Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 557 The So-called Loyalty Is Not Enough For Betrayal

Chapter 557 The So-called Loyalty Is Not Enough For Betrayal (Part [-])

Chapter 561 The So-called Loyalty Is Not Enough For Betrayal

Chu Suanzi's last support also disappeared with Liu Weichen's rebellion.

When Tuoba Shiyiqian got the news of He Na's defeat, he quickly calmed down.

He had to think of a surefire solution, and dealing with the aftermath was a big problem.

Shengle Ancient City is the royal city established by the Tuoba tribe of Xianbei. Shengle is connected to the East and West Motianling Mountains in the south, the Tumochuan Plain in the north, and surrounded by the Baobao River (known as the Jin River in ancient times) in the southwest. The place to rush.

Although a city was built, Xianbei people still like to live in tents as usual.In Shengle's Dai Kingdom, the elites of all ministries, except for the Tuoba Department, were all stationed outside Shengle City.On the surface, the tents outside the city are connected in one piece, but if you can overlook it from a high altitude, you can still clearly see a clear dividing line, which divides the camp into two parts, north and south. To the south is the newly defeated Helan tribe and its affiliated tribes who have returned to Hene.

Don't look at He Na's defeat, but a lean camel is bigger than a horse.At this time, the strength of the Helan tribe is still not small.In this attack, He Ne also had selfish motives. He used the name of the Helan Clan to attack Liu Weichen's Iron Buddha Clan. tribe.Don't look at He Na's failure this time, but those small tribes that ostensibly surrendered to Helan suffered the most. Losing the young and strong members of the tribe means losing the capital to challenge He Na.

Because of this defeat, He Na had the opportunity to directly annex more than a dozen small eastern tribes, and his eastern master deserved his name.Ever since Dai Guo was plotted by Murong Ke and Ran Min, the strength of the Tuoba Department has been greatly weakened, and even Tuoba Shiyiqian had to act according to He Ne's face.

Because of He Na's defeat this time, the first thing Tuoba Shi Yiqian thought of was not to deal with Liu Weichen's rebellion, but how to seize power from He Na.Tuoba Shiyiqian knew that although He Na was defeated, He Na's strength was not something he could annex.Pulling one side and hitting one side is a common trick on the grassland.

Although the power of the Dai State is dominated by the three parties, in fact there are other tribes with relatively high power, such as the Gaoche tribe (the Han people are also the Dingling tribe, and the Dai State calls it Chi Le or Tie Le.) Even in the face of the Dai State The situation of domestic and foreign troubles, Tuoba Shiyiqian is still the same, the power that should be seized should be seized, otherwise he would not be able to deter the tribes in Monan.

Originally, the tribal leaders and generals of the Dai State thought that Tuoba Shiyiqian summoned them to discuss how to resist the threat from the Wei State.However, what he didn't expect was that Tuoba Shiyiqian actually wanted to annex the Helan tribe when he opened his mouth.

Dai Wang Tuoba Shiyiqian summoned his confidants and generals, and then said: "You are all loyal ministers of the Dai Kingdom. The lonely king knows that this decision makes you feel embarrassed, but there is nothing you can do about it. This is related to our Dai Kingdom. Tens of thousands of lives and deaths in the country, now the Wei country is too powerful, it is no match for our Dai country, to be an enemy of the Wei country is to let our Dai country go to perish. Now He Na dares to attack the Wei country, using Ran Min as a defense They will definitely ask us Daiguo to give them an explanation from Weiguo. This confession must be sufficient, otherwise it will not be able to appease the anger of Weiguo. The disaster was caused by He Ne alone. There is no reason for our entire Daiguo to be buried with him !"

Tuoba Shiyijian's words touched the hearts of most people. Due to the demise of the Yan State, no one will fight against the thunder of the Wei State for them, even if they clearly know that at this time, the main force of the Wei State has been defeated by the Jin State. Chao grabbed his leg.But they didn't want to be an enemy of Wei Guo.

It is the nature of the nomads to bully the weak and fear the hard.You say they are brave, but in the Hetao War in the Qin Dynasty, the Qin army defeated the main force of the 35 Huns. Later, the Huns suffered a snowstorm that had not happened in a thousand years. Don't dare to go south to invade the border.In fact, the same is true for Dai at this time, because Ran Min destroyed Yan and made Dai suffer enough. Ran Min is now a nightmare on the grassland, and it is not an exaggeration to talk about the change of Min color.

At this moment, Tuoba Shiyijian's eyes flashed a glint of sternness, and he said coldly: "Now, our Dai country has no other way to go, but to use He Ne's head to appease the anger of the Wei people. Otherwise, we Dai Guo will be buried with He Ne. When Wei Guo sends troops to conquer, have you thought about what we will use to protect our cattle, sheep, women and children in our clan?"

"That's right, now the only one who feels wronged is Hane!" One of the handsome men said, "At this moment, what we need is a cunning wolf to lead us through this difficult time and provoke the people of Wei for no reason. The most stupid way!"

"Wei's anger can't burn the grassland, but it can easily burn the people on our grassland!" Another commander said: "I heard that this time He Ne used more than 1 Helan cavalry to attack [-] Wei infantry. In the case of two against one, he was defeated by the Wei army, and it is said that the casualties of the Wei army were less than a hundred!"

Tuoba Shiyijian said: "Kill He Ne, and He Ne's pasture will belong to you, Liu Kuren."

Liu Kuren was the leader of the Dugu Department of Daiguo and the nephew of Tuoba Shiyiqian.He is also an adult in the west of the country, with the same authority as He Ne.When Liu Kuren heard that the pasture could belong to him, his face was full of joy.

With a vast pasture, he can feed more cattle and horses, absorb more tribesmen, and have more soldiers and horses.

Tuoba Shiyijian also promised to divide Helan's tribe, women and children equally with other tribes. Under such circumstances, Tuoba Shiyijian completed the resolution to carve up the Helan tribe.

However, Tuoba Shiyijian didn't notice the sly look in the eyes of Zhai Bin, the leader of the Dingling tribe below.After he left Kaiba Shiyiqian's king's tent, he rushed to the south of the city immediately.

In He Na's big tent, Zhai Bin said: "He Lantou, you are in great trouble!"

He Ne was puzzled.

Zhai Bin quietly signaled He Na to remove the people in Wang's tent.Of course He Ne understood what he meant, and said, "There are no outsiders here, but there is no defense!"

Zhai Bin told He Ne the content of Tuoba Shiyiqian's secret discussion just now, and at that moment, someone outside the tent reported: "The beef and mutton food and drinks sent by the king on behalf of the king, come to reward the army!"

Zhai Bin said: "Dai Wang must have no good intentions!"

"I know!" He Na said angrily: "Now Tuoba Shiyiqian is no longer worthy of the king of the contemporary kingdom, he is not benevolent first, don't blame He Na for being unrighteous!"

"Helantou must have a clever plan!" Zhai Bin was already unwilling to be enslaved by the Tuoba tribe of the Dai Kingdom.The Dingling tribe consists of six major tribes: Dishi.Yuanhe's (He, sound: Hehe), Hulu's (草, sound: Huhu), Jiepi, Hugu, and Yiqijin.In fact, Zhai Bin is not one of the six major tribes, but the Dingling people are different from other nomadic peoples. Although they do not know how to farm, the Dingling people are good at making and widely using high-wheeled carts, so the Central Plains people after the Jin Dynasty also called Dingling " high car".The reason why Ding Ling people generally use high carts is because the pasture land where they live is lush and tall, with deep snow and many swamps.Using high-wheel carts in such areas can reduce resistance and allow smooth passage.

Zhai Bin is a man who is good at speculating, and he is the first Dingling who entered the Central Plains.He was named king of Juding by Shihu.Later, when Hou Zhao perished, he defected to Dai State, and when Dai State perished, he defected to Qian Qin, and then rebelled against Fu Jian, helping Murong Chui to establish Hou Yan State.Now he has revealed his speculative nature.

Tuoba Shiyijian did not see that He Na was weak on the outside and strong on the inside at this time, and he was not a soft persimmon at the mercy of others.However, Zhai Bin found that He Na's Helan Department lost only the leader who had a dissatisfaction with him.At this time, although the Helan tribe has decreased in youth and strength, its cohesion has increased unprecedentedly.

Zhai Bin knew that Wei Guo had no time to worry about the north for the time being. Wei Guo's biggest strategic goal at present should be the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Wei Guo would definitely compete with the Eastern Jin Dynasty and unify the Central Plains.At this time, if He Na and Tuoba Shiyi are fighting against each other, and the strength of the country is greatly damaged, he can jump up.

The prairie at dusk is charming, Zhai Bin asked Tuoba Shiyiqian for orders, and they led the Helan tribe to mix together, taking the opportunity to paralyze them.So at this moment, Helanbu and Dinglingbu are together, and the smell of kumiss and barbecue permeates the grassland.

Dingling people sang the Chile song "Chile River, under the Yin Mountain, the sky is like a dome, covering the four fields, the sky is blue, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass to see cattle and sheep!"

The people of Dingling and the people of Helan had a carnival together, they sang and danced, they drank in large bowls, and ate large pieces of meat.

The huge movement in the Nanpian camp could not be concealed from anyone, and soon the scout responsible for monitoring He Na told Tuoba Shiyijian the news.

Liu Kuren said: "Dai Wang, this is really a god-sent opportunity!"

Tuoba Shiyijian scolded angrily: "Liu Kuren, you are short-sighted. Who is He Na? He is the most cunning fox on the prairie. When did you see him having such a carnival? He Na has always had feelings for this king. Be wary, such a carnival is likely to be a trap!"

"What's wrong with cheating!" Liu Kuren had already been fascinated by the pasture promised by Tuoba Shiyiqian. "The Helan tribe is now a group of bereaved dogs. Even if they do it with real knives and guns, others are afraid of him, but I, Liu Kuren, am not!"

Tuoba Shiyiqian seemed to be persuaded by Liu Kuren. After all, he had far more troops than He Na's army. What's more, there were more than 1 Dingling in his tribe. When the time came, Dingling would take the opportunity to make trouble. Is He Na still going to catch him without a fight?
Despite the carnival in the Helan camp, the fighters inside are strictly limited to drinking a bowl of wine at most.You must know that the nomadic people are basically massive, especially the kumiss with extremely low alcohol content, even if they drink a dozen catties, they will not get drunk.

The Dingling people also played to their strengths. They surrounded their tall cars and organized a fence.What's more interesting is that Zhai Bin followed Wei Guo's example and arranged a large number of horse traps and ropes in the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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