Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 548 Opening is not the patent of traversers

Chapter 548 Opening is not the patent of traversers (fifth update)
Chapter 552 Opening is not the patent of traversers
Murong Ke was an outstanding military strategist and politician in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but unlike his younger brothers, he never had the ambition to be emperor.In fact, he is a bit similar to his uncle Murong Han, that is, he is full of talents and only looking for a better way of life among the Xianbei people.

Murong Ke knew very well that after Yan State surrendered to Wei State, Ran Ming used Xianbei captives to build a highway.When the highway was built, all the Xianbei tribes were dispersed, and the commanders, commanders, and commanders of the Murong tribe were replaced by the current squad, squadron, and brigade.The power of ethnic and tribal leaders was completely emptied.The more advanced feudal system of Wei State also successfully replaced the half-slave and half-feudal system of Yan State.

Ran Ming adopted a policy of sharing interests and successfully divided the Murong Department of Xianbei.Today's Yan State is just a term that has disappeared in history, and it no longer has the cohesion of the past.During the construction of highways in Wei State, those Xianbei young and strong, as long as they work honestly, although they are a little bit tired, they can eat enough and wear warm clothes. Don't worry about being scared.It is easy to go from shallow to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to simple.On the basis of a good material life, they will naturally not be willing to be slaves anymore.

Although the slave owners and tribal leaders of the Yan Kingdom were very dissatisfied with the situation before them, in fact, they had no soldiers or generals in their hands, and they couldn't make any waves.Ran Ming adopted the policy of using the barbarians to control the barbarians, using the Xianbei slaves who had a heart for the Great Wei to rule instead of slave owners and tribal leaders.

The cake is only that big, and if someone gets it, someone will lose it. The power and interests of those tribal leaders are greatly exploited by the Wei State. Of course, this will cause their dissatisfaction.During the construction process, those tribal leaders who wantonly provoked conflicts between the Han people and the Xianbei people and caused turmoil were secretly executed by Ran Ming.Anyway, the disturbed Xianbei people didn't know who died among them.

Murong Ke has a very thorough understanding of these situations, but he has nothing to do.Relatively speaking, it was Murong Ke's unexpected joy to sacrifice a few people and save more clansmen.Having lost the foundation of restoring the country, Murong Ke can only follow Wei Guo to the dark.

Murong Ke is also very relieved of Ran Min's mind.After all, there are real examples out there, since Ran Min can accommodate Jie people as bodyguards, there is no reason why he can't accommodate Murong people.

Putting aside the chaotic thoughts in his head, Murong Ke looked at the resolute and high-spirited soldiers of the Wei army, and Murong Ke said: "The army will rest for a day, and set sail at five o'clock tomorrow, with the goal of Jiankang!"

On the bank of the Tang River in Jiyang, Huan Wen watched the mighty Xifu army cross the Tang River smoothly, and he finally put his heart in his stomach.In this Northern Expedition, the three armies of the Jin Dynasty suffered the most setbacks and suffered the most serious losses.

Starting from Gushu, he has been constantly harassed by the Wei army all the way, and he lost nearly 2000 troops before leaving the territory of Jin.Huan Wen also got the information, no matter Sima Xi from the East Road, or Zhang Zuo and Fu Jian from the West Road, they almost all went smoothly.Why do you have to encounter many difficulties alone.In the end, it was Xi Chao who solved Huan Wen's confusion.

"Duke Ming is really a fan of the authorities!" Xi Chao laughed and said, "Why does the Wei army delay our march at all costs?"

Huan Wen suddenly realized: "Could it be because of those Fuhuo Pills!"

"Ming Gong is wise!" Xi Chao said: "Unless this is the reason, Chao thinks there is no other explanation. Obviously, Ming Gong's invention of the general camp has been detected by the Wei army, and they can't crack the powerful thunderbolt rocket and thunderbolt, so they try their best to solve it." Prevent Ming Gong's army from going north as much as possible!"

Huan Wen looked north, and suddenly the corner of his mouth turned up, and a bright smile appeared on his face. "In this case, the Taiwei naturally can't make Ran Min'er what he wants, pass on the order, and vow not to return to the army until Luoyang is broken!"

As Huan Wen's army arrived in Nanyang County, the situation became more and more tense.

Hussar General Zhang Wen of the Wei State had already followed Ran Min's strategic deployment. To tell the truth, all the people in Nanyang County were relocated, and those who were unwilling to relocate were forced to relocate in front of the sword.Today's Nanyang County Zhiwan City is only defended by four thousand Wei troops. As for the common people, there is no one family!

The [-] soldiers of the Wei army obviously couldn't stick to Wancheng, but they were ordered to hold Wancheng for a month to exhaust the Jin army.

When the Xifu army was about to arrive at the city of Wancheng, there was a sudden gust of wind, and a hearty autumn rain happened unexpectedly.

Looking at the soldiers of the Xifu Army marching hard in the rain, Huan Wen seemed a little anxious.

"Report to the Taiwei, we encountered Wei Jun scouts ahead! Our scouts stepped forward to chase them away, but the Wei Jun scouts fled without a fight!"

Nanyang's terrain is complex, surrounded by mountains on three sides, the terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack.If you camp on the spot in the Funiu Valley, you will be easily attacked by the Wei army at night. Huan Wen has suffered enough from the Wei army's night attack, so he naturally doesn't want to have any accidents at this juncture.Looking at the sky, it will be dark in less than two hours, but at this time it is forty miles away from Wancheng.

According to the current marching speed of the Xifu army, they would definitely not be able to reach the city of Nanyang.

Huan Wen said: "Master, is there a way to increase the marching speed of the soldiers?"

The autumn rain fell on people, and they were blown by the cold wind, making people shiver unconsciously.

"Ming Gong, this is already the fastest marching speed for our Xifu army." Xi Chao said with a wry smile, "It would be timely if there was an autumn rain. At this time, the Wei army probably never imagined that we would march in the rain."

Huan Wen subconsciously looked at the gunpowder weapons wrapped in oilcloth, and a relaxed and confident smile appeared on his face again.

Huan Wen's face suddenly turned cold, and he shouted: "This is the Taiwei's military order. Today we will conquer Wancheng, and the whole army will be liberated in three days!"

Since ancient times, the way to improve morale is nothing more than rewards.Huan Wen relied on the tax burden of Jingzhou and Jiangzhou to support more than [-] professional troops, which is already the maximum limit.However, the Xifu Army did not adopt the land equalization system, because although Huan Wen was in charge of the taxes in Jingzhou and Jiangzhou, he did not have so much land.Because these two states are also occupied by many big noble families with a lot of fields.

The more than 7 soldiers consumed hundreds of millions of dollars a year, even if Huan Wen was rich and powerful, he still felt exhausted.As the government army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty for more than [-] years, the Xifu Army, ordinary soldiers are still very poor.

Under the leadership of Huan Wen, the Xifu Army's first chance to grow stronger was because of the destruction of Chenghan Li Shi, relying on Cheng Han Li Shi's arrogance in Bashu, allowing the Xifu Army to expand.Later, after losing the first battle against the Wei army, the Xifu army also lost a lot of supplies. Fortunately, Sima Xun's rebellion gave Huan Wen another excuse to plunder Yizhou.

Hearing that Huan Wen wanted to liberate the military discipline for three days, it was a tacit consent that the upper and lower members of the Xifu could plunder Wancheng.You must know that Wancheng is the upper county of Yuzhou (fourteen counties under the jurisdiction, 37 counties in the Eastern Han Dynasty).With the brutal rule of Shihu in the late period, the flames of the later Zhao were everywhere, and the main energy was to deal with Liang and Yan, and gradually lost control of Nanyang.Only one county of Nanyang has one-third of the population of Yuzhou, and it is a truly wealthy place.

The cheers of the Xifu soldiers were like thunder, and the speed of the whole army increased unconsciously.

In the evening, Mao Husheng, the striker of Xifu, arrived outside Wancheng in light clothes.Although there were [-] Wei soldiers in Wancheng, in fact, they did not all stay in the city. Instead, they set up a small camp three miles outside the south gate, and more than [-] soldiers were stationed here.

The purpose of these five hundred soldiers camping here is to gain preparation time for Wancheng to defend the city and prevent Wancheng from being attacked by surprise.At this time, the barracks was silent, and puffs of cooking smoke rose from the Wei Jun barracks.

Due to the autumn rain from the sky, the Wei army's defenders were indeed paralyzed.Most of the defenders are resting in the barracks, waiting for dinner.The soldiers on the sentry tower did not see the arrival of the Jin army in time due to the lack of vision in the rainy day. When they discovered the arrival of the Jin army, the few soldiers of the Wei army found the soldiers of the Jin army and hurriedly warned them.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Unfortunately, by this time, it was already too late.When the Wei soldiers holding the rice bowls were replaced with weapons, the camp was also breached by Mao Husheng.As one of the three tigers of the Xifu Army, Mao Husheng is second only to Deng Xia and Zhou Chu in force.Although the Jin army was exhausted from a long distance, it couldn't hold back the large number of Jin soldiers. The Wei army responded to the battle in a hurry, and even resisted before being overwhelmed by the Jin army soldiers.

At any time, Mao Husheng won the first battle, and the morale of the Jin army was greatly boosted.

However, the morale of the Wei army was frustrated, and the bloody battle in Nanyang kicked off.

An inch is long and a ruler is short.In field battles, the Han people are generally not opponents of the nomads.But in the battle of siege and defense, nomads are not enough.

Huanwen's Xifu Army has rich combat experience and excellent equipment.Huan Wen dispatched [-] elite Mao Husheng troops as a tentative attack.

The general of the Wei Army saw that Mao Husheng was preparing to attack the city, and immediately ordered: "Eight ox crossbows, gray bottles, golden juice, and fierce fire oil are ready!"

The gray bottle is actually an ancient tool for defending the city.It is a bottle filled with lime. As long as the lime bottle hits the enemy, the enemy cannot open their eyes.Moreover, as long as the lime gets into the eyes, it cannot be washed away with clean water.As for the golden juice, it is a primitive biochemical weapon.This is raw dung juice mixed with poisons such as oil and arsenic. The golden juice can not only burn the enemy, but also make the wound unable to heal because the feces contain a lot of bacteria.

Stones, rolling logs, gray bottles, golden juice, strong crossbows and hard bows constitute the ancient Chinese city defense system.

Numerous soldiers of the Wei army immediately followed the order, strenuously stringing the eight-ox crossbow bolts, and then adjusted the firing angle. As for the golden juice, they began to boil the fire.

As the government army of the Jin Dynasty, they naturally would not take their lives to fill up this city.As one of the three tigers of the Xifu Army, Mao Husheng is by no means in vain.He was very good at probing attacks. He divided his troops into a unit of 500 people in Quji, with heavy shields in front, archers in the second place, sword and shield soldiers and auxiliary soldiers responsible for bridge building.

(End of this chapter)

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