Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 543 Free labor is here

Chapter 543 Here comes the free labor (three more)

Chapter 547 The Free Labor Comes
Without food, they naturally didn't want to starve to death.So these rebels began to focus on local tyrants and big landlords.In October of the sixth year of Yongxing in the Great Wei Dynasty, a major event occurred in Yufa County (today’s southeast of Ninh Binh, Vietnam). The largest landlord in Fule County, the Chen family, was attacked by the rebels. property was looted.

These rebels are against the imperial court, and these gentry will sit back and watch the tigers fight. Anyway, no matter who occupies Jiaozhou, they need to appease these Jiaozhou tyrants and gentry.But these rebels don't care about 21, they are dedicated to sabotage, they don't know how to produce, and they know how to rob people if they want to eat.After robbing the government, they had no choice but to rob the powerful. After all, the peasants were suffering, and there was no surplus food in their hands.

In the troubled times, human life is as cheap as worthless, Jiuzhen County is not too big, not too small, and soon these powerful gentry of Jiaozhou can no longer sit still.Although each of them has private soldiers, each of them has as many as thousands, or as few as hundreds of private soldiers, facing tens of thousands of rebels, it is not enough to put teeth between them.Today they can destroy the whole family of the Chen family, and tomorrow they may be able to destroy the Li and Ruan families.

So these gentry are not calm anymore.

At this critical moment, a message came.

"His Royal Highness Jiaodong King of the State of Wei is kind, but all the virtuous gentry in Jiaozhou, famous Confucian scholars, and merchants who do good deeds can bring their families and mouths through Hengshan Pass and enter Rinan County. Not only must they be allowed to enter Rinan County, but they will also be distributed free of charge. The land, the establishment of a residence, and taking care of their daily life, the prerequisite is to be loyal to Wei."

What Ran Ming did was actually a helpless move. Although the entire Rinan County was easily occupied by Ran Ming, due to the massacre by Fan Wen and the war between Jin and Champa, the entire Rinan County was almost destroyed by the flames of war. The five counties of Rinan County Today, the population is less than 3, and more than [-]% of them are Zhan.

Naturally, there is no way for no one to carry out colonial rule.So Ran Ming took this opportunity to develop Rinan County.

Under the threat of family ruin, these Jiaozhou gentry, no matter Han or Yi, were in panic.There is a saying that people leave their hometowns and are humble. Although Ran Ming's policies are very good, not everyone is moved by the news.When the little gentry arrived at Hengshan Pass to explore the stones, Ran Ming gave them land according to the agreement. According to the population, Ran Ming gave them several acres or tens of acres of homesteads, and let them build their own houses. , and gave them some fields.

When Ran Ming came as promised, they still waited and watched.Suddenly, thousands of rebels tried to attack Hengshan Pass, but no one thought that the five hundred Qilin guards would give up the pass and directly kill outside the pass.The five hundred wolf-like Qilin Guards are almost an elite army armed to the teeth, and it is naturally easy to deal with the crowd who were still holding hoes a few days ago.

In this way, these Jiaozhou gentry made up their minds, and almost all the wealthy families began to pack up their belongings and prepare to run away.

Although some gentry went to Guangzhou in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, most of the Jiaozhou gentry chose to go to Hengshan Pass.

Although these gentry only tidy up the small things, they have a lot of property, and the money in this era is extremely heavy. Take a thousand dollars as an example, which is six catties.The so-called Wanguan family wealth in ancient times means more than 1000 guan, which is also [-] million yuan, and the light weight is as high as [-] catties. If you only use a small cart that can hold four stones, it will take hundreds of carts.

Since the end of the Three Kingdoms period, a large number of Han people began to immigrate to Jiaozhou. Most of them lived in Jiaozhi County or Jiuzhen County, which was relatively close to the north.In the counties of Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen, where there are many wealthy families, there are countless people who can have a fortune. After all, this place is so fertile that there is no need to worry about drought.

But after arriving in Rinan County, although Ran Ming gave homesteads and fields, the gentry are used to these enjoyments, so naturally they will not build a tent or shack to make do with them. They bring a large number of servants, servants, and maidservants. Inns are out of the question, even if they want to live there, Rinan County doesn't have so many inns for them to live in.Moreover, the five counties of Rinan County no longer have a complete county seat.

They didn't even have a place to live, so they had to build their own houses. After building the houses, they started to draw fields and build farms.Because the emergence of these Jiaozhou gentry is like the influx of a large amount of foreign capital in later generations, making the poorest county among the three counties of Jiaozhou develop at a high speed as if it had taken a stimulant.

With the influx of gentry from Jiaozhou, not only the economic development of Nichinan County was driven, but also the consumption of Nichinan County was driven.A large number of brothels, restaurants, wine shops, and gambling houses have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Of course, Ran Ming's Zhongnan Development Corporation is the one making the most profit in Rinan County at this time.Ran Ming didn't have the slightest burden in his heart to build a brothel to make money by using Zhanren, Tajialu and other indigenous beauties in the Indochina Peninsula to do flesh and blood business.

With the influx of a large number of laborers, Ran Ming also solved the problem of labor shortage.Ran Ming also turned a blind eye to the ordinary people who followed the influx of gentry.

Anyway, these Jiaozhou people entered Rinan County, allowing Ran Ming to solve the problems of unmanned shipbuilding and unmanned mining.But slowly, problems emerged.Nichinan people are developing and building everywhere, which requires huge human resources.The domestic servants and ordinary people brought by the gentry can no longer meet the needs of development.

No matter the gentry or the management personnel of Zhongnan Development Company, they all complained to Ran Ming that no one was available.

Ran Ming said: "Free labor is here!"

Ran Ming set his sights on those rebels. After more than half a year of survival of the fittest, the rest of these rebels were young and strong.Ran Ming began to release the pioneering team to catch laborers.

At this time, the offensive and defensive sides have completely lost a position.Those rebels had already emptied the treasury, and then emptied the big gentry, and they were all starving to death.But relying on excellent equipment and relying on the defense of Hengshan Xiongguan has worn down the spirit of the rebels. At this time, the pioneering team began to go out to arrest people.In fact, there is no need to catch them, as long as they are given food and what they are asked to do, they are willing.

Ran Ming adhered to the mentality of sharpening knives and chopping firewood by mistake, and gave very preferential treatment to those rebel prisoners who had heard of it. As long as they worked honestly, they would eat three meals a day and eat enough during the day.

For these rebels who came from poor people, being able to eat well is their biggest luxury.Not to mention asking them to work, even if they were asked to kill and set fire, they would not hesitate.

In the end, more than a dozen members of the pioneering team unexpectedly appeared, and they returned with tens of thousands of honest prisoners.

After Chu Suanzi received the news from Jiaozhou, he was so angry that he couldn't even speak.There is no need to send troops to suppress the rebellion in the whole Jiaozhou, because at this time, the two counties in the north of Jiaozhou are really empty, not to mention the gentry, and there are not many people.

Jiaozhou was not too important to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Although some taxes can be obtained every year, it is a pity that due to the long distance and poor road conditions, transportation is very difficult, and most of these taxes (food) are consumed on the way to liberation.Although many officials can be placed in Jiaozhou, whoever is appointed to serve in Jiaozhou will be regarded as a distribution.It's either pushing three or four, or avoiding official duties.

It just happened to be such a place, where the people's customs were changing and tough, and rebellions happened frequently, and it was necessary to spend a lot of money, food, and troops to suppress the rebellion.The existence of Jiaozhou, to the Jin Dynasty, is like the chicken ribs of the Jin Dynasty. It is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

Chu Suanzi didn't take the sudden change in Jiaozhou to heart.Although it is said that losing land and land is a very embarrassing thing for a dynasty, it is not the first time this kind of thing happened in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. They have long been used to it and are immune to it.

Chu Suanzi asked the emperor to give an imperial decree to Teng Han, the governor of Guangzhou and General Zhengyi, giving him the right to make independent decisions, ordering him to organize an army and take back Jiaozhou.As for whether Jiaozhou can be taken back, it is not in Chu Suanzi's consideration. Anyway, if it can be taken back, it will be taken back, as long as Guangzhou is not lost, it will be fine.

Except for the bad news in Jiaozhou, Chu Suanzi has received basically no good news in the past month.First, the governor of Xuyang Erzhou, the general of Fujun, and Sima Xi, the king of Wuling, were ambushed by Jiang Gan, the general of Wei Guozheng's Southern Expedition, and lost [-] soldiers and horses. Now he has retreated to defend Xiaopei.

As for the Western Road Northern Expedition Army, it started smoothly. They arrived at the city of Hanzhong smoothly. Zhang Zuo, Fu Jian, and Wang Zhuo's coalition forces relied on their numbers and strength, so Dong Run could only parry and had no power to fight back.Dong Run had few soldiers and horses, so he dared not go out of the city to fight, so he had to avoid the city and defend to the death.

In this era, the siege of a city is the most costly battle. The two sides fought for several days, with thousands of casualties each. The Jin army could not enter, and the Wei army could not rush out.

However, the good times didn't last long, and Dong Run received more than [-] Guanzhong reinforcements from Xie An. At this time, Dong Run had soldiers and generals, and he also attacked boldly.However, after more than a month of stalemate, the situation took a sudden turn for the worse.The Northern Expedition Army on the West Road of the Jin Dynasty was about to run out of food and grass. When they had less than seven days of food and grass, they suddenly received news that Nanzheng, which was used to store food, suddenly changed hands, and tens of thousands of stones of army food were burned.

Nanzheng was the transit base for grain and grass for the Northern Expeditionary Army on the West Road, where enough grain and grass were stored for the [-] Northern Expeditionary Army on the West Road for three months.However, no one thought that Wei Jun would attack Nanzheng.

When Dong Run learned of the Northern Expedition of the Jin Army, in order to strengthen the defense, he ordered his general Yang Le to lead [-] soldiers to ambush outside the city.However, due to the arrival of reinforcements, Dong Run changed his mind, and immediately ordered Yang Le's troops not to pay attention to the battle in Hanzhong, but to look for the Jin army's food road and wait for the opportunity to cut off its food road.

However, Yang Le really lived up to Dong Run's expectations. He finally found out that the grain and grass storage base of the Northern Expedition Army on the West Jin Dynasty Road was actually in Nanzheng.Nanzheng is very close to Hanzhong, less than fifty miles away.Dong Run did not expect that the Jin army would put the grain and grass transfer base under the eyes of Hanzhong City in Nanzheng.

(End of this chapter)

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