Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 551 Ran Min’s Private Interview on Weibo

Chapter 551 Ran Min's Private Interview on Weibo (Part [-])

Chapter 555
Huanchong's governor of Jiangzhou, General Jia Zhenwei, managed the state with culture and the army with martial arts, a typical military and political one.Because of Huan Chong's existence, Huan Wen would retain a large part of Jiangzhou's tax burden every year to support the army.

However, although the minister of the temple department has a high position, his power is not heavy.This is tantamount to chopping off Huan Wen's arm. With Jingzhou alone, Huan Wen can't support so many troops.

The imperial decree was issued to the world, no matter how unwilling Huan Wen was, there was nothing he could do about it.Unless Huan Wen rebels now, Sima Xi's strength is still there, and Huan Wen is not absolutely sure that he can defeat Sima Xi at this time. Besides, as long as Huan Wen dares to rebel, this woman Chu Suanzi will definitely lure wolves into the house, and she will not hesitate to give in to Jingzhou and Jianghuai regions. Draw the river with the state of Wei and rule, and punish Huan Wen.

When Huan Wen got the news, he quickly asked Xi Chao for advice.

But Xi Chao asked, "Duke Ming, do you know who the new governor of Jiangzhou is?"

Huan Wen said: "Look, Xie Renzu is the governor of Jiangzhou!"

When Xi Chao read the mansion newspaper, he was speechless for a long time. "Duke Ming, we need to make a decision now."

"Oh!" Huan Wen asked, "What does the guest mean by this?"

"The Queen Mother is afraid of Duke Ming!" Xi Chao said helplessly: "Obviously, the Queen Mother should have reached some agreement with the Xie family. It's public. With Xie Renzu's reputation, Jiangzhou will be easily pacified and Huan's influence in Jiangzhou will be eliminated as soon as possible."

Huan Wen gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter, this time Wen Bupo Luoyang vowed not to return to the army!"

Huan Wen was very angry. In fact, there was no need to ask Xi Chao. With Huan Wen's political vision, he could also see Chu Suanzi's intentions.Mingsheng secretly descended, dragging his own hind legs, because he was afraid that he would make great achievements, and his reputation would surpass Sima's.

But Chu Suanzi obviously didn't know Huan Wen's true temperament, this person was soft when he was soft, and tough when he was strong.To put it in a bad way, it's called Shun Mao Donkey.It can only be induced, not coerced.

In the eyes of Huan Wen, Chu Suanzi's clever political trick is a great shame and humiliation. Don't you want me to succeed in Huan Wen's Northern Expedition?I want to take back Luoyang, don't you want to use the Xie family to check and balance me?I used Luoyang as a springboard to seek promotion from Wei Guo.I'm afraid Xi Chao, who knows Huan Wen best, would never have imagined that Huan Wen actually felt a strong desire for revenge at this moment.

Huan Wen knew that his strength was not enough to shake the Eastern Jin court, and he had no basis for people's carelessness, but it was different if he took refuge in the Wei State. He could use the Wei State's banner, Jingzhou was his base camp, and the Huan family's influence in Jiangzhou was still there. The fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was imminent.

"Minggong, you should be careful about this!"

Huan Wen resolutely said: "Wen thought very clearly, even if there is only one soldier left, Wen will fulfill the last wish of his ancestors, recover the homeland, and help the community!"

"Ming Gong, think twice!" Xi Chao said anxiously: "We have more than [-] soldiers and more than [-] family members in the Xifu Army. The rise and fall of honor and disgrace are all in Ming Gong's mind!"

Xi Chao plopped and knelt in front of Huan Wen.

Xi Chao's expression gradually calmed down, his tone was lukewarm, and he said calmly: "Minggong, although the Queen Mother won the post of Jiangzhou Governor of General Zhenwei, the situation is not irreversible. There is some misunderstanding. Misunderstandings are not terrible, but if because of a misunderstanding, Duke Ming does something that hurts loved ones and makes enemies happy, this will affect Duke Ming! I will definitely burn my body and break my bones to repay him. Regardless of whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, Chao will follow Minggong to the death!"

Hearing Xi Chao's unpretentious words, a warm current seemed to rise in Huan Wen's heart.

Huan Wen is actually a person with clear grievances and grievances. In the first year of Jianyuan (343), Huan Wen was promoted to the governor of Xuzhou by Emperor Kang of Jin (Sima Yue, the husband of Chu Suanzi, and the father of Emperor Mu of Jin).After Sima Dan came to the throne, Chu Suanzi listened to the government as the empress dowager, and specially promoted Huan Wen to be the general of Anxi, the captain of Nanman, and the governor of Jingzhou.

If there is no Sima Yue, Huan Wen is only one of the prefects of the 72 counties (including Qiaozhou and Qiaojun) in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, plus a general of the auxiliary country (vacant position).Without Chu Suanzi, it would be impossible for Huan Wen to become General Anxi, let alone rely on Jingzhou's withheld tax burden to form the Xifu Army.Without Chu Suanzi's strong support, Huan Wen would not be where he is today.Huan Wen was promoted by Sima Yue from Wei Mo, if it is said that he should be reused, it is Chu Suanzi who resists all opinions.

Huan Wen has always been regarded by Chu Suanzi as his own, even though the "ambition" shown by Huan Wen is actually just the smoke released by Chu Suanzi to eradicate disobedient people in the Eastern Jin court.Chu Suanzi used Huan Wenwen and her to join forces to eradicate many factors of instability in the Eastern Jin court in the bud.

However, as Huan Wen's military achievements and prestige increased greatly, he felt real rebellion in his heart. However, he still thought of Chu Suanzi's kindness in promoting him, so he seemed to follow Sima Zhao instead of harming Chu Suanzi. Garlic mother and son.

However, when he heard that Chu Suanzi actually transferred his younger brother Huan Chong to Jiankang as a nominal minister of the ancestral hall, Huan Wen couldn't bear it. Huan Chong was not only Huan Wen's younger brother, but also one of his pocketbooks.

Squeeze Huan Chong away with the method of ascending and descending secretly, what will Chu Suanzi do next?
Then promulgate the imperial decree and dismiss his military power?
Or seize the title and resign, or beat him to death?
At this time, Huan Wen did not intervene too much in the government affairs, at most he just had a strong military power.Huan Wen slowly calmed down, what is Chu Suanzi going to do?
Everything about Huan Wen, although Chu Suanzi was promoted, his achievements were all achieved by Huan Wen's sword and gun. At the beginning of Chu Suanzi's administration in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were still Jing, Jiang, Guang, Jiao, Yu, Xu, and Yi. , Ning six prefectures, and Yan, Qing, Hebei, Si, You, Bing, Yi and other overseas Chinese prefectures, a total of [-] prefectures.At the same level as Huan Wen at that time, there were not many governor generals, but they were just dawdling. Only Huan Wen spent his wealth, recruited soldiers, and trained the army.

Seeing that Li Shi was desolate and immoral, and his regime was unstable, Huan Wen decisively sent troops to defeat Shu and destroy Han (Cheng Han Di).But at that time, whether it was Yuan Zhen, the governor of Yuzhou, the four military governors of Yuzhou, the governor of Jiangzhou, Xie Shang, the governor of Nanzhong Lang, Xun Xian, the governor of Xuzhou, Wang Xizhi, the general of the guard army, and Yin Hao, the governor of Yangzhou, they were all higher than Huan Wen. High weight, but none of them had the intention of making contributions.Even Yin Hao's Northern Expedition was stimulated by Huan Wen.

At that time, relying on Wang Xizhi's financial resources and prestige, as long as he raised his arms, there might be a lot of followers, but he didn't do that.Huan Wen finally achieved what he is today, now let him go, will he be willing?

Because of Xi Chao's persuasion, Huan Wen calmed down.When the Xifu Army was first established, Huan Wen thought a lot about it, from the bloody battle in Tsing Yi to the arrival of soldiers at the city of Chengdu.

Huan Wen secretly scolded himself for being confused, and when he heard that Chu Suanzi was dismissed from Huan Chong's post as governor of Jiangzhou, Huan Wen's first reaction was to take the army to rebel.In fact, Huan Wen's power and influence was still limited at this time. He was a titular lieutenant in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, but except for the generals of the Xifu Army, the others didn't sway him at all, especially Yuan Zhen and Sima Xi.

If he dared to rebel at this time, no need to ask, he would definitely be attacked by the soldiers and horses of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He attacked the Hu people or the Wei army.

At that time, the situation will definitely be difficult to deal with, and this is not what Huan Wen wants to see.Huan Wen knew that Chu Suanzi, a woman, would not pretend to be confused about state affairs, especially urgent matters. Chu Suanzi still had shadows in her hands, and she would definitely resort to assassination, dispose of herself, and then push it on Wei Guo's head .However, Chu Suanzi did not do this.But to use Huan Chong to attack, this is not to force himself against himself, but to startle the snake. If it is a different person, Huan Wen will guess that it is someone else's stupid move.But Huan Wen, who knew Chu Suanzi well, knew that Chu Suanzi would never make such a mistake.this
Chu Suanzi really wanted to wake himself up, but did he make a mistake?

Is it Wei Guo's plan to alienate?

Huan Wen shook his head.

With both kindness and power, Chu Suanzi is knocking mountains and shaking tigers again, and at the same time, he also wants his own attitude.

Admit your mistake, and it's over.But where is my fault?
Huan Wen couldn't figure it out.He asked Xi Chao for advice.

Xi Chao thought for a while and said: "No matter what is wrong, it doesn't really matter. The queen mother's meaning is actually very simple. As long as Minggong presents a self-defense memorial, all problems will be solved!"

"What the guest said is absolutely true!" Huan Wen said seriously, "It's Wen Menglang!"

Just when Huanwen raided Nanzhao, the expressway in the Yecheng section of Wei State also began to be officially constructed. Although there was no professional machinery, future generations would never create a large formation of more than [-] people.In the case of segmented construction, there will be no construction bottlenecks at all.

Wei State's expressway, at most half a year away, will be fully open from Buqicheng to Yecheng, and Jieshi Expressway will also be put into operation at the same time.

Ran Min disguised himself as an ordinary rich man, and quietly left the palace with Jin Nu and Tie Nu.Although the prospects that Ran Ming described to him were good, Ran Min still wanted to see for himself what the common people thought of this expressway.

At the Zhanghe Ferry in Fengle Town, a reinforced concrete bridge will be built here. When Ran Min arrived here, many people surrounded him.Seeing the steel bars gleaming with blue light slowly supporting up on the bridge deck, Ran Min couldn't help exclaiming in his heart, what a prodigal son.

Ran Min knows the goods, although these are just crude steel, but in the era of low productivity, the price of such things is very precious.A catty of crude steel is worth more than a thousand renminbi, and a thousand renminbi is nearly six catties of copper.Not to mention Ran Min, even Ran Ming felt incredible.When can the price of crude steel be six times the price of copper?If it is in later generations, it will definitely make people laugh.

Jin Nu said: "Master, there is a teahouse over there, how about going to have a cup of tea?"

(End of this chapter)

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