Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 547 Henghai General Murong Ke

Chapter 547 Henghai General Murong Ke (fourth update)

Chapter 551 Henghai General Murong Ke
"The concubine is naturally not afraid of death, but the sons and daughters of the poor concubine. The concubine knows that the prince doesn't like the thin willow appearance of the concubine." It is enough for the prince to pity the concubine and give him a bowl of food The concubine likes to read since she was a child, she can read and write, she is especially proficient in arithmetic, she is also very proficient in warehousing, she can distinguish spices, and is good at embroidery. If the prince can use it, the concubine will definitely do her best. "

Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "Your children will be taken care of by the orphan. From today on, you will be the servant of the orphan. Xie Shisan, give her a prostitution document and ask her to sign it."

Xie Shisan quickly brought a prostitution document, which stated that XX voluntarily sold to the Ran Mansion as a slave for three years, and upon completion of the three years, the contract could be renewed according to the situation, or be changed into a husband.

Qin Jinshi naturally didn't want to be a slave forever, if she was alone, it would be fine.But when she thought of her children, her heart couldn't be hardened.The children of slaves are also slaves, and no one wants to be a slave forever.

Mrs. Qin said: "The lord really allows the concubine to be good?"

Ran Ming smiled and said: "The Lonely King never forces anyone to be a slave, even now. This document is a form. If you want to leave, you can do so at any time."

Xie Shisan shouted: "The lowly maid really doesn't know good and evil, you can ask, is there any servant in our house who is willing to be good? It's better to stay in Ran's house for a month, than to spend a year digging in the dirt. Only fools want to be good. I just want to be good!"

Ran Mingdao: "Gu's principle is to make the best use of people and things. Even if Mrs. Qin is good at arithmetic and can manage warehouse affairs, Gu just lacks a shopkeeper. I don't know if Mrs. Qin can give in!"

Madam Qin naturally nodded in agreement.

Ran Ming didn't know that he had picked up a treasure. He found the most suitable manager by himself. Mrs. Qin is a strong woman of later generations. Corporation, Western Regions Development Corporation, and Americas Development Corporation.

In Ran Ming's business empire, the Qin Jin family is a well-deserved queen.

The strong wind gathered dark clouds, and the waves on the sea were raging. Between the dark clouds and the sea, there was a fleet sailing with difficulty. The sails had been torn. The huge five-tooth warship was like a flat boat in front of the stormy waves. It may be overwhelmed at any time.

"Ouch!" Those strong soldiers in fine iron armor quickly took off their pockets, turned their heads and vomited.

This is not an isolated phenomenon, almost all armored elites vomit faintly.

"Your mother, look at the ugly faces of you bastards, you have lost the face of our Great Wei!" General Wei Wei who spoke sealed Lei.This Feng Lei is a general with a very high force value under Ran Min's command. His ability to fight alone can at least rank among the top ten in Wei State. He was originally the martial arts coach of the prince Ran Yu. This time, Ran Min had no generals available, so he was sent to follow Murong Ke played.

Although Feng Lei's ability to march and deploy troops is common, but he is loyal to Ran Min.Ran Min borrowed Murong Ke's talent in leading the formation, while Feng Lei used his loyalty.Let Murong Ke be honest and do his duty. If there is any change, Feng Lei can restrain Murong Ke.

However, just after Feng Lei finished speaking, a big wave hit, Feng Lei couldn't help taking off his face pocket, and vomited on the side.

After a while, Feng Lei cried bitterly and said: "Damn it, I even vomited out the last night's meal, if I vomit again, I'm afraid this life will be over!"

Almost all of Ran Min's troops are from the north, mainly soldiers from the four prefectures of Hebei, Yan, Bing, and Luo.Ji Bing sent out warriors. Although Ran Min's army was brave, it had a drawback, that is, it was not good at water warfare.Usually marching in the Yellow River or Zhangshui by boats, there is no problem, and these seasick soldiers can recover in a day or two at most.However, in this kind of sea marching, the sailors did not have much influence, but these elite infantry, the main force of the siege, were all useless.

"Leave half the sail again, slow down!"

At this time, drums can no longer convey information, but fortunately there are semaphores available.Even at night, the soldiers of the Wei army used flag language. When the flag was out of sight, they lit torches to convey messages.

On the flagship not far away, Murong Ke's face was sallow. He is also a northerner, and he is not used to water battles.Murong Ke's situation is not much better than that of other elite infantry troops of the Wei Army. In order not to make a fool of himself in front of the soldiers, Murong Ke adopted the method of not eating, but not eating is not a long-term solution after all.

In fact, Xuan Suanzi's information was inaccurate. Ran Min did not send out [-] infantry troops, but a full [-] infantry battalions. The battleships not only carried eight oxen crossbows, but also siege weapons. Xiangyang guns and incendiary bombs.

Murong Ke looked at the tired-looking generals of the Wei army beside him and said, "Generals, in this surprise attack, the main force for the siege is only [-] soldiers from the infantry battalion, but how many people will these [-] soldiers be able to fight?"

Feng Lei's identity at this time was General Polu, commanding a battalion of [-] elite infantry, and he was acting as General Polu's agent. If this battle was successful, General Polu would at least be confirmed.General Polu is a fifth-rank military officer, but at this time his General Pi is only a sixth-rank military officer. As long as he makes meritorious deeds, he must be promoted by at least two ranks.

Although it is easier to be promoted to a military position than to a civilian position, it is only for middle and low-level officers.The fifth rank is the watershed from a senior colonel to a general-level officer in later generations, and it is extremely difficult to advance.If it wasn't for leading the battle this time, Feng Lei might not be able to rise up in another ten years.

Feng Lei's face was pale, he really couldn't answer Murong Ke's words.If they were on land, it would be no problem for them to march 120 miles a day, even if they marched a hundred miles on foot, and they could go straight into battle after a little rest, but at sea, they all became soft-footed and blind.

Lieutenant Cui Cheng of Changshui said: "General Murong, these elite infantry units don't need to take on the task of naval warfare. They just need to adapt to the wind and waves. We can train while marching. Now at least hundreds of infantry soldiers have adapted to the wind and waves. It only takes two days. In more than ten days, these elite infantry soldiers can fully adapt to the wind and waves!"

"20 days!" Murong Ke thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid that there will be many nights and dreams. If the Jin army finds out that we have been sidelined along the way, if they are prepared, I'm afraid we will take advantage of it!"

Feng Lei gritted his teeth and said: "If you know it, you know it. I'm afraid they won't succeed. As long as the general's son-in-law adapts to the wind and waves, he will not be affected by seasickness and recover his combat effectiveness. Even if they have preparedness, what defense will they have? This general, this general will go straight to Huanglong and Jiankang, as long as Sima Xiaoer and Chu Suanzi are captured, the Jin Dynasty will perish?"

Murong Ke's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.Murong Ken has experienced the combat effectiveness of the elite infantry of the Wei army. It is absolutely not a problem for six thousand infantry troops of the Wei army to defeat tens of thousands of Jin army troops head-on.Murong Ke had a rough plan in his mind, to go out and feint in the coastal cities of Xuyang Erzhou to attract the guards of the Jin army. As long as the infantry of the Wei army can recover their combat effectiveness, they can take advantage of the vacancy and go straight to Jiankang City Next, it is not impossible to destroy the capital of the country and destroy the country.

After thinking about it carefully, Murong Ke feels that it is still too risky. There are too many variables in the cross-sea expedition. Whether the soldiers can survive the long-distance turbulence at sea, wind direction, climate and currents are all big problems.

However, Murong Ke then thought that as long as he could go on an expedition across the sea and destroy the state of Jin in World War I, he would be able to rely on his military merits to join the meritorious family of the state of Wei, and it would not be a problem to integrate into the descendants of the state of Wei and become a nobleman.

After being appointed as a general and honored as a general, Murong Ke said: "Whether we can succeed in the surprise attack or not, the most critical question is whether the infantry soldiers can overcome the problem of seasickness."

Captain Changshui Cui Cheng said: "His Royal Highness Jiaodong once said that seasickness is not a disease, but mainly caused by psychological fear. Our Wei soldiers, who are not even afraid of death, will be afraid of this mere storm? As long as the storm passes, we will be accompanied by good medicine and medicine. Sour food can naturally overcome seasickness."

Xing Polu general Feng Lei also said: "What Lieutenant Cui said is very true, we men of Wei are not afraid of jumping on mountains, but why are we afraid of tsunami. If the soldiers under my general's command can't overcome this mere wave, I will jump into this area. Ten thousand feet of abyss, buried in the belly of a fish!"

"That's very good!" Murong Ke said again: "There is another worry. If we fail to attack Jiankang in one fell swoop, we may be surrounded by reinforcements from the Jin Dynasty and be surrounded by Jiankang City. Therefore, this battle must be done quickly. Be ruthless, and conquer Jiankang in one fell swoop before the Jin army reacts! As General Henghai, I cannot regard the lives of [-] sons as a joke!"

Wei Shigui, a Neihuang native from the same village as Sima Ranmin in the march, said: "General Henghai, don't worry, we have merchants as internal support. His Royal Highness King Jiaodong once left more than a thousand bearers in Jiankang. Together with merchants' guards and servants, he organized at least 2000 people. It is impossible to capture Jiankang, but it should not be a problem to capture a city gate."

Cui Cheng, captain of Changshui, also said: "Although our Wei Changshui army cannot completely wipe out the Jin navy, our ships are strong and strong. If we go down the river, the Jin navy will definitely not be able to stop them!"

Hearing this, Murong Ke was more relieved, and he continued: "Then immediately contact the merchants and Jiaodong Wangbuqu, and let them cooperate with us!"

Wei Shigui said: "The humble post takes orders!"

Freed from worries, Murong Ke is also relieved.

Fortunately, the heavens really favored Wei, and the terrible storm finally passed. Although there was no wind and there were three-foot waves in the sea, it was much better than the overwhelming waves of the previous few days.

As the most affected by seasickness in Wei State, the elite infantry of Wei Army, through eating sour appetizers and assisted treatment with medicine, the phenomenon of seasickness has been greatly improved.

All the landlubbers of the Wei army, including Murong Ke, finally had a healthy rosy face.

General Henghai is Murong Ke's miscellaneous general named by Ran Min this time. Of course, Ran Min's high hopes for Murong Ke are also placed in it.Seeing the elite [-]-step army, which was the main force of the surprise attack, slowly regain their vitality, Murong Ke's face flushed with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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