Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 571 Killing one person is a crime and slaughtering ten thousand people is a hero

Chapter 571
Chapter 575
Is Jiankang safe?If Ran Ming heard this, he would definitely laugh at Sima Yu's innocence.

Ran Ming knows who Murong Ke is.This is a cruel man, but also a smart man.The Jin Dynasty was destined to not take advantage.

After Ran Ming quietly disappeared, he didn't pay attention to the progress of Chu Suanzi's recruitment order. Originally, Ran Ming just wanted to simply disgust Chu Suanzi and make her feel a little embarrassed.Who would have thought that he would make a random name, but someone actually applied for the recruitment as a member of Wei Ming and Wei County.What's even more coincidental is that this Wei Ming has not yet been recruited.

This unintentional coincidence not only made those humble scholars who failed the election hate the blatant fraud of the Jin Dynasty, but also caused Wang Shu to fall.Now that the Wang family is in addition to Wang Shu being the center of the Jin Dynasty, Wang Shu's resignation also makes the Langya Wang family worse.

If there is no Wang Xie, is the Jin Dynasty still the Jin Dynasty?
Xie Mansion in Wuyi Lane, ever since Xie An left the Jin Dynasty and served in the Wei Kingdom, the members of the Xie Clan in Chen County are also in a state of panic all day long.Especially after Xie Shang and Xie Yi, the two pillars, fell ill, the suspicion and distrust of the Jin Dynasty, and the lack of people in charge of the overall situation in the clan made these children of the Xie family in Chen County feel like a mourning concubine.

Although it is the nature of the gentry not to put chickens in one basket, these Xie's children are afraid, they are afraid that the Eastern Jin court will arrest them and kill them.

Usually, they are not worried, the Xie family has a lot of land, and there are enough tenants and servants who are loyal to the Xie family, but now it is different, the Wei army is approaching the city, and almost all the core members of the Xie family are blocked in Jiankang city .What was even more troublesome was that the city gate was closed and the guards were replaced by strange guards.

There is no way out of the city at all. There are only five or six hundred people in the whole Wuyi Lane mansion, and more than half of them are old and weak women and children, who don't even have the strength to resist.

"The Xie clan is over!" A very senior family elder Xie Xu chattered: "Did I say it earlier, although our roots are in Yuzhou, it was a matter of what age. Now our Xie clan's roots are in Shangyu, in In the Jin Dynasty, we should have drawn a clean slate from Wei and become pure ministers of the Great Jin."

Many core members of the Xie family coughed and sighed, and sat in the lobby staring at each other without thinking about food or tea.

Now Mrs. Xie has the highest seniority alive, and the oldest one is Xie Guang.He is the third uncle of Xie Shang and Xie An.Xie Heng's third son.

"Uncle (uncle), you should give me an idea now!"

Although Xie Guang was old, he finally did not become an official, and his vision was not high. He muttered: "What can I do? I don't have to worry about the affairs of the clan. It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. We still go our separate ways. Everyone cares about each other, whoever of you has the door looks for the door, and whoever has the connection looks for the connection, run if you can, run away if you can."

There were echoes and sighs from below, and the hearts of the entire Xie family were now scattered.

It's unbelievable, Xie said he was strong and strong, and said he was weak and very weak.If the Jin Dynasty court wanted to bury the Xie family with him, he still had enough strength.

At this moment, Xie Xu suddenly said, "Maybe we have another way."

"any solution?"

"Didn't Ling Jiang come back?" Xie Xu said coldly: "As long as we hand her over to Queen Mother Chu, put down our airs, and show our sincerity, won't our crisis be resolved?"

Suddenly a voice sounded: "I see which one of you dares!"

A boy of thirteen or fourteen years old walked into the hall. The person who came was none other than Xie Daoyun's younger brother, Xie Xuan.Xie Xuan said murderously: "If you go against you, what kind of onion are you, Xie Xu?"

"The interests of the family are the most important. It is worthwhile to sacrifice one person to help the whole family." Xie Xu looked down, and the compromisers still accounted for the majority.Although Xie Xuan is a direct branch of the direct family, it is a pity that Xie Yi has already fallen ill. Although he is still dead now, he will not live long.Xie Xuan is just a little baby, he has no reason to be afraid of him.

Like a country, a family has always been infighting.On the surface, the Xie family is powerful, but they are not monolithic. Of course, if the patriarch is still alive, none of them would dare to stand out.It is a pity that both Xie Shang and Xie Yi are ill, and the others are either not qualified enough to become patriarchs, or their reputation is not obvious.

In the feudal era, the patriarch of a clan had great power.The patriarch actually has the power to dominate all affairs of a family.The patriarch has the right to control all family property, and also has the power to dispose of clan members who "violate the family law", and the power of life and death is in his hands.To put it bluntly, the patriarch of a family is almost a little king.

Although the Feishui War did not come and the Xie family did not really rise, this big family with more than 100 million gold (mostly fixed assets, fields and shops) was almost equivalent to a king of the vassals in the Spring and Autumn Period.The reason why Xie Xu dared to come forward to provoke troubles was mainly because he bribed the doctor who treated Xie Shang and Xie Yi, and learned that the two were helpless.

As far as Xie Xu is concerned, he can be regarded as the second eldest son of the Xie family. His and Xie An's great-grandfather was Xie Zan, a general of the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms period, and his grandfather was Xie Cheng, the younger brother of Xie An's grandfather Xie Heng.But their house has not been well-known since the Three Kingdoms period, and has always been inferior to the long house.

Although Xie Xu is also a core member of the Xie family, he is also the big housekeeper who has been in charge of the Xie family shop.But Xie Xu was not satisfied, he wanted to take advantage of Xie An's absence, Xie Guang's old age, the elder brother's elders, the younger ones, and no one to take charge of the overall situation, and seize power.Xie Xu took advantage of the opportunity of controlling the clan property to embezzle a lot of money and use it to buy other clan members to cheer for him.

Not only that, he also used the money offensive to buy Chu Suanzi's Dachang Qiu Mulang's door, and implicitly expressed his willingness to eliminate the barrier between Xie and Chu Suanzi.As for the opportunity to split the Xie family, if Mu Lang gave up, he would not have followed Chu Suanzi for so long.Mu Lang immediately expressed that he would support him!
However, how to support it and how to support it.Mu Lang didn't go on.

But Xie Xu, who was so dazed and dizzy, couldn't wait to force him into the palace after returning.But although Xie Shang and Xie Yi fell ill, Xie Xu forgot about Xie Xuan. Although Xie Xuan is only 14 years old (false age), he was taught by Xie An since he was a child, and he has both civil and military skills.Xie Xu came out and had many followers, which made Xie Xuan feel that this was a conspiracy.If it is not handled properly, the Xie family will not only split internally, but also become a laughing stock among the gentry in the world.

"Sacrificing one's individual, perfecting the family! Well said! Well said!" Xie Xuan made three steps in parallel, and rushed to Xie Xu at once, "Choo!" With a sound, he suddenly drew his saber, and then, in front of no one, When he reacted, there was a flash of cold light, and the long sword made an arc, cutting a hole in Xie Xu's throat fiercely.

When Xie Xu saw Xie Xuan rushing, his face turned pale with fright, and he was about to ask Xie Xuan what he wanted to do, but the word "you" just came out of his mouth, and he couldn't make any sound after that.Then he felt as if the power in his body was being quickly drawn away by a pair of invisible hands.

With a "plop", Xie Xu fell to the ground decadently like a wooden stake.

"Xie Dongxian, you bastard, hurry up and let me get out of here!"

Xie Dongxian is the chief financial officer of the Xie family and also a servant of the Xie family. He cannot be included in the family tree of the Xie family, so he didn't even have the opportunity to listen to this family meeting.

As soon as Xie Dongxian entered the hall, he saw Xie Xu's body still bleeding, and he secretly asked, "Could it be that something happened with Xie Xu?" He pretended to be calm, and respectfully saluted: "The seventh son called the old slave What are your orders!"

"You don't know what orders you have!" Xie Xu secretly bought the elders of the family. It's not that Xie Xuan didn't hear the news, but today, he acted first, killed Xie Xu, and then gave He was convicted of a betrayal of the family.There is a key person among them, that is Xie Dongxian, the chief financial officer.As long as Xie Dongxian cooperates with him, it's okay. If he doesn't cooperate, the huge amount of property transferred privately will be placed on Xie Dongxian's head. "Tell me about the dirty deeds that Xie Xu did, and I will spare you. If not, you will know what will happen to you!"

When Xie Dongxian heard this, he was overjoyed.He was originally Xie Dongxian's confidant and accomplice, and Xie Xu originally promised him that if the matter was completed, he would replace him as Xie's chief steward.It can also be said that Xie Xu's series of things, he is not only an insider, but also an operator.But now, Xie Xu is dead, and he has no one to pledge allegiance to.Under Xie Xuan's suggestion, Xie Dongxian certainly understood that if he didn't follow Xie Xuan's wishes, he would be the next one to die.

Xie Dongxian began to talk about how Xie Xu contacted Mu Lang, how much benefits he gave him, how he conspired to seize power, how Xie Daoyun was handed over as a vote of honor, and so on.

Xie Xuan suddenly came to Xie Wan at this time and said: "Fourth Uncle, when do you always want to see a play? This is something my father gave to my nephew. Third Uncle is not here, of course you are in charge here. The following things, You can figure it out!"

In fact, even if Xie Xuan doesn't show up, Xie Wan will clean up the mess.If Xie Xuan didn't make a move, with Xie Wan's temper, Xie would definitely bleed heavily.Therefore, Xie Xuanyue took his place and killed Xie Xu to intimidate everyone.

After Xie Xuan left, he felt a chill on Bei's back, and stretched out his hand to touch it, only then did he realize that he was already drenched in sweat.

Xie Xuan was about to go back to the room when he suddenly felt his legs and feet go weak. In fact, he was just holding on. Xie Xu's blood spurted out like a fountain, but Xie Xuan was frightened.

Xie Xuan suddenly saw blood stains on his gown, he felt very disgusted, and was about to go back to take a bath and change clothes, but the porter came to report: "Young master is here!"

Xie Xuan said: "Who did you say is here?"

"Uncle!" said the concierge, "King Jiaodong of Wei State."

Xie Xuan hurriedly rushed out to greet him, Xie Xuan knew that Ran Ming came secretly, so he definitely couldn't make a big show of it, even though Ran Ming's status was worthy of Xie's opening the gate of ceremony to welcome him, Xie Xuan still let Ran Ming enter Xie's mansion through the corner gate.

Xie Xuan was very excited when he saw Ran Ming, bragging repeatedly about how he had just killed Xie Xu.Ran Ming said with a smile: "A man should kill, he will not show mercy, and his immortal karma is all in killing one person. Killing one person is a crime, and killing ten thousand people is a hero. If you kill nine million, you will be a hero among heroes. You are still far away. what!"

Xie Xuan's face became hot, and then he remembered that this brother-in-law was not an ordinary person. He led an army at the age of 12 and killed the Xianbei people.Wouldn't it be a pleasure to compete with him for murder?

Xie Xuan led Ran Ming to meet Xie Yi, but Xie Yi fell asleep after taking the medicine.Xie Xuan wanted to take Ran Ming to see Xie Daoyun again, but how could Ran Ming let Xie Xuan, a big light bulb, get in the way?

After kicking and beating, Ran Ming took a lot of effort to send Xie Xuan away.

PS: Two joint chapters were updated today, only four.

(End of this chapter)

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