Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 572 Indiscriminate Attack Jedi Bloody Battle

Chapter 572 Indiscriminate Attack Jedi Bloody Battle (Part [-])
Chapter 576 Indiscriminate Attack Jedi Bloody Battle

Under the leadership of Xie's servant, Ran Ming turned around the courtyard and crossed the alley, and finally came to the small courtyard where Xie Daoyun was stepping. The servant was about to call Xie Daoyun, but Ran Ming signaled her to silence and let her leave.

Ran Ming was very excited in his heart, and saw a beautiful figure sitting in front of the window, it was Xie Daoyun whom Ran Ming had been thinking about day and night.Ran Ming quietly came to the door, and found that the door was not closed.Ran Ming, who was going to knock on the door, pushed it quietly, but the door opened with a creak.

To Ran Ming's surprise, there was no unexpected sound in the room.Ran Ming fixed his eyes and saw that Xie Daoyun was the only one in the room, and her personal servant girl was also missing.Xie Daoyun didn't notice the movement at the door, but concentrated on reading a book.

The person is still the same person, but it has been reduced a lot.

Just when Ran Ming wanted to surprise Xie Daoyun, a sigh came from him.Xie Daoyun shook his head lightly, and then remained in the same sitting position.

It turned out that Xie Daoyun was not reading a book, but thinking about something.She thinks about many things, of course she mainly thinks about people, Ran Ming, and her son who is far away in Yecheng.

Ran Ming quietly took a step, at this moment, Xie Daoyun turned around suddenly.As a result, when she turned around, she found a man behind her, who was exactly the man she was missing.

Xie Daoyun murmured to herself: "Hey, I must be dreaming! I must be dreaming!"

Ran Ming was also taken aback by Xie Daoyun's sudden turn around.However, he straightened his clothes a little, then took a step forward, took Xie Daoyun's hand and said, "Hi, Madam hasn't seen you for a long time, and I want to be your husband!"

Xie Daoyun suddenly felt the coldness in the palm of his hand, and was about to call out loudly.When Ran Ming saw the situation, he knew it was going to be bad. If Xie Daoyun yelled loudly, everyone in Jiankang would probably know that he, Ran Ming, had entered the city tomorrow.

In desperation, Ran Ming stepped forward fiercely, opened his mouth to kiss those attractive red lips.

In desperation, Xie Daoyun kicked and hit Ran Ming.

After a long time, Xie Daoyun finally calmed down.Ran Ming said "bah" all of a sudden, and spat out a mouthful of blood, "It's bleeding."

"when did you come!"

"An hour ago!"

"Nonsense, an hour ago, I was still waiting for my father to take medicine!"

"Actually, it didn't take long!"

Youdao is Xiao Biesheng's newlyweds, Ran Ming has been a monk for so long, how can he bear seeing Xie Daoyun.Ran Ming raised his hands up and down, and Xie Daoyun soon became overwhelmed.

There was a burst of panting in the room, and then that voice sounded.

Under the city of Luoyang, the cavalry of the Jin and Wei dynasties confronted each other, and the cavalry of the Jin army was defeated.The defeated cavalry, like headless flies, ran around, and some even ran into the infantry formation of the Jin army.

The originally neat pikemen, shield soldiers, and archers formed the Jin army's large formation, which was first thrown into chaos by its own defeated cavalry. At this moment, Huan Wen's commander-in-chief of the Chinese army moved back quickly.The soldiers of Xifu saw the movement of the handsome flag, and retreated accordingly.

In ancient times, the transmission of military orders could not be as timely as radio waves. Some retreated after receiving the news, while others stayed where they were. When they saw the handsome flag retreating, they became frightened and ran back with the brigade.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Wen knew that the Xifu Army did not pretend to be retreating, but was actually retreating.Zhang Wen quickly ordered: "The three armies are dispatched to cover up and kill them all!"

Ten miles south of Luoyang is Yique. Yang Guang moved his capital to Luoyang, and this place was renamed Longmen.But now it is still called Yique.It is the natural gateway to the south of Luoyang, where the Fragrant Hills and Longmen Mountains face each other on both banks, and the Iraqi River flows, looking like a natural gateway from a distance.Therefore, since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this place has been given a figurative title - Yique.

Huanwen's Xifu army broke down and rushed towards the valley. While running, the Xifu army discarded weapons, armor, flags, drums and all kinds of luggage everywhere.

Zhang Wen was in high spirits and led his army to cover up and kill them. The Xifu soldiers suffered heavy casualties.The Xifu soldiers who have lost the will to resist are like a herd of cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Zhang Wen was even more overjoyed. Because of Huan Wen's gunpowder weapon, Zhang Wen lost his city and land one after another. In the Jin Army's three-way Northern Expedition, Jiang Gan and Dong Run successively made meritorious deeds. Dong Run forced Zhang Zuo and Fu Jian into Bashu , Zhang Zuo even burned the plank road in order to delay the Wei army's attack.

Jiang Gan also looked down on him, killing Sima Xi so he had to avoid the city and defend to the death. Wei Jun not only drove the Northern Expeditionary Army out of Wei State, but also took the opportunity to seize several small towns in Pei County, Xuzhou. Jiang Gan's main force had already surrounded the city. Pengcheng.

Only he himself, not only has no credit, but also lost all the previous cities in Luoyang.

With such an opportunity, Zhang Wen wished he could swallow Huan Wen alive.

The secretary who followed Zhang Wen's merits and deeds was none other than Ran Zhi, the crown prince of Wei.When Ran Zhi hacked a Jin soldier to death with a knife, Pei Bi said, "Your Highness, I feel something is wrong!"

"What's the problem!" Ran Zhi said in confusion.

Pei Bi said: "Huan Wen's Xifu army is also a strong army of the Jin Dynasty. I think Huan Wen personally led the soldiers of the Xifu army formed in the early [-]s to fight against more than [-] soldiers of the Han Dynasty. They were defeated first and then won, and finally wiped out the Han army. But today , we won too easily."

"That's right!" With Pei Bi's reminder, Ran Zhi also felt something was wrong.At this moment, Ran Zhi suddenly turned over a Jin soldier who had fallen on the ground, and was stunned.

This is actually an old man in his 50s and [-]s, his beard and hair are all white.What was even more suspicious was that this soldier was so skinny.Huan Wen never treated his soldiers badly. The treatment of his Xifu soldiers was the best among all the armies of the Jin Dynasty. Although he could not be like the Wei Army, at least it was not a problem to eat enough.

Unwilling to give up, Ran Zhi turned over another corpse that had fallen on the ground, but it surprised Ran Zhi even more, it turned out to be a half-grown child.

Ran Zhi and Pei Bi searched through more than a dozen corpses in a row, and they found that there were no exceptions, neither old nor young.

Ran Zhi said: "If this is the Xifu Army, then Huan Wen's Xifu Army is a piece of scum. His reputation is all blown out, but this is impossible. Huan Wen was defeated first by Han Li Shi, and then by Sima Xun. Even I Not a few of the more than [-] Wei army elites who were placed in Sima Xun's army escaped, so it can be seen that the Xifu army also has its own uniqueness. From this, it can be seen that this is a scam at all!"

"That's right!" Pei Bi said, "This must be Huan Wen's plan. He used the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled. Even these people are not his soldiers at all, but civilian husbands who are responsible for delivering food, grass and supplies to the Xifu Army."

"Not good!" Ran Zhi said, "General Zhang Hussar will be in danger. I'm going to inform General Zhang."

"No, Your Highness, the son of a thousand pieces of gold does not stand under a dangerous wall." Pei Bi said, "I will inform you about this!"


Although Pei Bi discovered the problem, it was too late.

Zhang Wen was about to pass through the Yique Grand Canyon at this time, and suddenly found a shocking loud noise in the back. Zhang Wen looked back, and suddenly found that there were densely packed soldiers of the Jin army in white armor on both sides of the valley. About two miles behind Wen, soldiers of the Jin army on the valley suddenly pushed countless large stones down the valley.

Rolling stones attack indiscriminately, no matter how strong armor or shield is, they can't stop such a big stone weighing more than a hundred catties.Soon, these rocks rolled down from the hillside completely blocked the valley.

The soldiers of the Wei army who poured into the valley were cut in half by the Jin army.

On the hillside, Huan Wen was extremely excited.

"Duke Ming's great event has come to an end!" Xi Chao said, "It is difficult for Wei Jun to escape and ascend to heaven even if he has three heads and six arms!

"I'm afraid it's another bloody battle!" Huan Wen shook his head and looked at the Wei army at the bottom of the valley. At this time, the Jin army had all ambushed and the Wei army was surrounded. Unless they had wings on their backs, it would be difficult to escape and ascend to heaven.However, the generals of the Wei army below only panicked a little, and then began to fight calmly.

The soldiers of the Jin army ambushing on the mountainside pushed countless boulders into the valley. Accompanied by the loud rumbling noise, the boulders rolled down and rolled up all the yellow dust. Soldiers, but except for a few of these Jin soldiers who are auxiliary soldiers, the rest are civilians. As for the condition of these Jin soldiers, that is not within the scope of Huan Wen's consideration.

The Yique Grand Canyon was not an ideal ambush battlefield. The terrain in the canyon was rugged, and the rolling boulders could not hit many Wei soldiers. Even so, the Wei army suffered heavy losses for a while.

When Zhang Wen saw this, there was no panic on his face, but silence.He shouted coldly: "Soldiers, fight to the death! Only by fighting out can we survive!"

"Roar!" The soldiers of the Wei army who were trapped in the siege shouted: "Great Wei Wansheng!"

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Wei army who participated in the pursuit of the "broken soldiers" of the Jin army did not advance lightly, but were fully loaded.Under Zhang Wen's order, these Wei soldiers began to arrange defensive positions according to their respective establishments.Numerous soldiers of the Wei army quickly pulled up the wounded Wei soldiers who had fallen to the ground. As for the dead, no one paid attention to them.The shield soldiers stepped forward one by one, and they used the unique terrain in the valley to build a shield formation.These shield soldiers put heavy shields on the periphery, but these shields did not hang down on the ground, but tilted back at [-] degrees.

The shields equipped by Wei Jun are all produced by assembly line operations.The heavy shields are all made of iron-cored wood covered with iron. The front, back, and top of each shield have convex grooves that can be joined together. Every three shield soldiers of the Wei army put together every three shields to form a shield with a width of three feet. , a sloping shield wall with a height of two feet two, and more shields are combined to form two airtight shield walls.

With the rapid formation of this shield wall, the casualties caused by the boulders falling from the mountainside to the Wei army were greatly reduced.Of course, there were also many stones that smashed the shield and made a hole in the shield wall, but the soldiers of the Wei army behind would quickly fill in the gap, making the shield wall strong and not fall down.

(End of this chapter)

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