Chapter 558

Chapter 562
It's not that Zhai Bin doesn't know how to handle the flat carbine gun, it's just that he doesn't have the financial resources.

Long spears are the cheapest weapons for the Han people, but they are very precious for the Ding Ling people.

At four o'clock in the middle of the night, the lights in He Ne's big tent were brightly lit, and countless people fell asleep in the big tent.If you look carefully, you will find that these people are wearing armor and swords, and they are very well prepared.And He Ne was staring at the bowl of kumiss in front of him, which was almost filled to the brim, when suddenly thin lines appeared in the kumiss on the table, slowly rippling like fish scales.

In fact, experienced generals will use this method to detect the enemy's incoming attack.Although the horse's hoof is wrapped in thick cloth, it will effectively reduce the sound, but no matter how low the sound is, the shock waves from the horse's hoof and the ground will not disappear.

He Ne suddenly said: "They are here!"

Zhai Bin said: "He Lantou, do you trust me now?"

"Don't worry, I, He Na, am not an ungrateful person!" He Na patted Zhai Bin's shoulder and said, "As long as I seize the throne, I will make you the second king, and our brothers will share the world equally!"

Although it was a sneak attack, the cavalry discipline of these nomads was not flattering.When they were more than a hundred steps away from the Helan camp, these Dai Guo cavalry roared. They screamed and shouted strangely, and charged towards the Helan camp.

He Na is like a statue, with an expressionless face.

Countless elite troops of the Helan tribe slowly raised their bows and aimed at the boundless night.

"Eighty steps!"

"Fifty steps!"

"Thirty steps!"

He Ne shouted, "Shoot!"

"咻咻咻..." There was a dense sound of piercing through the air, and the cavalrymen of Daiguo fell off their horses one by one like dumplings, and were trampled into meat by the cavalry behind them.

Zhai Bin suddenly rushed to He Ne and said, "Helan head, look!"

He Ne looked up, and behind the cavalry, there were countless torches densely packed, illuminating the night sky. "It seems that Tuoba Shiyiqian has assembled all the soldiers and horses of the Dai Kingdom. He really thinks highly of me!"

Zhai Bin said, "Don't worry about how many people they have, just kill their front line first!"

Due to the obstruction of the high carts, most of the bows and arrows of the Dai army were shot empty, while the Helan tribe and Ding Lingren shot all the arrows, causing heavy casualties to the cavalry of the Dai army.However, the generation army has a large number of people after all, relying on their superiority in numbers, they still caused a lot of damage to the Helan tribe.

"It's not an option to fight like this!" Zhai Bin watched his clan members die one by one, his heart felt like a drop of blood.If all the clansmen are dead, it doesn't make much sense to confer him an emperor.

He Na said: "This is simple, let go of it and let them see how powerful a trap is!"

As the battle on the front line was not going well, Tuoba Shiyijian also felt that something was wrong, especially the response of the Helan Department was too fast.He was going to order the retreat of the troops, as a plan for the future.Then at this moment, there was a burst of cheers from the front.

"On behalf of the king, the Nadalu tribe in front has broken through the camp of the Helan tribe!"

Tuoba Shiyijian smiled and said: "Nadalu is a good guy, this time he counted his great achievements, and the lonely king named him the handsome man of all households!"

However, Tuoba Shiyiqian soon stopped laughing, and the Dai army who rushed into the camp was like a stone falling into the sea without causing any waves at all.

I have to say that being trapped in a horse pit is too perverted. No matter how many people you have, there is no good way unless you use human lives to fill it.Of course, you can also dismount and become infantry, so that the attack can also reduce casualties.As for the Masuo in the dark night, it is almost like a cheating device.Those cavalrymen all hated falling off their horses, being shot into hedgehogs by arrows, or being stabbed into blood gourds by the heroes of the Helan tribe.

The whole camp is like a Shura field.Grazing on the grassland all year round, everyone has a good ear, and can judge a lot of information from a little sound.Tuoba Shiyiqian listened intently, listening to the heart-piercing screams, this is not good news! His heart immediately sank to the bottom.

"Dai Wang, it's not good. The entire army of Nadalu was wiped out. Liu Kuren's forward commander Mo Tuodu's troops had more than [-] cavalry, and more than half of them were killed or injured!"

Hearing this news, Tuoba Shiyijian almost vomited blood.He joined forces with Liu Kuren to fight He Na, and his purpose was to take advantage of it.Swallowed He Ne, who was not very obedient, and plundered the cattle, sheep and population of the Helan tribe.

Such a heavy loss made it impossible for Tuoba Shiyijian to steal the chicken and give up the rice, so at this moment, Tuoba Shiyijian's mood is not so depressed.However, Tuoba Shiyiqian is also riding a tiger. As the king of the country, his prestige has been greatly reduced due to previous failures. If it weren't for this, He Ne would not dare to disobey him.If he returns without success this time, maybe his nephew Liu Kuren will turn against him.

Unlike the Han people, the nomads never cherish their feathers.Even people like Wang Mang and Cao Cao are unwilling to bear the name of usurping the throne and killing the lord.But the nomads don't have so many scruples. In a world where things are selected by nature, the strong are respected, and the fittest survive, death is the only end for failure.

Even if he couldn't fight, Tuoba Shiyijian had to grit his teeth and hold on.

"Dai Wang, you can't fight like this! These Ding Lingren and Helan people are too ruthless. Although we have more people than them, if we continue to fight like this, we will win in the end. But in this way, the loss is too great. I'm afraid The gain outweighs the loss!" Liu Kuren has already regretted it at this time, Mo Tuodu's tribe has already lost one-third of the young and strong in the Dugu tribe, if he loses a little more young and strong, I am afraid his tribe's hearts will also be scattered, and the hearts of the people have already been scattered. , the team is not easy to lead!Helpless, Liu Kuren had no choice but to go forward to persuade Tuoba Shiyiqian.

Tuoba Shiyijian had no expression on his face. He silently looked at the battlefield. At this time, the sky was already bright, and his wide sight allowed him to see the situation on the battlefield clearly.

The shouts of killing on the battlefield shook the sky, and the soldiers of the acting army also marched forward bravely.The iron heart wooden shield of a Ding Lingbu warrior had already been chopped into a pile of pieces by the warriors of the generation army at this time, and the knives and axes that followed fell on him like raindrops.That Ding Lingbu warrior seemed to be unconscious, despite the swords and axes, he would not retreat.

In the final analysis, the battlefield is a contest of human will, physical strength, and wisdom.Zhai Bin has already warned the Dingling tribe that if they don't want to be slaves forever, they must grit their teeth and stick to it. Use his machete and their bows and arrows to create a future for the tribe and future generations.

He Na also encouraged the warriors of the Helan tribe from time to time. He roared: "We are the most loyal warriors in the Dai Kingdom. It is obvious that the Dai Wang is ruthless and cannot tolerate them. Now they have no way out but to fight for a future. After defeating the Dai army, their Helan tribe will be the well-deserved kings on the grassland, they will have countless cattle and horses, and boundless pastures!"

He Na is a man as strong as a giant bear, but at this moment, he also feels tired.The steel thorns on the huge mace in his hand had been flattened. He threw away the mace and picked up a long spear. Not long after, the long spear broke, and he took a knife from the soldier. , As a result, the hundred-gold steel-making knife also slowly cut its blade.

He Na was like a demon general who came out of hell, invincible, and the Helan warriors beside him also followed him to set off waves of blood mist in the formation of the generation army, killing a path of blood.

Zhai Bin, like He Na, took the lead and led the Dingling tribe to fight without fear of death.

Although the Ding Lingren and Helan tribesmen in the car formation are like a flat boat in the sea.There is a possibility of being submerged at any time.However, they are like immortal Xiaoqiang, stubbornly resisting the devastating waves.

The battlefield has become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Every time they take a step, they will encounter fragments of the human body. The air on the battlefield is filled with a strong smell of blood. Every time they breathe, it is like eating raw human flesh and drinking human blood Same.

At this time, Tuoba Shiyijian finally understood that he had made a decision that made people regret for life.But no matter how regretful, no matter how annoyed it is, it is useless. The best way now is to stop fighting, otherwise his morale will collapse.

Tuoba Shiyijian said helplessly: "Retreat, retreat to the city first, and then think of a way!"

The Dai army finally withdrew, but they also exhausted the vital forces of the Helan and Dingling tribes.Although He Ne really wanted to pursue them, it was a pity that they were unable to launch a counterattack.He Na looked at the departing army, and Zhai Bin said: "We must retreat immediately, otherwise we will have no power to resist when the acting army recovers!"

Zhai Bin agreed with He Ne's point of view and agreed to retreat.No one disposes of the corpses abandoned on the battlefield. Anyway, sky burials are popular among nomads, and the corpses of warriors are left to be eaten by eagles, which is the best destination.

Liu Kuren looked at the back of Tuoba Shiyiqian, with an indignant look in his eyes.

The Dai army was ambushed by the Helan and Dingling troops in this campaign. They used the horse ropes, high carts, and horse pits, and made full use of the small space in the camp, so that the number of the Dai army could not be fully utilized.Therefore, in this battle, the loss of the Dai army was far greater than that of the Helan and Dingling tribes.

However, the Helan and Dingling tribes were not having a good time. Most of their young and strong men were killed in battle, and countless wounded.Although there are still [-] to [-] clansmen, it will take at least ten years to recover their strength.Nomads have no medical conditions, and most of the wounded soldiers will die in the days to come. Boys need to be honed to grow into warriors.

The situation of the Helan and Dingling tribes is actually similar to that of Daiguo. The Tuoba tribe and the Dugu tribe also suffered heavy losses. It will take ten years to recover.

In history, Tuoba Shiyijian was a domineering and aggressive fighter. He fought with his wife's family, the Murong tribe. With the rise of the Yan Kingdom, they wanted to drink horses from the Yellow River, and had no time to take care of the Dai Kingdom. countries survive longer.However, due to the appearance of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world, the butterfly effect was triggered.

Because of the battle in the fourth year of Yongxing, Dai Guo was tricked by Ran Min and Murong Ke. As a result, Tuoba Shiyijian lost nearly [-] elite troops.In that battle, the strength of the Tuoba tribe was greatly damaged.As a result, Tuoba Shiyijian did not adopt the policy of keeping a low profile and recuperating. He still wanted to bite off a piece of Wei Guo's body, which would hurt others.

(End of this chapter)

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