Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 573: A Virtuous Rooster and Dog Ascension to Heaven

Chapter 573 A Virtuous Chicken and Dog Ascension to Heaven (Part [-])

Chapter 577

At the same time, the crossbowmen in the shield formation of the Wei army launched a counterattack against the soldiers of the Jin army on the valley.Due to the appearance of Ran Ming, the production of Wei Jun's weapons and equipment has adopted an assembly line operation.In this way, not only the product quality is improved, but the corresponding price is much lower.The armor is not made by relying on the traditional craftsmanship, using the blacksmith's hammer, hammer by hammer, but by using the steel pouring method, mixing pig iron and wrought iron together, stirring them evenly, and then pouring them into a fixed mold. It is made by cooling, so that a strong man who trains for three days can replace hundreds of skilled blacksmiths.Due to the reduction in manufacturing costs, the Wei army was equipped with more things. The Ma Gong crossbow was not equipped only by crossbowmen, but by all soldiers, each with a crossbow machine.Under certain circumstances, all soldiers of the Wei army can become crossbowmen.

Surrounded by Huanwen, the soldiers of the Wei army had almost 3000 troops. More than 4000 people were killed and more than 1 were injured when they were hit by boulders.At this time, there are still more than 7000 people. Excluding the shield soldiers, there are almost 2000 crossbowmen who can fire crossbows. More than [-] crossbows, fired in three waves, not only caused the Jin army's casualties of only [-] troops, but also repelled the condescending Jin army soldiers who were about to annihilate Zhang Wen's troops in one fell swoop.

Looking at this unexpected result, Xi Chao didn't know what to say.You must know that any army encountering this kind of ambush seems to have no other possibility except for the entire army to be defeated, but the Wei army seems to be like a monster, instead of losing morale, it fights to the death.

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved!" Huan Wen sighed: "Ran Min has built this foundation in his [-]s, and his reputation is by no means in vain."

Xi Chao said: "Ming Gong, the blocked valley will not last long, and the Wei army will dig up the huge rock blocking the valley."

Huan Wen said: "The guest means, use Fuhuo Dan?"

"Aside from Fuhuo Pill, is there any other way?"

Huan Wen shook his head and said, "It's extremely difficult to make Fuhuo Pills. It's not difficult to obtain sulfur and charcoal. The most difficult thing is nitrate. In order to make these Fuhuo Pills, Wen Ke took all the medicine shops in Jiankang, Jingkou, and Gushu to the market. I have bought all the nitrate in the pot, if there is no Fuhuo Pill, I am afraid, we will not be able to break through Luoyang City!"

Xi Chao thought for a while and said: "If you don't use Fuhuo Dan to help out, then you have to use fire attack. Zhengqiu is high and refreshing, and there is inexhaustible firewood here. If you pour fire oil, these Wei troops can be burned."

Huan Wen shook his head, and said, "Tell Zhou Chu that Mao Husheng and the two generals are here!"

Not long after, the messenger arrived with Zhou Chu and Mao Husheng.Among the three tigers of the Xifu Army, Mao Hu was slippery, Zhou Chu was treacherous, and Deng Xia was the most difficult to deal with.Of course, Mao Husheng's cunning is not because he is timid and cunning, but because he is brave in battle, good at using his wits, and using the best methods to achieve his goals.But Zhou Chu is treacherous.He is for the purpose, and never cares about the casualties of his own trilogy. Zhou Chu's promotion path can be said to be stained red with blood.Not only the blood of the enemy, but also the blood of his own trilogy.

"Join the General!" Mao Husheng and Zhou Chu respectfully saluted Huan Wen.

Huan Wen shouted coldly: "What's going on with Xianzu (the name of Mao Husheng (Mao Muzhi)) and Yuansun (the name of Zhou Chu)? Don't you know how to fight without the help of Fuhuo Pill? ?"

Zhou Chu and Mao Husheng blushed with shame at Huan Wen's words.Zhou Chudao: "If the last general can't defeat the enemy again and wipe out the leader of the bandits, I would like to come and see you!"

Mao Husheng said: "The last general is willing to issue a military order!"

"Very good!" Huan Wen said: "This opportunity must not be missed, and it will never come again. The two generals must not let this general down!"

Mao Husheng and Zhou Chu fought their lives, and the attack no longer cared about casualties, which greatly increased the casualties of Zhang Wen's troops.The shield array has also become precarious, and it may collapse at any time.

"What about the general?"

Zhang Wen has seen that due to the need to maintain the shield array, the number of Wei Jun's crossbowmen has been greatly reduced since then, and there is not enough crossbow machine coverage to suppress, and the Jin army's attack has become more sharp.The Wei army suffered even more heavy casualties.

"Being passively beaten like this is not an option!" Zhang Wen said: "We must seize a high ground, otherwise, we will be wiped out by the Jin army before the reinforcements come to our aid. Organize death squads and seize the high ground!"

"The attack from the east is too fierce, we can't rush up, there is Huan Wen's commander-in-chief flag, which should be the main force of the Jin army, while the pressure on the hillside to the west is much lower, and the attack is not so violent, it should be the enemy my partial teacher!"

Zhang Wen thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's head west!"

In fact, it was Mao Husheng who participated in the attack on the western hillside. Mao Husheng deliberately released water to let the soldiers delay the attack. Although the momentum was terrifying, he did not work hard.And in order to create the illusion that there are no huge stones on the west mountain, he also ordered the soldiers not to throw stones, and only use a small number of archers to carry out long-range attacks.

In fact, Mao Husheng’s department on Xishan not only has a large number of stones, but also hides more than [-] bed crossbows and more than a dozen trebuchets.He has been inducing Zhang Wen to attack.

Sure enough, Zhang Wen fell into the trick again, and the dead soldiers on all sides paid the price of more than a hundred casualties, and finally captured the halfway up the mountain.Zhang Wen saw the situation and ordered all members to abandon the valley bottom position and move to the west mountain.

Just when Zhang Wen's forward was about to reach the top of the mountain, and most of the remnants in the valley climbed up the western mountain, at this moment, the sound of "dong dong" ... drums sounded, and thousands of boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain, including All the soldiers of the Wei army, including the dead forwards, were screamed again and again when they were hit by the boulder.

At this time, Mao Husheng gave an order, and all the ambush soldiers came out.

This time, Zhang Wen's prestige dropped to freezing point again, and the morale of the Wei army was even shaken, but the Jin army was just the opposite. Their morale was high and their offensive was like a tide.

Zhang Wen's troops soon lost their hold and were driven down from the mountain by Mao Husheng.

Once in and out, the Wei army lost more than 7000 soldiers, [-] soldiers, and now less than [-] survived.And what's even worse is that Wei Jun's shields and heavy equipment are almost lost, and he can no longer organize that kind of wall-like shield array.

"General Zhang, the north is about to lose its hold..."

"General Zhang, emergency on the left side!..."

One after another, Zhang Wen's heart was on fire.

Just when Zhang Wen's men fell into desperation, Feng Lei's men finally arrived in Gushu.When he came to Gushu, Feng Lei realized that he and Gushu were worthless. The most valuable thing in Gushu was the empty mansion in Huanwen.The craftsman battalion and army garrison of the Xifu Army are not inside the city, but outside the city at the foot of Daqing Mountain.The entire military camp is backed by Daqing Mountain, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Even if Gushu city was burned down, Huan Wen would probably not blink an eye, but if his Gushu camp was set ablaze, Huan Wen might be in pain for a while.

But when he came to Daqing Mountain and looked at it, Feng Lei was speechless for a long time. This is a permanent military camp. Behind the chariot formation, there are countless catapults, bed crossbows, and barracks in order.

Around the entire camp, there are watchtowers, arrow towers, and the entire Gushu Xifu army camp. It is simply a hedgehog formation, which can also be called a turtle formation. Although there are less than 2000 people stationed at this time, the people who captured this camp The difficulty was no less than that of capturing Stone City.

"General, how can you fight this!"

Feng Lei said: "I don't think so. It's because you take it for granted. In fact, things are far from this. Although the defense facilities of this camp are well built, it is people who determine the defense ability. From Huan Wen Since the establishment of the Xifu Army in the second year of Yonghe, there has been no war here for ten years. The long-term peace has made the soldiers here forget the war and the danger. Under the long-term peace, they have long been negligent and brought up Huanwen's girl In Shu Daying, people think of keeping a respectful distance, never thinking of attacking, so they naturally develop the mentality of being arrogant. Now that a large number of garrisons have been transferred to Jiankang, Chu Suanzi is also concerned about Jiankang's safety, so naturally he doesn't care about it. We It’s time to sneak in.”

"How do you sneak in?"

Suddenly, Feng Lei's eyes lit up.He found that the gate of the garrison camp was wide open, and twenty or thirty Taoist priests walked out of the barracks with a flamboyant expression.

The opportunity is coming!

Ever since Du Jiong created powerful gunpowder against Huan Wen by mistake, the status of Du Jiong and his disciples in Huan Wen's heart has also increased.Huan Wen noticed a change in Du Jiong's attitude.Whenever he sees Du Jiong, Huan Wen will respectfully say "Master Du Ming"

Youdao means that one person attains the Tao, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.The status of the master is high, and the Taoist priests below are also high.Huan Wen treated Du Jiong with a lot of money, and also gave him enough courtesy, including food and drink.The only downside was that Huan Wen was afraid that others would know that he had gunpowder as a weapon. To be precise, Huan Wen was on guard against Chu Suanzi.Huan Wen knew Chu Suanzi's "shadow", and with the ability of "shadow", it was too easy to know Huan Wen's gunpowder.In order to prevent the "shadow" from secretly kidnapping Du Jiong and obtaining the secret of gunpowder, Huan Wen put Du Jiong under house arrest.

Apart from freedom, Huan Wen will try his best to satisfy all Du Jiong's demands.Don't look at Du Jiong's fairy-like, dignified appearance of an outsider, but in fact he is still an ordinary person with needs.Du Jiong likes to drink, and also likes to study housework (men can understand it).But without those chances to contact believers, Du Jiong couldn't study housework. For Du Jiong's hobby, Huan Wen also tried his best to be satisfied.

Every once in a while, the disciples under Du Jiong's command would leave the military artisan camp of the Daqingshan West Mansion to pimp Du Jiong, looking for wine and women.

When Sun Tai took dozens of Taoist priests to make a big purchase in Gushu City, he brought a full load of goods and a dozen ox carts, three of which were goods, and the other ten ox carts were all pulled from brothels. The woman I found.

(End of this chapter)

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