Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 560 It's Not That The Last General Is Incompetent But The Enemy Is Too Strong

Chapter 560 It's Not That The Last General Is Incompetent But The Enemy Is Too Strong (Fifth Watch)

Chapter 564 It's Not That The Last General Is Incompetent But The Enemy Is Too Strong

Refining saltpeter requires several steps, of course in order to avoid the suspicion of cheating.Cheng Zhi will not elaborate here.What is extracted from toilet soil is only nitrate, and this nitrate is not pure, but put this kind of nitrate into a large tank, add a small amount of water and plant ash, put it in the large tank, heat it, and then decompose it into fire. Nitrate.

This nitrate can be used.As for the purification of sulfur, it is a bit troublesome.Ran Ming wasn't too worried. First of all, he used the wine distilling tool to boil the sulfur, and then used the distillation condenser to condense the sulfur vapor to obtain high-purity sulfur.

To make charcoal, this kind of thing does not need to be explained. Ran Ming used the best willow charcoal.

After these three things were prepared, Ran Ming asked someone to prepare them in proportion. (For the sake of confidentiality, I won’t write this in detail. Anyway, I played with it when I was a child. Half a catty of black gunpowder can blow up more than 100 catties of stone rolls.) After the ratio of the three substances is prepared, it is natural to mix them well.In order to exert the greatest power of black powder, Ran Ming adopted granular black powder.This needs to make the egg white of the egg, beat the egg white into the powder, put it in the sieve and roll it back and forth continuously, after rolling for a stick of incense, it will become small particles one by one, after passing through the sieve again, everything that leaks out It is the size of rapeseed particles.

This seems to be able to get the most correct formula and the most powerful black powder.It can be imagined that this kind of gunpowder is definitely more powerful than the gunpowder made by Ge Hongbi Maoyan and coarse sulfur, let alone Du Jiong's two knives.

Ran Ming didn't do experiments on the manufactured gunpowder. What better experiment than the battlefield?

It took Ran Ming seven days to produce about 280 catties of black powder. Four grams of black powder would produce 6000 L of gas and a temperature of 14 degrees. Theoretically, [-] catties of black powder could produce If more than [-] cubic meters of high-temperature gas is placed in a completely enclosed space, the power of the explosion is about [-] atmospheres. Although such power is not enough to move mountains and seas, it is still more than two feet wide for a rammed earth city wall. Apparently enough.

However, all of this is just a theory, and Ran Ming has no idea about the effect.In this way, Ran Ming went to Jiankang with [-] catties of black powder to test his actual combat prowess.

The Yangtze River is surging, and the cold sunlight in late autumn shines on the river.For the cold in late autumn, the Wei army is not as weak as the Jin army.

"General. It seems that the Jin Dynasty will not give us any clear answer today!" Captain Changshui Cui Cheng said puzzled: "However, General, this is a very obvious strategy to slow down the troops. Are we just letting the Jin army like this Dispatch troops calmly, arrange calmly? We are going deep alone this time, benefiting from a quick decision. One day late in the battle, the difficulty will increase by one point. At this time, reinforcements from all over the Jin army have gathered from all directions, and things will change sooner or later. "

Murong Ke said lightly: "Do you think we can capture Jiankang with these troops alone?"

Cui Cheng thought for a while and said, "Jiankang City is the capital of the Jin Dynasty, and it was once attacked by Wang Dun and Su Jun, so it shouldn't be too difficult to break through Jiankang, right?"

Murong Ke said: "Wang Dun entered Jiankang because Zhou Zha, the right general of the Jin Dynasty and the governor of the navy and army, fell in Kaicheng. As for Su Jun's invasion of Jiankang, it was because Su Jun had already defeated the Jin hussars before. General Bian Yan (壸, sound bundle; pot, sound Hu), the main force of the Jin Dynasty was defeated, and Yu Liang, who was guarding Jiankang, lost his support. No, this allowed Su Jun's army to successfully enter Jiankang. The reason why Jiankang was conquered was always due to internal reasons, not because Jiankang was not strong enough to defend. This time is different. Although the Jin emperor is still young, his regent Empress Dowager Chu Lian However, he is a woman who does not give way to her eyebrows. This person is very ordinary in terms of intelligence and political means. The general led his army to Jiankang City. He neither surrounded the city nor attacked immediately. He just let the people of Jiankang intimidate and The gentry fled. And after many days, General Cui saw Jin people fleeing?"

Cui Cheng was stunned, this is true, Wei Jun soldiers came to Jiankang City, but they did not prevent the people and the army from fleeing, but opened the door for convenience.The purpose is to weaken Jiankang's guarding force.However, except for the scattered people who fled with their families and their mouths on that day, no one fled in Jiankang on other days.

Cui Cheng said: "This doesn't mean anything, maybe the Jin army has blocked the city gates to prevent the people and gentry from escaping!"

Murong Ke shook his head, but asked back: "To be disrespectful, if our Great Wei city of Ye is besieged, if His Majesty does not let you Cui family escape, will you be willing to obey?"

Cui Cheng was taken aback, speechless.In fact, the gentry and the imperial power are a relationship of interests, and there is absolutely no loyalty.If this situation happened to Cui Shi, Cui Shi would definitely not stand still.Even if they won't resist openly, at least they can sneak out of the city through the secret passages in the city or by buying low-level generals.

In the same way, the situation in Jiankang in the Jin Dynasty could never be prohibited by coercion. Unless the gentry themselves voluntarily, the imperial power could not change their own will.

Cui Cheng said, "What does the general mean?"

Murong Ke said: "Anyway, we don't have the help from within, so we won't be able to attack Jiankang, but once the troops around Jiankang arrive at Jiankang, the cities around them will be undefended. If we can't attack Jiankang, can this general not be able to attack Changsha?" ? Can't beat Gushu, can't beat Jiangxia?"

Cui Cheng said: "The general has a great plan!"

"However, even if you are acting, you have to do a full set!" Murong Ke said: "If Chu Suanzi sees the general's strategy, we will be in trouble!"

Murong Ke said: "General Feng, it's up to you now!"

Feng Lei has been bored for the past few days, and he couldn't beat him. Seeing the fat in his mouth but not being able to eat it, Feng Lei was really depressed.Hearing Murong Ke's order, Feng Lei was very excited.

The Wei army was officially dispatched, with [-] elite infantry soldiers as the main force, [-] naval auxiliary troops, and more than [-] shogunate mountain men as civilian husbands.

In the era of cold weapons, the responsibilities of soldiers and auxiliary soldiers are clear, and soldiers only care about fighting and don't care about anything else.Because fighting requires great strength, just like knife steel is used in the blade, so will they.

Auxiliary soldiers are auxiliary soldiers, such as transporting food and grass, transporting siege equipment, cooking, guarding prisoners, cleaning the battlefield, etc., all need auxiliary soldiers to do.In short, what kind of work is hard and what work is tiring are all done by the auxiliary soldiers.

In front of Wei Jun are ten newly built nest carts. Wei Jun's newly built nest carts are as high as three feet and four feet. The hanging tower on the nest cart can accommodate more than a dozen soldiers. Of course, there is no one on the nest cart in motion .After the nest carts are 28 Xiangyang artillery carts and more than [-] eight-ox ballista carts.

After the eight-ox ballista, there are more than [-] elite infantrymen of the Wei army. Although less than ten of the elite infantry of Ran Min participated in the Battle of Liantai among the [-] infantry, it is undeniable that Ran Min is no better than Ran Min in terms of training. Ming difference.These elite infantry have been washed by the flames of war and become the real elite.They have the same pace, well-founded advances and retreats, and great momentum.

At this time, Chu Suanzi looked at Wei Jun below, with an unnatural expression on his face.

Sima Yu said: "Empress Dowager, please take care of your phoenix body, I will teach it to my ministers here!"

Chu Suanzi knew that she would not be of much use here, but she was on the top of the city gate, which could boost morale. Once she left, morale would definitely be shaken.

"If Aijia doesn't leave, the King of Kuaiji doesn't need to persuade him anymore!" Chu Suanzi said: "Aijia will be with all the soldiers. If you live, you will live together, and if you die, you will die together."

In the era of imperial power, the effect of the queen mother on morale is obviously immeasurable.Although the soldiers of the Jin army were a little afraid of the Wei army, they were very moved when they saw that Chu Lianzi was defending the city wall like them.

"Great Jin wins!" Thousands of defenders on the city wall shouted like a tsunami.Gradually, the soldiers and civilians in the city also heard this voice, and countless soldiers and civilians echoed in unison. Hundreds of thousands of people shouted at the same time, and the sound rang through the sky.

When Murong Ke heard this voice, his face changed slightly. Fortunately, he didn't really plan to attack Jiankang by force, otherwise, even if all the 2 horses were wiped out, it might not be possible to break through Jiankang City.

Wei Jun's eight-ox ballista and Xiangyang cannon were all transported with the fleet, otherwise it would take a full month to build this batch of equipment.

The nest car was deployed in place, but facing the five or six feet wide moat, the nest car obviously couldn't get through, which couldn't help Wei Jun.Like a magic trick, the Wei army's auxiliary soldiers began to quickly build blocks behind the nest carts. In less than half an hour, the auxiliary soldiers set up sixteen temporary pontoon bridges on the moat against the Jin army's arrow rain. You can pass through the nest cart, and the others are battle bridges that can pass through soldiers.

Chu Suanzi looked at the soldiers of the Wei army who were busy below, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.National power is what wars are fought, and Chu Suanzi also understands this.The catapults of the Wei army were three times larger than those of the Jin Dynasty. The larger the sling, the farther the throwing distance was. Seeing that Xiangyang was arranged at about four hundred paces, Chu Suanzi sighed helplessly.

At this distance, it is not that the Jin Dynasty has no way to attack, but the accuracy of the bed crossbow is not flattering, and only God knows whether it can hit it.Due to the super strength of the bed crossbow, it takes a lot of people to use force at the same time to open the string. In order to make room for enough people, the number of such powerful bed crossbows placed on a city wall is very limited.

As for the eight-ox ballista, Chu Suanzi didn't know what it was, not even the soldiers of the Jin army knew.But this is not important anymore. The important thing is that the soldiers of the Wei army, not to mention the soldiers, everyone is full of steel armor. This kind of steel armor is not impossible to make in the Jin Dynasty, but the price is too high, except for those who are above the school lieutenant Generals and ordinary soldiers can only be equipped with leather armor.The Wei army is not only armed to the teeth, but even the auxiliary soldiers are armored.

(End of this chapter)

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