Chapter 544
Chapter 548
In fact, it was Fu Jian's idea to transfer food and grass to Nanzheng. He was very confident that he could defeat Dong Run's troops and seize Hanzhong City.After all, the city of Hanzhong is not considered strong, and due to the long-term peace in Hanzhong, the armed forces are loose.The [-] soldiers and horses of the Western Road Northern Expedition will definitely be able to capture Hanzhong.In fact, if Xie An didn't give Dong Run support, didn't spare Guanzhong almost all the time, and organize [-] troops to support Dong Run, Dong Run wouldn't be able to defend Hanzhong at all.

As long as Hanzhong is captured, the Western Route Northern Expeditionary Army will either use the Meridian Valley to raid Chang'an, or enter the Central Plains from Shangluo.However, no one thought that Xie An would have such boldness that he would dare to risk losing Guanzhong and support Dong Run with all his strength.

As a result, due to the lack of food and grass, the morale of the Northern Expeditionary Army on the West Road of the Jin Dynasty was shaken and their morale was frustrated. The key is that General Wang Zhuo, who is known as Shi Yousan in later generations, gave full play to his chameleon characteristics at a critical moment and gave Zhang Zuo a knife in the back .In this way, the 10 troops of the Northern Expeditionary Army on the West Road of the Jin Dynasty collapsed in an instant.

Under the leadership of Zhang Zuo, Zhang Zuo's troops with strong combat effectiveness in the Northern Expedition Army on the West Road gave full play to the unparalleled advantages of the Xiliang Army. .

In this battle, Fu Jian, who suffered the most in this battle, wanted to cry without tears. He saved more than half of the more than 3 troops he pulled up. The direct descendants lost nearly [-] soldiers and horses in twists and turns.Of course, Zhang Zuo didn't feel well either. He had only [-] cavalry left in Liangzhou, one-third of the generals betrayed him, and less than [-] infantry.

The 4 West Northern Expeditionary Army, which Chu Suanzi had given high hopes for, returned to the Jiange with less than [-] horses, and all the siege equipment and food that they built were lost.What made Chu Suanzi feel worse was that she finally got even worse news by sacrificing the four shadows and several Wei officials who worked so hard to instigate rebellion.The elite of Ranmin's [-]-step battalion and more than [-] Changshui troops suddenly left the port without knowing where they were going.In view of the fact that Wei Jun's navy commander had already arrived at Jiankang City, Chu Suanzi subconsciously thought that Ran Min might go straight to Huanglong and attack Jiankang, so as to achieve the goal of besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

King Kuaiji and Da Situ Sima Yu said: "Queen Mother, can this news be confirmed?"

"Absolutely not wrong!" Chu Suanzi said: "This is the news from an eunuch in the palace of the Wei State who was bought, and in order to confirm the authenticity of the information, the shadow has exposed four members and several members of the Wei State who were bought. Officials. According to the news from the officials of the Ministry of National Affairs of Wei, Ran Min personally issued a secret order to allocate enough grain and grass for 2 horses, enough for a month and a half, as well as a large number of crossbow arrows and new-style trebuchets.”

"Queen! If the news is true, Wei's surprise army should plan to attack the city, not a feint attack. We have a dense water network in the south, and there are too many places suitable for naval attacks, from Xu, Yang, Jiang, Jing, and Guang. Our target!" Sima Yu sighed helplessly: "It is difficult to judge the target they will attack based on this limited information!"

"It doesn't matter what the target is!" Chu Suanzi said lightly, "We just treat them as attacking Jiankang!"

"Miaomiao!" Sima Yu laughed and said, "As long as we keep Jiankang!"

At the age of twelve, Sima Dan, who is already fourteen years old, stood up and was half over Chu Suanzi's head. Sima Dan, who was in the period of changing his voice, said in that unique voice: "Mother, uncle, is it true that our Great Jin Dynasty has lost the country this time?" The Northern Expedition organized by force will come to an end without a problem!"

Chu Suanzi hadn't spoken yet, but Sima Yu said angrily, "It's all because of that white-eyed wolf Huan Wen. If he hadn't been afraid of the enemy and fought cowardly, if our Northern Expeditionary Army of the Third Route of Jin Dynasty had marched together, we might have recovered the old capital of Luoyang. , really should be killed!"

Chu Suanzi shook his head and said: "King Kuaiji's words are wrong. The Taiwei has done his best. In fact, Ai's family received the news that since the Taiwei sent troops from Gushu, he was attacked by a small group of elite troops from the Wei army. Every day they have to face endless assassinations, ambushes, and tactics of fatigue. The Xifu army has suffered more than [-] casualties before they left our Great Jin territory, and the loss is second only to the troops of King Wuling. Today's march is only forty miles, but this is indeed their greatest ability at the moment. It's just that as the Xifu army goes north, they receive fewer and fewer attacks."

Sima Dan said: "Mother, since our three-way Northern Expeditionary Army has suffered setbacks and their morale is low, should we order the Northern Expeditionary Army to return to the division?"

"No, now is not the time!" Chu Suanzi said firmly, "Although the situation seems to be very favorable for Wei, in fact we still have a chance to defeat Wei and regain lost ground."

Chu Suanzi got up and said: "Now our chance lies with Xie Ai and Tuoba Shiyijian. Ever since Wei State destroyed Yan State, those small tribes of barbarians in the grassland have taken refuge in Tuoba Shiyijian in order to survive and protect themselves. If it is said that the kingdom of Yan and Wei is the first winner, Tuoba Shiyiqian is the second beneficiary. Now the strength of the Dai State has not diminished, but is getting stronger. If Dai Wang Tuoba Shiyiqian gathers the grassland Zhu Hu, there should be at least 15 Hu cavalry. If Wei Guo wants to defend the thousands of miles of defense in the north, he needs at least [-] troops to keep the city. Even if the king Tuoba Shiyijian just made Assemble troops and horses to pretend to move, and Ran Min will also mobilize elite troops to go north. As for Xie Ai, because Zhang Zuo and Fu Jian marched too fast, they attracted Wei Guo Guanzhong troops instead. According to the news from the shadow, Wei Guo Zhenxi General Xie An has less than [-] troops, which cannot guarantee the safety of Guanzhong. As long as Xie Ai's troops arrive at the city of Chang'an, Ran Min will have a headache."

But no matter how good the plan is, it can't keep up with the rapid changes.Chu Suanzi certainly could not have imagined that those lowly merchants would subvert the political power of Liang State without compromising their expressions. Not only Liang King Zhang Yaoling became Xie An's captive, but even Xie Ai and the tens of thousands of troops under his command surrendered to Wei. country.As for Dai Wang Tuoba Shiyiqian, since Wei Guo's policy turned against Liu Weichen, he must not be able to order all the soldiers and horses of Qi Dai.The so-called invasion plan is even more of a joke.

However, in the face of the possible sea attack by the Wei army, Chu Suanzi did not dare to be careless. She ordered the prefects of the prefectures and counties to lift the restrictions on the national soldiers of the banned counties. Thousands of soldiers and horses.

These urgently recruited soldiers and horses immediately rushed to Jiankang to prepare to participate in the Northern Expedition as the second echelon.

In fact, Chu Suanzi used the banner of the Northern Expedition to protect himself in Jiankang.

At this time, Ran Ming, who was in Xijuan City, Nichinan County, was finally liberated from the tedious affairs of Zhongnan Development Company.Now that the Zhongnan Development Company is also on the right track, Ran Ming doesn't need to worry about his daily actions anymore.

The gentry representatives and merchants who followed Ran Ming to the Indochina Peninsula were busy making money, while Ran Ming stayed away from the court and enjoyed life.

Although the north has entered late autumn, the chill is already evident.It's a pity that Nichinan County is still unbearably hot.Ran Ming built a swimming pool made of stones in his home, and was soaking in it. Behind Ran Ming, there were two beauties with slightly dark skin on the left and right, who were doing head massages for him.

Ran Ming took a sip of coconut juice, and casually gestured to the two indigenous beauties behind him to dress up.

Served by the native beauties, Ran Ming came into the house in a light sackcloth.At this time, there were special fruits from Indochina Peninsula on the table, such as mango, longan, banana, lychee, watermelon, rambutan, jackfruit, dragon fruit and so on.

Since he has the attitude of enjoying life, Ran Ming will naturally not treat himself badly. He not only built a swimming pool with tiles, but also relied on cool spring water to make indoor air conditioners.There is a spring in Ran Ming's mansion, and the temperature of the spring water is around ten degrees all year round, which has a very obvious effect on regulating the high temperature of [-] to [-] degrees here.

Of course, here, Ran Ming must brew fruit wine, such as kiwi fruit wine, pineapple wine, lemon wine, and mango wine.For Ran Ming, there is no technical difficulty in these brewing methods.

Ran Ming drank the fruit wine he brewed and ate some seafood, and his life was as happy as a fairy.

For northerners, the temperature here is too high, so Ran Ming used nitrate to make ice in order to satisfy his appetite.Ice cream was made out of ice again.Ran Ming's humble little invention brought great benefits to Ran Ming.

Some people are born to work hard. If they are left idle, they will not eat well or sleep well; and Ran Ming is such a person.Ran Ming always felt that something was missing when he was idle, and he felt uncomfortable all over his body.

No, Ran Ming would find something for himself when he was free.Ran Ming came to the backyard. In the backyard was Ran Ming's own distillery. Ran Ming tried to use whole grains to see if he could brew Wuliangye for future generations.However, the ideal is full, but the reality is skinny. Ran Ming tried countless times, but all ended in failure.

Ran Ming didn't do all the futile work, at least he got up to [-]% alcohol after three distillation processes.Ran Ming was so excited that he never tired of being happy.

Ran Ming was not discouraged that he could not achieve the Wuliangye of later generations.Indochina Peninsula is rich in various spices and has countless flowers and plants, which provided Ran Ming with a great inspiration. Ran Ming asked people to cook the collected flowers in a still pot. The so-called still pot is actually not the same as an ordinary iron pot. What is the difference? The difference is that there is a different cover. This cover has a condensing tube. Since the condensing tube has no glass, it has to be replaced by ceramics.

However, when the servant told Ran Ming that the water in the pot was boiled dry, Ran Ming rushed into the stove excitedly, but just after he opened the lid of the pot, a strange smell wafted into his nostrils. Ran Ming didn't wear a mask, and was almost suffocated by the strange smell fainted.

"Uncle, is this the perfume you mentioned?" Xie Shisan frowned and said, "It's not fragrant, and it smells very strange!"

(End of this chapter)

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