Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 566 Remember to cast a good baby in the next life

Chapter 566 Remember to cast a good baby in the next life (fifth watch)

Chapter 570 Remember to cast a good baby in the next life
"Bang bang bang bang..." The sound continued, and the Jin army's screams rang out.As long as they are hit by the five-tooth battleship, all the ships of the Jin army, no matter how big or small, will be hit and destroyed.Those brave sailors of the Jin army had no fear in the face of the majestic Wei army. They held planks and jumped into the water the moment the ship was crashed.Or swing the five-clawed flying hook, hook the battleship of the Wei army, and then climb up.

More small boats of the Jin army got out of the way, and contacted the warships of the Wei army from the side or the rear. The sails that come down, or the rope ladder, start jumping and fighting.

Tang Facai had never learned the art of war, but he knew that momentum was very important at this time.Once he loses his aura, he will have no chance of winning if he loses his aura again, given the absolute disadvantage of inferior battleships, armor, and equipment.For the understanding of aura, Tang Facai summed it up, that is, the enemy is ruthless, and he is more ruthless than the enemy.The enemy is fierce, but you must be more fierce than the enemy.

"Boys, go up, go up, kill them all, I will reward you!" Tang Facai will never forget to boost morale at this time.

Although the Changshui Army of the Jin Army has rotted from the bones.However, the Tang Facai Department is completely different from the Jin Army Commander's Navy. This army was accumulated bit by bit by Tang Facai from scratch.For the Tang army and navy, Tang Facai is their backbone and the god in his heart.

Seeing Tang Facai take the lead, the soldiers of Tang's water army shouted and shouted again and again, rushing forward and rushing forward bravely.

Looking at these vigorous soldiers, Ran Ming was like seeing the best beauties. In terms of combat skills and morale, this navy is definitely the best.Ran Ming suddenly had an idea, he decided to use the battleship to capture Tang Facai.

Ran Ming waved his hand, and said to Gao Shi, "See if that old boy is good. You and Hei Shan will catch him later, and he will live alone!"

Gao Shi looked at the hulking and murderous Tang Facai, with a helpless expression on his face: "Your Highness, let alone arresting that humble Tang Facai, you can't even beat him!"

Lin Heishan said: "Your Highness, I can beat him, and it's not a problem to kill him. But it's hard to catch!"

Ran Ming thought for a while and smiled: "You can do this. First, lay a few fishing nets on the deck, and then pass the rope through the pulley tied to the mast. The other end is tied to the big box containing the stone bombs. That There are twenty stone bullets in the big box, each one hundred catties, and the weight of two thousand catties, it is not a problem to lift a few people. Heishan is very strong, and he will follow my wink later, as long as I let you do it. Heishan will use a pry Pry the big box into the water with a stick!"

Gao Shi said: "Your Highness, it's not dark yet. As long as you are not stupid, whoever jumps into the fishing net is courting death?"

"That's true!" Ran Ming thought to himself, in the movies, the way to catch the enemy in this way is usually to bury the looper in the soft soil, or put it in the grass that is not easy to detect.But there is no such thing on deck.Suddenly Ran Ming saw the wooden barrels on the deck filled with kerosene.Said: "Get the fire oil and pour a layer on it, so they can't see the fishing net."

At this time, the fierce oil is basically unrefined.Just like the mixture of diesel and asphalt, although the combustion effect does not use gasoline, it has a characteristic, that is, it is not easy to get rid of after it is stained, just like an incendiary bomb.Ran Ming took advantage of this method. Anyway, those who are jealous of killing people will not find this problem in the first place.When they find out, people can catch it too.

In ancient times, soldiers fought against soldiers and generals. Tang Facai, as the chief general of the Jin army's navy, aimed at the flagship where Ran Ming was. On the battleship, if Tang Facai can capture this battleship, of course he can also get the same effect as capturing a thief and a king.

The soldiers on the battleship received Ran Ming's order and began to retreat slowly. However, Tang Facai, who had just boarded the deck, had not had time to take a closer look at the battleship.Then I heard the sworn brother Sun Kewang say: "Brother, the situation is not right!"

"What's wrong!" While Tang Facai was speaking, he had rushed into the deck for more than ten steps. He saw that the soldiers of the Jin army rushing up on the deck had surpassed the soldiers of the Wei army. He saw that this big ship could capture them.Tang Facai was overjoyed and forgot all the dangers.

"Look, brother!" Sun Kewang pointed to his feet.

"What's wrong with this!" Tang Facai discovered the accident at this moment.Because there is a black goo all over the deck, and this goo has a pungent smell.

"Hey!" Tang Facai said, although fierce fire oil has been discovered and used in the Western Han Dynasty in China.However, due to the limitation of technical conditions at that time, the amount of mined fire oil was very small. Just like the navy of the Jin army, it was not that they had not thought of using fierce fire oil in their fire attack, but it was very difficult to obtain fierce fire oil. On the contrary, tung oil and vegetable oil were easier get.But Tang Facai still recognized Menghuoyou.He subconsciously said: "This is actually fierce fire oil!"

Seeing fierce fire oil, Tang Facai, who knew the power of fierce water oil, broke out in a cold sweat.At this moment, there was a sudden scream, and Tang Facai, Sun Yaowang and several soldiers suddenly felt their feet slip, and then fell to the ground top-heavy.

It turned out that Ran Ming did not use fire to attack, but used heavy fire oil to cover the fishing nets on the deck.The fishing nets are laid flat on the deck, and as long as the eyes are not blind, no one will step on them by themselves.But the viscous fire oil was spread thickly, which well concealed the fishing nets underneath.The net is hung from the mast with ropes.As Lin Heishan exerted his strength, he used a crowbar to push the large wooden box loaded with stone bombs into the water on the deck.

Just like that, the heavy wooden box fell into the water, and Tang Facai and Sun Kewang were quickly hoisted up.

"Putting down your weapons, you're surrendering with your head in your arms!" Ran Ming shouted at the soldiers of the Jin army who were stunned on the spot.

At this moment, the sails of the masts suddenly turned, and a hundred crossbowmen on the three masts were ready to go.And what makes people feel cold is that there is fire on the crossbow.Once resisted, the big ship would be plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and not only the Wei army would be destroyed, but the hundreds of soldiers of the Jin army who boarded the five-tooth battleship would also be unable to escape.

Tang Facai was speechless for a long time. He exchanged the lives of three or four hundred soldiers on a five-tooth warship for him. His life was really valuable.

"Brother, what should we do now!" Sun Kewang had a knife in his hand, he could cut through the fishing net and break out.But at this time, the fishing nets were hanging a few of them more than ten feet above the ground deck. If they fell from such a high distance, they would not be killed or injured.What's even more hateful is that the soldiers of the Wei army below actually moved out several rejecting horses and put them under the fishing nets.If it falls on the sharp thorns of the horse, it will definitely die.

Tang Facai stood tall and looked far at this time. Originally, fighting gangs was his strong point.Using this tactic, he defeated an unknown number of enemies.However, at this time, it is this kind of strength, but it has encountered an unprecedented crisis.Those soldiers who boarded the deck were all faced with a situation. The crossbowmen who were arranged in a neat formation shot down them with heavy casualties and screamed again and again.

Only now did he understand.It turned out that someone dug a hole for him and used strong soldiers to completely defeat him in the field he is best at.

Seeing the screams and death all the time, Tang Facai hesitated, his expression full of entanglement and pain.

Although Wang Teng is greedy for money and lustful, it is simply not a thing.But Wang Teng is really good to Tang Facai.Not only did he obey his advice, but he never lacked Tang Facai in terms of rewards or military pay.Moreover, Wang Teng did not discriminate against Tang Facai, a man of reckless background.This moved Tang Facai very much.

No matter how moved you are, it can't replace anything.

"Surrender without killing, resistance will not be spared!" Countless soldiers of the Wei army shouted at the same time, and nearly ten thousand soldiers of the Wei army on fourteen warships shouted at the same time, and the voice spread for several miles.

Form is stronger than people, and Tang Facai had no choice but to bow his head because he didn't want to watch his brother Wuqu be killed.However, he still put forward three requirements. First, Wang Teng has shown him the grace of knowing him. The commander of the Jin army and the navy are all his brothers. He has no choice but to surrender today, but he will definitely not attack his brother.Second, some of his sailor brothers got married and had children in the state of Jin. Even if they returned to the state of Wei, some people would definitely not want to, so Ran Ming had to stop these soldiers who were unwilling to surrender to the Wei army.The third is today's battle, both sides suffered heavy casualties, he was the only one to blame, and he must not cause trouble for these surrenders, let alone settle accounts after the fall.

Hearing Tang Facai's three requests, all of them were for his brother, and he didn't mention his official position and treatment at all. Obviously, this person is a loyal person.

Ran Ming agreed to all Tang Facai's requests.

The surface battle on the Yangtze River has finally come to an end, and now it is simply repairing the damaged warship, treating the wounded, and salvaging those who fell into the water.Of course, this is absolutely indispensable to properly arrange the more than [-] soldiers of the Tang Facai Department.When Ran Ming was fighting fiercely with the Ministry of Finance of the Tang Dynasty, Huan Wen and Zhang Wen also had a fierce duel on the battlefield in Luoyang!

Zhang Wen had suffered enough from Huanwen's gunpowder, and did not defend the city as before.Instead, relying on the city of Luoyang, they set up a large array of Yanyue.Take the elite infantry as the blade, the light cavalry as the front, the gunners, spearmen, swords and shields, and heavy shields as the backbone!Built-in eight ox crossbows and Xiangyang guns.The entire Yanyue Formation is arranged layer by layer like fish scales, and various arms such as infantry, cavalry, archers, and shields cooperate with each other, which is extremely murderous.

Zhang Wen met the enemy with an upright and upright army, and Huan Wen naturally couldn't attack the city like he did.In a siege battle, once the walls were breached, the defenders would be demoralized and panicked.

But the law of ambition is different. With Ran Min's ability, there are more than 14 troops in the area, and Murong Ke's [-] Yan army cavalry is still not capable of fighting. Instead, when Ran Min ran out of food, he was forced to attack, which shows the tenacity of the Wei army.

(End of this chapter)

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