Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 565 I want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it

Chapter 565 I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it (fourth update)

Chapter 569 I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it
Ran Ming felt a little heavy in his heart when he looked at these fearless Jin army water ghost troops.He had never paid much attention to this reckless Changshui deputy lieutenant Tang Facai before.

Tang Facai is unparalleled in loyalty and integrity, and he is not as vulgar, arrogant, and frivolous as a nouveau riche who suddenly came to power.Although he came from a humble background, he was more tactful in his dealings with others. He was in a high position but shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, and the rewards and punishments were clearly defined.More importantly, Tang Facai is a legend in himself, he always wins every battle, no matter how dangerous or embarrassing the situation is, he will always have the last laugh.In this way, over time, Tang Zaicai formed a myth of victory among the navy soldiers.

In water battles where hot weapons did not come, the two warring parties would either attack with fire, in addition to the usual catapult bombardment.Regardless of any type of arms, any method of warfare is not invulnerable.Tang Facai had very rich experience in combat. He already knew about the tall warships of the Wei State. He convened his confidantes and analyzed in detail how the Jin army used limited surface warships to attack the Wei army's five-tooth warships.It's like in later generations, those military experts, whether they have something to do or not, always like to speculate on aircraft carriers.

Tang Facai actually prepared several plans. The chain of fire boats was one of his ultimate moves. Although it failed, in fact this method was really effective. If he was not fighting on the wide Yangtze River, if he was only fighting in narrow waters, then His move will definitely force Wei Jun to back away.In fact, if Tang Facai's chain of fireboats followed his original plan, Ran Ming would have no chance of turning the tables.Because in Tang Facai's plan, the Jingkou water army will organize all warships and link them with iron chains to form a huge tortoise formation, which will directly block the escape route of the Wei army water army.

It's a pity that this move was directly vetoed by He Zhi, the general of the Louchuan stationed in Jingkou. Since the navy in Jingkou couldn't avoid the battle, Ran Ming could take advantage of it instead.

Ran Ming also felt a headache about Tang Fa Cai.Looking at the entire Wei State, there are too few generals who are familiar with water warfare, including Ran Ming, almost all of them have two swords.Even though Ran Ming had the five-tooth warship that was invented 300 years later in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, even if Ran Ming had 300 years of technological superiority, Tang Fa Cai was forced to vomit blood.

Tang Facai, who was born with mud legs, won the three flavors of the water war commander, in order to cover the approach of these water ghosts.Tang Facai ordered all the large and small warships under his command to swarm the Wei army's water army, using hundreds of large and small warships and nearly ten thousand lives to cover more than a hundred water ghosts.

This kind of crazy move is not impossible for a madman.However, Ran Ming had nothing to do with this crazy move.

These fourteen five-fang warships are the seeds of the Wei State's navy, and they are also the largest number of soldiers that Ran Ming can find so far that are suitable for water warfare.Northerners are not good at fighting water, and almost ten out of ten people are landlubbers.The Jin Dynasty was able to be dragged away by Ran Ming, who was able to swim, and it was almost the same.If these people were killed, Ran Ming would only want to cultivate a navy, unless it took several years of work, otherwise it would be impossible.What's more, these five-fang warships are extremely expensive to build, each of which costs thousands of gold. Fourteen five-fang warships including warships and equipment cost Ran Ming more than [-] gold, which is almost half of Ran Ming's working capital.

Tang Facai tried his best to annihilate all these hundreds of large and small warships, and he also wanted to die with Ran Ming.But Ran Ming was not willing to do this.

In fact, at this time, the Jin army still had nearly [-] large and small warships that had not been put into battle. Once Captain Changshui Wang Teng poured down his troops, Ran Ming didn't know what to do.

Under Tang Facai's command, the Jin army's navy was like a puppet at this time. They only obeyed Tang Facai's orders and threw themselves into this life-and-death battle without hesitation.

Although Ran Ming has the golden finger of a traveler, he has nothing to do with this kind of water battle.Ran Ming is a man but not a god. As the battle continued, the shortcomings of Ran Ming's sailors who had little combat experience emerged, and this weakness quickly and infinitely magnified.

Especially the water ghosts who had escaped from the fishing nets, chiseled the bottom of the boat with chisels, and the sailors on it began to panic and panic, and their morale gradually weakened.

As one ebbs and the other rises, the morale of the Jin army's navy slowly rises.

At this moment, there was a burst of earth-shattering cheers from the Jin army formation.

It turned out that a medium-sized battleship was actually gouged through the bottom of the ship by the water ghost, and the medium-sized warship began to sink rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.The morale of the Jin army was even stronger, and the cheers were like thunder.

Of course, this is also because the medium-sized warship of the Wei army is a captured Jin ship.The design is backward, there is no watertight tank design, and it is not strong enough.But the five-tooth warship is different. In order to prevent it from sinking on the rocks, Ran Ming designed 36 sets of fixed watertight tanks when designing, and the five-tooth warship in the design is different from traditional warships.The reserve buoyancy designed by Ran Ming is one-third, that is, unless more than a dozen of the 36 water-tight tanks of a battleship are cut through, in this case, there will be a possibility of sinking.If the carrying materials are discarded in time to reduce the use of buoyancy, it can withstand fifteen water-tight tanks without sinking.

So Ran Ming was not worried about the water ghost destroying the battleship, but worried about Tang Facai's unknown tricks.

Beating the old master to death with random punches was Tang Facai's habitual way of attacking, just attacking and attacking again, attacking desperately.The tall fighting ships are responsible for containment, and the small boats use jumping gangs to attack.Because the height of the five-tooth battleship was too high, the small boats of the Jin army were powerless even if they wanted to jump to help fight.At this moment, a scene that made Ran Ming unbelievable happened.

When the small tents of the Jin army approached the five-tooth battleship, the mast fell down inexplicably, and they all fell towards the five-tooth battleship.Then countless sailors of the Jin army climbed up to the tall five-tooth warship through the fallen mast.

"How dare I do this!" Ran Ming knew that in the nearly 2000 years of human naval warfare history, the mainstream combat style for most of the time was "jumping gang warfare", that is, the ships of the two sides chasing each other and approaching each other.When the sides of the two ships meet, the fighters of the attacking side will jump onto the deck of the opposing ship and use melee weapons to destroy the opponent's vital forces.The sinking of enemy ships is often only a by-product of combat, and in most cases, capturing enemy ships is the real combat goal.

When Tang Facai was a water bandit, he didn't have a big ship in his hands. A fighting ship as high as a three-story building was simply not something he and his men could climb.Of course it was not Tang Facai's style to be beaten passively, so he thought of a way.The mast is not fixed on the ship, but it can be moved back and forth. The ropes are used to fix the bow and stern of the ship. Once they want to fight with the gang, they put it on the mast and use the mast to make up for the lack of drop.In this way, Tang Facai was unsatisfied after a hundred trials.

However, this time he met his opponent.Ran Ming gave him a blessing and asked him to adopt the gang-jumping tactic.

You must know that the five-tooth warship is very tall. Even the largest building ships and fighting ships of the Jin army are only one-third the size of the five-tooth warship.A warship with five teeth can carry [-] soldiers.This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the five-tooth battleship has weapons that neither the fighting ship nor the building ship has.

That is the racket. Each five-tooth battleship is equipped with eight rackets. This kind of racket is fifty feet long and weighs a thousand catties. It only needs to be shot at once.In addition to fighting ships and building ships, they can still resist, and those small boats are all sunk with one blow.The eight rackets of the five-tooth battleship, like octopuses, writhed up and down.

Only heard a loud bang.The clapping pole fell heavily on a fighting ship of the Jin army, and there was a loud bang.The floor of the mainmast deck was shattered, and several Jin soldiers couldn't dodge in time, and they didn't even hum.It was shot directly to the bottom of the boat by the pole.To pieces.

The tragedy was not over yet, and then the rapidly rising racket fell from the hit place again, and this time the movement was even bigger, the main deck and the mid-belly ship cabin were shattered, screaming again and again.However, the bad luck was not over yet, the racket rod rose again, and then fell heavily.There was only a loud click, and the river rushed in instantly. The Jin army's big ship had already submerged into the river, and there was a lot of screams and screams for a while. Tang Facai seemed to be shocked by this scene, and the drumbeat stopped.

Fighting ships (detailed pictures and introductions can be searched on Baidu) are a type of main battleship that has been equipped in large quantities for hundreds of years from the Three Kingdoms to the Tang Dynasty.Its role is no less than that of the current main destroyer.However, it was such a battleship that was only hit three times.It sank in less than a quarter of an hour.

Although the Tang Facility Department was tough, they were also human beings, and when they encountered such an irresistible situation, their faces turned pale and their bodies trembled like chaff.Fighting ships can only take two hits, let alone small and medium-sized warships.

There was a loud crackling sound, and the small and medium-sized warships of the Jin army surrounding the five-tooth warship were all empty.

Although the power of the racket is not small, it also has a very big limitation, that is, the speed of this kind of racket is very slow only by manpower.

Tang Facai's eyes were red at the moment, and he personally took the flagship to attack Wei Jun.

Tang Facai found that although this kind of racket is powerful, it has a certain blind spot, and it cannot hit all parts, especially the blind spots on the sides, front, side and rear.

As Tang Facai approached the side and rear of a five-tooth warship, Tang Facai shouted: "Leave the sails and attack!"

With a loud sound of "Peng", Tang Facai held a shield in one hand and launched a fierce attack on the Wei army against the rain of arrows.

"Papa..." The shield in Tang Facai's hand was hit by countless arrows.The palm of his hand holding the shield was full of sweat.Looking around, the Jin army's jumping gang battle is not going well.

Most of the soldiers did not attack the five-toothed warship at all. This kind of tall five-toothed warship took advantage of its strong and tall ship to slam into the small boats that were about to swarm.

(End of this chapter)

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