Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 562 Execution is the most important thing

Chapter 562 Execution is the most important thing (one more)
Chapter 566 Execution is the most important thing

The eunuch Sima Dan was waiting by Zhongchang He Mingyi.He Mingyi was a young eunuch in the palace when Sima Yue was King Wu.Because of his old age and prudence, he was promoted by Chu Suanzi to be a Zhongchang servant.Hearing that Sima Dan was going out of the palace to fight on the city wall, He Mingyi was anxious, and secretly said: "Ancestor, it's already this time, why are you making more trouble!"

He didn't dare to say this to Sima Dan, but in desperation, he had to make a note.In the era of imperial power, the imperial palace was the tallest building in a capital city. Whether it was a prince or aristocrat, it was illegal to exceed or equal the height of the palace building.He Mingyi rushed to Sima Dan and said, "Your Majesty, you can actually watch the battle on the city wall without leaving the city!"

Upon hearing this, Sima Dan fell silent.Sima Dan said: "Quickly tell me what can be done!"

He Mingyi had a bitter face. Although the method was good, if he dared to encourage the emperor to climb the roof of the palace, he would definitely be impeached by the courtiers in the future. Not only might he be dismissed from the position of Zhongchangshi, but he might also lose his life.Because of Ran Ming's influence, Sima Dan didn't like the eunuch very much either, so he showed a man-eating look: "Say it quickly, or you will be killed!"

Sima Dan was still an immature child, so naturally he didn't have the political means of his mother, and the methods Sima Dan adopted were usually simple and rude.But this method is simply the right medicine for those eunuchs who are afraid of authority but not morality.

He Mingyi remembered that Sima Dan had killed more than a dozen eunuchs in this year, and was so frightened that he almost peed.In desperation, he directed a group of young eunuchs to move up the ladder to the roof.

Sima Dan climbed to the top of the temple, although the distance was too far to see the details, but the black and white confrontation on the city wall was the best explanation.In the Jin Dynasty, the five elements belonged to gold and gold, and gold was white, so white was the regular armor style of the Jin army, while Wei State still favored black, which was black and white.It shows that the battle on the city wall is not optimistic.

He Mingyi was also secretly surprised when he saw this scene. As the chief eunuch in the palace, he had more sources of news than Sima Dan.Some information was selectively disclosed to Sima Dan by He Mingyi.

"If I hadn't been lucky enough to see the strength of the Wei army today, this old slave would really be a frog at the bottom of a well." He Mingyi didn't know what was going on in his head, but he actually said it in his heart: "In comparison, the fighting power of the Wei army is really stronger than that of our Jin army." many!"

Shan Sheng, the head of the Ouchi guards, was straight-hearted, and said directly: "Your Majesty, it is only the first day of fighting, and our Jin army is obviously still at a disadvantage. If this continues, Jiankang will be in danger!"

When Sima Dan heard this, he was not happy.When Ran Ming became Sima Dan's emperor teacher, he taught Sima Dan Taiji for a period of time and free fighting skills for later generations. Sima Dan played very happily.He often fights with the Ouchi guards, how could those Ouchi guards really fight with Sima Dan, not to mention Sima Dan with half a bottle of water, even if Ran Ming is allowed to come out, he may not be able to take advantage of the Ouchi guards.After all, these people are kung fu masters, and what they are best at is not fighting immediately, but fighting in close combat.

In this way, these big inner guards pretended to be defeated in order to make the little emperor happy. Gradually, Sima Dan became a master.In fact, Sima Dan is not considered to have never seen blood. If the eunuchs killed by him are counted, there are more than a dozen lives in his hands.

"As the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty, how can I hide from the deep palace and be afraid of war!" Sima Dan said: "Shan Sheng, order the guards in the palace to gather. I want to lead the army to fight against the enemy!"

Shan Sheng was shocked, he really slapped himself a few times. "Your Majesty, this is not good!"

"You're not joking," Sima Dan said, "That's the deal."

He Mingyi wept and hugged Sima Dan and said: "This old slave won't let His Majesty go to war, even if he dies!"

"Then you die!" Sima Dan said domineeringly: "Anyone who dares to stop me will be killed!"

Except for Chu Suanzi, no one in the palace could persuade the little emperor. Just like that, Sima Dan slammed out of the palace and rushed towards the city wall.

When Sima Dan dressed up, he was dressed in golden armor, riding a tall horse, and led thousands of imperial guards and more than a hundred guards to the city wall.

Chu Suanzi looked at Sima Dan and was scared out of his wits.

"Prince, what are you doing here if you are not in the palace!"

"I want to fight!" Sima Dan had the spirit of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.Seeing the broken limbs and arms all over the city, and the blood flowing like rivers, Sima Dan not only showed no fear, but showed excitement.

"Nonsense!" Chu Suanzi said with a stern face, "Emperor, the Ai family orders you to go back!"

"I won't go back!" Sima Dan said solemnly: "As the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, how can I stay in the palace and sit and watch the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty fight bloody battles without doing anything? I am the master of the world, and I want to be like my ancestor Emperor Wu (Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty) is the same, put down bandits, and return the common people to a peaceful and prosperous world."

In front of all the soldiers, Chu Suanzi was not too good to be in front of Sima Dan. After all, Sima Dan was already thirteen years old and fifteen years old.Seeing that he is about to be in power, this time is just the time to cultivate his prestige.The emperors of the Jin Dynasty were all incompetent people. Except for an emperor who was good at martial arts and dared to fight, he was a kind of stimulant for the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which was like a stagnant court.

"Prince, be safe!"

Sima Dan led a group of guards and rushed towards the place where the Wei army had the largest number of people. Those imperial guards and inner guards were afraid of Sima Dan's safety, so they tried their best to clear the obstacles for him.

Needless to say, under the leadership of Sima Dan, the Jin army launched a massive counterattack.Wei Jun gradually struggled.

However, at that moment, Cui Cheng who was under the city smiled slyly and said: "General, the goal has been achieved, what's the benefit of fighting again except to increase the casualties?"

"It's just right!" Murong Ke said: "Then send an order to withdraw the troops!"

The sound of "Dangdang..." sounded, and the Wei army who heard the order retreated like a tide. They set up the wounded soldiers and even took away the corpses.Seeing Wei Jun retreat, Chu Suanzi was visibly relieved.

Seeing the retreat of the Wei army, all the soldiers of the Jin army shouted excitedly: "My emperor is mighty!"

"My emperor is mighty!"

As the Wei army Ming Jin retreated from the Jiankang city wall, the results of the hard work for most of the day also came to naught.This made Feng Lei, the eager Polu General, extremely dissatisfied.

Although Feng Lei was Ran Min's confidant general, he did not go directly to the Chinese army to question Murong Ke.No respect is also a big taboo in the army, even if he doesn't deal with it much, Feng Lei has no reason to disagree with the general who is playing Wei Jun.

When Murong Ke summed up the gains and losses of the battle, and ordered the generals to go back to appease the soldiers, and condolences to the wounded, Feng Lei finally couldn't help but said: "General Murong, a certain family needs your explanation!"

Hearing this, Murong smiled.Slowly said: "General Feng finally couldn't take it anymore?"

Cui Cheng took over the words and said: "General Murong, the general will admit defeat!"

It turned out that Murong Ke and Cui Cheng bet that Feng Lei would not give Murong Ke face, question him or confront him face to face, so that he could not get down.Cui Cheng thought that Feng Lei was not only from the small school of Ran's Qihuo Army, but also served as the martial arts master of the prince Ran Yu. With such a background, it is not something that a general and Shangguan like Murong Ke can surrender.At least Feng Lei's fiery temper must not be able to swallow this breath.

However, in fact, Feng Lei's performance was just as Murong Ke expected. Although he would question him, it would be in private, and he would not confront him head-on in front of all the generals.After all, Ran Min's army is extremely strict, and his personal relationship will not affect his unhealthy style and bad habits.

"I would like to admit defeat!" Murong Ke said, "Your precious sword is mine now!"

"Cheng is not someone who can't afford to lose!" Cui Cheng said as he handed Murong Ke a delicate sword.This sword is about one foot and six inches long, only slightly longer than a dagger. It is a peerless weapon for self-defense in close combat.This knife is made of thousands of refined steel, and it is also the hand of Yan Hu, a famous weapon maker.

Yan Hu is a master weapon maker under Wei Guoran Min's command. Although he is not as well-known as Niu Shi and Wei Meng, his products must be high-quality goods.The weapons used by Ran Min, Jin Nu, Tie Nu and Ji Ju are all made by others, they are simply Ran Min's royal masters.Ordinarily, Yan Hu would never make a weapon for him easily. If Cui Cheng hadn't helped Yan Hu when he was down, Yan Hu would not have made such a sword for Cui Cheng.

Murong Ke looked at this precious sword with joy on his face.

However, Feng Lei's eyes seemed to burst into flames: "General Murong, why did you order to retreat? If there is half an hour, no more than two quarters of an hour, this general will be able to break through Jiankang!"

"Haha!" Murong Ke said with a smile: "General Feng has come to Jiankang, do you think there will be no battles to fight without you?"

Cui Cheng stepped forward and explained: "It's not that General Murong is unkind, nor is it that he doesn't believe that General Feng has no strength to defeat Jiankang, but General Murong received a report from the scouts that the Gushu Jin army has assembled, and the navy troops have assembled There are more than [-] warships, if our army does not retreat and entangles with the Jin army at the head of the city, it will definitely fall into a situation where the enemy is on the back."

"Over [-] warships?" Feng Lei was taken aback. Now all the warships of the Wei Army's Changshui Army, including the captured Jin Army warships, are still less than a hundred.Although Feng Lei doesn't understand water warfare, he also knows the truth that two fists are hard to beat with four hands.

Murong Ke said: "So, General Feng, we have to avoid his edge this time. Not only must we retreat, but we must also withdraw completely. The infantry must return to the river bank immediately, and deploy the defenses of Yanziji Luzhai. The navy is fully prepared for battle!"

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty's defense against Jiankang, the facts are not negative.Instead, he adopted an active offensive strategy. Chu Suanzi used Jiankang City to attract Wei's attack, and then ordered Jin Changshui Captain Wang Teng to lead the water army to attack Wei's fleet.

Although the strategy is good, it does not have better execution.Jin Changshui Captain Wang Teng is the fifth grandson of Wang Jun, a famous navy general in the Western Jin Dynasty. However, Wang Teng returned almost all the military strategies left by his ancestors to his ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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