Chapter 575
Chapter 579

The soldiers of the Jin army on the arrow tower also discovered the intentions of the soldiers of the Wei army, and they quickly shot here with bows and arrows.Four or five Wei soldiers were killed in battle, and then another four or five rushed up, and the wooden piles of the suspension bridge collapsed here.The soldiers of the Wei army quickly rushed into the barracks from the suspension bridge.

Sun Qian had just fled back and hadn't organized an effective army formation yet, so his heart was already cold here.The soldiers of the Wei army have already entered the camp. Everyone is like a wolf or a tiger, with spears like a forest, and horizontal knives like a wall. Tigers are walking forward, and dust and smoke are everywhere.

The Jin army who got the news appeared continuously, but when they did not form a phalanx, they were dispersed by the soldiers of the Wei army.

Sun Qian never imagined that there were so many soldiers of the Wei army and so fast, many soldiers of the Jin army did not dare to launch a counterattack against the Wei army after seeing such a scene, but dropped their weapons and ran towards the rear camp. The Daqingshan camp suddenly became a mess.

"It's over! It's over!" Sun Qian was almost dead.The army was defeated like a mountain. I am afraid that in this situation, even if Huan Wen sits in the big camp, he will be powerless to recover.

The Wei army's attack was very fierce and fast. Wherever the Jin army gathered, it would be attacked by Wei army soldiers.

The soldiers of the Jin army were also at a loss at this time. They couldn't tell how many troops from the Wei army had arrived. Anyway, looking around, there were soldiers in black and black armor everywhere.There were swords and swords everywhere, and screams everywhere.

The blood blooms under the mountain wind, brilliant and dazzling, and the life is exhausted under the fire, and there is nothing to do.

Feng Lei roared: "Put down your weapon, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

This slashing and killing had already made the soldiers of the Jin army terrified. They didn't have the will to resist. Besides, the Wei army rarely fought this kind of battle, but now they gathered enough energy and charged fiercely.

As soon as they were asked to surrender, to avoid death, many Xifu soldiers were already shaken in their hearts.

"Let's go quickly, general, keep the green hills, and don't worry about running out of firewood!"

Sima Rui, Emperor Yuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, built the society in Jiankang. Since he was in the East, he was extremely frugal. The two emperors of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties did not dare to change the system. .), Burning Taiji, and Dongtang Secret Pavilion are all exhausted.

Emperor Mu ascended the throne, and Chu Suanzi assisted the government.The Taiji Hall was rebuilt on the site of the Taiji Palace.But Jingyang Palace was the place where the court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty held court meetings.

Chu Suanzi dismissed Wang Shu from the post of Minister of Shangshu, so there was a vacancy in the Minister of Shangshu at this time in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Chu Suanzi said: "Zhongshu Sheng and Shang Shu Sheng jointly discussed the vacancy of Shang Shu Sheng's Shang Shu Ling, and there will be results!"

Sima Yu respectfully handed a memorial to Qiu Mulang, who was the head of Chu Suanzi. Chu Suanzi took a rough look, then threw the memorial under the stage, and said in a cold voice: "This is you. The result of the negotiation?"

"Yes, Empress Dowager!" Sima Yu said: "Wang Yi has both virtue and talent, and has always been famous, so he is worthy of this great task!"

Chu Suanzi calmed down a bit, and then said: "You are right in recommending talents, but there is a big problem with this memorial. Wang Xizhi has already handed over the memorial to Ai's family, calling him an official and abandoning his official position (in the 11th year of Yonghe in history, 355 In March of this year, it was postponed here for a while) When you recommend talents, don’t you know to ask the opinions of those involved in advance? This is simply nonsense!"

After hearing this, Sima Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Chu Suanzi is just a woman, and no matter how big a woman is, there is a limit.Now that the country's affairs are getting more and more difficult, you, Wang Xizhi, actually let go of the pick, which makes Chu Suanzi very angry.Being angry is only one aspect, and what is even more annoying is that Sima Yu actually asked Wang Xizhi to replace Wang Shu as the minister in order to balance the power of the Jiangnan and Jiangbei gentry.Chu Suanzi thought to himself, is there no one in the court except Wang Shi who can assist Sima Shi?
Sima Yu said timidly: "Since Wang Yishao has decided to go, then choose another wise man!"

Chu Suanzi said, "You don't need to be so troublesome, you will take up the position of Shangshuling!"

Sima Yu said: "I am a minister who has several positions, so I am afraid that I will neglect the king's affairs!"

Chu Suanzi thought for a while and said, "Move the right guard general Chen Guang to be the general of the Fujun army, and supervise the military affairs in the five cities of Jiankang! Move the Fujun army to join the army and Gao Song will be the right guard general."

After dealing with the political affairs of the day, Chu Suanzi felt extremely tired.Seven fourth-rank officials and three third-rank officials submitted their resignations. Could it be that the hearts of the Jin Dynasty are completely lost?Chu Suanzi felt very tired in terms of employing people.

The palace lanterns in the Xianyang Palace were brightly lit, the maids and eunuchs around them all bowed their heads in silence, and the entire hall was silent.

Just when Chu Suanzi was about to fall asleep, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps.

Chu Suanzi opened his eyes and found that the person who came was his confidant Qiu Mulang.

"What happened?"

Mu Lang said: "The smoke came from the Daqingshan camp in Gushu, and it went out after half an hour. I think Daqingshan may have changed hands."

Chu Suanzi's eyes were wide open, and he said in disbelief, "The Daqingshan military camp has complete defense facilities, so I'm afraid it won't be so easy to change hands?"

Mu Lang said: "The detailed situation has already been sent to inspect, and there will be news at the latest by tomorrow morning. However, it is basically certain that the Wei army has captured Gushu Daqingshan!"

Chu Suanzi didn't say anything, and seemed to let Mu Lang go down.

However, Mu Lang still didn't move.

Chu Suanzi said again: "You still have something to do!"

The "Shadow" has received news from the secret stake in Xie's family, and it can be confirmed that Wei Guojiaodong Wang Ranming is in Xie's mansion! Mu Lang went on to say: "According to rumors, the King of Jiaodong sent people to sweep the treasury of the Champa Kingdom and got more than one million shi of rice grain!" "

Now, Chu Suanzi could no longer calm down.It turned out that she was not very worried when Wei Junbing came to Jiankang City.Because of the shadow information, Chu Suanzi knew that Ran Min did not have the determination and confidence to unify the world and fight against the Jin Dynasty. The most important thing was that the Wei army did not have the strength to attack Jin in the south.

However, with the more than 100 million shi of grain, Wei Guo has the strength to counterattack in an all-round way.If the food here reaches Wei State, Ran Min will definitely attack Jin State with all his strength. Jin State currently has no strength to resist the tiger and wolf division of Wei Army.

Originally a very good containment policy, but unfortunately, Xie Ai was beaten to a mess by Xie An before he had time to exert his strength.The whole country of Liang surrendered, and Dai Guo, a check piece, was alienated by Ran Min and lost its effect.Now Wei Guo is like that fierce tiger, which has lost all restraint and restraint. Once this fierce tiger loses its restraint, it will shake the sky and shake the earth.

Chu Suanzi gritted his teeth and said: "Wang Tanzhi passed the decree and ordered him to engrave the news of going north and presiding over the peace talks with Wei. No hesitation."

On the battlefields of Luoyang and Yique, following Zhang Wen's second ambush, the morale of the Wei army was shaken, unable to resist the full-scale attack of the Jin army, and more and more soldiers of the Wei army were killed.

Looking at the thousands of Wei soldiers who were struggling to support, Zhang Wen felt his hands and feet were cold.

"嗤嗤" The soldiers standing in front of Zhang Wen fell to the ground with arrows, and a stream of blood sprayed out. Under such a situation, the morale of the Jin army was greatly boosted, and the cheers were like thunder.

However, the Wei army still didn't have the habit of surrendering. Without crossbow arrows, they chopped with horizontal knives, and without shields, they used their bodies to block arrows for their comrades-in-arms.The soldiers of the Wei army who were almost shot into hedgehogs on the outer layer did not fall down.If you look carefully, you will find that these soldiers of the Wei army knew that they would die. Before they died, they used spears or horizontal knives to support their bodies as much as possible.

Although the Xifu army can be regarded as the best in the world, compared with the Wei army, it is far behind.Fighting on flat ground, the Xifu army had no chance of defeating the Wei army.However, wars have never been absolutely fair. It is very rare that the Wei army did not collapse when the weather, location, and harmony were all lost.

However, Zhang Wen was powerless at this time, and it was only a matter of time before the entire army was wiped out.

At this moment, the cheers of the Jin army at the foot of the mountain and on the mountain became louder. Huan Wen came forward and saw that Zhou Chu had rushed into the formation of the Wei army. Zhou Chu had an iron spear in his hand, and he shuttled through the formation of the Wei army like a dragon.Wherever Zhou Chu's iron spear went, the soldiers of the Wei army would retreat in a hurry, and wherever the Jin army's offensive was frustrated, Zhou Chu solved it with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions in the past, and then it turned smoothly.Each of them shot one shot as if entering no one's land.

"What a great general!" Xi Chao said with a smile, "Duke Ming has such great help, so why worry about failure!"

"Haha!" Huan Wen laughed triumphantly.

Just when Zhang Wen's tribe fell to death, at the entrance of Yique, a Taoist priest with fluttering sleeves and a sense of immortality commanded more than a hundred Taoist priests, carrying large wooden barrels one by one, piled on the stones in front of the valley entrance, Huan Wen The plan is very good.These big rocks piled up in the valley cost tens of thousands of pieces, the big ones weighed six to seven hundred catties, and the small ones weighed seventy to eighty catties. It would take at least three days to dig out the rocks at the mouth of the valley by manpower.

Three days is too long, Zhang Wen can't resist for that long.Don't say you can't resist, even if you can resist, it won't work. Zhang Wenbu didn't carry food, food, or water at all. In three days, most of them would be killed or injured.

"Immortal, it's ready!" Ran Zhi and Pei Bi woke up too late, Zhang Wen had already been tricked, and they had no time to react.In desperation, he had no choice but to send someone to invite Ge Xianweng in Luoyang City.As for Fuhuo Pill, Ge Hong invented it, but it was also his accidental invention.Even Ge Hong didn't understand the principle of the explosion at all.Fortunately, under Ran Ming's explanation, Ge Hong improved the formula of the gunpowder. The gunpowder formula in Ge Hong's hands now basically has the optimal ratio. The difference is that it is slightly less powerful than the granulated black powder.

"Time is running out!" Ge Hong said: "Stand back, everyone. Get ready to light the fire!"

"Farther, further away."

"Not enough, go further!"...

If Ran Ming were here, he would definitely find this scene very familiar. Isn't it the line that Monkey King said to Tang Sanzang when he rushed out of the Five Elements Mountain.It's a pity that no one here knows, and no one will laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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