Chapter 576
Chapter 580

"Your Highness, quickly retreat!" Pei Bi saw Ge Hong's solemnity, so naturally he didn't dare to be careless.He dragged Ran Zhi to a place about three miles away from Taniguchi.At this moment, a soldier held a torch, ignited the fuse, quickly rode on the horse, and hit the horse's buttocks desperately.

However, at this moment, there was a "bang", like a thunder on the ground, which frightened all the soldiers of the Wei army, and then saw gravel flying horizontally, and the flying gravel knocked down the standing The soldiers in front of the soldiers caused a lot of screams, and the scene was full of blood and flesh.

After a long time, the dust and smoke at the mouth of the valley cleared away, and the boulders piled up in the valley disappeared.

Pei Bi said to the officers and soldiers who stayed on the spot: "Rush in and ask for the Hussar General!"

However, after shouting for a long time, no one moved.It turned out that the explosion of the gunpowder was so loud that almost all the people present lost their hearing.

Pei Bi dragged and tugged, and finally drove all the soldiers to the valley.

With a loud noise, Zhang Wenbu, who was besieged in the valley, was shaken to the ground.At this moment, a soldier exclaimed: "General, look quickly, look quickly!"

Zhang Wen didn't respond for a long time, and the soldiers found that Zhang Wen's ears were bleeding.

Originally, the Wei army soldiers who were about to die didn't know what happened when you looked at me and I looked at you.

The violent explosion not only frightened the soldiers of the Wei army, but also the soldiers of the Jin army.Huan Wen was actually farther away, and the impact he received was limited, he shouted angrily: "Go and find out, which bastard dared to spoil this general's good deed!"

Huan Wen thought that this was a Jin army general who used gunpowder weapons to attack without permission.

Xi Chao said: "Ming Gong, it seems that this is not the thunderbolt bomb used by our army, the explosion came from the mouth of the valley, it should be the Wei army used the Fuhuo Dan to blow up the rubble!"

Sure enough, at this moment, countless soldiers of the Wei army poured in from the mouth of the valley, broke through a corner of the encirclement of the Jin army, followed by Zhang Wen, and the remaining soldiers of the Wei army retreated!

Just when Zhang Wen was about to bow his head and accept his fate, there was a sudden loud noise, and he was stunned by the shock wave of the violent explosion.When Zhang Wen woke up again in a daze, he suddenly heard the soldiers say excitedly: "The reinforcements are here, we are saved!"

Zhang Wen looked in the direction of the soldiers' fingers, and saw a steady stream of black-armored sergeants swarming into the valley mouth following the explosion.

"There is no unparalleled road!" Zhang Wen said: "Brothers, follow up with those who don't want to die, let's fight out together!"

"Get out!" Zhang Wen's remnant soldiers, who were originally low in morale, depleted of crossbow arrows, incomplete weapons, and almost depleted of physical strength, were filled with strength as if they had taken a powerful pill.

Although Zhang Wenbu wanted to live, but the Xifu army surrounded them with tricks, how could they let them leave easily.Not only Zhou Chu attacked frantically, regardless of losses, even Mao Husheng, who was good at scheming, also changed his style of play, attacking Wei Jun frantically like a desperado.

At this time, the reinforcements of the Wei army swarmed in orderly and fast. Their speed was very fast, their crossbow arrows were more dense, and their attack power was also very strong.This reinforcement from the Wei army was like a sharp iron spear, and quickly pierced a hole in the encirclement of the Jin army.As time went by, the openings became more and more numerous.

"Come on!" Wei Jun's reinforcements roared again and again, and the voice of "Big Wei Wansheng" resounded through the sky.In the face of Wei Jun's frenzied and fearless attack, the soldiers of the Xifu Army could not resist at all.When the Xifu army kills a soldier of the Wei army, three or four people will rush up immediately. For the iron armor and heavy shield of the Wei army, the soldiers of the Xifu army who do not have armor-piercing cones, bed crossbows, and catapults are simply unable to resist. Withstand the impact of Wei army reinforcements.Especially the impenetrable shield and spear array, like a hedgehog, so that they don't know how to fight.

With the arrival of reinforcements from the Wei army, it took only a moment to open the encirclement of the Jin army, allowing Zhang Wen and the remnants of the Wei army of two to 3000 people to retreat.Seeing this scene, Huan Wen sighed in his heart: "It's still a failure!"

"Duke Ming, don't worry!" Xi Chao said, "This plan will fail. In fact, it doesn't matter whether we annihilate Zhang Wen's troops or not. Even if Zhang Wen escapes, so what, this is just the second plan!"

"The second plan?" Huan Wen asked suspiciously: "Guest, is there a second plan? What is the second plan?"

"Anshi's plan is to return it to him in his own way!" Xi Chao said: "Ming Gong, Luoyang City is already at your fingertips!"

It was only then that Huan Wen remembered that the so-called Anshi's conspiracy was Xie An's method of making the Wei army soldiers pretend to be Sima Xun's defeated soldiers and successfully captured Sima Xun.If it weren't for Sima Xun being too useless, Chengdu would already be in Wei's hands.

Xi Chao also adopted the same method. He selected 800 people from the Xifu Army, and let Deng Xia, one of the three tigers of the Xifu Army, who was recovering from his injuries, play with his injuries.

Zhang Wen's troops were surrounded by nearly 2 horses. At this time, only 3000 to 800 people escaped from the encirclement.

The soldiers of Xifu saw the fat in their mouths, and it flew away, what a surprise.They chased after the tail of Wei Jun's soldiers and pursued frantically.And with the victory of this ambush, especially Zhang Wen's two ambushes, the original fear of the Wei army in the hearts of the Xifu soldiers disappeared in one battle.

These Xifu soldiers regained their confidence and courage.Although Wei Jun's attack was very fierce, unfortunately, many soldiers fell to the ground when they retreated.When Zhang Wen's troops retreated to the Nanming Gate in Luoyang, Deng Xia, who was disguised as a soldier of the Wei army, winked at the surrounding soldiers with white scarves tied on their right arms.

Deng Xia hung his arms and led dozens of soldiers along the horse-riding path inside the city wall to rush up the city wall.Ran Zhi, as the prince, naturally would not be the captain of the Death Squad to save Zhang Wen.He sat in Luoyang and commanded the defense on the city wall.

At the horse crossing, a group of wounded soldiers suddenly rushed up.Ran Zhi said coldly: "Why are you here, you are not needed here, the most important task for you now is to hurry up and go back to heal the wound!"

Deng Xia's injury was a real injury.When he was in Wancheng, Zhang Wu shot Deng Xia in the left arm with a crossbow. Now his wound has not healed. Now after this burst of violent movements, the wound that just wanted to heal has burst again, bloody, not fake .Although Ran Zhi didn't know Deng Xia, Ran Zhi didn't doubt it either.

It's good that Ran Zhi didn't speak, but what he said revealed his unusual identity.When Deng Xia saw that Ran Zhi was wearing a fine bright armor.Immediately, I felt that even though Ran Zhi was not the chief general, he was also a military chief officer like the captain of the city gate.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Deng Xia strode forward while laughing, "Look, brother, the Jin army is attacking too fast, brother, isn't it afraid that the Jin army will take the opportunity to seize the city? One more person is also one more power!"

Ran Zhi suddenly felt something was wrong, his general's accent was a bit soft, not like a northern accent, it was a bit blunt, he was secretly wondering when he suddenly noticed that the opponent's right hand had drawn out a horizontal knife.

Then, Ran Zhi looked at the other party again, and found that all the soldiers on the other side were wearing white scarves on their right arms.Although Ran Zhi came to his senses, it was a pity that it was too late.Deng Xia's horizontal knife has already stabbed towards Ran Zhi.

With Ran Zhi's skill, even if Deng Xia was injured, he couldn't avoid Deng Xia's thunderous blow.But Ran Zhi was Ran Min's son after all, and Ran Min would not let his son die in battle.Therefore, at the critical moment, the "deaf and dumb" members who were protecting Ran Zhi by his side reacted quickly.It's a pity that although the members of "Deaf and Mute" are brave, they will also score points against whoever they fight against. Although they are better than ordinary soldiers, they are still far behind Deng Xia by more than a little bit.

"Puchi!" The sound of the knife piercing into the flesh sounded, and Deng Xia stabbed the "deaf and dumb" in the chest. Then draw the knife and go up.

The other soldiers of the "Wei Army" who were wearing white scarves were also like Deng Xia, with hideous expressions on their faces, brandishing their weapons and slashing at the unsuspecting soldiers of the Wei Army.

The commotion on the horse-riding road made Zhang Wen stunned in an instant. What's going on?

Soon, Pei Bi came to his senses: "General, these routs have infiltrated the enemy army. They want to take the opportunity to seize the city!"

Zhang Wen was stunned for a while, and murmured, "What should I do?"

Pei Bi said: "Now we have to close the city gate!"

"But, but there are more of our robes!" Zhang Wen also calmed down at this time, he found that those soldiers of the "Wei Army" who swung their knives and slashed around the soldiers all had one characteristic, that is, the right arm was tied wearing a white scarf.If it was night, they would be able to fish in troubled waters, but now, it is easy to find problems.

Pei Bi said: "Close the gate of the inner urn, wait until all the soldiers have entered the inner urn, and then go down the Qianjin gate of the outer city!"

"It seems that this is the only way!"

The inner urn city at the south gate of Luoyang, the urn city is two miles long, a hundred steps wide, and 5000 people can't fit in it at all, and it can hold 3000 people at most.However, as scuffles broke out at the city gate and the horse-riding road, the Jin army who followed them took the opportunity to rush into the gate tower instead.

However, when Deng Xia went forward bravely and defeated Ran Zhi's troops, horseshoes sounded like thunder from the city gate, and the sky was covered with dust and smoke on the horizon. The cavalry, rampaging in the Jin army's formation, killed the Jin army on their backs, in a panic.

It turned out that at the critical moment, Dong Run led the Wei army to the Luoyang battlefield.Murong Chui's [-] cavalry, who had originally supported Guanzhong, took the lead in joining the battle.

The follow-up was weak, and Deng Xia saw that things could not be violated. Even if they barely took the city gate, they would not be able to defend the Luoyang city gate without the joining of the Jin army.Deng Xia's troops still retreated slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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