Chapter 577

Chapter 581
In response to Huan Wen's words, it still fell short.

If Dong Run's troops were unable to arrive at the battlefield in time, Luoyang City might change hands instantly as Xi Chao imagined.If it wasn't for Ran Zhi being protected by the "deaf and dumb" around him, Deng Xia could kill him with one blow, and the city gate commander might change the situation of the battle.Had it not been for broad daylight, Xi Chao's strategy would have probably succeeded.Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in the world.

Zhang Wen, seeing Dong Run coming, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight hit the curtains, Ran Ming woke up.Feeling the vague warmth in the sun, Ran Ming stretched comfortably.Ran Ming was in a strange place and had always slept lightly. When he opened his eyes, he almost had a nosebleed.

I saw Xie Daoyun huddled in his arms like a kitten.This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Xie Daoyun's jade leg is pressing on his body, especially the obscene clothes that are as thin as a cicada's wing, which can't hide anything at all, and it is the temptation to make a man spurt blood if it is faintly visible.

Ran Ming almost couldn't bear it, but Xie Daoyun would never obey him when he thought that publicizing prostitution in the daytime was a big taboo of Confucianism.Besides, the purpose of Ran Ming's coming to Jiankang is to drag the entire Xie family to the state of Wei.The business is important, Ran Ming resisted the temptation to seduce others, and put on his clothes reluctantly.Although Ran Ming's movements were light, Xie Daoyun woke up.

Xie Daoyun said: "Husband, this concubine will help you change your clothes!"

Ran Ming was not used to getting dressed by others, but his hair was a big problem, unlike the later generations, it would be fine to tidy up a little, this is not a job for one person at all.However, just as Xie Daoyun got up, he suddenly felt his body go limp, and with an ouch, he almost fell down.

Ran Ming asked with concern: "It's okay!"

"It's all your fault! I don't know how to feel pity!" Xie Daoyun let out a coquettish voice, and helped Ran Ming get out of bed.Xie Daoyun also wanted to help Ran Ming get dressed, but she couldn't do it.She had no choice but to call Xiaoru, the personal maid, to come in.

Xiao Ru came in, but kept her head down.Xie Daoyun saw that Xiaoru looked like a rabbit with red eyes, as if she hadn't slept all night.His face was also very red, as if he was about to bleed.

As a personal and dowry girl, she usually becomes the male master's concubine.However, Ran Ming has no intention of taking over the house for a long time.Naturally, Xie Daoyun would not forcefully give a woman to Ran Ming.Yesterday, when Ran Ming and Xie Daoyun were in full swing, Xiao Ru listened outside all night.

Even when Ran Ming and Xie Daoyun were fast asleep, Xiao Ru still couldn't get to know each other well, the embarrassing voice filled her head, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Xiao Ru blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at Ran Ming at all.

Seeing Xiaoru's appearance, Xie Daoyun, as someone who had experienced it, finally understood Xiaoru's shyness.

After Ran Ming dressed, he followed Xie Daoyun to visit Xie Yi.

On the way, Ran Ming suddenly remembered that the celebrities of the Xie family seemed to have died of illness at the age of 50. Xie Shang, Xie Yi, and Xie Xuan all did not live past the age of 50, which seemed to be a family genetic disease.This kind of disease is a thorny problem in future generations, and in this era, there is no way.Ran Ming said: "I don't know how the condition of my uncle (father-in-law) is?"

Xie Daoyun remained silent for a long time, and it was fine if Ran Ming didn't ask about it, but when he asked, Xie Daoyun burst into tears.Ran Ming is most afraid of women crying.But it was no use trying to persuade him.

However, at this moment, a violent shout came, "You dare to bully my sister, I will fight with you!"

With a sound of "choking...", Xie Xuan drew out the saber that had just killed his uncle Xie Xu last night, and stabbed Ran Ming with a murderous look.Ran Ming smiled wryly, and now he finally tasted the grievance of getting yellow mud into his crotch.

Just when Ran Ming was about to evade, Xie Daoyun suddenly stood in front of Ran Ming: "Youdu, do you know what you are doing?"

"Sister, get out of the way!" Xie Xuan said impatiently: "Ran Ziyang, if you are a man, don't hide behind women!"

Ran Ming couldn't laugh or cry, he really couldn't understand, is there any connection between the Xie Xuan in front of him and the historical governor of the Beifu Army?How did such a reckless person win the battle of Feishui?

"Youdu, calm down, I heard an explanation!" Xie Daoyun still wanted to persuade the furious Xie Xuan, but Xie Xuan didn't allow Xie Daoyun to speak at all. With a deft turn of his body, the long sword came out of the hole like a snake, bypassing Xie Daoyun's body pierced Ran Ming's throat.

Although Xie Xuan's skills are not bad, his steps are light and quick, and his moves go straight to the vital point.Although Ran Ming is not a first-class military general, he is more than enough to deal with a half-grown child like Xie Xuan.With a slight dodge, Ran Ming gave way to Xie Xuan's sure-to-kill sword.

"Ran Ziyang, don't hide if you have the guts!" Xie Xuan was furious after missing a hit.

Ran Ming smiled and said, "Don't avoid it, I'm stupid, or you are stupid!"

Xie Daoyun was anxious, and said with a straight face: "Youdu, stop messing around, otherwise, my sister will be angry!"

Seeing Xie Daoyun's expression, Xie Xuan knew that if the fight continued, Xie Daoyun would be really angry. He said angrily: "In the future, if you dare to bully my sister again, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!"

Seeing Xie Xuan put the sword back into its sheath, Xie Daoyun explained to Xie Xuan why she was crying.

When Xie Xuan heard this, he realized that he had made a big oolong, but he was not a domineering person, and when he knew he was wrong, he immediately apologized to Ran Ming.

Ran Ming looked at Xie Xuan's playful and provocative eyes, and muttered in his heart, and the misunderstanding was cleared up, but what exactly does Xie Xuan mean?
Although he didn't understand, Ran Ming didn't ask Xie Xuan, so he had to follow Xie Daoyun to Xie Yi's master bedroom.Before Ran Ming entered the room, he smelled a strong smell of herbs.In the distance, bursts of violent coughing were heard.

"Uncle, Master invites you in!"

Ran Ming actually didn't know Xie Yi, but he heard Xie Yi cough as if he was about to cough up his lungs.Xie Yi, who was originally tall, thin, and handsome, seemed to have only a handful of bones left, and his face was so pale that there was almost no blood.However, Xie Yi still struggled to get up from the bed and gently helped Ran Ming up.

"Wu Yigong..." Seeing Xie Yi like this, Ran Ming didn't wonder why Xie Daoyun was crying.Although Ran Ming didn't have much contact with Xie Yi, but at this moment, he couldn't help but have red eyes.

"Ahem..." Xie Yi stretched out his hand and took a few pills, and his face recovered a little blood. "Ziyang, in fact, at this time, you should never, never come to Jiankang!"

"Father!" Just as Xie Xuan spoke, Xie Yi interrupted Xie Xuan's words, saying: "Ling Jiang, You Du, you go out first."

Xie Daoyun saw that her father seemed to be preparing to confess to future generations. Although the expression on her face was struggling, she knew that what her father and Ran Ming said would definitely be very important.Xie Daoyun pulled Xie Xuan and left the house.

"Sit!" Xie Yi smiled faintly at Ran Ming, but said this word, which seemed to have cost Xie Yi a lot of energy.It took Xie Yi a long time to stop coughing, and said: "If you want to be relieved, don't say any more, the old man has limited time, so make a long story short."

Ran Ming was silent.

"What identity did you come to Jiankang this time? Leading the army or privately!"

Ran Mingdao: "Privately, the Wei army that appeared at the city of Jiankang was led by Murong Ke, and they came to Jiankang tomorrow, just worried about Duke Wuyi's health!"

"Private identity!" Xie Yi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words: "Ziyang, you are a smart person, a smart person, don't do stupid things. If you are in your position, you will seek your own affairs. If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own affairs. Now put In front of you, there are only two roads, one is to fight against the enemy, and the other is to retreat bravely, so be a farmer."

"Is there still a way out for me?" Ran Ming recalled the conspiracies and tricks he encountered every time.He has seen Ran Zhi's methods. Ran Ming did not fight back. To be precise, there was no real counterattack. It's not that he didn't know, nor did he dare.It's just that he respects Ran Min, the great hero Ran Min.

"If you want to retreat, you still have a chance!" Xie Yi said with a smile: "It's just that you will retreat? Whether you are aggressive or retreat, this is your family's business. It has nothing to do with me. It's just success and failure. The old man does not want Jiang to be implicated in any way because of you!"

Now Ran Ming realizes that he is really naive, simply too naive.Do you still have a way back?With Ran Zhi's disposition, if he takes the throne, he will definitely not let him go.If the wolf wants to eat the sheep, why not have an excuse?

Perhaps, Ran Ming has never been afraid of death, but now he is not alone, not only has a son, a daughter, but also his own woman.Li Shi, Wang Zhilei, Liu Wei, Xie Daoyun, Li Jingshu, and a Jin family.A long-lost fear deeply shrouded Ran Ming's head.Not only his wife and children, but also so many soldiers who followed him through life and death, they may be exiled or hidden in the snow because of their own reasons, even if they will not die.After all, Ran Zhi is not Li Shimin, he cannot tolerate Wei Zheng.Ran Ming became at a loss for the first time.

Watching Ran Ming remain silent, Xie Yi said: "Ziyang, after much deliberation, your path is already doomed. I beg you for one thing. If one kill Ling Jiang yourself, Shi Ke Kill, not to be humiliated."

Ran Ming didn't answer, he originally wanted to trick Xie Shang and Xie Yi to Wei State in the name of seeking medical treatment, but he didn't need to mention this at all.Xie Yi will definitely not go, unless Wei State unifies the world, unless Ran Ming truly becomes the Ninth Five Supreme, otherwise the gentry will not put treasure on one person or one party.

What the noble families seek is not temporary wealth, but a thousand years of inheritance.

Ran Ming said quietly: "Mr. Wu Yi, the cunning rabbit has three holes, Ming is not the generation to be slaughtered."

"Ziyang, let the old man tell you what's good about you!" Xie Yi cursed bitterly, "Why are you so stubborn!"

Ran Ming got up, shook his head, seemed to be self-deprecating, and said to himself: "Why am I so stubborn? If I wasn't stubborn, Murong Jun would kill his father and destroy the state of Wei. If I wasn't stubborn, Xianbei people would Yecheng will be slaughtered, and the more than [-] women in Yecheng will be eaten up by them. If I am not stubborn, the Hu people will slowly eat away at my great rivers and mountains in the Central Plains, affecting our culture and our traditions. It will be common for fathers and sons to kill each other, brothers to kill each other. If I am not stubborn, will there be a way for us Han people to survive in this world?"

"Let's go!" Xie Yi slowly closed his eyes, and said: "I don't have much time, there is a saying that a strong woman does not serve her second husband, and a loyal woman does not serve her second master. Old man, I will not be born as a Wei. Ling Jiang is now a member of your Ran family, and she will go with you."

Ran Ming couldn't laugh or cry, Xie Yi's temper is really not small.Ran Ming sighed and looked at Xie Yi's illness. Although Ran Ming was not a doctor, at least he had seen too many cases in later generations. In Xie Yi's case, it was probably tuberculosis.

Not to mention that at this time, with the advanced medical technology of later generations, this disease may not be easily cured.After leaving the house, Ran Ming said to the servant at the door: "Please bring some pens and ink!"

Not long after, the servant brought a pair of the Four Treasures of the Study, and Ran Ming asked it to be placed on the stone table outside the house. After thinking for a moment, "Thousands of hammers and ten thousand hammers have been used to carve out a deep mountain, and it is easy to burn it with fire. I am not afraid of being smashed to pieces, only leaving innocence in the world. "Ran Ming finally left an inscription and postscript, "Give Xie Gong Wuyi poems!"

(End of this chapter)

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