he saw that these generals and officials wearing the flag of Jin had no heart to defend the land, or was it incapable of capturing these places?It would be an international joke to say that Ran Min's Wei army was not powerful enough to conquer cities and land.

Ran Min's heart moved, and he blurted out: "Merchants can use this method to overthrow the Liang Kingdom, can they deal with the Jin Dynasty?"

Liu Qun shook his head: "I don't know much about merchants. If you want to use this method to deal with the Jin Dynasty, Your Majesty can use His Royal Highness King Jiaodong! In this world, I am afraid that no one can be more proficient in business affairs than King Jiaodong!"

Ran Min's eyes flickered, he didn't know what to think, and said lightly: "I'll bring this up later."

At this time, Ran Ming of Rinan County is performing the myth of wealth reaching the sky.

As the rebellion situation in Jiuzhen and Jiaozhi counties intensified, the number of followers was very strong.At the beginning, these rebels could rob the treasury for military use.However, there are very few honest and upright officials in the world, especially in this kind of place where no one shits. All the officials are basically assigned as low-ranking officials. They only want to bribe the superiors as soon as possible and transfer themselves back. party.Therefore, these officials of the Jin Dynasty not only squeezed the people, but also wantonly resold the treasury, such as armaments, armor, grain and grass, etc., were all the objects they resold.

Under this kind of atmosphere, relying on breaking the city and looting the treasury will not last long, especially the rebel army in Jiaozhou has tens of thousands of horses.After all the city treasuries were looted, these rebels would have no food to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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