Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 574 Finding Another Way to Drain Your Salary from the Bottom

Chapter 574 Finding Another Way to Drain Your Salary from the Bottom (Third Watch)
Chapter 578

The distance from Gushu City to the Xifu military craftsman camp outside Daqing Mountain is not too far, only a dozen miles. After the sun had completely set that night, a group of Taoist priests who were full of food and drink reluctantly left Gushu City.When Sun Tai, who was sitting on a bullock cart, was suddenly awakened by the shaking of the bullock cart, he suddenly found that a large number of black armored soldiers appeared densely on the official road in the distance. These soldiers numbered as many as a thousand. Standing in a phalanx with guns and shields, the face of the general was as sinking as water, sitting on the horse like a half iron tower, waving a large horizontal knife in his hand, the soldiers moved forward in unison, pressing down like a steel plate.

Sun Tai woke up suddenly from the wine, and he exclaimed: "Quick back, quick back!"

But after screaming for a long time, the awakened Taoist priests did not move. Sun Tai turned his head to look, and was immediately frightened out of his wits.

It turned out that at some point, densely packed black-armored sergeants appeared all around.

These black-armored sergeants didn't speak, nor did they shoot crossbow arrows, they just slowly crushed them.Surround these dozens of bullock carts and more than [-] Taoist priests.

Sun Tai bravely rushed towards the Daoist general and said: "My next son, Sun Tai, is the first disciple under Master Du Ming. I don't know what the general has to do!"

The general of the black armor general was none other than Feng Lei. "Hehe!" Feng Lei opened his mouth wide and said with a smile, "I invite you to drink."

Sun Tai didn't know what Feng Lei meant, but he had no room to refute because people were swordsmen and I was fish.

"Here, Poor Dao, I've had my fill of wine!" Sun Tai said timidly, and after a while, cold sweat poured out of him.

The surrounding juniors from the same sect were even more unbearable, their bodies were shaking so much that they couldn't stand up, and some of them even peed in fright.

"Drink, or die!" Feng Lei said: "Two ways, you choose one of them!"

After waiting for a while, Sun Tai didn't reply, Feng Lei turned around abruptly, and shouted: "Since you don't want to cooperate, kill them!"

Sun Tai said anxiously: "Slow down, I'll drink the wine!"

Even if it was gut-piercing poison, he would die immediately after drinking it, and Sun Tai would rather choose to drink poisoned wine than to be stabbed.

"Bang bang" several black-armored sergeants pried open the big box on the bullock cart with their knives, took out all the immortal drunk wine inside, and put an altar in front of each Taoist priest.Sun Tai breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, this is the wine they bought, not poisonous wine.

Originally, these Taoist priests had almost drunk enough, only Sun Tai and a few Taoist priests were still a little sober, but this is not important, even if the Taoist priests were drunk, the black armored sergeant pinched their noses and poured them into their stomachs. After pouring wine, after a while, all the thirty or so Taoist priests were terribly drunk.

Regarding the ten prostitutes on the bullock cart, Feng Lei didn't have a good word to say, so he threw the gold he found from Sun Tai's body in front of them, saying: "To live or to die."

These ten prostitutes have already been frightened by the outside situation, and they all said that whores are ruthless and actors are not righteous.For money, they can even sell their dignity, let alone those Jin soldiers on the mountain.

Just like that, Feng Lei dressed up as a waiter in the hotel, and some other black-armored sergeants also dressed up as clerks, and then, each of them, carrying or carrying a Taoist priest, led the ox cart slowly towards the barracks go.

At this time, the prostitutes on the bullock cart also regained their composure, Feng Lei put all the weapons on the bullock cart where the prostitutes were sitting, and a sergeant sat in each carriage to watch over the prostitutes.

The rattling sound of the wheels was a bit harsh in the dark night, and the guards of the Xifu Military Craftsman Camp found the convoy far away.Before reaching the outer suspension bridge, a group of Jin army soldiers surrounded the convoy with torches. "Who, stop and get checked!"

Feng Lei pretended to be scared and said: "Master Jun, we are all good people. These Taoist masters asked us to send them here. We have sent people and goods here. You can take them away!"

The sergeant, lighting a torch, the leader of the Jin army sergeant, left to look, and found that it was the group of Taoist priests who went out in the morning, but at this time, these Taoist priests were too drunk to look like.Almost a dozen people vomited all over themselves, and the smell of vomit made people shy away.

In the past, before Fuhuo Dan was invented, the life and death of these Taoist priests had nothing to do with the soldiers of the Jin army.But now, these Taoist priests are all Huan Wen's treasures, and they cannot be offended at all.

Although they can't offend, these sergeants don't want to carry those Taoist priests covered in vomit.

Since the establishment of the Daqingshan Camp of the Xifu Army, no war has been seen here for ten years. For ordinary bandits, let alone provoke the camp, it is too late for them to avoid it.Therefore, under the long-term security, the guards here have also relaxed a lot.

The leader of the Jin army pinched his nose and waved his hands, as if trying to shake off the strange smell in front of him.He said impatiently: "Hurry up, hurry up and enter the camp!"

Although the suspension bridge is not too wide, only about three feet, but the ditch is full of barbed wire, and there are arrow towers and sentry towers on the left and right. If you do something, it will definitely alarm the sergeants in the camp.There is at least two miles away from the inner camp. No matter how fast the speed is, it will give the catapults and bed crossbows arranged in the camp time to fire.

When they came to the suspension bridge, the leader of the Jin army guarding on the suspension bridge, Meimeng was awakened by the noise, opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the opposite side, yawned, and said impatiently: "What is the noise? It's not good to come back, but at this time."

However, no one doubted it, because it had been peaceful here for too long.Moreover, Sun Tai and other Taoist priests are all public figures here. It doesn't matter if they don't know Du Jiong, but if they don't know these Taoist priests under Du Jiong's sect, if they accidentally offend one of them, they can't afford to walk away.After passing the suspension bridge and the arrow tower, a guy who looked like a man said: "Master Jun, Xiaodi has a stomachache, where is the latrine?"

The leader of "There" stretched out his hand and said impatiently: "Lazy cows just have a lot of shit and urine!"

Feng Lei held Sun Tai in one hand, and quietly pulled out the horizontal knife hidden on the bullock cart with the other, and hung it under his waist.

Things went surprisingly smoothly. The convoy entered the catapult, and after half a mile they could pass through the camp.However, at this moment, an accident happened, and a group of Jin soldiers escorted a general and arrived in front of the convoy.

This general is the prefect of Danyang, General Jianwei, Sun Qian, the son of Sun Sheng who joined the army in Huanwen.

"What's going on?" Sun Qian brought his soldiers to Feng Lei and asked.In fact, Sun Qian also knew that Sun Tai was Huan Wen's celebrity now, but he was very jealous.So if there is something to do, if nothing to do, I like to trouble Sun Tai.

At this moment, Sun Qian suddenly found Feng Lei. Even though Feng Lei was bowed, his strong body like an iron tower was very conspicuous in the crowd.People in the south are generally thin and thin. An eight-foot tall man like Feng Lei is very rare. Even if he pretends to be a buddy, it is difficult to conceal the murderous aura and sharpness emanating from him.

"Who are you!" Here, Sun Qian found the horizontal knife beside Feng Lei. This horizontal knife was a gift from Ran Min's imperial court, and it was also the Tianyong Sword, one of the 36 Tiangang knives that Ran Ming gave to Ran Min. "What are you?"

This horizontal knife is very suitable for Feng Lei Yongwu Wushuang's identity and character.The imperial gifts are naturally not ordinary products, no matter the workmanship or the scabbard, all of them are high-quality goods.Such a precious sword is simply priceless.If this treasured sword was held by a general, Sun Qian would not be surprised, but it is impossible not to be surprised that a fellow is actually wearing a treasured sword worth tens of thousands of gold.

When Feng Lei saw that it was going to be bad, he turned his head sharply and had no time to react. Then, he pulled out the horizontal knife and slashed at Sun Qian.

When Sun Qian asked Feng Lei, he felt that something was wrong, and he hurriedly retreated.Feng Lei's knife did not hit Sun Qian, but cut a soldier who was protecting Sun Qian in two.

"Who are you!" Sun Qian turned pale with shock, never expecting to encounter another attack in his camp.

Feng Lei said: "The person who wants to kill you!"

As he said that, Feng Lei pulled off the short shirt of the man on his body, revealing the black warrior uniform inside, and the other soldiers threw away the Taoist priests on their bodies, turned around and drew out their weapons from the bullock cart.There were a total of 40 Wei soldiers who mixed into the barracks. Feng Lei led his men to kill Sun Qian.

Sun Qian was shocked and fled in a hurry.

The Jin army was alarmed, and the Wei army sergeants responded even more quickly.Most of the forty soldiers held the wine jars and ran directly towards the bed crossbow and catapults. These weapons, the bed crossbows fired directly, had no way of defense at all, and could only be filled with human lives.It is also the greatest threat to Wei Jun's rush to camp.Therefore, it is also the primary target of Wei Jun soldiers.

"Bang bang" the wine jar fell on the bed crossbow or the catapult, and it immediately fell apart. The wine was scattered on the catapult or the bed crossbow, and then the Wei soldiers threw the torches.

After a while, almost all the catapults and bed crossbows were ignited, and the fire was blazing, and the flames soared into the sky.The fire is the general signal for Wei Jun to do something.At this time, the sergeant who was supposed to go to the toilet appeared out of nowhere, and he had a big ax with blood in his hand. The big ax was directly chopped on the rope at the bottom of the arrow tower. It broke at the sound, and then cut off several other ropes with two axes, losing the binding of the ropes, the pile of arrows scattered at the sound, and the soldiers above screamed.

Then, the soldiers of the Jin army also discovered the enemy, and dozens of people rushed towards him directly.

The sergeant hurriedly ran towards the suspension bridge. He turned a blind eye to the swarming enemies, but tried his best to chop down the wooden village on the suspension bridge. Once, twice, when the wooden pile of the suspension bridge was cut in half , four or five spears pierced into his body almost simultaneously.He couldn't exert any strength all over his body, he gritted his teeth, took the big ax and continued to chop towards the stake.

The wooden piles of the suspension bridge collapsed, and the suspension bridge fell halfway from above.

At this moment, Wei Jun from the brigade rushed over.While suppressing the soldiers of the Jin army on the arrow tower with crossbow arrows, they threw them into the ditch, used human ladders, and held shields to build a simple pontoon bridge.The soldiers of the Wei army passed through the trench, and soon several swordsmen and axemen went to chop the last wooden post of the suspension bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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