Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 552 Those Who Know Black Powder Best Know Their Weaknesses

Chapter 552 Those Who Know Black Powder Best Naturally Know Their Weaknesses (Third Watch)

Chapter 556 Those Who Know Black Powder Best Know Their Weaknesses

Ran Min nodded silently. He felt a little tired after walking this way.However, Ran Min couldn't help being proud when he saw the ruddy faces and well-dressed people around him.

The people of Wei State are happy because they have a good emperor who is close to the people.The people of Wei State are proud that their emperor will not be a sage outside and a king inside.The people of Wei State are also lucky, because they have a King of Jiaodong, and the millennium imperial grain can be exempted in their generation.

This is the result of my hard work, this is my world, my country.

"Did you know that this cement is said to last a hundred years and is as hard as iron!"

"Yeah, there was no such thing before!"

"Hey, how can this magical object build roads? No matter how good the road is, it is not as good as the city. Wouldn't it be better to use it to build the city, so that the barbarians can't break through our city!"

Later Zhao's brutal rule is vividly remembered.According to word of mouth, they still will not forget the days when they worked as cattle and horses for decades.At this moment, suddenly a hurried man walked up to Jin Nu.Whispered in his ear for a while.

Jin Nu's face suddenly changed drastically.

Ran Min felt that something important might happen.He waved at Jin Nu.

Jin Nu stepped forward and said, "My lord, something happened to the south!"

With that said, Jin Nu handed a note to Ran Min.Ran Min's face became colder and colder, "Is the military newspaper here?"

"The military newspaper is slower, it should arrive tomorrow at the latest!"

"Go back to the palace!"

Ran Min flew to Zhulong's horse and ran towards Yecheng.

On the horse, Ran Min seemed a little excited, but also a little lonely.

Because Ran Min went out of the city temporarily, the "deaf and dumb" information did not reach Ran Min at the first time. After Ran Min returned to the palace, within a day, Huan Wen received news from Ke Nanzhao and Wancheng, as if he had grown wings and flew away. In the hands of important ministers in the court.This news stunned the important ministers in the court. When did Huanwen's Xifu army become so strong? What is this Fuhuo Dan?
Since the rebirth of Ran Ming, Wei State has defeated the attack of the Yan Army, and gradually transformed from an isolated city into the land of eight states today. However, the news that Nanyang County changed hands within a day makes people No one can accept it.

Ran Min didn't pursue the issue of losing ground, but instead asked: "My dear friends, what is this Fuhuo Pill?"

Perhaps it was because Ran Ming did a great job of keeping the secrets secret. No one in the entire Wei Kingdom had heard of Fuhuo Pill, but Wang Meng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, said: "I have heard of this kind of thing before. It has a huge voice and infinite power. The power of cracking rocks."

Ran Min said: "Does Jing Lue know how to prevent it?"

Wang Meng shook his head: "I only know superficially, but this Fuhuo Dan was invented by Ge Xianweng, so he must be able to crack it."

Wang Meng said: "Well, Ge Xianweng is not in Yecheng now!"

"If he's not in Yecheng, where is he?" Ran Min said seriously, "Where Ge Xianweng is, please go to Luoyang and help Zhang Huanqi solve this problem!"

"However, the military situation is like fire, and the water far away cannot quench the thirst!" The smile on Ran Min's face gradually faded, and he said coldly: "I don't know what good strategies you have!"

Liu Qun thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, in my opinion, Huan Wen has the power of Fu Huo Pill. This weapon is so sharp that no flesh and blood can stop it. Your Majesty can order the Hussar General to adopt a strategy of resisting every step to "drag "The main thing is to wait for the changes in the Jin Dynasty!" Liu Qun is Ran Min's confidant counselor, although his intelligence is not superb.But he is extremely loyal to Ran Min.He knew the news that Ran Min sent Murong Ke to lead the army to attack Xu Yang's coastal city by sea.Therefore, the best way at present is to wait for news from Murong Ke.

Ran Min naturally knew what Liu Qun was referring to, but he said: "Although Wancheng is not as good as Luoyang, it is a well-known fortified city in the world, but it was captured by Huanwen within a day, and Nanzhao fell in less than an hour. From Nanzhao to Luoyang , Excluding Luhunguan, there are only four or five small cities, even if delaying tactics are adopted, how much time can be delayed? I am very worried about the situation in Luoyang..."

All the courtiers of the Wei Kingdom were silent. After all, gunpowder was an epoch-making product. Although its power was not very good, it dealt a serious blow to the morale of the army.Although the defenders of Wancheng were not considered elite, they were still the main force of the regular army of Wei State, but in that case, only a few hundred people escaped.The most frightening thing is that the remnants of the Wei army who escaped are still talking about Jin and have no intention of fighting.

At this moment, Wang Meng broke the silence: "Your Majesty, I have a plan to delay it for a while."

"What's Jing Lue's clever plan, but it's defenseless!"

Wang Meng said: "Your Majesty, why did you forget that we still have cement?"

"Cement!" Ran Min asked suspiciously, "Can that Thunderbolt rocket break through the cement?"

Wang Meng said, "You will know if you try it or not?"

Ran Min nodded.

Wang Meng said again: "If you want to crack Huan Wen's Fuhuo Pill, besides Ge Xianweng, Your Majesty needs another person!"

Ran Min said: "Jing Lue refers to Ming'er?"

"Actually, His Royal Highness Jiaodong reminded Ge Xianweng to make this Fuhuo Pill. It was also the first time His Highness Jiaodong used it. Back then, he stuck to Qiming Academy. If it wasn't for the help of Fuhuo Pill, Qiming Academy would definitely fall to the enemy!" Wang Meng said: "As a prisoner in the Jiaodong Kingdom, His Royal Highness the King of Jiaodong asked Ge Xianweng to improve Fuhuo Pill for military use. Unfortunately, Ge Xianweng has not found the right method."

Ran Min nodded silently.

In the final analysis, the battle is still about national strength. If it was the Wei State in the third year of Yongxing, there would be no need to fight this battle, and the Wei State would definitely lose.But now, Wei Guo has a lot of confidence.If it is said that the strength of the Wei State is not good, it is not entirely true.If Ran Min forcibly confiscated the food in the hands of the common people, Wei Guo would fight the Jin Dynasty for another year, and the food and grass would still be enough.It's just that Ran Min didn't want to hurt people.

In fact, Ran Min already possessed the strength to conquer the Jin Dynasty and unify the world in terms of military strength.All that is lacking is the ability to provide relief to the people in the occupied areas.Now the people of the Jin Dynasty are very poor. Once the war breaks out, the Jin Dynasty will definitely force the rations of the people. Every time the Wei State conquers a city, every time it occupies a county, it will have tens of thousands of mouths on its back.

The Jin Dynasty was not the State of Yan, and it was impossible for Ran Min to rely on war to support war, and rely on plundering the wealth of the people to support the army.In the war of unification, what is fought is justice, and what is fought is the hearts of the people.If there is no way to let the common people eat, this battle will only bring disaster to the common people of the two countries.

Not only could Ran Min not rob the people of their rations, but he had to compensate them for free.Even if it is a newly occupied county, it is a very large amount to appease the people's rations, seeds, and farming tools.At present, the state of Wei can barely maintain food and clothing. If it bears the burden of a population of more than four million, Ran Min must prepare at least millions or even tens of millions of shi of food.Otherwise, once the land is far away, even if Wei is barely unified, it will not be stable.

Therefore, Ran Min needs to wait, and also needs to cultivate.

Even if the overall national strength of the Wei State is not as good as that of the Jin Dynasty, once the state machine is mobilized, its power is quite impressive.Sticking to Luhun Pass is also Zhang Wen's established strategy.But because of Huan Wen's Fuhuo Pill, Zhang Wen was under a lot of pressure.

However, not all ancient people were stupider than modern people.In fact, Zhang Wen was not stupid. He learned from scouts scratching his tongue that the extremely sharp Fuhuo Pill in Huan Wen's hand also had fatal flaws, such as being particularly afraid of fire.As long as the fire burns, instead of injuring the enemy, it will injure yourself.

In this way, Zhang Wen did not flinch.He summoned the healthy soldiers in the army and formed more than [-] dead soldiers.

When the vanguard of the Huan Wen army arrived in Luhun, Zhang Wen unexpectedly sent troops to intercept him. As a result, the unsuspecting forward Liu Hong of the Huan Wen army was ambushed by Zhang Wen when he went out of the city.Liu Hong had no choice but to retreat in embarrassment and approach the Huanwen Chinese Army camp.

However, Liu Hong didn't know that his [-] remnants had already mixed with more than [-] dead soldiers of the Wei army.

If it is said that on the way to retreat, mix in with enemy soldiers.This kind of phenomenon is impossible to imagine in later generations, but it was very common in ancient times. Before the government military system was established, the military system in the world was half army and half civilian. Take your weapon and go to the battlefield.Such troops have a characteristic, that is, they are based on local clans.Among the soldiers, only a small number of people are familiar with each other.People within a tun or within a song are familiar with each other, but between tun and tun, or between songs, they don't know each other.

Liu Hong had just returned to the camp, and these dead soldiers of the Wei army hurriedly tied white scarves on their right arms to distinguish them.They drew out their weapons and began to slash and kill the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty around them.

Seeing this scene, Liu Hong was terrified and yelled frantically, "What's going on?"

Soon, these dead soldiers of the Wei army broke through the outer barracks and entered the interior of the Jin army's camp, and the Jin army's camp suddenly became chaotic.However, at this moment, the sound of horseshoes was rolling, and about four or five thousand cavalry from the Wei Army took advantage of the situation to rush into the camp. Cavalry had inherent advantages over infantry, especially when the opponent was unprepared and did not form a solid line of defense. It was a one-sided massacre.

Seeing this, Huan Wen was so angry that he had nothing to say.Fortunately, Huan Wen's direct lineage had many generals, and slowly regained the disadvantage.

In particular, Mao Husheng organized five thousand archers to shoot indiscriminately at the soldiers on both sides of the melee. Seeing the heavy losses, the Wei army had to retreat.

However, just as they were retreating, an accident happened again, and there were repeated explosions and dust billowing in the Huan Wen Camp.

You don't need to look at Huan Wen to know that his Fuhuo Pill is over.

It turned out that Zhang Wen's attack on the camp was fake, and the real purpose was to destroy his Fuhuo Pill. More than [-] dead soldiers were originally wearing Jin army uniforms. Towel, ran to the back camp, anyway, there were rioters everywhere at that time, and no one paid attention.As the situation in the front battalion became more and more dangerous, especially after Mao Husheng transferred the archers from the defensive supply battalion away, he gave these dead soldiers an opportunity to take advantage of it.

(End of this chapter)

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