Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 555 War Is The Continuation Of Politics

Chapter 555 War is a continuation of politics (six more)
Chapter 559 War is a continuation of politics

Mu Lang moved his hands up and down, groping around on the postman, and after a while, he handed over a bamboo tube sealed with mud to Chu Suanzi respectfully.

"The Empress Dowager reports urgently!"

Chu Suanzi opened the emergency report, and suddenly Chu Suanzi looked terrified. Although Chu Suanzi concealed it very well, he was still discovered by those old and sophisticated ministers of the Jin Dynasty.

"Send your car back to the palace!" Chu Suanzi said, "King Kuaiji, Shang Shuling, and Taifu enter the palace to discuss matters!"

Chu Suanzi, who had never lost his temper before, really lost his temper at this moment.Not only was she in a state of confusion, even though she tried her best to conceal the panic in her heart, the ministers in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were not fools, and they saw the problem from Chu Suanzi's erratic eyes.

Xie Shang, who replaced Huan Chong as governor of Jiangzhou, did not actually take office.Since entering Yongxing (the 11th year of Yonghe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty) for six years, Xie Shang, like Xie Yi, was also plagued by illness.In fact, Xie Shang was like Zeng Guofan in the late Qing Dynasty. Let him go to the front line and directly command the battle, and he must be defeated in every battle.But let him govern the place and train the army, that is his strong point.In fact, because Xie Shang governed Yuzhou for 12 years, this laid the foundation for Xie's family to be Fangzhen.The Xie family became a very important force in the Eastern Jin court of Ping Fan.Just such a person, Xie Shang, like Zeng Guofan, is a talented person, their strength is not in fighting, but in the height of strategy.

Xie Shang is extremely intelligent and honest.Others didn't know what happened, but from the urgent report from Babaili, and Chu Suanzi's flickering flustered expression, it was deduced that the Eastern Jin Dynasty must be in imminent danger.

Without waiting for news from Chu Suanzi, Xie Shang hurriedly said to Xie Rong, the steward beside him, "Go and find out what happened!"

Xie Shang felt a little impetuous in his heart, could it be that Huan Wen also lost?
Ran Ming had been in Jiankang for more than a year. Although he left now, he left behind some spies at the sticky poles, and entrusted Ran Ming to Xie's care of some ostensible properties.Xie Rong is the intelligence link between Xie Shang and Ran Ming.Soon Xie Rong returned to Xie Shang's side.

"The three-way Northern Expeditionary Army, with nearly two hundred thousand horses, can also be said to be the overwhelming army of the Jin Dynasty. Could it be that they were defeated like this?" Xie Shang murmured to himself.

Xie Rong said: "My lord, there is no new news from the north. There are carrier pigeons on the sticky poles. They deliver news faster than postmen. If they don't receive any new news, it probably isn't news from the north!"

Xie Shang nodded silently.He knew that Ran Ming was not in Wei State, but went to Jiaozhou.However, Xie Shang also knew that Ran Ming didn't have an army around him, so he couldn't shake the southern front.

Thinking of this, suddenly, a trace of panic flashed in Xie Shang's head. "Waterways, must be waterways!"

"Xie Rong, quickly send someone down to check if there is any new situation!"

However, as the news of Babaili's urgent report spread in the city, not only Xie Shang, but also other ministers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty became anxious.

What would they do if the Jin Dynasty was over?In the Jin Dynasty, they were high-ranking officials and rich in salary, and they could not enjoy the glory and wealth, but once the Jin Dynasty was destroyed, they would not only be rich, but whether they could save their lives was the same thing.Because the high-ranking officials of the Jin Dynasty, especially the high-ranking officials from the southern branch of the gentry, they were the direct branches of the family, and now the side branches of the Liubei branch that remained in the north occupied the family property and became high-ranking officials of the Wei state.No matter how kind Ran Min was, even if Ran Min could let them go, their relatives would not let them go back to the north alive.

Think back to when you were in danger.These direct descendants rushed to the south of the Yangtze River in a swarm.If it is too peaceful, they will go back and seize power and wealth.Those staying in the North Branch will definitely not let them get what they want.There are no fools in the world, they have already thought of this end, and now they can only continue to enjoy life if they can keep the broken ship of the Eastern Jin Dynasty unsinkable.

In the Chongzheng Hall of the Jiankang Imperial Palace, Chu Suanzi finally calmed down, and she asked Mu Lang to pass the secret letter to Sima Yu, the Great Situ Kuaiji King.

"Situ, read it to all the gentlemen!"

Sima Yu took the secret letter. In fact, the secret letter only had one sentence, but this sentence made Sima Yu's face change greatly, and he almost fainted. "Shi Hexi of Wu Commandery reported: A large number of Wei's ships were discovered a few days ago, and Wu Commandery was in a hurry. However, the Wei navy entered through Wu Commandery. I speculate that the Wei Army must have a serious plan."

Since Shanghai is a new city, there was no independent administrative distinction in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, although there are counties such as Haiyan, Youquan, and Louxian in today's Shanghai.However, the actual establishment of administrative distinctions was still in the Tianbao period.

There was a burst of rapid breathing in the Chongde Hall, and then fell into a deathly silence.

Chu Suanzi felt angry when he first received the news, and then he felt boundless fear.

Discovering Wei Jun's navy from Wujun, he hurriedly passed the news to Jiankang at a speed of eight hundred miles.In fact, Wei Jun left her too little time. The [-]-mile waterway took no more than [-] hours at most at the speed of the navy going upstream, and the [-]-mile fast ride had already taken more than six hours. The time given to Chu Suanzi was less than a day and a night.

Although they are silent, what cannot be avoided is that the Wei State they look down on the most has now grown into a behemoth that can directly threaten the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Cai Mo said: "Empress Dowager, in my opinion, it should be divided into three steps at the same time. First, immediately order Sima Xi of the East Army and Huan Wen of the Middle Road to lead the army back. King Kangqin. The third is to send envoys to Ye and negotiate peace with Wei!"

The Eastern Jin Dynasty was a wonderful dynasty, and the capital Jiankang was destroyed several times.It was General Wang Dun who broke through Jiankang, the capital of the kingdom, for the first time.Because Emperor Sima Rui of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties relied on Wang Dun and Wang Dao to build his power, people at that time said: "The king and the horse share the world." Sima Rui realized in his later years that Wang's power was too great, which was not conducive to ruling.Gradually reuse Liu Kui, Diao Xie and others, intending to decentralize power.

As a powerful minister, the general Wang Dun raised his troops to attack Jiankang in anger, and Emperor Yuan died of worry and anger.Then Su Jun rebelled again and led his army to attack Jiankang.According to historical records, after Su Jun invaded Jiankang, he looted 20 bolts of cloth, [-] catties of gold and silver, hundreds of millions of coins, and tens of thousands of bolts of silk.

Once the soldiers approached the city, not to mention Sima Yu and other important ministers, even Chu Suanzi had no confidence in defending Jiankang.However, she did not agree to leave. Although the Eastern Jin Dynasty still had Xu, Yang, and Jiang (Jiangxi and most of Zhejiang) Jing, Guang, Ning, and Jiaozhou, only the eight counties of Xuyang were under the direct jurisdiction of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.If he fled to Guangzhou, he would definitely be held hostage by Teng Han, and Jingzhou was not safe either.

In addition to worrying about local feudal towns, Chu Suanzi still has another problem, that is, the time is too short. Even the emperor couldn't run far.

In fact, Chu Suanzi was wrong. She calculated the speed of the Eastern Jin navy going upstream. Even if the five-tooth warship with five-masted soft sails went upstream, the speed would exceed ten knots.This is not the most important thing. The key point is that the eight hundred miles of fast riding in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was a joke. It took eight hours for the postmen to arrive in Jiankang from Wujun, not the six hours she imagined.

When Chu Suanzi hadn't come up with a reason, a disheveled and flustered little eunuch ran into the hall.

"The queen mother is not well, Wei Jun is here!"

At Yanziji on the Yangtze River, Wei's navy has arrived. After the main force of Wei's navy, the [-] five-tooth warships, dozens of fighting ships, Mengchong, and various small warships followed.At the Yanziji Ferry, the Wei army's navy and infantry landed one by one. It is very strange that they were not intercepted by the Jin army.

On the ferry at this time, hundreds of people in ragged clothes appeared, and the leader was an old man with white beard and hair.The old man looked at the giant ships with tears in his eyes. "How many giant trees are needed to build such a huge ship, the national power of the Great Wei is indeed not comparable to that of the Eastern Jin Dynasty!"

The [-]-acre farm under the Shogunate Mountain was given to Ran Ming by Wang Xizhi in order to make up for the rift with Ran Ming.And Ran Ming's tenants were all loyal to Zu Ti's trilogy, and died of grief and anger with Zu Ti, and the ancestral contract to succeed Zu Ti was ransacked and wiped out.These loyal trilogy guard Zuti's Longevity Temple.

However, as soon as the honeymoon period between the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Wei State passed, they gradually turned against each other.As Ran Ming's farm, it has been exploited by the local government multiple times.Now their life is even more difficult. If Ran Ming did not collect their land rent, they would all starve to death.

These remnants of the Zuti Northern Expedition had a difficult life, and they were grateful for Ran Ming's kindness and were unwilling to leave.Seeing Wei Jun coming, they felt that the dark clouds were parted and the moon was shining.

"Grassman Peng Changhe and his fellow villagers have a meeting with General Wang of the Great Wei Army!"

As the flagship docked, more than a hundred soldiers from the Wei State Navy came down one after another. These hundreds of soldiers lined up in two rows, and then came down from the ship.

Murong Ke stepped forward to gently support Peng Changhe, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Everyone, stay flat, don't be polite. Get up and talk!"

Murong Ke looked at these hundreds of strong men. Although they didn't have weapons in their hands and were dressed in rags, from his eyes, it was not difficult to see that these people must have goods in their hands.

Peng Changhe said: "The generals, grass people, etc. are all tenants of the king of Jiaodong. When the king's teacher arrives, he will bring a hundred sheep and eight hundred shi to reward the army!"

Murong Ke looked behind and saw a hundred emaciated sheep and hundreds of carts of grain.

Murong Ke smiled and said: "Gao Yi, this general is ordered to attack the Jin State this time. There is no shortage of food, grass and luggage, and everyone has suffered. Ten thousand stones of grain, five hundred gold, and one thousand bolts of cloth are given to all of you!"

When Peng Changhe heard it, he was really happy.Although there are a hundred sheep and eight hundred stones of food is not much, but they have already exhausted everything, and they don't know how to live in the future.

"It doesn't make sense!"

(End of this chapter)

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