Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 567 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins

Chapter 567 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins (Sixth)
Chapter 571 Encounter on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins (Sixth)
No kind of arms on the battlefield is invincible, and likewise, no formation is without flaws.Huan Wen's experience is very rich, and he was not intimidated by Wei Jun's Yanyue formation.

The Xifu army is not a soft-footed shrimp, but also an army that can only fight. Even without Huan Wen's order, the heavy and light shieldmen of the Xifu army slowly moved forward. It hit the back of Wei Jun's Yanyue formation.

The belly and back are the weakest points of Yanyue Formation, and Huan Wen also discovered this problem.Zhou Chu led the only [-] cavalrymen ready to bite off a piece of meat on the back of the Wei army at any time.

Huanwen's Xifu army did not fight and charge like matadors, but fought silently.

In Huan Wen's words: "Fighting power is the first, and then fighting power is the next. If you don't fight, you will be defeated, but that's it!"

The Xifu Army marched heavily, spears, spears, shields, bows and arrows, hard crossbows, light cavalry, and rockets marched slowly. The drums were rumbling, and the Xifu soldiers followed the drums. Every time the drums sounded, the soldiers took a step forward, and they all shouted. "kill!"

At this time, the Xifu army was like a sharp iron spear, full of murderous aura.

In history, the Xifu army relied on this kind of upright and upright battle to force back the more than [-] troops of Cheng Han and Li Shi, creating a miracle of stopping ten with one.In history, Huanwen's three Northern Expeditions also won by relying on momentum, but also lost because of the frustration of momentum.

However, it is a pity.The opponent of the Xifu army, this time is Wei Guo, the Great Wei Iron Army created by Ran Min himself.If the Xifu army is a long sword full of vigor and murderous aura, but the Wei army is a seamless iron plate.Use bluntness to sharpness, use thickness to overcome lightness.

Wei Jun is just letting you crash the waves, and I am as motionless as a mountain.

At the beginning, the arms and thighs of the new recruits in Wei Jun's army were trembling unconsciously.But when they saw the unmoved and calm-looking veterans around them, they gradually became quiet.

Man is a strange animal.It is easy to be infected by the surrounding environment.No matter how cowardly a person is, as long as he follows a warrior, he can become a warrior.Of course, if those warriors are cowards together, they will become cowards over time.

Zhang Wen shouted in the formation: "Soldiers and soldiers, what should we do if we offend the Great Wei?"


"What should be done to those who take my city?"

The generals of the Wei army still answered with one word: "Kill!"

"Those who slaughtered my people, what should they do?"


"A strong enemy is in front of us, and soldiers are approaching the city, what should we do?"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The sword and shield soldiers of the Wei army slapped their shields with their swords, the spearmen and iron spearmen turned their blades to the sky, and the drums sounded. The momentum of the Wei army was not affected by the Xifu army at all.

Huan Wen was silent at this moment, attack or retreat?This is a difficult problem.

The fighting power is evenly matched, evenly divided, half a catty against eighty two.But for the attack, Huan Wen was not half sure, and he was unwilling to withdraw.

The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, and the wise man wins when the two armies fight against each other!

Huan Wen wants to win, but Zhang Wen is obviously not a fledgling, he is a man who knows how to fight.Wei Jun's Yanyue formation was originally an attacking formation, but Zhang Wen was stunned to form a defensive formation.Don't look at this is a very ordinary Yanyue Formation, even ordinary generals and schools can easily put it out.However, this simplest formation is a test of the general's coordination and adaptability.

This Yanyue formation of the Wei army not only has a tight coordination between long and short offensive and defensive arms.The most important thing is that Zhang Wen adopts the layout method of loose outside and tight inside.It seems that the concave bottom of Yanyue and Crescent Moon is the weak link of the whole formation. Apparently Huan Wen knew that this was a trap of Zhang Wen.

Huanwen's Xifu army came from afar to attack Luoyang. This was once the capital of the Jin Dynasty, and the army was one step away from Luoyang.

Although Huan Wen did not have the upper hand in the part of the fight.But in the blink of an eye, Huan Wen thought of another plan.

Mao Husheng, a savage general from the Xifu Mansion, rode out into battle, about a stone's throw away from the front of the Yanyue formation.

Mao Husheng rushed to the Wei army formation and shouted: "Duke Nanjun of the Great Jin Dynasty, Taiwei, and General Huan Gong of Anxi, please tell us about it before the formation!"

Mao Husheng didn't care how Wei Jun reacted, and shouted three times in a row.

Zhang Wen didn't show weakness either. At this time, Huan Wen would definitely not backstab someone before the battle.Because the two armies are facing each other, if they despicably draw out the opponent's general, they will stab people in the back.Even if Zhang Wen was killed by an arrow, the morale of the Wei army would not be defeated, but instead the soldiers would fight back.

Zhang Wen rode out into battle, one distance away from the front of the battle.At this distance, even if the opponent wants to attack secretly, Zhang Wen can quickly return to the front line.The eight-ox crossbow hidden in the Yanyue formation can take the opportunity to kill the enemy instead.

Seeing that Zhang Wen came forward with only a hundred soldiers, Huan Wen also rode forward slowly.

When the distance between the two was less than half an inch, and Huan Wen hadn't had time to speak, Zhang Wen took the lead: "Huan Wen, you have raised your own army in arrogance, and let the lives of people suffer, and the world will not tolerate it. Now turn around and leave my Nanyang. There is still time to return to Xiangyang. Otherwise, Luoyang is the place where your bones are buried, and today will be your memorial day in the coming year!"

Zhang Wen's anger sank to his dantian, and his shouting was not small.Although there was no microphone or loudspeaker, Zhang Wen's voice was still transmitted to the Huan Wen army, causing a slight commotion in the Xifu army.

Huan Wen didn't take it seriously when he heard the words, and he understood the truth that he went to the army to attack the scheme, and then to attack the diplomatic relations.In fact, although this principle is simple, it is very difficult to actually do it.Especially Wei Guo's iron-blooded army.

Huan Wen agrees with a truth, although there are some things that you know you can't do, but if you do it seriously, you have a chance to succeed.But if you don't do it, you will never succeed.

"Zhang Wen, I and you are our own masters. There is nothing wrong with the two armies facing each other!" Huan Wen shouted loudly: "But Wei Lord Ran Min is the adopted grandson of the later Zhao. It is disloyal to seek the imperial power of the later Zhao. I don't want to raise It is unfilial to slaughter the descendants of the Shi family. It is unfilial to commit chaos. Heaven has the virtue of good life. It is inhumane for Wei Lord Ran Min to rebel and fight recklessly. Military disasters stretch for thousands of miles, red land thousands of miles, and bones are piled up, causing innocent people to die in vain. , It is for injustice. Ran Min, the Lord of Wei, clearly intended to punish the people for crimes. In fact, he was unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, and unrighteous. His sins are serious and the world will not tolerate it. Wenshen is the Taiwei of the Great Jin Dynasty. Although you can't do it, you don't want to add more killings. You are trying to be like a chariot with your arms, stubbornly resisting, and you will die. You are a hero if you know the truth. If you take refuge in this Taiwei right now, this Taiwei will not blame you for your crimes. Wei Zhu Ran Minfeng Er What official position are you waiting for? This Taiwei will report to His Majesty the Emperor and add a third rank to you..."

Hearing Huan Wen's words that confused black and white, Zhang Wen trembled with anger: "Zhu Zi dares to slander His Majesty the Emperor, left and right..."

At this juncture, Zhang Wen's head turned sharply, and he suddenly realized that Huan Wen's persuasion to capitulate was false, and it was true that he angered himself.However, Zhang Wen almost fell for Huan Wen's trick, but instead he smiled, turned around and said to the generals of the Wei army: "Listen, all generals, this is the tyrant of the Great Jin Dynasty who actually complained to the tyrant Shi Hu. Your Majesty the Emperor!" Leading you to rebel against Jiehu, raise righteous soldiers, and pacify the world, have you ever regretted it?"

The generals of the Wei army shouted loudly: "My emperor has given us the grace of survival and rebuilding. Even if our bodies are smashed to pieces, we will have no complaints or regrets!"

Zhang Wendao: "The Huns of the Jie and the Xiongnu don't do production and only focus on robbery. They plunder the food, clothing and property of our Han people and destroy the clothes of our ancestral hall. The Huns of the Jie, Xiongnu, and Xianbei are not as good as animals. should kill?"

Most of these soldiers of the Wei Army were Han Chinese from the north, and they all had hatred for the Hu people. They almost said in unison: "It should be killed!"

Zhang Wen said again: "Jiehu regards us as pigs and sheep. I think that during the Yongjia period, there were 420 million households in the four prefectures of You, Ji, Yan, and Bing. In just over [-] years, they slaughtered tens of millions of our people. People. Ten rooms and nine empty spaces, thousands of miles of barren land. The Hus love to eat people, and they regard my clan members as two-legged sheep, slaughtering and cooking during the day, and adultery at night, should such behavior be killed?"

"Should kill!"

Zhang Wen pointed to Huan Wen and said, "This is the Great Jin Taiwei. You must remember this person. He said that His Majesty is an unfaithful, filial, benevolent and unrighteous person. What should he do to slander His Majesty?"

"Kill, kill, kill"

Zhang Wen turned around and said: "The soldiers of the three armies listened to the order. The Jinshi regards us as enemies and Jiehu as relatives. Such a perverse behavior is not tolerated by heaven and earth. We will do justice for the heavens and wipe out all evil."

"Kill. Kill. Kill!"

The morale of the Wei army was high, and they moved forward slowly with neat steps.In the Yanyue formation, more than [-] soldiers, armed with spears, shields, bows and arrows, cooperated with each other, forming a strict formation, full of murderous aura.At this time, the momentum of the Jin army was slightly weaker.

Zhang Wen saw the timing and ordered the army to go out, and the light cavalry on the two wings were the first to attack.In the era of cold weapons, the strongest unit is not Modao infantry, nor heavy infantry.The most aggressive force is the cavalry. Moreover, the Jin Dynasty had no natural horse farms, and their cavalry was not only small, but also seriously insufficient in training.

Horseshoes are flying, thousands of horses are galloping, and horseshoes are like thunder.

In fact, Zhang Wen's cavalry was not too many, with more than [-] cavalry on each of the left and right wings. Perhaps the [-] cavalry would be tens of thousands, tens of thousands of cavalry against Yan Guodong, which was not enough at all.But for the Jin army, which is seriously short of horses and cavalry, it is enough.

The black armored cavalry is like a black line, appearing on the horizon. That black line is like a raging tide on the sea surface. When the wind suddenly rises, only when you hear the sound of hooves, you can see the shadow.Ferocity turned into power, tigers and leopards bared their teeth and claws.The black-armored cavalry is like a violent wind, like the sound of raging sea tides, as soon as it appears, it raises an unrivaled aura.Although there are only more than [-] cavalry, the cavalry is like a thousand horses pushing forward together.

(End of this chapter)

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