Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 570: Begging for Peace in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Chapter 570
Chapter 574

The battlefield is always changing rapidly, and the army trained by Ran Min has strict military discipline and excellent execution ability.Even with the sudden heavy rain, the road became muddy, making it more difficult for them to march to Gushu.However, the elite of the Wei Army infantry did not complain, nor did they feel tired.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but the whole team was silent.Although the generals and soldiers of the Wei Army of the Fenglei Department marched lightly, they actually carried a heavy load. 28 catties of light armor, [-] catties of crossbow machine, two pots of crossbow arrows, and a horizontal knife are the basic equipment. The pikeman is equipped with a long spear, and the spearman is equipped with a spear. As for the shield soldier, the equipment varies in weight. Wait for the shield.Adding up these equipments, the average weight of each person is more than sixty catties.

Sixty catties may not be too heavy, and everyone can carry it on their backs.However, carrying this sixty-pound equipment, marching 150 miles on foot, and then resting for a while before going into battle, I am afraid that not everyone can do it.

In the rain, Feng Lei took the lead.The soldiers wanted to carry the weapon for Feng Lei, but Feng Lei pushed him away.

"This man, he has to accept his fate!" Feng Lei said with a smile: "You think this general is made of mud? I also came from a bitter background before, and I stirred a horse ladle in the same pot as the emperor in the begging army. But who? It can be imagined that Feng Laozi was thrown by his parents in the wild to fend for himself because of his big appetite and his family was too poor. Thanks to His Majesty the Emperor."

The soldier said: "Yes, General, you have already been conferred the Marquis of Jianchang. This is a super first-rank title. There are not many titles in our old battalion with this fief!"

"Fart, you know a lot!" Feng Lei said with a smile: "Do you know where Jianchang is? My fiefdom was laid down by His Majesty the winter before last. There are only more than 600 households in the entire county, which is less than Ye. There are many people in a square in the city. That place is poor, and the tax collected in a year is not enough to pay the county magistrate and government servants."

"General, you can be content, there are more than 3000 passers-by, but they don't even have titles!"

"Satisfied ass!" Feng Lei said: "I can't be a duke of the state, a county duke, why don't I have to be a million households and wait for it, if I have less than ten thousand households, I'm a fart!"

The soldier said: "I just want to be a school captain and I will be content."

"Look at your potential!" Feng Lei said: "Brothers, do you want to fight? To be honest, I don't want to. But this damn world will make us happy? We didn't want to fight, but the Jin Kingdom But they want to attack our country Wei, from Nanyang to Luoyang, we have lost more than 300 miles of land, we are not afraid, but they think we are easy to bully?"

These elite infantry soldiers of the Wei army were all struggling out of hard times.He has been abused and insulted by the barbarians, and he has seen relatives die in front of him.Now, they have overthrown the barbarians who rode over their heads, and have been allocated their own fields, owning their own houses, grain, and cattle. Everything was given to them by His Majesty the Emperor.

Seeing that happy days are coming, but some people want to snatch their fruits of victory.When they fought desperately with the Hu people, the state of Jin never cared about them. Instead, they helped the Hu people, fanned the dark wind, and instigated so many assassin generals to betray the state of Wei.These soldiers of the Wei army had never had a good impression of the Jin State, nor did they have any brotherhood, and some only had deep-seated hatred.

Feng Lei said: "Since they want to fight, I will play with them to the end."

"Yes, fight them to the end!"

In the rain, these soldiers of the Wei army suddenly felt lighter and walked faster.

The forced march of 150 miles was not a problem for the elite infantry of the Wei army.The record they once set was that they marched continuously for half a month, with an average of 120 miles per day.However, it was much more difficult for them today. Because of the rain, the road was not only muddy, but also very slippery. Due to poor vision, they would fall if they were not careful.But no one complained of suffering, and no one complained of being tired. They all rushed to Gushu City.

Although Sima Yu appeared calm on the surface, in fact Sima Yu had never slept soundly since taking over as the leader to lead the defense of Jiankang.Sima Yu was mainly worried about two points. First, he was worried that the Wei army's siege machinery was sharp and the Jin army could not resist the Wei army's attack.

Although Wei Jun's initial attack was encouraged by Chu Suanzi, Wei Jun was barely repelled.But every time I think about that battle, the soldiers of the Wei army suffered less than [-] casualties, but they caused nearly [-] casualties to the defenders.For the battle of defending the city, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides can be imagined.In particular, the catapults of the Wei army not only had a longer range than theirs, but they were also more accurate. What was even more frightening was that their catapults were very heavy and destructive to the city walls.

The catapult covered by the eight-ox crossbow made Sima Yu feel helpless to be beaten passively and unable to fight back.

The second is that he doesn't have the slightest confidence in winning this battle.Although Sima Yu became an official as a Sanqi Changshi (the Yellow Emperor's adviser), he served as the right general and the Fujun general.Especially after Chu Suanzi was regent, he was promoted to the general of Fujun.

In fact, he is very aware of what he can do.Although Sima Yu is not ignorant of military affairs, at least he is definitely not a person who knows soldiers.

Originally, the Changshui Army forced back the ships of the Wei Army's naval division and besieged a part of the Wei Army's infantry with the absolute superiority of the Jin Army, but the result was very disappointing.The Jin army suffered even greater losses.

Not only was Sima Yu worried that he would not be able to defend, but he was also not optimistic about the prospects of the Jin-Wei struggle.Just when Sima Yu was about to go crazy, God favored the Jin Dynasty.A heavy rain in late autumn came unexpectedly.

In the past, this season was often a dry season of more than two months.But this year's weather was very abnormal. It actually rained in late autumn when winter was about to enter.The rain was very violent. Although it could not be called a torrential rain, at least it was impossible to attack the city in this bad weather.

The Wei army went deep into the hinterland of the Jin Dynasty alone, and the food roads were not smooth. They would not last long. As long as the supplies were almost consumed, they would definitely retreat.

Seeing the rain, Sima Yu finally put his heart in his stomach, "Jiankang City can be saved now!"

At this moment, the attendant said, "Gao Song, please see me!"

Sima Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said excitedly, "Quickly pass it on!"

Gao Song, courtesy name Maoyan, was born in Guangling.He is extremely filial, less eager to learn, and good at classics and history.When He Chong was governor of Yangzhou, Gao Song was He Chong's staff.Later, he became a Hussar general and joined the army.When Sima Yu was promoted to General of Fujun, Gao Song was promoted to Sima of Fujun.In fact, Gao Song was the actual commander in charge of the defense of Jiankang.

"Participate in Kuaiji King!"

Sima Yu hurriedly took Gao Song's hand and said, "Maoyan is here, he's here, why do you and I have such identities?"

Gao Song said: "Courtesy cannot be discarded!"

Sima Yu shook his head and said, "There's no need to stick to etiquette, Maoyan, please sit down!"

Gao Song knelt down and sat down.

Sima Yu said: "Maoyan always does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, presumably he came here today because of something important?"

Gao Song paused and said, "The king of Kuaiji is extremely right! Just now Song received the news that Wang Tanzhi has returned from the state of Wei! The Wei army must be retreating soon."

"Maoyan means that Wei Guo agrees to negotiate peace!" Sima Yu asked in surprise.

"Indeed!" Gao Song said with a smile, "Just as Wei Ming, a native of Wei County, said, although Wei unified the north, his national power was exhausted, and the people were weary of war. It would not last long. It must be the right time to attack the Jin Dynasty. Wei The most correct way for the country is to rest and live for a few years, and wait for the north to restore its previous grandeur, when the government is well-organized, the people are rich, and the army is strong and strong. It is the opportunity to go south. If you attack Jin now, I am afraid that accidents will happen. into collapse."


"Besides what?" Sima Yu asked anxiously.

Gao Song said: "Besides, the Wei army has shown its intention to retreat. The scouts lurking near Yanziji sent back news that after nightfall, the Wei army had sent a large group of scout boats to the direction of Jingkou. There was a lot of people on Luzhai, and they seemed to be boarding the boat at night."

In fact, with the elite scouts of the Wei army, how could they not see the scouts of the Jin army under their noses, but Murong Ke deliberately let the Jin army scouts see that the Wei army began to quietly board the ship and abandon the coastal position.

For the Wei army, Jiankang was no longer in the fight at this time. After all, more than [-] reinforcements were stationed in Jiankang. Even if Murong Ke had the courage to fight all the more than [-] troops, he might not be able to defeat Jiankang.Jiankang has become a weak point in the eyes of Wei Jun.

If we fight according to the arrangement of the Jin Dynasty, the Wei army will be led by the nose by the Jin army.Murong Ke is now turning passive into active, mobilizing the Jin army during the movement, and letting the Jin army fight according to his rhythm.

First, he ordered Feng Lei to lead [-] elite troops to attack Gushu (Dangtu), and then use the main force of the fleet to move towards Jingkou (Zhenjiang) with sufficient momentum to attack Jingkou, ready to retreat at any time.

As long as the Wei army retreats in a big way, no matter how timid Changshui Xiaowei Wang Teng is, even if he has no courage to pursue, he will order the Jin army navy to follow and send the Wei army out of the country.Although the iron locks on the Yangtze River will cause some inconvenience to Wei Jun, Murong Ke has no intention of breaking these iron locks.

Whether the Jin army followed or pursued, they would be the first to lift the horizontal lock on the Yangtze River.As long as the Jin army's navy is induced to destroy or put away the iron locks, and the Wei army suddenly turns around, it will definitely be a surprise.

As long as the problem of iron locking the Hengjiang River is solved, the cities along the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River that were almost empty of guards by the Jin Dynasty court can be captured by the Wei army.In this way, the Wei army will regain the initiative on the battlefield, use sports to actively mobilize the Jin army, and make the Jin army tired of marching.Spend all your limited energy on sports, so that there will be loopholes in the Jin army, allowing Murong Ke to take advantage of it.

"Could it be that the Wei army's navy was unable to crack the strategy of iron locking Hengjiang? They are afraid that we will also use iron locking Hengjiang on the downstream river to trap them and prevent them from advancing or retreating?" Sima Yu said after a while: "Yes, it must be so, They were afraid of being trapped in the river, running out of food, and losing their morale, so they made a decisive decision! God bless Dajin, now we are healthy and safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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