Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 556 Poor and Ridiculous Reliance

Chapter 556 Poor and Ridiculous Reliance (Part [-])
Chapter 560 Poor and Ridiculous Reliance

Murong Ke said with a smile: "It's nothing, we came this time and broke through the water strongholds of the Jin army three times, and captured a lot of people."

"Thank you, General, for your reward!" Peng Changhe said, "My little old man discussed with all the villagers, and more than [-] young and strong members of the CCP of the village have requested to enlist in the army, so that they can be ordered by the general!"

Murong Ke readily agreed.

In ancient times, Jiankang City was not close to the Yangtze River. Jiankang was more than [-] miles away from the banks of the Yangtze River.Relying on the eight-ox crossbow and Xiangyang cannon on the battleship, it is naturally impossible to attack Jiankang directly.Therefore, Murong Ke will order the navy to build a water village, while other troops will land and establish positions along the beach.

Murong Ke also knew that they had been exposed, but after fighting against the Eastern Jin Navy, Murong Ke felt relieved. They are all navy this time. As long as the battle situation is unfavorable, they can retreat to the Yangtze River. But they.As for whether Jiankang City can be captured, it is not very important.As long as they arrive in Jiankang, their strategic goal will be achieved.

Taking advantage of the enemy's unstable foothold, attacking first can drive him down the Yangtze River.However, what Murong Ke was worried about never happened. They successfully set up the camp, and then, very smoothly completed the transfer of heavy equipment from the battleship.

A total of 28 Xiangyang guns that can throw a hundred catties of stone bullets at [-] steps, and more than [-] eight-ox crossbows with a range of about [-] steps. With the deployment of these heavy equipment, Murong Ke's heart is also relieved. down.

Finally, when the sun was about to set, Murong Ke finally waited for the people from the Jin Dynasty. The people who came were not the army, but only three people.This is Chu Suanzi's special envoy, headed by Shang Shu Ling Wang Shu.

When Wang Shu saw that the Wei army's camp was heavily guarded, the morale was high, and the armor was excellent, especially when he saw the huge Xiangyang cannon and the eight-ox crossbow, he was even more frightened.

During the Northern Expedition led by Sima Xi, most of the soldiers and horses from the five cities around Jiankang were taken away. At this time, Jiankang of the Jin Dynasty, including the Imperial Forest Army and the Imperial Army, had less than [-] soldiers and horses.Ordinarily, these troops in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were not weak. Relying on more than [-] troops, Sima Chi repelled the two attacks of the Xiongnu Liu Yuan. The cavalry caught up and surrounded and slaughtered. The last field army in the Western Jin Dynasty was completely wiped out, and it was impossible for Sima Chi to be captured.

Fortunately for the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wei Jun hadn't shot an arrow yet, so he took the lead in proposing to surrender.

Chu Suanzi's instruction to Wang Shu was to let him reach an agreement with Wei Jun, and he could surrender to Wei, or send protons to develop the road.

The Jin Dynasty proclaimed its minister so happily, but Murong Ke didn't know what to do.

He said to the king: "He has no choice but to report to the emperor about the matter of Jin becoming a minister to Wei. So please go back first."

When Polu General Feng Lei heard the news that the Jin Dynasty wanted to become a vassal, he burst out laughing: "The Jin Dynasty is too soft-hearted. Why did you become a vassal before the battle was fought?"

Murong Ke said: "General Cui, what do you think?"

Cui Cheng murmured: "This must be a strategy of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to slow down the troops. It can't be taken seriously. Now that our soldiers are approaching Jiankang City, they are forced to do so, and they are not sincere. If the divisions of Qin Kings from all over the Jin Dynasty arrive, there will definitely be a battle here." Fierce battle!"

Murong Ke nodded and said: "This general replied to the Eastern Jin Dynasty in this way. It is okay to be a minister. Our army must accept Jiankang City Defense to protect their safety!"

"The general's clever plan, what a trick to throw stones to ask for directions!"

The next day, Wang Shu came to the camp of the Wei Army again. This time Murong Ke said to him directly: "There is no need for the Jin Dynasty to become a minister!"

"Why, Wei Jun didn't even agree to this, and he insisted on killing them all?" Wang Shu said.

"It's just a false name, it can't be true!" Murong Ke said with a smile: "If Jin really wants to become a minister, let all the Jin troops leave the city, and the Wei army enter the city. Don't worry, the Wei army has strict military discipline, and there will be no crimes in autumn."

Wang Shudao: "If this is the case, Shu can't make the decision, and he has to report back to the Empress Dowager to make a decision!"

Murong Ke said: "That's fine!"

In the autumn of the sixth year of Yongxing in the Great Wei Dynasty, Tuoba Shiyiqian, the acting king, issued an order to recruit the acting king in Shengle, and ordered all ministries to draw four out of ten soldiers with golden arrows, and organized soldiers and horses to station in Shengle.

At that time, Liu Weichen of the Tiefo Department killed the emissary to stand on his own and declared his attachment to the Wei State.

After Tuoba Shiyijian received the news, he was furious, and he sent He Na, the leader of the Helan tribe, the master of the eastern part of the acting ministry, to lead an army to crusade against Liu Weichen.

Tuoba Shiyijian's response was not bad. The Helan tribe was originally a loose alliance of Donghu, composed of a group of small tribes. Later, they slowly lived at the foot of Helan Mountain and gradually became a powerful tribe.

Of course, in this time and space, the Helan tribe did not become truly powerful. Their strength came from defeating the Liu Weichen tribe and relying on the Iron Buddha who annexed Liu Weichen.

Naturally, Liu Weichen would not wait for death with his hands back. He has more than [-] string-controlling soldiers in the Buddha Department, and the Hane Department of Daiguo is almost the same as Liu Weichen in strength. Both sides are nomadic cavalry, and both sides are also poorly equipped.

The two sides fought several games, regardless of the outcome, with thousands of casualties each.

Just when He Ne was in a stalemate and wanted to retreat, Wei Xiongjian, Wei Guo's Mo Dao Army Academy, and Dugu Jinwen, his deputy, led [-] Mo Dao troops and [-] light cavalry crossbowmen to attack from behind He Ne's troops.

The Modao army is a very delicate unit. Their combat effectiveness is very strong, but the preparation time is very long.Slowly move the knife, slowly set up the formation.

Ordinary troops change from marching to combat formation, and elite troops don't even take a quarter of an hour.But Mo Dao Army needs more than two quarters of an hour.

He Na was very angry when he learned that the back road was copied. He personally led ten thousand fine riders to try to defeat the Wei army and retreated to Shengle.

The Daiguo Helan tribe is a relatively powerful tribe, not only has a large number of people in the tribe, but is also very good at fighting.They don't rush forward like other nomads, but attack and retreat very rhythmically, making the most of cavalry combat tactics.

More than [-] cavalry marched slowly, this speed was very slow, similar to normal walking of people.He Ne is a very experienced general, he will not waste his limited horsepower on the road.

"Lord He Ne. The Wei army was found fifteen miles ahead, including five or six thousand infantry and only three to four thousand cavalry."

"Infantry, can you stop our country's iron cavalry?" He Ne said with a smile: "My children, let them see how powerful our Helan tribe is. If our Helan tribe can't even beat the Helan Mountain grassland, we will still be called What Helan Department!"

"Kill, kill, kill!" Helan cavalry raised their sabers and roared again and again.

He Ne's troops still slowed down, until the infantry of the Wei Army appeared in sight, and He Ne ordered the troops to start slowly accelerating.He Ne's acceleration timing was very good. When he was three miles away, he started to accelerate slowly, when he was two miles away, he started to gallop lightly, and when he was one mile away from the two armies' positions, he started to rush.

Thousands of people fill the city, and thousands of people fill the fields.There are more than ten thousand people, and there are no boundaries.The cavalry of the Helan tribe all have three riders per person, and they have more than [-] horses. Their horseshoes are like thunder, and the whole earth feels trembling.In fact, there is no need to fight. This power alone is enough to frustrate the morale of the general army and shake the morale of the army.

The Wei Jun Modao Army is well-trained and has rich combat experience.Naturally, this kind of power will not be taken seriously.

At this time, the cavalry of the Wei army was divided into three parts, protecting the left, right and rear wings. They all got off their horses and turned into crossbowmen, using their horses to prepare for crossbow shooting.

He Ne looked at the left and right flanks, those cavalrymen who used their horses as simple cover and their crossbows were already cocked, with a look of unnaturalness on their faces.

Using cavalry to fight on foot is the unique tactics of the Gaoche people.The Gaoche people are not very effective in fighting among the nomads, but they are the most defensive ones.The cavalry's bow is not strong, but it is not insignificant to shoot those who are not armored.But it is a bit difficult to deal with an army like the Wei army, which is all armored, whether it is a soldier or an auxiliary soldier.

If you attack its left and right wings, those crossbows will bring great damage to the Helan tribe.The Han people have always been famous for their strong bows and arrows. It is only a fool's job for a light cavalry to attack their ready-made crossbow array, unless it is too late.

Just when He Ne's troops were about to rush to the front of the formation, Wei Jun's Mo Dao suddenly moved.

That side of Mo Dao was like a mirror, under the sun, it reflected so much that they couldn't open their eyes.People are afraid of comparison. Compared with the Wei Guomo Dao Army, the Helan Cavalry is like a group of beggars. Their armor is too broken, and the knives in their hands are more like toys.

However, at this moment, no one could stop. Even if they wanted to stop, they would be knocked down by the cavalry behind and turned into a pulp.

The cavalry of the Helan tribe not only did not stop, but accelerated and charged.The swift and violent impact still had an effect. Although the first row of heavy-armored Mo Dao soldiers hit the opponent, they were also knocked backward by the powerful momentum. In chaos, they were held tightly by the second row of soldiers.And the enemy cavalry rushing over were also forcibly hacked by the swordsman, which blocked their subsequent sprinting pace of the iron cavalry.

The Mo Dao players began to move forward step by step with the rhythm of the war drum, swinging their knives, chopping down, stepping, and swinging their knives again.

The Modao army is like a huge meat grinder, constantly harvesting the lives of the He Ne tribe.

Blood flowed wantonly, and broken limbs and arms were scattered everywhere.The Mo Dao is not only heavy, but also sharp enough. With one stroke, the human armor is broken and cut in two.The battle was very short, only half a quarter of an hour, and the He Ne tribe couldn't bear it anymore, and they retreated.

However, the Modao army was polite and refused to let others, and the light cavalry jumped on their horses. Taking advantage of the retreat of the Helan cavalry and chaotic formation, they will be able to maximize the results of the battle.It's a pity that the Wei army had too few cavalry, only more than [-] cavalry, and their results were limited.

However, He Ne still lost nearly [-] corpses and fled.

The Mo Dao army did not continue to pursue, but slowly cleaned the battlefield.

If at this time, Liu Weichen didn't even know to take advantage of his illness to kill him, he would be a pig.

Liu Weichen really took the opportunity to cover up the killing. His cavalry chased and killed He Ne for more than three hundred miles. When He Ne's [-] cavalry returned to Shengle, there were less than [-] cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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