Chapter 568
Chapter 572

All infantry and cavalry are imaginary, and the best way to deal with cavalry is to use cavalry.Huan Wen has always been good at learning. He learned Gaoqiao saddle from Wei Jun, learned to use double-sided stirrups, and learned to equip cavalry with spears, spears, and horizontal knives.

But there is one thing that he can't learn, and that is to have countless war horses.Since Wei Jun got Qingzhou, Ran Ming seized it on the battlefield, and used Qingzhou's natural pastures to breed war horses.Although Huan Wen also took advantage of the profit-seeking nature of businessmen to buy a lot of war horses from the state of Wei, but the least things were often kept for himself, and the things he sold were low-level things.Regardless of endurance, explosive power, and sprinting power, the horses of the Jin army are far inferior to those of the Wei State.

What's more, at this time Wei State owns Youzhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou, Liangzhou, China's four major cavalry production areas, all of which are in the hands of Wei State, and Wei State naturally has a natural advantage.

Huan Wen stood in the middle of the army, looking at the galloping black armored cavalry, his hands were sweating unconsciously.He only had 60 cavalry in this Northern Expedition, but these [-] cavalry were fully built by Huan Wen's money and money.There is no way, war horses are too expensive, a good horse costs [-] to [-] yuan, not counting equipment, just [-] war horses, it takes a full four years of taxes in Huanwen Jingzhou.

Wei Jun can afford it, but he can't.

However, the situation was no longer at Huan Wen's control.Huan Wen can only resign himself to fate, and pray that Zhou Chu can perform exceptionally well!
The momentum of the black-armored cavalry charging was very fast, and they could already meet the Jin army cavalry from a distance. Slowly, the faces of both of them were clearly visible.However, the Wei army did not shoot arrows, nor did the [-] cavalry of the Zhou and Chu troops of the Jin army.

When the distance between the cavalry on both sides was nearly fifty steps, the black armored cavalry finally moved.

Thousands of people were the same, and they raised their long spears neatly. This distance is the most powerful distance for javelins. Although shields can prevent arrows, they cannot prevent long spears.

Thousands of long spears were thrown by the black armored knight. At that moment, the long spears were flying in the air, making a frightening whistling sound.

Just after the spears flew, the black-armored knights in the first echelon actually turned left and right instantly, giving up the space in front of the formation.Just this simple emergency turn, if you have a little bad riding skills, you will fall off the horse and die, but about a thousand people turned around, and no one was left behind.

The soldiers in front of the cavalry of the Jin army frantically blocked the flying spears with their blades, or dodged them. "Puchi, puff..."

The sound of the spear piercing the flesh sounded, and the blood flower was like a fountain, emitting a magnificent blood light.

Horses neighed, people screamed, and casualties continued.The Jin army also started to counterattack, but just as the first row of cavalry dodged, the second row of cavalry stepped out. Each of them was holding a crossbow, and of course the crossbow was wound.


The sound of crossbow bolts piercing the air may not be as terrifying as that of spears, but their power is completely different from that of spears.You must know that although the impact force of the ballista is not as good as that of the spear, it is faster.

Crossbow arrows set off blood mist again among the cavalry of the Jin army.

The first row of cavalry scattered and regrouped, and they copied the Jin cavalry from the left and right wings.The second row of cavalry put away their crossbows, drew their swords and slashed at the cavalry of the Jin army.

"How could this happen?" Huan Wen looked at the battlefield where the cavalry were fighting, and couldn't believe his eyes. The cavalry that he had devoted all his efforts to build was actually vulnerable to the Wei army.

The charge of the black armored cavalry is completely different from that of the Jin army. They are neat and tidy, and the blades of their spears are like snow. They are neat and uniform, and they seem to be invulnerable.

Zhou Chu was very brave. His horse spear stabbed three black-armored cavalry one after another, but it faced at least five long spears. The brave and unparalleled Zhou Chu screamed and was stabbed in the lower abdomen. When the black-armored cavalry saw Zhou Chu It was the enemy general who was about to capture him.

As a result, the soldiers rushed forward to save Zhou Chu.With Zhou Chu injured, the morale of the Jin cavalry suffered another setback.The cavalry who lost their command immediately herded the sheep.

It is not terrible for the cavalry to be frustrated, but as the rout cavalry rushed, the infantry on the right was broken into formation by the rout cavalry.

Just when Huan Wen and Zhang Wen were fighting in Luoyang, the dispute between Jin and Wei ushered in a new turning point this time.

As the special envoy of the Jin Dynasty, Jiangdong Dubu Wang Wendu came to Yecheng.Since Wei Jun's navy appeared in Jiankang.Chu Suanzi took three steps. While sending envoys for peace talks, he also ordered the counties and counties of the Jin Dynasty to send troops from the king.In order to alleviate the crisis of Jiankang.Chu Suanzi even issued an edict that each county can recruit troops by itself.

This edict, in fact, completely overturned the will of Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty to stop the soldiers from the prefectures.The Jin Dynasty thus also entered the period of separatist regimes.

Relying on his youth and good health, Wang Tanzhi ignored the exhaustion of the journey.Land cavalry and water boats arrived at Yecheng without stopping.

After Wang Tanzhi came to Yecheng, he used money to open the way and begged to see Ran Min.

Just when Wang Tanzhi arrived in Yecheng, the imperial palace of Wei State in Yecheng was planning Wei State's comprehensive counterattack against Jin State.Although Huan Wen confronted Zhang Wen in Luoyang at this time, there was no new breakthrough, but because Zhang Zuo burned the plank road, although the possibility of Wei Jun's entry into Bashu was successfully prevented.General Dong Run and more than [-] Wei troops transferred to Luoyang.In terms of military strength, the Wei army turned from a disadvantage to an advantage.

However, due to Liu Weichen's rebellion, Dai Guo asked Tuoba Tuoba Shiyiqian to use Liu Weichen's hand to weaken He Ne of the Helan tribe.As a result, Tuoba's Shiyi Jian stole the chicken and couldn't give up the rice.Instead, let He Na and Zhai Bin create a generational army.Liu Kuren took the opportunity to launch a mutiny, banned Tuoba Shiyiqian, and established the Han Dynasty.

Liu Qun's ambition, which had been silenced, began to revive.He was ecstatic when he got the news.Said: "Your Majesty, now that the Han Kingdom has just been established, a lot of waste is waiting to be rejuvenated, and we can't go south in a short time, but our Wei Kingdom can take this opportunity to send troops from Bingzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou to go south, and put down the Jin Dynasty and unify the world in one fell swoop."

Zhang Gan said: "Liu Kuren of the Dugu tribe established the Han Dynasty. They are not the same as the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty would choose to rest and recuperate at the beginning of the dynasty, and plan for the future. But the nomadic regime, when they first established the regime , often use martial arts to establish prestige, and the north of Wei State will not only be unsafe, but a new crisis will appear instead!"

Tiaoyou said: "Your Majesty, I agree with Zhang Pushe's opinion. Although the Dai State is dead, its strength is still there. Although the Tuoba Department of the Han Dynasty is slightly weaker, the Dugu Department, Helan Department, and Dingling Department take advantage of Dai's domestic Chaos, wantonly annexed many small tribes, and the strength skyrocketed. If given time, the three tribes can digest the annexation of this part of the personnel, and it will take the opportunity to form a serious problem for my big Wei. If the troops of the three northern states are deployed at this time, they will be powerless to deter Jiyou The small tribes, I'm afraid they will take this opportunity to take refuge under these three tribes. This is just one of them. The second problem is that the road to the south is by no means smooth sailing. Although the military strength of the Jin Dynasty is weaker than that of our country, their national strength and financial strength They are not inferior to our country. The northerners are not good at long-distance water warfare. I am afraid that they will encounter problems of one kind or another during the southern expedition to the Jin Dynasty. Once the war is stalemate, our elite troops of the Wei State will be trapped in the south, and the Han State will take the opportunity Make a mess, what should I do?"

Liu Qun was silent for a long time when he heard this.In fact, as Tiao You said, once the war goes wrong, the Han State will definitely take the opportunity to go south. At this time, the territory of Wei State is much larger than before. Although it is good, it also has disadvantages. In this way, Wei State needs to defend There are too many places.

Cui Yue said: "My lords, in Yue's opinion, our country of Wei does not have the power to go to war at the same time, so it is better to choose one of the sides to attack. Difficulties are worse than easy ones. The new state of Dai is destroyed, and the foundation of the Han Dynasty is just established. Take advantage of this opportunity. , negotiate peace with Jin, gather the elite cavalry of Wei State, smash the Han State in one fell swoop, formally unify the North, and cultivate for three to five years, our Great Wei has a strong army, and when the time comes, a million troops will go south in one fell swoop, and it will be easy to pacify the Jin State!"

Ran Min watched the two sides arguing, each insisting on their own opinions, and it was difficult to choose.However, among the courtiers, Taiwei Shen Zhong and Shang Shuling Wang Jian stood calmly.Ran Min said: "I don't know what opinion Shen Taiwei and Wang Shangshu have?"

Shen Zhong said calmly: "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that this matter will have to wait!"

"Wait!" Ran Min said puzzledly, "What are you waiting for?"

Shen Zhongdao: "At this time, our Great Wei is not prepared enough, no matter whether we go north or south, we are not prepared enough, and the north is also the same. It is already early winter, and it is very cold in Beisai. Jinyang has sent a message, and the first blizzard fell in early winter. Jinyang is already in the north, and the snow has accumulated nearly a foot. Such a heavy snowstorm makes it extremely inconvenient to transport food and grass. Once the food road is cut off, the frontline army will be defeated without a fight, and the consequences will be disastrous. Liu Kuren, He Na, and Zhai Bin are all famous generals. The Han Kingdom was first established. If we, the Great Wei, went north to attack them, it would definitely cause Zhai Bin, He Na, and Liu Kuren to fight against the enemy. The Han Kingdom has already occupied the right time, location, and harmony. If there is no sufficient preparation, this battle will be too much. Dangerous! I think that our great Wei needs to rest and recuperate, and in three to five years, the people will be rich and the country will be strong, which will be the chance to unify the world."

Ran Min nodded. Regarding Han's use of troops, in fact, Ran Min could adopt the strategic policy of supporting war with war, but once Han saw that the war was going badly and fled northward, the Wei army would have nowhere to go.However, most of the Jin Dynasty were Han people. It is not too difficult to defeat the Jin army. Even if Huan Wen has firearms, Ran Min is not afraid. It is just that after defeating the Jin army, he needs to appease the people and reduce taxes appropriately. In the national treasury, there is no such money and food for Ran Min to appease the people.

"What is Wang Shangshuling's opinion?" Ran Min looked at Wang Jian and opened his mouth to speak.

Wang Jian cupped his hands and said: "My opinion is that the people are worried about peace, and have long been weary of war. The Jin army attacked our Great Wei in the north, and our army can still be united in foreign affairs. If we do not teach and punish Han, I am afraid that people will not accept it."

In fact, what Wang Jian said hit Ran Min's heart, and Ran Min had already realized that the Wei Jun at this time was no longer what it used to be.In ancient times, all wars had the same purpose. "Being a soldier and eating food" soldiers did not have their own goals, nor did they have their own beliefs.To boost morale, big rewards are usually taken.If you want to boost morale, you can only use "get rich" to lure you, the so-called "you will enjoy happiness if you don't die".When the war is over, there really is no death.The pockets are full of money, and the only thing to do is to "enjoy happiness". Who would want to go to war again?After Ran Min defeated Yan State and eliminated Di Qin, his direct line troops, especially the three or four thousand marquises.Almost everyone has become a small landlord. They live too comfortably and have no intention of fighting.

When the Jin army attacked Wei, they could still fight desperately to protect their victory, but their spirits were much weaker.Everyone didn't see this question, but Ran Min did.Wei Guo still has combat power, but it is only part of the army trained by Ran Ming. The goal of these people is very clear, that is, to create a peaceful and prosperous world, and to bring peace to the people.

The hidden meaning in Wang Jian's words is to let Ran Min understand the potential hidden dangers in the army.

Ran Min was very embarrassed, he could see this problem, but he couldn't solve it.The army needs to be rewarded and punished clearly, but those soldiers who have made military exploits and have tens of thousands of dollars in their pockets have an idea that people need to enjoy life.Now that you have this thought, how can you have a desperate heart.How can there be no disadvantages?

When Ran Min saw Wang Tan, Ran Min had the idea of ​​going with the flow.

With Chu Suanzi's sincerity, Wang Tanzhi proclaimed himself a minister to Wei, and paid one million stones of rice and 20 gold per year.

Claiming to be a minister is a very big problem. Ran Min has the jade seal of Chuanguo in his hand, but the Jin Dynasty is the emperor.Ran Min's answer to Wang Tanzhi was to change the name of Jin Kingdom to King of Jiangnan, with the Huaihe River as the boundary.Year-old tribute rice is 200 million stones, gold is 50, and silk is [-].

Wang Tanzhi claimed that he could not make the decision and needed Chu Suanzi's answer.

Ran Min understood that this was Chu Suanzi's plan to delay.Ran Min appointed Zhang Ai, captain of the Shesheng school, as the commander, and Shi Ning as the deputy, leading the Shesheng army and the third and fifth infantry battalions, a total of more than [-] troops, to support Jiang Gan and launch a counterattack against Sima Xi.


Ran Ming subdued the Tang Facai Department, and the strength of the Wei army's navy increased instead of falling. Ran Ming ordered Gao Shi to lead the Tang Facai Department's troops back to Dinghai Island for repairs and reorganization.At the same time, he continued to march towards Jiankang.

When Ran Ming and Tang Facai were fighting fiercely on the river, Chu Suanzi, as Murong Ke had imagined, ordered the soldiers and horses of the five cities of Jiankang to go out of the city to encircle Fenglei's tribe.

But the result was very disappointing. Even though it was clear that the infantry of the Shanwei Army of the Shogunate had only 6000 troops, they remained motionless under the siege of at least [-] Jin troops.

In one day, the Jin army left nearly [-] corpses at the foot of the Shogunate Mountain, and tens of thousands were injured.However, they only broke through the three lines of defense of the Shogunate Shanwei Army.

However, on Shogunate Mountain, the Wei army had deployed a full seven lines of defense. If the Jin army wanted to wipe out these Wei army soldiers according to this posture, it would have to pay at least 2 casualties.

The Jin army wanted to fight again, but found that the Wei army was flying in the sky. It turned out that the navy defeated the Jin army and returned.With the support of the navy, the Wei army was even more difficult to annihilate.In desperation, Chu Suanzi had to order the Jin army to retreat.

In the early morning of the next day, Chu Suanzi looked solemn, not only Chu Suanzi, but even the emperor and all civil and military officials were not at ease.

After the officials greeted the Empress Dowager, Chu Suanzi said in a deep voice: "Jin is riddled with internal troubles and internal troubles, but in recent days, it is only thanks to the dedication of all the adults that we can maintain peace and prosperity. My condolences Family... All the adults are conscientious in what they do. Although it is a turbulent period, they can do their job well, which really makes Aijia happy..."

After hearing Chu Suanzi's words, the ministers were obviously relieved.Now that the war is not going well, the soldiers are approaching the city, and the army of King Qin is far away. They are even more afraid that at this time, Chu Suanzi will eliminate the dissidents and eliminate the hostile forces in the court.

Seeing that Chu Suanzi did this unintentionally, they were all ecstatic.

Chu Suanzi said: "The navy of the imperial court failed and was unable to retreat from the enemy. Now that the enemy army is approaching the city, I wonder if you have any clever plans to retreat from the enemy?"

"Retreat the enemy!" Thinking of this word, the faces of all the ministers were full of misery.Although in the Jin Dynasty, the northern gentry supported the army, the Jiangnan soldiers ruled.

It is a pity that due to Wang Dun's rebellion and Su Jun's rebellion, a large number of famous generals and elite soldiers were consumed in internal fighting.Among the leading figures promoted by the northern gentry, Wang Xizhikong has his name, Xie Shang is also boastful, Yin Hao is useless, Cai Mo has a good eye, and the rest are even more insignificant.

In the original history, this time was the moment when Huan Wen was shining brilliantly and had unlimited scenery, but because of the appearance of Ran Ming, Huan Wen also encountered unprecedented difficulties.

Chu Suanzi said: "Since you don't have any strategy, the Ai family has thought of a way. Set up a recruiting hall in the city, as long as there is a skill, such as bravery and strength, or good at long-term punishment, or have a strategy to prosper the country. No matter how poor or poor, regardless of family background, everyone in the Ai family will give full play to their talents..."

In fact, Chu Suanzi had no choice.As the Jin Dynasty, which started as a powerful family, they never had the intention to ban the gentry, but now that the country is in trouble and think of good ministers, Chu Suanzi wants the gentry's children to turn the tide and save the crisis of Jin. Unfortunately, the Xie family has already had a different heart, and she dare not use it.

The Wangs are all superficial people, and Wang Xie is not enough to rely on, so Chu Suanzi has no choice but to imitate Ran Ming and get talents from the people.

Hearing Chu Suanzi's words, these courtiers felt very complicated.There are frowns, and some are excited. The frowns are thinking that the court will be full of mud legs in the future, but the excited ones are thinking.Chu Suanzi is vigorous and resolute, but he may do a lot, and maybe he can rejuvenate the state of Jin.

But at present, these ministers have no way to refute Chu Suanzi. I am really afraid that if they refute Chu Suanzi, they will be pulled out by Chu Suanzi and lead the army to fight.You must know that fighting Wei Jun at this time is no different from sending to death.

With such complicated thoughts, Chu Suanzi's proposal was approved.

The recruiting hall is divided into civil and military halls, with generals, handsome talents, and healthy soldiers as the recruitment requirements. It is only for the convenience of civil servants, but it focuses on pragmatism, and divides into officials and advisers.

Even Chu Suanzi has no idea whether the recruitment hall can meet Chu Suanzi's requirements.At this time, Ran Ming quietly came to Mufu Mountain.

When Ran Ming arrived at the Wei State Camp on Shogunate Mountain, he found that the situation of the Wei Army was very bad.Although Feng Lei repelled the siege of the Jin army's five cities, his own casualties were not small. More than 800 people were killed and more than 3000 were injured.With [-] elite troops, more than half of their combat effectiveness has been lost.

While Ran Ming was consoling the wounded soldiers, he suddenly received another very bad news.The Changshui Army of the Jin Army urgently deployed thirteen iron locks on the Jiangning-Gushu section of the Yangtze River.The tactic of iron locking Hengjiang was still Wu Yan, a general of Wu State in the late period of the Three Kingdoms. He saw a small piece of wood floating down the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. He estimated that the Jin army was building ships in the upper reaches to attack Wu. Call me down.

That is to say, at this time, Wei State's way to go upstream has been sealed. Even if Ran Ming didn't say anything, the generals of the Wei Army knew that the Jin Dynasty Long Xiang General Wang Jun used the method of burning and melting the iron locks, and he went all the way. Count cities.But Ran Ming didn't intend to interfere with Murong Ke's command. In terms of the ability to march and deploy troops, how could Ran Ming, a monk who became a monk halfway, be comparable to Murong Ke, who led the army in battle since childhood.

Ran Ming's strength is not leading the army in battle, but using strength to fight.He decided to sneak into Jiankang to see if he could get a chance to break the situation.

Ran Ming said to Murong Ke, Cui Cheng, Feng Lei and other generals: "Gu came here this time, and he was not ordered to restrain the army. How to fight this battle in the future will depend on the concerted efforts of General Murong, General Cui, General Feng and others. "

Ran Ming was finally leaving, Murong Ke sighed, he really didn't want Ran Ming to appear in front of him.With Ran Ming's presence, he certainly cannot command this army as he pleases.Murong Ke sighed and said, "His Royal Highness King Jiaodong will do his best to protect His Majesty's grace. However, is His Highness really going to Jiankang in person? If the news leaks, the Jin Dynasty will arrest His Highness." As a hostage, I am afraid that the whole army will be panicked!"

"It's okay!" Ran Ming said, "The Changshui Army is under the command of General Murong. Both Your Majesty and Gu are very relieved. As for Gu's safety, General Murong doesn't have to worry. Gu still has some contacts and ways to protect himself in Jiankang."

"Your Highness!" Feng Lei said: "Although Jiankang City is strong, there is always a possibility of conquering it. But why does Your Highness risk his life?"

"Actually, I don't want to enter Jiankang at this time. But..." Ran Ming sighed and said, "My uncle (father-in-law) Wu Yigong is very ill, and I'm afraid he will die soon. With love and reason, Ming should go to visit him. Go! Princess Xie is in Jiankang now. If she avoids seeing her alone, it may be difficult to see Princess Xie in the future. At this time, the army and horses in Jiankang City are stronger, and it is more difficult to conquer from the front. The strongest fortress is often built from Internal conquest, now we have lost the opportunity, if we don't seize this opportunity, we will lose the possibility of conquering Jiankang forever. If you work hard on an expedition and fail to build an inch, what face will you have to see your father and the subjects of Wei Guo? Gu Yi I don’t want to put myself in danger, but if I can take Jiankang, force the Kingdom of Jin to surrender, let the Kingdom of Wei unify the world, and restore peace to the people, the risk is worth it.”

Murong Ke secretly sneered in his heart.Although Ran Ming said it well on the surface, I'm afraid he still has the intention to win over Mrs. Xie.Once Ran Ming appears in Xie's Mansion in Bird Clothes Lane, he will definitely reveal his whereabouts deliberately, increasing Chu Suanzi's suspicion of Xie.In the Jin Dynasty, the talents of the gentry have withered in recent years, only the Xie family, Xie An, Xie Shang, Xie Shi, Xie Wan, etc. are famous.In particular, Xie An, with less than ten thousand riders, took Liang Guo lightly, captured Liang Emperor Yaoling and members of the royal family, and wiped out Liang Guo.

"Although this is the case, it is worth noting that although Chu Suanzi is a woman, her methods are not weak to a man!" Murong Ke said: "She treats others with courtesy and loses with sincerity. No matter the dignitaries or the gentry in the Jin Dynasty, they are all sincerely convinced by her. As the Queen Mother, she has controlled the Jin Dynasty court for more than ten years, which shows her brilliance! I also hope that the King of Jiaodong will be careful."

Ran Ming nodded and said: "General Murong is right. Gu has always despised the enemy strategically and valued the enemy tactically. Gu's purpose is not to overcome the enemy, but to try to find important officials of the Jin Dynasty and persuade Chu Suanzi to cooperate with him. Wei Guo discusses peace."

Ran Ming, as a time traveler, naturally clearly remembered the famous battle in history where the less won the more.According to historical records, Di Qin was defeated for no reason at all.You must know that the 97 army did not need to fight, and the Jin Dynasty would be crushed to death, but the Jin Dynasty won completely.For the defeat of Di Qin, history has given objective comments.The main reason is that Di Qin unified the north militarily, but the internal rule was unstable, let alone a solid material foundation.Di Qin faced the same problem in history, and Ran Min also faced this problem. It has only been six years since Wei was established. During this period of time, the common people and gentry have not really returned to their hearts.There are many people who seem to be in harmony with each other.Once the war situation is turbulent or reversed, I am afraid that Wei Guo will fall into a situation full of flames.

In Ran Ming's heart, he did not agree to complete the great cause of reunification at this time.At least the Jin Dynasty did not lose the hearts of the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and the Wei State did not have an absolute overwhelming advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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