Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 550 Infighting Regardless of Time and Occasion

Chapter 550
Chapter 554
Deng Xia discovered Zhang Wu, and Zhang Wu also discovered Deng Xia.

In fact, Zhang Wu and Deng Xia adopted the same plan, but Zhang Wu was not a fierce person like Deng Xia, Zhang Wu knew his own ability, and he did not have the ability to take the head of an enemy general among thousands of troops.

However, he quietly put a crossbow bolt in the crossbow machine, and then gently wound it up.

"Death to the thief!"

"Death to the thief!"

Almost at the same time, the two roared at the same time, the spear in Deng Xia's hand was like a long rainbow, and it went straight to Zhang Wu's chest.And Zhang Wu's crossbow also shot at Deng Xia's throat.

Seeing all directions and listening to all directions, this is the most basic skill of every general.When Deng Xia noticed that cold light, it was too late to dodge it.The tension of the horse crossbow is equivalent to that of a three-stone strong bow, and it is impossible to dodge freely at such a short distance.

Deng Xia didn't have time to think in his head, subconsciously raised his left arm to block in front of him.Deng Xia is wearing Mingguang armor and embroidered animal skin drape (sleeves). If the distance is long, the drape on the arm alone is enough to block the flow of arrows.However, at such a short distance, Ma Gong's crossbow pierced through the defensive layer of the animal skin effortlessly, but also pierced the muscles on his left arm. Fortunately, by the blessing of heaven, the crossbow pierced through Deng Xia's left arm , revealing nearly half a foot of arrows, but at this time the kinetic energy of the arrows is also exhausted.

Almost at the same time, the spear in Deng Xia's right hand continued to stab Zhang Wu without being affected by the crossbow.

When the spear was less than two feet away from Zhang Wu's chest, one of Zhang Wu's personal guards flew in front of Zhang Wu.

"Puchi!" The sound of the spear piercing the flesh sounded, and a cloud of blood appeared in front of Zhang Wu's eyes.

"General, you can't do anything against it, you should stay useful and go!"

Although the personal guard blocked the meat shield with his body, it was a pity that he underestimated Deng Xia's hateful blow.The spear pierced through the guard, and then pierced Zhang Wu's right shoulder.As Zhang Wu's armor blades flew away, Zhang Wu felt like he was hit by a crazy rhino, and he didn't slow down for a while.

Zhang Wu looked down and saw that his right shoulder was almost pierced.Zhang Wu gritted his teeth and pulled back.

Eight and a half catties, both losers.This is the result of two sneak attacks on each other.However, with Zhang Wu's attack, Wei Jun's morale was shaken again.

Zhang Wu is not a pedantic person. Under the sudden attack of Fuhuodan, the Wei army's morale was broken.At this time, although relying on his own blood and courage, he barely organized a resistance, but this resistance was insignificant under the tide-like offensive of the Jin army.

It is no longer possible to counterattack the Jin army and drive the Jin army out of the city.Not to mention an effective counterattack, whether he can retreat completely is a big problem.

Zhang Wu only hesitated for a moment, and at this moment of stupefaction, a loud roar came from the Jin army formation: "Ying Yuan, I'm dead, that bastard did it, I will avenge you!"

Deng Xia said with a smile: "Accidentally bitten by a mosquito, it's not a serious problem. Fortunately, no bones are injured, just keep it for a few days!"

Zhou Chu and Deng Xia joined forces, and they used strong crossbows and hard bows to open the way. Because the Wei army resisted in a hurry, many soldiers had insufficient armor and equipment, and some of them didn't even have a knife.

Facing the stormy arrow rain of the Jin army, a large number of people were shot down in an instant.

Zhang Wu ordered the troops to retreat, and he acted as the rear troops to cover the retreat of the large troops.However, Zhou Chu replaced Deng Xia's attack, which was a more violent general than Deng Xia.Relying on his excellent armor, Zhou Chu was not afraid of Wei Jun's few arrows at all.Encouraged by Zhou Chu, the Jin army's offensive became more violent.

After less than a quarter of an hour of support, the situation turned one-sided.In order to defend Zhang Wu and Zhang Wu's 27 personal guards all died in battle, but the Wei army's large troops have not disappeared from sight at this time.Zhang Wu couldn't help being anxious. At this moment, the guards he ordered to burn the grain and grass had already lit the fire, and the blazing flames completely illuminated the night sky.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wu had an idea. He ordered his soldiers to light all the houses in Wancheng, and use the fire to stop the enemy.

Ancient Chinese houses were different from modern ones. At that time, few people used brick and stone structures, and most of them used wood to build houses, so this kind of houses were easily ignited.

Although Huan Wen successfully captured Wancheng, Wancheng was turned into ruins, and Huan Wen captured almost nothing.It was shocking to see the ruins of the city.

Not long after Zhang Wu escaped from the north gate of Wancheng, when the sky was bright, Zhang Wu counted the troops. There were originally 800 troops, but now there are less than [-] people, and most of them are wounded, and their expressions are lax.All the food, grass and luggage were lost, and more than half of the armor and weapons were broken.

Zhang Wu took the remnants of his troops and ran to Nanzhao in light clothes. When Zhang Wu's troops arrived at the foot of Nanzhao City, they found that the walls of Nanzhao City were silent and there were no traces of people.

Just when Zhang Wu sent people to the city to shout, suddenly there was a sound of clappers, countless soldiers of the Jin army appeared on the city wall, and the banner with black background and white characters Wei character fluttering on the gate tower was also torn down.

"It's not good to go fast!"

In the Huanwen camp, Xi Chao read the battle report, cupped his hands and laughed, "Duke Ming, Nanzhao has won a great victory. Our army conquered two cities in a single day without any effort. Such a great achievement is as impressive as the past!"

Huan Wen caressed his beard and laughed loudly: "Wen dare not be greedy for merit. If the whole army hadn't put their lives to the test, our army would not have achieved such great success if Master Du Ming made this powerful Fuhuo Pill."

Xi Chao said again: "General Liu Hong asked for instructions, whether the remnants of Zhang Wu and the remnants of the Nanzhao defenders fled north in a hurry, should they pursue them?"

Huan Wen thought for a while and asked, "What do the guests think?"

Xi Chao said: "Zhang Wen is also a famous general under the command of Ran Min, the Lord of Wei. Too many, I think Zhang Wen has already made plans to give up the two cities. Minggong, beware of Zhang Wen's fraud."

Huan Wen nodded, "It's a big taboo for military strategists to underestimate the enemy and rush forward. It's also a wise general's action not to be arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat."

Xi Chao looked at the map and said: "Slow and steady is the right way. Minggong ordered General Liu Hong to guard Nanzhao steadily, and sent a partial division to capture Duyang (now Fangcheng) to ensure the safety of our army's flanks."

Huan Wen became puzzled: "Duyang is just a small town in a lower county, with a household of less than [-] and a population of less than [-]. Is it necessary to seize the city in a poor and small county?"

Xi Chao said: "Zhang Wen lost two cities in a row, how can he give up? It is about 150 miles from Wancheng to Nanzhao, and most of the area here is Xiangping Plain. It is suitable for the cavalry attack of the Wei army. The iron cavalry of the Wei state is unparalleled in the world. I am afraid that our army cannot guarantee the safety of the food road. But blocking Yang is different. If Zhang Wen wants to use cavalry to break our army’s food road, and take a detour from Luoyang’s army to block Yang, it is the first choice. If our army occupies Duyang, it will block Wei Qi's way to attack from the flank!"

In fact, Xi Chao didn't guess right this time. According to Zhang Wen's plan, it was mainly for defense, to lure Huan Wen to attack Luhun Pass, and use Jiancheng to consume Huan Wen's vital strength.As for the counterattack, I never thought about it.The key target of the Wei State was Sima Xi, the clan of the Sima family and the king of Wuling.

However, when Zhang Wen received Nanzhao, Wancheng fell within a day, and a new type of weapon appeared in the Jin army, which sounded like thunder and was extremely powerful.Zhang Wen turned pale with shock. Although Ran Min gave Zhang Wen the order to guard Luhun Pass, even if he couldn't defend Luhun Pass, as long as he kept Luoyang, he would be victorious.But Zhang Wen didn't think so.

Although Dong Run lost first and then won, Zhang Zuo now burned more than a hundred miles of Jiange plank road. Zhang Zuo, who thought he was smart, didn't know that although Dong Run was unable to invade Yizhou because of the destruction of the plank road, it was the same. The Jin army in the state also never thought about entering and exiting Hanzhong from the Jiange plank road.

Even if Zhang Zuo just wanted to rebuild the plank road, it would take less than half a year or even a year to repair the more than one hundred miles of plank road.In this way, the Wei army has eliminated the threat from the southwest, and the Wei army has nearly [-] more soldiers and horses.

On the battlefield, even a mere thousand soldiers and horses could change the outcome of a battle, not to mention the [-] soldiers and horses in the pass under Dong Run's command?
Now, with Dong Run's mighty victory over Zhang Zuo and other Western Jin troops, even if he transfers to the Central Plains, his prestige will rise to a new height.As for Zhang Wen, since Yongxing four years ago, he was the first Wei general to lose his city. Zhang Wen couldn't bear the hat of losing the city and land.

While Zhang Wen reported the battle situation in Nanyang to Ran Min, he also thought hard about the countermeasures.

With the Northern Expedition Army of the East, Middle and West Roads in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the East and West Routes lost successively. Only the Xifu Army in Huanwen in the Middle Road won a big victory. Let Huan Wen's reputation rise again.

Just when Huan Wen pacified the surrounding area of ​​Wancheng, he slowly advanced and arrived at Luhun Pass, but Jiankang was covered with dark clouds and undercurrents turbulent.

At this time, the "deaf and dumb" hiding in Jiankang City recruited those down-and-out scholars, and used them to make a fuss and vigorously promote Huan Wen's victory.Huan Wen was called "Wise and powerful, set things right, and his loyalty and righteousness are not inferior to those of Zhuge Wuhou. Daolong Yuxia, Huashenglong Zhou. It is really a blessing for the people of Jin Dynasty!"

This flattery wasn't considered alienation, but this kind of flattery made Chu Suanzi very vigilant.As a famous strong woman in history and a powerful queen mother, Chu Suanzi naturally wouldn't worry about those rumors, but Huan Wen's strong rise made Chu Suanzi feel extremely helpless.

Now, Huan Wen's reputation is getting higher and higher, so Chu Suanzi has to face up to the threats from the Jin Dynasty and Huan Wen.In desperation, Chu Suanzi had no choice but to appoint Huan Chong as the Minister of the Temple Department, and became the Duke of Fengcheng.

Huan Chong's character is the youngest son, and the small character is Mai Delang. He is the younger brother of Huan Wen.Lieutenant General of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Huan Chong's official positions at this time were Xuancheng Neishi, Jiangzhou Governor, and General Zhenwei.Huanchong's governor of Jiangzhou was a fourth-rank official, while the minister of the temple department (roughly equivalent to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites in the later Tang Dynasty) was a third-rank official.

Although Huan Chong was promoted to rank, the real power is quite different.

(End of this chapter)

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