Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 545 Stimulating consumer inflation

Chapter 545 Stimulating Consumption Inflation (Part [-])
Chapter 549 Stimulating Consumption Inflation
Now, Ran Ming has three names.Apart from the stewards of Zhongnan Company, those who call Ran Ming His Highness in Rinan County are the gentry from Jiaozhou in Rinan County.Those who call Ran Ming the Lord are his retainers.Retainers are different from domestic servants. They have a higher status, and some "scholars" are also retainers.

At this time, Ran Ming's retainers were not many, Jing Zhan, Du Cong and more than 500 Qilin guards were all Ran Ming's retainers.There are also those core members of the "Sky Eye".As for the title of aunt, it was either Xie Daoyun's dowry servant or Liu Mo's dowry servant.

Xie Shisan was a servant of the Xie family for three generations, and he had sold himself as a servant of the Xie family since his great-grandfather.

Later, Xie Shisan's father was loyal and good, and was given the surname Xie.Later, Xie Daoyun married Ran Ming, and Xie Shisan followed Ran Ming to Rinan County as a servant.Xie Shisan deserves to be the butler trained by the Xie family. He is obedient, knowledgeable, and knows all kinds of etiquette. He is very experienced in financial management, management of the estate, and housework. There is no English-style butler in this era. , and the butlers trained by this kind of big family are more comfortable than the British butlers.

"The perfume looks like this just after it's evaporated. I still need to add something to make the fragrance come out!" Ran Ming poured all the steamed bright yellow liquid into a large urn, and poured the remaining part into a small porcelain bottle. , and cork the large urn.

At this time, Ran Ming poured the wine with an alcohol content of up to [-]% into the small porcelain bottle after three distillation processes.Wrap the plug with silk cloth and plug it tightly, shake it vigorously, and with the swing of Ran Ming's arm, a faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus spreads in the room.

Xie Shisan's eyes became brighter and brighter. As a housekeeper trained by the Xie family, he certainly knew that the children of the gentry especially liked to wear sachets.

In fact, the incense culture in China began in the Spring and Autumn Period. Incense was a very popular activity in ancient times, especially in the lives of the aristocrats and literati. It is a must for them to maintain their health and cultivate their sentiments. daily necessities.

The ancients have known for a long time that aromatherapy can beautify the skin, relieve pain, relieve fatigue, and relieve depression.The descendants of the Xie family in the south of the Yangtze River are the best incense sticks, especially Xie Xuan.Almost a fanatic, reaching the point where there is no fragrance and no joy.Of course, there is also Xie Xu, Xie An’s eldest son of a concubine. Although Xie Xu is a concubine, no matter how much he spends on food and clothing, he is more than one level behind his direct descendants. Xie Xu eats rough food and wears sackcloth, but spices are indispensable .

Ran Ming said: "Perfume is generally made in this way. Xie Shisan, in the future, select some smart maids and servants to learn how to make perfume. In the future, this perfume will be a magic weapon for us to support our family!"

Xie Shisan said: "My lord, don't worry, this old servant knows how to do it!"

"Remember, no one can leak this technology!"

Ran Ming created the perfume. He knew that he was not omnipotent, so the perfume needed a special person to make it. With these two knives, he didn't know how to make the perfume at all. It seemed that he needed to find some specialized talents.

Ran Ming took Lin Heishan to inspect his property.In Nichinan County, Zhongnan Development Company still focuses on resource development. Gold, silver, copper, and iron ore are the main businesses, followed by timber, especially timber for manufacturing large ships.Now that these eyes have been opened, the manager of the Zhongnan Development Company no longer cares about the petty profits in the manor.

Ran Ming's first stop was to go to the shipyard. Of course, a lot of wood is needed to build a ship. This wood cannot be cut down and used immediately. If the cut down wet material is used to build a ship, the wood will rot as long as it is put into the water.Even if it doesn't, it will deform.

The wood used for shipbuilding needs to be placed in a ventilated and cool place, and dried in the shade. It takes at least three years for the dry process alone, until all the water in the wood evaporates before it can be used.

The State of Wei no longer had wood in stock. Shi Hu, who was so successful at first, had stored a lot of wood for shipbuilding in Yecheng. After Ran Ming searched, there was not even a single hair left.

As long as it is shipbuilding, there will be a shortage of wood, and not all wood can be used to build ships. The wood used for shipbuilding not only needs to be hard, but also needs to be corroded.Even in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, where Jiangnan was established, they still didn't have much wood. It's not that the Eastern Jin Dynasty couldn't harvest wood, but that it was extremely difficult to store these woods. Although the dry wood can be directly used for building ships, as long as there are a few moth-eaten holes on it, the wood will be destroyed. will be scrapped.I don't know how much wood is wasted every year because of insects.

As for the problem of drying wood in the shade, Ran Ming came up with a solution, that is, to build a heated kang in the house like how Hunan people in later generations made bacon, and bake it at high temperature to evaporate the water in the wood.In this way, the wood that originally took three years to dry in the shade only needs seven or eight days.

Ran Ming proposed this idea, but Ran Ming is not sure whether it will be realized or not. After all, although the concept of this thing is similar, it still needs to be tested.

"The villain sees Your Highness!" When Ran Ming arrived at the shipyard, countless craftsmen and carpenters surrounded Ran Ming to salute.

"Everyone is exempt from etiquette." Ran Ming didn't bother with these vain rituals, and asked whether the wood baked on the kang could be used to build a boat. This was what Ran Ming was most concerned about.

The first craftsman in the shipyard was named Cui, and his name was Yuanhang.Not a child of the Cui family, like Xie Shisan, because of his good shipbuilding skills, the Cui family accepted him as a family worshipper and gave him the surname Cui.

Cui Yuanhang took out the records of drying and dehydrating various types of wood, and told Ran Ming that this method could be used.

After solving the problem of wood dehydration, Ran Ming heaved a sigh of relief. As long as this problem can be solved, the time for Ran Ming to manufacture ships can be greatly shortened. Apart from the limitation of wood, there are no technical problems in rivets, paint, cables, and canvas. .

Ran Ming did not hide any secrets from all the shareholders of Zhongnan Company. He not only brought out the keel technology of shipbuilding, but also changed the flat-bottomed boat into a sharp-bottomed boat with better navigability for free.Although flat-bottomed boats have good stability, they are not only easily blown over by strong winds due to their shallow draft, but also have too much resistance, which wastes wind power and slows down.

With the improvement of keel and sharp-bottomed boats, Wei's shipbuilding technology will develop across the ages.Let alone the five-tooth warships of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, even the largest Shenzhou ship in the Song Dynasty was not a problem.

Ran Ming didn't stop much at the factory. He looked around and found that the craftsmen were very enthusiastic about their work. This was mainly because Zhongnan Company adopted Ran Ming's employee performance system. Every process was detailed, and the manufacture of cables The salary is based on how much is produced each month. On the premise of ensuring quality, exceeding the basic quantity is the reward part. If you want to get more wages, you have to work more.

This made the supervisors who used to hold the whip very dissatisfied. Now their role is dispensable. These craftsmen will not be lazy at all. They don’t even dare to drink more water. They are afraid that going to the toilet too much will delay the construction period and make less money. .

When Ran Ming came back from the shipyard, he didn't go back to the mansion directly, but went to the city for a private visit.

In later generations, Kangxi made private interviews on Weibo and filmed N episodes, and Kangxi's love affairs continued.It was only in this era that Ran Ming discovered that the screenwriter was absolutely insane. A lady from a wealthy family would never go shopping by herself. Even if she travels, she will bring a large number of servants and maids with her, so you have no chance to strike up a conversation.The ordinary man was kicked out before he got within thirty steps of the people's convoy.

In Xijuan City, I found a very interesting phenomenon, that is, with the influx of a large number of Jiuzhen, Cochin gentry and common people, the prices here have generally risen, regardless of basic necessities of life, food, housing and transportation, have doubled, even brothel fans Capital also more than tripled.

Those gentry fled to Rinan County in a hurry, but their liking for luxurious life remained unchanged, and they still demanded good food and good clothes, especially when the Zhongnan Company came, they all brought a lot of exquisite porcelain and rice paper , ironware, woodware, and tea. In Wei State, a teacup that only costs [-] yuan can be easily sold for [-] to [-] yuan here. A bolt of silk worth [-] yuan can be sold for two to three thousand yuan. It will be seven or eight times the profit.

Drinks, in particular, were in short supply, and if they didn't grab them, the gentry of Jiaozhou would automatically send the money up, which made the shareholders of Zhongnan Company laugh.Especially Zhan Wang Fanfo, he put his hanging heart in his stomach.Originally, Ran Ming's arrival was not to steal his population, nor his gold and gems, or occupy his territory, but just to ask for rice.

In Champa, there is not much of anything except food.The Champa rice grows more lushly than grass, and it can be harvested in three months just by throwing it into the ground, no need to worry about it.The grain output of a mere small Champa state in one year is more than that of the more than 400 million square kilometers of land in the eight prefectures of the Great Wei Dynasty.

Ran Ming's Zhongnan Company needed food, so they directly loaded it into a boat, filled the boat, and then threw him some silk or brocade, and some tea or porcelain.No bargaining at all.

However, Fan Fu felt very happy. There was as much food as he wanted, but those silk and porcelain were treasures.As for gold and precious stones, they are the things he values ​​most.However, Ran Ming knew that Champa was rich in rice, even if they didn't have much gold, they would not force Champa to be their enemy. A win-win situation is what Ran Ming most wanted to see.

Ran Ming used rice from Champa to feed hundreds of thousands of gentry people in the three states of Jiaozhou, and then used these hundreds of thousands of people in Jiaozhou to create a lot of wealth for him.

Due to the high prices, the merchants made a fortune from it. At the same time, they had to expand the scale of their business and recruit a lot of manpower. However, the wages have also risen with the prices. After all, they also need food, clothing, housing and transportation in Nichinan County to work for you. , if you can't even afford rice, who is willing to help you?
(End of this chapter)

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