Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 561 I want to fight with my soldiers

Chapter 561 I want to fight with my soldiers (six more)

Chapter 565 I want to fight with my soldiers

You must know that a set of steel armor is composed of many pieces, and each piece needs to be made by a good craftsman with hundreds of hammers.The price of steel armor manufactured in this way can be imagined.But Chu Suanzi didn't know.Because of Ran Ming's reasons, Wei Jun adopted the pouring method to make steel, which not only has a large output, but also has better steel quality.Especially those armor pieces, which are formed by pouring molten steel into the mold and condensing, only need a little polishing before they can be assembled.

In this way, the armor is not only manufactured quickly, but also very cheap.

Looking at the soldiers of the Wei army, Chu Suanzi finally understood why Ran Min was able to defeat the Xianbei people, destroy the Yan State, and sweep Di Qin.It's no wonder that Ran Min dared to attack the main force of the 14 elite Yan army with only a mere [-] men, and dared to attack the capital of Jin with a mere [-] men.

Finally, the Wei army's preparations were over, and the sound of the war drums was deafening. Those Wei army infantry also slapped their shields with their blades, and slowly advanced with the rhythm of the war drums.

The soldiers on the nest cart waved their flags and reported their position to the trebuchet and eight-ox crossbow behind them.

According to the position reported by the soldiers on the nest car, the Xiangyang Cannon and Ba Niu Crossbow started the first round of test firing.

However, when the Jin army was about to use bows and arrows to prevent the Wei army from approaching the city wall, the Wei army's Xiangyang gun and Ba Niu crossbow behind them began to speak.

More than one hundred catties of stone bullets flew towards the city wall with the roar of death.The crossbow bolts, which were as thick as a child's arm, also flew towards the city wall with a whirring sound.

Although there is no gun, Ran Ming still gave Ran Min the idea of ​​infantry and artillery coordinated operations.Using eight-ox crossbows and throwing stones to suppress the city wall, the Jin army defenders had no chance to use the gray bottles, golden juice, stones, and rolling logs.

The test firing and the effect were obviously not ideal. The operators of the Xiangyang Cannon and Baoxu crossbow began to adjust their positions. The second round of strikes was undoubtedly much more accurate.

With the display of the long-range strike force, the Wei Army infantry began to further attack.

As the Wei army's long-range strikes continued, Chu Suanzi breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Wei army's catapults were powerful, they seemed unable to shake the city walls. limited.

As for the eight-ox crossbow, there was nothing to do. Standing on the city wall, unless it was under the cover of the female wall, any heavy shield would not be able to defend against this kind of large crossbow. Because Sima Yu ordered the soldiers to squat down, the casualties were also small.It seems that Wei Jun wasted this expensive crossbow.

However, Chu Suanzi saw through the gap in the shield that the infantrymen of the Wei army had crossed the moat and were about to approach the city wall. At this moment, her heart began to tug again.

"Prepare the bed crossbow!" A general of the Jin army on the top of the city shouted: "Prepare..." At this moment, a huge stone bullet circled and hit the bed crossbow with a "bang", and the bed crossbow changed in response to the sound. The stone bullet that smashed the bed crossbow was undiminished, and it jumped up and smashed the remaining words of the Jin army general into his mouth.

The sound of "bang bang" kept ringing, and the catapults or bed crossbows of the Jin army on the city wall were hit by Xiangyang guns from time to time, turning them into a pile of useless pieces of wood.There were also a lot of stone bullets aimed at crowded places as if they had eyes. The Jin army was smashed on the city wall, screaming again and again.

With the continuous shooting of Xiangyang artillery, the Jin army on the city wall not only had a huge defensive gap, but at the same time, the morale that was finally raised was also shaken.The few catapults and bed crossbows that survived by chance also launched retaliatory shots at the Wei army.

However, because the catapults are too small and the shooting is close, it is impossible to form a counter-shooting of the catapults.

The bed crossbows of the Jin army could reach the Xiangyang artillery positions of the Wei army. However, the Wei army was too cunning. Pao Xing sigh.

Bed crossbows are not like bows and arrows, nor are they like catapults. This kind of direct-firing weapon, if you want to attack Wei Jun's Xiangyang artillery position, you must first destroy the surrounding barriers.There are also Jin army generals who do not believe in evil, and they firmly attack the Xiangyang position.

With a sound of "bang", the eight-foot giant crossbow arrows of the Jin army's bed crossbow hit the sandbag, and the sandbag burst in response. The blocking of the sandbag offset part of the impact force, and when the crossbow arrow hit the wooden post, its strength was greatly reduced.

Sandbags are used to prevent stone bombs and bed crossbow bolts, and soft steel has a very good effect.Jin Jun looked at the inconspicuous sandbag, feeling very helpless, just like the helplessness of cutting off the water with a knife.

In the confrontation between the bed crossbow and the eight ox crossbow, the catapult and the Xiangyang cannon, the Jin army was completely defeated.

At this moment, General Feng Lei, who watched the bed crossbow of the Jin army perform like a clown, said mockingly: "Now let's see ours. Prepare the eight-ox crossbow, let it go!"

After more than one hundred eight-ox crossbows were wound up, behind each of the crossbows, a gun with a wooden hammer hit the crossbow fiercely. On the stone wall of Cannes, there were cracks like spider webs on the stone wall, and the arrows were firmly attached to the wall.Those crossbow arrows that did not hit the female wall shot through three or four Jin soldiers like stringing candied haws.

The soldiers of the Jin army on the city wall were even more empty.Murong Ke actually had no intention of capturing Jiankang, he was just demonstrating.Demonstrate to Chu Suanzi and tell the Jin army with practical actions that the Wei army has the ability to break through the city.

As the attack from the Xiangyang Cannon and Ba Niu Crossbow continued, the Wei Army infantry also slowly approached the city wall following the rhythm of the war drums.Just when the Jin army on the city wall was in a panic, the Wei army arrived fifty steps away from the city wall.

The soldiers of the Wei army who were besieging the city untied the horse-gong crossbow machines on their backs one after another, quickly wound them up, and then fired.The horse gong crossbow bolts that were dense like rain immediately shot down the soldiers of the Jin army who had just risen to fight back.At this time, both sides began to fight desperately. After all, the Xiangyang Cannon and Ba Niu Crossbow were not the kind of artillery of later generations, and there was still a considerable gap in shooting.The soldiers of the Jin army who were not afraid of death fought back with bows and arrows one after another, and the Wei army also began to suffer casualties.However, under the protection of Mingguang armor, such casualties are really harmless.

Maintaining an absolutely overwhelming advantage, the Wei army used a triple strike from far, middle and near to shoot dead or wound the soldiers of the Jin army who exposed the female wall. The soldiers of the Jin army on the city wall fell to the ground from time to time like dumplings.

There were screams on the top of the city, and the soldiers who couldn't escape were shot by the arrows that shot through the gaps, and they kept wailing.Seeing this scene, Sima Yu waved his sword and roared, ordering the reserve army under the city to go up to the city immediately to stop the Wei army, and at the same time persuaded Chu Suanzi to withdraw from the city wall.

"The Ai family will not leave, and the Ai family swears to live and die with the city." Chu Suanzi said in an unquestionable tone: "The Ai family is a woman, and cannot be carried on the shoulders or lifted by the hands, but the Ai family will fight with the soldiers. in the end."

After all, Chu Suanzi was a woman, and the fierce battle at this time severely tormented her nerves.However, she couldn't leave, she miscalculated.She knew that the Wei army was strong, but she never thought that the Wei army would be so strong. After only the first wave of attack, and only launched an attack scale of more than [-] people, the city wall began to crumble.

Chu Suanzi turned around and walked towards the city gate. Inside the city gate was a big cowhide drum with a radius of nearly ten feet.Chu Suanzi took the two huge wooden hammers from Mu Lang's hand.

"Boom..." Chu Suanzi beat the war drum with all his strength.

Seeing that Chu Suanzi was still with them, fighting to the death without retreating, the morale of the soldiers of the Jin army was greatly boosted.

At this time, Wei Jun finally set up the siege ladder on the city wall, and those Wei Jun held their horizontal knives in their mouths and climbed up quickly.Encouraged by Chu Suanzi, the soldiers of the Jin army also became brave.Although the soldiers of the Jin army knew that as soon as they stood up, they would be shot to death by the dense rain of arrows, they still stood up as before, and launched a counterattack against the Wei army with pounding stones or rolling logs.

Beating stones and rolling logs, this is not something that can be defended by the strength of the armor.From time to time, soldiers of the Wei army were hit by the stones and fell down.Both the rocking stone and the rolling log attack have a characteristic, either they miss it, or if they hit it, they will wipe out a large area.With a rolling log, several soldiers on the ladder can be swept away, but those Wei soldiers behind quickly stepped on the corpses of their comrades, quickly filling the blank area here.

Finally, the No.1 Wei soldier climbed onto the city wall, but facing the densely packed Jin army soldiers, he was stabbed by four or five long spears before he had time to draw a knife. The long spear picked him off the city wall very easily.Then No.2 Wei Jun came up first.

But like his No.1 pioneer, he was picked off the city wall by the Jin army. No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, until No. 17 soldiers climbed the city wall. At this time, a stone bullet happened to hit him seven or eight steps away in front of him. , The densely packed soldiers of the Jin army were swept away by stone bullets.Taking advantage of this gap, the Wei soldier began to show his power, "Big Wei Wansheng!"

As the city wall occupied a small area, more and more soldiers of the Wei army swarmed up, slowly expanding the area that had been taken with great difficulty.The Jin army and the Wei army launched a fierce fight on the city wall. There was no skill in the blood-and-blood fight between the two sides, just white knives in and red knives out.The soldiers on both sides opened their eyes and slashed at each other.Corpses were constantly being thrown from the top of the city, hitting the ground below the city with a constant sound.

With the passage of time, the results of Wei Jun's battles on the city wall began to expand slowly, from an area of ​​more than ten feet wide to a hundred feet wide. A steady stream of soldiers from the Wei army climbed up the city wall from the ladder, and fought fiercely with the Jin army.

Just when the battle on the city wall was heating up, Sima Dan who was in the Xianyang Hall was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Sima Dan listened to the roar of killing cries like a tsunami on the city wall, his heart felt like a hundred claws scratching his heart. "No, I want to fight with my soldiers!"

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(End of this chapter)

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