Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 559 If the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a sick cat

Chapter 559 If the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a sick cat (fourth update)

Chapter 563 If ​​the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat

It's a pity that Tuoba Shiyiqian seems to have lost the favor of Changshengtian.In Liu Weichen's rebellion in history, Tuoba and Shiyiqian defeated the Tiefo tribe with three attacks and five divisions, and the Helan tribe of He Na rebelled, and the result was that both sides were defeated.

If Tuoba Shiyijian could predict the future, he should cut off his nephew Liu Kuren directly without saying a word. Unfortunately, Tuoba Shiyijian is only a mortal, and he cannot predict the future.

Back at Shengle Palace in Daiguo, Tuoba Shiyijian was full of anger and had nowhere to vent. He sat on the throne sullenly, pouring kumis in big bowls, as if he could only use Cao Cao's words, "How can you relieve your worries? Only Du Kang " to describe his mood.

However, as Liu Kuren entered the palace, everyone looked at him.

Liu Kuren went directly to Tuoba Shiyijian, looked at Tuoba Shiyijian with fierce eyes and said viciously: "You still have the face to sit on a dog-like thing. It almost killed tens of thousands of us." , you still have the nerve to sit on it?"

If it is according to the tradition of the Han people, Liu Kuren, as a nephew, treats his uncle like this, which is a disobedience and a disobedience.But in the eyes of Xianbei people, this is the most normal thing.

"Dog, come down!"

"Come down!"

Shouting and cursing rang out in the whole palace, Tuoba Shiyijian was dumbfounded, how could he also be betrayed?
There is a saying that the prestige of the tiger's death is still there, and the blue veins on Tuoba Shiyijian's forehead twitched, and he pulled out the scimitar at his waist and said: "Liu Kuren, you white-eyed wolf, dare to act wild in this king's territory, are you tired of working?" ?”

"Choke lang lang" a sound of golden chirping sounded, and several commanders pulled out their knives at the same time, pointing at Tuoba Shiyijian, "Dog, do you think you are still our king? We don't need a coward to be our king. A sheep wants to be king of wolves, do you think it is possible?"

"You, you all dare to turn against the king?" Tuoba Shiyijian said angrily, "Warriors of the Tuoba tribe, are you just watching your king being bullied like this?"

"The pack of wolves only respect the strongest as the head wolf, and will not pity the old and foolish wolf king! Otherwise, they will all go to extinction!" Liu Kuren said indifferently: "Tuoba Shiyijian, the era that belongs to you is over. It's my world now."

At this moment, a commander on the left of Tuoba Shiyijian was a famous warrior named Batu in the country, and he was also Tuoba Shiyijian's confidant and beloved general. The loyal and brave love general did not appear.Batu stepped forward and swung his saber violently. Tuoba Shiyiqian was caught off guard, and was beheaded with a single stroke of the saber, and Dou Da's head rolled to the ground like a rubber ball.Even when he died, Tuoba Shiyijian's eyes were wide open, using an idiom, that means death will not rest in peace.

Liu Kuren walked slowly towards the throne, Batu flattered Tuoba Shiyiqian and threw him aside.As for the blood on the throne, Liu Kuren didn't seem to see it, and sat directly on the blood-stained throne.

"See Your Majesty!"

Liu Kuren said: "The ancestor of the Lonely Department here is Liu Jinbo, the grandson of Liu Fu, the second prince of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty. The ancestor was once named King Pei of the Han Dynasty. Sheng Le."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the Dugu tribe counts as Han blood, anyway, Han people are not based on blood.However, the banner of the Han Dynasty was more useful. Liu Yuan, the son of Liu Bao, the right sage king of the Xiongnu, established the Han Dynasty and made Liu Adou his ancestor.Li Xiong of the Di tribe also took barbarians as Han and established Han.

Of course, Liu Kuren was more fierce, and directly restored the Han Dynasty, with Liu Jinbo as the ancestor.

Due to the appearance of Ran Ming, history has undergone great changes.Daiguo, the predecessor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, perished ahead of schedule.And the Han Kingdom, which did not exist in history, unexpectedly appeared strangely.

Liu Kuren ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, following the lineage of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and there were as many as dozens of emperors after him.Liu Kuren adopted the official system of the Han Dynasty, sent people to join forces with He Na of the Helan tribe, and granted the title of He Nalan Mausoleum King.Zhai Bin is the king of Yunzhong, the official former general, Batu is the loyal king, and the official is the right general.His son Liu Xian (Lonely Chou Fa) was a general, and his son Liu Juan (Dugu head family member) was the prince.

In ancient times, the speed of news transmission was quite slow. After the Shengle fire annexed, the Daiguo coup d'etat, when people in Yecheng knew about it, it had been a month since the incident.

The country of Dai died, and Liu Kuren succeeded in usurping the throne. The arrival of this heavy news in the country of Wei caused great disagreements in the court of the country of Wei.The main combat faction headed by Liu Qun advocated sending General Anbei Ji Yu as the commander-in-chief, and the Bingzhou Army took advantage of the unstable state of the puppet Han Dynasty to wipe it out in the bud.The Zhuhe faction headed by Sikong Tiaoyou advocated the North and the puppet Han, and then concentrated their forces to go south to attack Jin, striving to conquer the south and unify the world in one fell swoop.

Before Ran Min could make up his mind, bad news came from Wei Guo.After Huan Wen won first and then lost, he adopted a slow approach, and the firearms rebuilt by the battalion from the rear were also transported to the front line.

Under the attack of more than [-] catapults and more than [-] bed crossbow rockets, the morale of Wei Guo was beaten by firearms, and Lu Hunguan changed hands.Huanwen's Central Northern Expeditionary Army successfully advanced to Luhun Pass within a hundred miles of Luoyang.

In this era of blocked information transmission, Ran Ming is the one who seems to be forgotten.But this person who is almost forgotten by people is sailing northward against the wind with more than 100 million shi of grain and a lot of wealth.Ran Ming is a little rich, but in the end he was taken down by Mrs. Qin, who said that Ran Ming is not immune to mature women?

However, this woman would rather stay in Xijuan City and act as Ran Ming's spokesperson than go north with Ran Ming.But before leaving, Ran Ming was asked to take her pair of children northward.It wasn't until this time that Ran Ming knew that his adopted children were named Qin Ling'er and Qin Wu.

Maybe Jin took his own pair of sons and daughters as hostages to Ran Ming.

Because it is going up against the wind, the sea voyage needs to take a zigzag route, not only the distance is nearly double that of going back, but it will also be slower.However, Ran Ming felt that there was nothing serious about the state of Wei, and he traveled leisurely all the way.

After a month and a half of sailing, Ran Ming finally arrived in Dinghai County, but what greeted him was a bolt from the blue. Huan Wen had successfully produced gunpowder and used it in actual combat. He captured Wancheng in the first battle, and then captured Nanzhao.

"Nimma!" Ran Ming covered his face and was relatively speechless, "What kind of rhythm is this, shame, shame."

As a time traveler, he was actually overtaken by his opponent.What kind of wisdom is needed to do this?
"Uncle can bear it, but his aunt can't bear it either!"

Under Huan Wen's stimulation, Ran Ming finally lost his temper.

It's not that Ran Ming didn't think of making gunpowder and firearms.It's just that Ran Ming, who lives in the era of hot weapons, doesn't like that kind of primitive firearms.The firearm made of bamboo is not only small in power, but also has a very short range. Not to mention the horse crossbow in Ran Ming's hand at this time, even the infantry's light bow can easily exceed the range of this primitive firearm.

Holding a primitive musket to resist the charge of cavalry is undoubtedly tantamount to nonsense.However, Huan Wen used the original Fuhuo Dan (a gunpowder with an incorrect formula) invented by Ge Hong to make a gunpowder that was actually used in actual combat by mistake. This made Ran Ming feel incredible and depressed at the same time.

Ran Ming's second concern was the safety of the gunpowder itself. If he successfully produced gunpowder, Ran Min would definitely want it if he didn't use it.And even if Ran Zhi doesn't want it on the surface, he will secretly fight for it.There is no absolute loyalty in this world, and the so-called loyalty is because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.

Just like Liu Ke, he and Ran Ming have the status of master and apprentice, and also have the grace of mentoring and knowing each other. However, none of these can stop his betrayal.

But in Dinghai City, there will be no such problem. Captain Dinghai belongs to Ran Ming, and these soldiers and craftsmen are all recruited by Ran Ming.What's more, there are seas on all sides, and there is not enough food on the island, so we must rely on external supplies.

Here, Ran Ming can make gunpowder boldly and safely, without worrying about the leak of the secret formula, even if someone wants to have a different intention, he has no chance to go out.This island is actually just a bigger prison.

Although the idea is very good, the difficulty is still not small.

Although Dinghai City is just a military base planned and built by Ran Mingmi, there is no gunpowder stored here, and there is not much raw material nitrate. About seven or eight thousand catties of sulfur were collected.Although there is a small amount of nitrate in the medical part, the nitrate is far from enough for Ran Ming to use.As long as you want to do it, there will be a way.

Ran Ming knows that the upper layer of black soil in the low-lying land is produced. If it is in the black soil in the northeast, Ran Ming doesn't have to worry about the source of the saltpeter at all. He can extract saltpeter from any saline soil layer on the ground.But Dinghai City does not have this natural condition.

In the words of Taizu, if you have the conditions, you must go, and if you don't have the conditions, you must create the conditions.

So Ran Ming continued to go north with the fleet, while he stayed to make nitrate in Dinghai.When Ran Ming came back from Jiaozhou this time, he accidentally found a black slave. This was not an indigenous black on the Indo-China Peninsula, but a Kunlun slave that appeared in Chinese allusions.There are more than 300 black slaves in this batch. Because the blacks are honest and easy to control, Ran Ming plans to use these black slaves to make gunpowder.

These black slaves could neither read nor speak, so naturally they couldn't reveal the secrets of the gunpowder.As a precaution, Ran Ming cruelly cut off the tongues of these 300 slaves, making them truly dumb.

Ran Ming took the first step to smelt nitrate by local method.First let these black slaves collect toilet soil. It is well known that toilet soil actually contains nitrate, but the content is too low. If it is to be used in the military, it must be refined.Ran Ming asked these black slaves to remove impurities from the collected toilet soil, pour water and toilet soil into it, and boil it in an iron pot.Stir while adding to fully dissolve the nitrate, let it stand, and remove the foam on the water surface.

At this moment, the smell in the iron pot was really unflattering, even though Ran Ming wore a three-layer mask, he still felt like he was going to faint.

But these black slaves don't have this feeling, maybe they are used to living in the smelly place, and they are also used to this smell.

(End of this chapter)

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