Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 553 Was Plotted By A Woman

Chapter 553 Was Calculated By A Woman (Fourth Update)
Chapter 557 Was Calculated By A Woman
Rockets made of black powder and catapult projectiles were ignited by the fire, but a martyrdom occurred.Huanwen carried a lot of gunpowder in this Northern Expedition. There were more than [-] rockets fired by bare bed crossbows, and there were as many as thousands of gunpowder barrels that were ignited by manual transportation or directly thrown by catapults. bucket.In the Huan Wen army, there are more than [-] catties per barrel, and thousands of barrels are [-] catties.Not to mention more than [-] black gunpowder, even fireworks are enough to drink a pot.

Sacrifice is no joke, of course, this is out of control.Not only did all of Huan Wen's gunpowder weapons be blown up, but what's even more frightening is that the entire supply camp has now become a huge pit, hundreds of feet wide and more than three feet deep. Broken limbs and broken arms.Numerous fragments of human bodies, as well as all kinds of twisted weapons, flew everywhere.

Even Huan Wen's large tent of the Chinese army was completely changed by the huge explosion shock wave.

At this moment, Huan Wen was speechless for a long time as he looked at the half-turned head of an unknown person on the flag of the commander in chief of the Chinese army.

Huan Wen felt weakness in his limbs, then the world was spinning, his eyes went dark, and he fainted.

Although Huan Wen's army has not completely lost its combat effectiveness, it will take at least ten days to recover.What's even worse is that his gunpowder weapon was gone all at once. If he wanted to break through the city, he had to transport it from the rear. This was not something that could be done in two or three days.

Zhang Wen didn't know the exact situation, but because of the deterrence of gunpowder, he didn't dare to attack, fearing that it was Huan Wen's trick to lure the enemy, and he missed the opportunity to completely defeat Huan Wen in vain.However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Wen used cement to strengthen the city wall outside Luoyang City.

Ran Ming, who was in Xijuan City, naturally didn't know the fighting situation in Luoyang, but because he had been out for too long, he also felt a little homesick.Anyway, Zhongnan Development Company was on the right track, and he had nothing to do.Ran Min was preparing to return to Yecheng with the million shi grains he had seized from the Champa Kingdom.

However, at this moment, Xie Shisan reported a situation to Ran Ming, which attracted Ran Ming's attention.

"You said that Mrs. Qin is buying people on a big scale now?"

"Grandpa, do you think I, Xie Shisan, is a tongue-twister?" Xie Shisan called Tian Qu, and he argued: "That Mrs. Qin raised three thousand gold from the company's finance department to buy a large number of orphans. The orphan girl seems to be preparing to open a brothel!"

Everyone has their own principles. Although Ran Ming is a gangster in later generations, he has a lot of property, and he has committed many crimes, but he knows what to do and what not to do.Ran Ming's industry is involved in gambling, smuggling, and drug trafficking, but he just doesn't touch pornography.The thing he dislikes most is forcing people into prostitution.

Even though he made a big smile in Yecheng, this brothel is different from other places.They are all just selling art but not selling themselves,
With Ran Ming's protection, there are not those blind people in Wei Guo who want to offend Ran Ming.Ran Ming's principle is that if you cause trouble with a smile, the first time you break your leg, the second time you cut off the third leg, and the third time you lose your head.Of course there will be no fourth time.

But Ran Ming's situation cannot be replicated. Although Ran Zhi and Ran Mingming are fighting secretly, on the surface he still has to act like a brotherly brother. At least he knows that it is Ran Ming's property, so he won't do anything.As for others, let alone.A Jiang moment is the best example.

Ran Ming was very angry, and the consequences would naturally be serious.Seeing Ran Ming's unkind expression, Xie Shisan was about to leave.

Ran Ming said angrily: "Go and call Mrs. Qin!"

After more than half an hour, Mrs. Qin came slowly.

At this time, Mrs. Qin was wearing a black dress.Black means red and black. In the Han Dynasty, it was an expensive dress, and even the queens only wore black dresses.There is a saying that people rely on clothing, and Buddha depends on gold clothing.Wearing this orthodox Han dress, Mrs. Qin has a very noble temperament.

Mrs. Qin, who was originally disheveled and malnourished, became ruddy and more energetic after this period of nourishment.

Ran Ming was full of anger, and unknowingly dispersed.

Ran Ming secretly scolded himself for being shameless, as if he didn't want to see women.Obviously, Ran Ming really has no immunity to this kind of mature woman.

Ran Ming carefully organized his words in his mind, "I heard that you have withdrawn three thousand gold from the account, are you going to do business?"

Mrs. Qin was sitting gracefully on the wicker chair, and then said softly: "Exactly, the slave family is preparing to report to His Highness. The slave family bought more than a thousand people for three thousand gold. Among them, there are more than [-] young girls and [-] boys."

Ran Ming sighed and said: "If you want to do business, why do you have to open a brothel? What can you do better than that? There are perfumes here, and I can provide you with goods, or you can open an embroidery shop. This kind of money is very clean. , and comfortable, why not do it!"

Mrs. Qin said: "Your Highness looks down on brothels?"

"To be honest, Gu is very disgusted with the flesh and blood business!" Ran Ming said, "A good man, who wants to lose their dignity and entertain people with sex?"

Mrs. Qin smiled sweetly, which made Ran Ming's heart flutter.Ran Ming was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes.Mrs. Qin got up, came to Ran Ming, and said softly: "Actually, the brothel is just for those sanctimonious hypocrites. They are full of benevolence and morality, but in fact they are full of male thieves and female prostitutes. They have money. Why not make money in your hands!"

Ran Ming was very speechless to Mrs. Qin: "It's just, why bother? It seems that you have to fight with those men shirtless! If you want to spend money, you just want to find money. It's much easier than you to make money. quick."

Mrs. Qin sneered, she was flamboyant, especially her chest, which was even more turbulent and sexy. "Actually, the slave family is also saving people!"

Hearing this, Ran Ming laughed angrily: "This is the first time Gu has heard of such an absurd theory!"

Mrs. Qin said: "This society is like this. Women have always been linked to wealth. Those families raise their daughters until they are twelve or thirteen years old, and either sell them to rich families as concubines, or sell them to brothels as prostitutes. Their parents I don’t even feel distressed, why does Your Highness have to be so sympathetic?”

In fact, this is exactly what Mrs. Qin said.In ancient times, forcing a good man into prostitution was a felony, and almost no one dared to do it, and in fact, there was no need to do it.Every year, a large number of officials ransacked their homes because of one or another crime, and their female relatives would become prostitutes of Jiaofangsi, or because of natural disasters and man-made disasters, poor families would sell their sons and daughters to sacrifice a few people. Also feeds most of the people.

Especially that kind of loan, even if Mrs. Xie is benevolent, the interest rate is more than 30.00% when they borrow from others. [-]% interest rate, in later generations, usury is not so dark.In order to survive, most people from poor families have nothing to sell and can only sell their children and daughters.

Even if Mrs. Qin doesn't do this kind of business, there will be others.Especially in the year of catastrophe, the price of a pretty girl is less than [-] yuan, or even less than one-tenth of a cow or a horse.

No matter how reluctant Ran Ming is, Ran Ming is still powerless to change this phenomenon.

In Wang Mang's restructuring, there was a clause prohibiting selling oneself into slavery.Such a policy, in the eyes of later generations, is a benevolent government, but in that era, it was a tyrannical government.Because of natural disasters and man-made disasters, he couldn't survive, so he could only sell himself as a slave to earn money and rations to survive.In the age when there is no food, wanting dignity is too extravagant.

"It seems!" Ran Ming pondered: "I was persuaded by you, but do I have to do this?"

Mrs. Qin said: "Otherwise, what should I do? You support me?"

Mrs. Qin smiled when she saw Ran Ming was silent.She smiled confidently, making people feel like spring breeze.In an instant, Ran Ming lost his mind and froze on the spot.

After being robbed by Mrs. Qin, Ran Ming felt that a man's dignity was greatly challenged.He said angrily: "If you are alone, I will support you. Anyway, the Jiaodong Palace is not bad for this bite!"

"This statement is true!" Mrs. Qin said with a sneer: "The slave family is not alone, there is a couple of children!"

"One word from a gentleman, four horses are hard to chase!" Ran Ming continued: "To Gu, there is no difference between eating alone and eating three! Gu hates brothels, hates prostitutes, and even more hates flesh and blood business. Gu makes a lot of money. Selling perfumes, fruit wines, and even novelty furniture can make you count money until your hands cramp!"

Mrs. Qin smiled, bent her waist, and leaned gently towards Ran Ming. Ran Ming suddenly saw the white light on Mrs. Qin's chest, and smelled the fragrance from Mrs. Qin's body, Ran Ming's heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly, he woke up.I actually fell into the pit and was pitted.

In fact, Mrs. Qin is indeed plotting against Ran Ming, to be precise, she is using him.In ancient times, especially in the era when men were superior to women, women were destined to be men's vassals.Although Mrs. Qin was unwilling, there was nothing she could do.

Now her daughter is 12 years old, although Ran Ming can guarantee that she and her daughter will have no worries about food and clothing, but identity is a big problem.Mrs. Qin, Qin Jinshi voluntarily sold herself as a slave to Ran Ming, but she was not reconciled.Because, her pair of children will also affect their future because of her background.

The sons and daughters of slaves can only be slaves, even if they raise their status, they will be despised and looked down upon.In ancient times, women got married very early, usually at the age of twelve or thirteen.The marriage of slaves and servants cannot be autonomous. Perhaps one day, her daughter will be promised to a servant or steward as a wife or concubine, and it will be difficult for future generations to have a bright future.If it's just a daughter, Qin Jinshi can bear it. After all, most women's fate is like this, but she has a son, so naturally she doesn't want her son or grandson to become someone else's slave.

If a woman wants to change her destiny, no matter how good she is, it is better to marry well.So Madam Qin thought of Ran Ming.

It is no secret in Rinan County that Ran Ming only likes mature women.Qin Jinshi is naturally easy to find out.But soon, she was disappointed, Ran Ming didn't seem to have any interest in her.Qin Jinshi had no choice but to take advantage of Ran Ming's distaste for the brothel business and buy a large number of boys and girls to attract Ran Ming's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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