Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 564 Playing dirty with me, you are still tender

Chapter 564 You Are Younger If You Play Yin Yin For Me ([-]rd)

Chapter 568
Following Ran Ming's command, nearly a dozen small warships loaded with gunpowder began to be deployed on the river in skirmish formation.

After arranging these things, the serial fire boats of the Jin army were less than [-] steps away from these small warships.The situation was very dangerous, and Ran Ming ordered the navy's small warships arranged by Xingluo to lower their sails and drop anchor.

"Children, work harder!" Tang Facai showed his tough water bandit side. He was not afraid of the cold in late autumn, but he actually showed his upper body and waved water thorns. Beside him were dozens of famous Water ghosts, these water ghosts, everyone is carrying a bag of wine in their hands, ready to attack from underwater at any time. "Row up for me and rush up, that's called punching the old master to death!"

The five-tooth warship was afraid of Tang Fa Cai's series of fire boats, so he had no choice but to avoid their edge.Due to the extremely high cost of the huge five-tooth warship, even if hundreds of fire boats were exchanged for one five-tooth warship of the Wei army, the Wei army would suffer.

In this era, long-range weapons for water warfare are bed crossbows and catapults, or fire attacks.But no matter how big and strong a battleship is, it is also made of wood, and it is even more afraid of fire.In fact, Ran Ming also discovered at this time that the warships are too large, and not all of them are advantages. Nowhere.

At this time, a spectacle appeared on the Yangtze River. The short and huge navy of the Jin army staged a shocking scene of little ants chasing elephants.

Seeing that the Wei Army sailors fled without a fight, the morale of the Jin Army sailors was even higher. They seemed to have made up their minds to risk their lives. The oars seemed to be rowing desperately, and the oars were flying up and down. They just ignored them and rushed towards the Wei Army sailors. .

Although the first wave of the Jin army's serial fireboats had burned to ashes and sank into the river, Tang Facai was not worried. He still had more than 600 serial fireships in his hands, enough to deal with the Wei army's navy.

At this time, Wei Jun's navy had withdrawn from Yanziji for nearly [-] li and approached Jingkou.Jingkou, like Gushu, was an important military town of the Jin Dynasty. The navy of the Jin Dynasty stationed in Jingkou was not strong. There were only hundreds of large and small warships in the area, which could not effectively stop the Wei army.However, they also formed a formation, ready to block the Wei army.Now Wei Jun's navy has wolves in front and tigers in the back, and they are facing enemies from both sides.

However, right here, Tang Facai's series of fireboats finally succeeded, and was blocked by those small warships that did not retreat. Those small Wei army ships were like magnets, sucking the surrounding series of fireboats. Usually a small warship, At least a dozen small fireboats must be attracted.

Tang Facai saw that these fireboats caught more than a dozen medium-sized warships at once, although there were no five-tooth warships of the Wei army.Holding the principle that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, Tang Facai said: "Order Zuo Shi, Sun Kewang, to hang a slanted sail, bypass the fire boat, rush to the upwind area, seize the opportunity, and insert Wei Jun's navy diagonally from the back of the left wing's waist. Enter, no matter how bad it is, try to bite the tail of the Wei army's big ship! Otherwise, military discipline will be engaged."

Tang Facai climbed onto the mast himself, watched the situation on the river, and then shouted: "Order the right division, Zhou Wenkang Department, to wait for the opportunity to put out the fire and see if we can capture these dozen boats."

Tang Facai was not from the regular army, he took the wild road, and his strength was expanded through capture from the battlefield. Those ships that had just been burned by fire could barely be used as long as the fire was extinguished and some repairs were made.No matter how bad a dozen medium-sized warships are, they are still 150 stone ships (with a displacement equivalent to about 4000 tons). You must know that it will cost about [-] to [-] million yuan to build just one such ship.

A dozen or so ships cost five or six billion yuan, so how could Tang Facai not be tempted.

However, it was not long before his order was conveyed.Suddenly there was an earth-shattering loud noise on the river, and a gunpowder ship of the Wei army was ignited by a series of fire boats.Fifty catties of black powder directly blew up this medium-sized battleship to pieces, and the dozens of serial fireships around it were like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves.The huge explosive force instantly set off a huge water wave more than ten feet high on the river.

Then, the sound of the explosion sounded again.This time the explosion was more powerful. The fire boats around the Wei army's gunpowder ship were blown into a pile of pieces. Those burning fire boats were flying in the air like a goddess scattering flowers.Among them were many sailors of the Jin army who were preparing to put out the fire, and they were also blown away by the air waves.

A dozen fireships surrounded by a chain of fireships discovered big explosions one after another, which not only completely destroyed Tang Facai's chain of fireboats, but also caused unimaginable accidents on the battlefield.

Such a strange scene stunned the personnel on both sides of the battlefield.The navy of the Jin army, which was still in full swing just now, is now like a dumb man. No one cheers or shouts. The drums of war stopped and the fireboats went out.The fierce battlefield immediately fell into a deathly silence.

The explosion also produced an accident that even Ran Ming could not have imagined. Tang Facai, who was watching from the several feet high mast, was so frightened that he fell off the mast.Tang Facai, who fell from a mast as high as a three-story building, fell unconscious on the spot.The explosion had a huge impact on the Jin army's psychology. The Jin army's naval divisions were advancing side by side, and the aggressive attack formation suddenly became chaotic.

Some are attacking cautiously, but more are waiting for an opportunity to retreat.The advance, retreat, and U-turns immediately caused the Jin army's navy to be in chaos.

"General Sun Lang, the second leader, the first leader was knocked unconscious, and it seems that he won't be able to wake up for a while. What should we do now? Shall we set off some more fireboats?"

"Let it go, let your mother's scumbag go." Sun Kewang is Tang Facai's sworn brother, ranking second, and his original name was Sun Erlang.Sun Kewang stepped forward and slapped the schoolboy and scolded: "You motherfucker, you don't have a brain, and you set fire to nearly [-] boats, and they disappeared all of a sudden. What shall we do in the future?"

Tang Facai was dizzy and could not command the fleet, but Wei Jun was not merciful. It is said that he took advantage of his illness to kill him.When the Jin army's warships were in chaos, fourteen Wei army five-tooth warships turned around and launched a retaliatory attack on the Jin army.

The invincible Wei Jun Navy was beaten and beaten by the Jin Army today, and it was disgraced and humiliated.From the generals to the soldiers, everyone is holding their breath in their hearts. Now that they have the opportunity to take revenge, how could they let go of this opportunity.

Since both the Wei Army and the Jin Army Navy were sailing against the wind at this time, there was still enough distance on the wide river to make a detour.As long as the Jin army left behind a series of fire ships, those small and medium-sized warships would rush up without Ran Ming's orders, and use their own bodies to entangle those fire ships.Then break down.As a result, fearing that the Wei army would send out that kind of thunder again, the Jin army's serial fire boats did not dare to set fire.The fire boats full of kerosene and inflammables became the spoils of war for the Wei army.

During the pursuit, Wei Jun's five-tooth warship began to show its power. Since both sides were traveling against the wind, their speed was very slow.On the contrary, it is conducive to the precise strike of the Xiangyang artillery. At this time, the Wei army's catapult operators performed super-level, and an average of less than five stone bullets could hit a Jin army ship.That kind of stone bullet that weighs a hundred catties, as long as it hits the warship of the Jin army, it will basically penetrate directly.

As the pursuit continued, the Jin army suffered increasing losses.

At this moment, Tang Facai woke up, and learned that he had lost not only two or three hundred fireboats, but also a dozen battleships, his face turned green with anger.Tang Facai roared: "Damn it, without Lao Tzu, you wouldn't be able to fight, and you wouldn't go into the water to scuttle their boats. I, Old Tang, can't do things like being beaten but not fighting back. Give it back to you, Sun Erlang. You're such a wimp, it's easy for me to save up this little money now, but you've lost more than half of it."

Sun Kewang's face turned red to the base of his neck, and he said in a buzzing voice, "Brother, look at me!"

Sun Kewang took off his clothes, revealing his healthy body, he picked up a wine bag, it was already late autumn, and the river water was already cold.People can't last too long underwater, so drink some wine before entering the water to keep out the cold.Sun Kewang gulped down half a bag of wine, which weighed about a catty or two, and his face turned even redder at this moment.It's simply a reappearance of Guan Gong.

"Everyone with a bus will get into the water!"


The Jin army's water ghost troops began to dispatch, of course, the movements of the Jin army could not escape the eyes of the Wei army's watchmen.Soon the news reached Ran Ming's ears.

A strange smile appeared on Ran Ming's face.For Ran Ming, there were too many ways to deal with water ghosts, so Ran Ming directly adopted the method of casting a net to catch fish.
"Boom..." The battle drums of the Jin army's navy resounded across the sky, and small fast boats carrying "water ghosts" rushed towards the Wei army's five-tooth warship like moths throwing fire.

Due to the small size and fast speed of these small fast boats, and the fact that they are all operated by experienced helmsmen, they are sailing irregularly, which makes Wei Jun's navy feel caught off guard.The Xiangyang Cannon and Ba Niu Crossbow on the Wei Army's five-fanged warship attacked these small warships angrily.However, due to technical limitations, there are also reasons for human operation, allowing these small boats to quickly approach those behemoths.

The eight-ox crossbow operator of the Wei army and the Xiangyang gun operator poured crossbow arrows or stone bullets into these small boats desperately.Not all the small boats of the Jin army were lucky, and there were also many unlucky ones who died before they were born.The small boats hit by the stone bullets would overturn in an instant. The soldiers of the Jin army on the small boats, whether they were water ghosts or not, did not run for their lives first after falling into the water, but desperately approached the Wei Jun Wangya battleship.Some were also hit by the crossbow arrows of the Eight Bulls, and those people died even worse, almost being shot into blood gourds.However, they didn't care about the casualties in front of them or fell into the river, and they just continued to charge desperately as before.

"Kill, kill, kill..." The crossbowmen on the battleship of the Wei army desperately shot at the water ghosts of the Jin army who were about to approach them, and the water in the Taotao river showed a touch of blood red from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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