Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 549 Huan Wen Also Uses Black Powder

Chapter 549 Huan Wen Also Uses Black Powder (six more)

Chapter 553 Huan Wen also Uses Black Powder
This is a very conventional way of fighting. The defenders of the Wei army saw that the Jin army seemed to be building a bridge on the moat. The ancient moat was generally about three or four feet away from the city wall. This distance is within the range of ordinary light bows. .

Therefore, when a wave of arrows rained down from the Wei army defending the city, Mao Husheng immediately ordered the Jin army archers hiding behind the shield to fight back.Then those sword and shield soldiers are responsible for covering the auxiliary soldiers behind.Since both sides have defensive means, regardless of the arrows coming and going, the shooting is very lively, but the casualties are not large.

Although there were casualties on both sides, the generals of both sides seemed to be unable to see their own casualties, the same expressionless, the same as before.

As time went by, the Jin army slowly erected four pontoon bridges in order to break up the siege formation. With the shooting of dozens of waves of arrows, the archers on both sides appeared tired.In this era, archers are no better than machine gunners of later generations. In later generations, light and heavy machine gunners can fight for a long time. As long as there is enough ammunition, there will be no pause in shooting.But archers are different. They need a lot of strength. One stone bow and arrow is 120 catties of pulling force. Even the best archers can barely shoot two pots of arrows.

Bows and arrows are only auxiliary means in the battle of defending the city, but they cannot change the outcome of the battle.When the archers on both sides were exhausted, Mao Husheng began to change to another song. They were all energetic archers, and they were unable to shoot arrows faster or more powerfully than the defenders.

Since it was a tentative attack, it was tepid.During the offensive, the Jin army took the initiative, while the defenders could only passively tighten their nerves.

After a day of fighting, although the Jin army did not climb the city wall, they tested the deployment and equipment of the defenders to a great extent.

No matter how you look at it, this battle is like a child's play.The Jin army started attacking with three shots in the morning, had a meal and rest for an hour at noon, and fought for two hours in the afternoon, just like going to work.At sunset, withdraw troops on time.

After returning to the camp, Mao Husheng returned to Huan Wen and made a post-war summary. In fact, without his summary, as a bystander, Huan Wen also knew the truth of the Wei army.

Huan Wen likes to be called Corporal Li, even if he has an idea, he still likes to ask his fellow soldiers.As usual, Huan Wen thought about it, and said to Xi Chao: "Guest, what do you think!"

Xi Chao said calmly: "Since our army arrived at the city of Wancheng yesterday, the defenders of Wancheng did not send a messenger to Luoyang for help. They just burned three puffs of wolf smoke. The three puffs of wolf smoke are not the highest level of security for the Wei army, but just ordinary warnings. It seems that the defenders of the Wei army are confident in defending the city. Judging from today's battle, the Wei army is well-equipped, well-trained, and has sufficient defensive supplies. Obviously, this is a formidable enemy!"


Xi Chao said with a smile: "Although Wei's garrison is quite satisfactory, it also exposed the problem of their insufficient strength."

Huan Wen coughed, and said calmly: "Your guest must have a clever plan for breaking the city?"

"If Minggong hadn't obtained the Fuhuo Pill, Chao would have no other way!" Xi Chao said with a smile, "If you have this thing, it will be easy to seize Wancheng!"

Huan Wen laughed out loud.

In fact, although Ran Ming possessed Fuhuo Pill one step earlier than Huan Wen, he had a disadvantage common to transversal people, that is, he looked down on primitive firearms.In fact, it has been proved that gunpowder has undergone hundreds of years of development from its invention to its military use.Like the original combustion-supporting, Ran Ming has strong kerosene, so he doesn't care about the combustion-supporting effect of gunpowder at all.

Moreover, the power of black powder is obviously small, like a musket made of bamboo tubes, its power is not as good as that of a bow and arrow.With gunpowder, Ran Ming naturally thought of making artillery. He had already given Ge Hong a hint on the principle of artillery. As for how to do it, it needed Ge Hong to develop it.Although Ran Ming could also make soil bombs, he didn't want to use them in the unification war of Wei.

Like the Han people, they were enslaved and massacred by the Hu people during the same Five Husbands and Dynasties. Ran Ming really couldn't bear it, and attacked the Han people in the Jin Dynasty.So he delayed the development of gunpowder weapons.

However, Huan Wen didn't have so many worries. In his eyes, with the gunpowder package thrown by the catapult and the rocket that could be tied to the bed crossbow to launch, Huan Wen did not hesitate to put it into military use.

Zhang Wu was the guard general of the Wei army in Wancheng, and also the nephew of Zhang Wen, the general of the Hussars of the Wei state.The eldest of Zhang Wen's three sons was clever and clever, but unfortunately he broke his leg while riding a horse in his early years and became a lame man.Nature has nothing to do with the army.The second son is cowardly by nature and doesn't like military affairs. The third son is a prodigal son who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, and has all kinds of poisons.Among the only nephews who Zhang Wen could look up to, Zhang Wu was the only one.

Zhang Wu is the son of Zhang Wen's elder brother. He lost his father since childhood and was raised by Zhang Wen.He has been very sensible and smart since he was a child.He likes to read, likes to think, and is very independent.As Zhang Wen's nephew, he didn't receive much care in the army. The only care he had was to do more and suffer more than others, but he received less credit than others.

Zhang Wu himself asked Zhang Wen to guard Wancheng this time.Faced with the Jin army's temptation, Zhang Wu didn't feel any abnormality. This was a normal phenomenon. He knew that the war had not really started at this time, and the tragic battle was still to come.The defenders are doomed to be passive, and can only see their moves. Soldiers come and come, and the water comes and the earth is flooded. He just keeps changing and consumes the morale of the Jin army under Wancheng City, wears down their vigor, and prepares for the future. Prepare for Zhang Wen's counterattack.

Zhang Wu has great prestige in the army, he eats and lives with the soldiers, he does not engage in specialization at all, and he does not drink the blood of the soldiers, oppressing the soldiers, he can be regarded as a good general.

When he was in Wancheng, Zhang Wu would get up earlier and go to bed later than the soldiers every day.That night, Zhang Wu inspected the city. Since there were already no people in the city, and there was no need to be wary of the enemy's secret operations to open the city gate, the focus of the inspection was on the supplies and food.

These materials determine the life and death of more than [-] of them, Zhang Wu dare not be careless.After checking the sentry posts on the city wall, the mobile posts in the city, the bright posts, and the dark posts, Zhang Wu was already approaching Zishi when he returned.

Zhang Wu felt a little flustered, for some reason, his eyelids twitched, ancient people were very superstitious, and Zhang Wu was no exception.He didn't dare to take off his armor, but leaned sideways on the low step to sleep.

In a daze, Zhang Wu fell asleep.

However, in the middle of the night, Zhang Wu woke up suddenly, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart, he said to the guard: "Come here!"

The personal guard entered the room, clasped his fists and said, "What orders does the general have?"

"How many days is it now!"

"Just past the fifth watch!"

Zhang Wu asked again: "Is there any change in the city?"

"The patrol team came to the government office for half an hour to sign and arrest, and there seems to be no abnormality!"

At this moment, Zhang Wu suddenly heard a loud bang and an orange fire came from the direction of the south gate.The whole city of Wan was trembling in this thunderous roar.Zhang Wu was so shocked that he couldn't stand, he staggered and almost fell.

"What's going on, go check it out, what happened!"

At this time, at the south gate of Wancheng, Huan Wen dispatched more than [-] dead men, who used nearly [-] catties of Fuhuo Dan and [-] catties of black powder to almost set off the entire gate of the southern city.The tall and majestic city gate tower disappeared, and more than [-] night guards on the city wall were buried in the ruins.The defenders guarding the Urn City were also shocked by the huge explosion shock wave and bled to death from their seven orifices.Even the soldiers of the Wei army who were lucky enough to survive were scared to death at this time.

If you don't move, you will die, and if you move, you will be the power of thunder.

Huan Wen did not leave any behind. The number one general of the Xifu army, Deng Xia of the Three Tigers, and Zhou Chu each led [-] Xifu soldiers to the collapsed south gate of Wancheng.


Those Wei soldiers who were in a state of anxiety were hacked to pieces by the swarming Jin army before they could figure out what was going on.In less than a quarter of an hour, Deng Xia had broken through the Wengcheng and entered the inner city.

Deng Xia rode his horse towards the inner city, killing and beheading anyone he met.Wei Jun had already lost his fighting spirit in this huge explosion, so how could he resist the attack of Jin Jun like a wolf like a tiger?Looking around, the whole Wancheng seemed to be ablaze with black smoke billowing.

When Zhang Wu rushed out of the government office, the earth-shattering killing cries were already clearly audible, and it seemed that he was less than one mile away from the government office.

"General, things must not be violated, you should keep your body useful and plan for the future," the personal guard persuaded Zhang Wudao.

Zhang Wu did not lose his composure, he rushed to his guard and said, "Hurry up to the granary, notify the guards, immediately light the fire, and burn all the luggage, food and grass there!"

"But, General..."

"Go away, go, those who disobey the order will be killed!"

Zhang Wu stepped on his horse and rushed towards the place where the shouts of killing were the most intense.Zhang Wu rushed and shouted: "I am the captain of the Great Wei Hujun. All the soldiers of the Great Wei obey the order and move closer to this general!"

In the sound of the huge explosion, these Wei army officers and soldiers had been frightened for a long time. They ran around like headless flies. When they heard Zhang Wu's call, they finally found the backbone.Well-trained soldiers know that in such a situation, fleeing for their lives in a hurry will actually kill them faster, and only by gathering together can they work together to protect themselves.

More and more soldiers approached Zhang Wu, and slowly thousands of soldiers gathered around Zhang Wu.Generals are courageous soldiers, generals are not afraid of death, why should soldiers cherish their lives.

Seeing that Zhang Wu was not in a hurry, these soldiers of the Wei army gradually calmed down.As they rushed towards the south gate, they yelled for other soldiers to pass.

In fact, although the sound of gunpowder is loud, its power is not very good.Five or six hundred catties of gunpowder, at best, killed and injured five or six hundred people in the Wei army.

Just when Zhang Wu was urgently gathering other scattered soldiers, there was the sound of horseshoes coming from the end of the long street, and a fire dragon approached from far away.

The first to rush was Deng Xia, the hero of the Xifu. Deng Xia saw Zhang Wu, and he knew that as long as Zhang Wu died, the morale of the Wei army that had just been gathered would collapse again, and it would be difficult for the gods to recover.

PS: The speed has been a bit slow these two days, I am very sorry.I've been busy writing scripts lately, so I can only...

(End of this chapter)

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