Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 578 A Good Thing

Chapter 578
Chapter 582

Stealing a song is plagiarism, this is a lot of plagiarism, and I get used to it.Xie Daoyun hurriedly dried the ink, and entered the room holding the poem.

Xie Yiqiang cheered up and read Yu Qian's chant of lime, his face flushed with excitement, "It's a pity, it's a pity, if you were born ten years earlier, there must be a place for you in this world. It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity."

Xie Yi said to the red-eyed eldest daughter and the seventh son: "Ling Jiang, You Du, your third uncle destroyed the Liang Kingdom this time, and with this military merit, he will definitely have a place in the court of the Wei Kingdom in the future. From now on, Chen The county Xie family is relying on you. Now you go to Wei State with King Jiaodong!"

"But, father!..." Xie Daoyun burst into tears immediately.Of course she is aware that the status of the Xie family at the moment, behind the glamor of the Xie family in Chenjun, is also about to come.Xie Xu was jumping up and down like a clown, if there was no one behind him, she wouldn't believe Xie Daoyun was killed.

"Don't worry about being a father!" Xie Yi "Youdu, study hard with your third uncle. I don't have much to say about the rest, you pack up and leave quickly, Jiankang is not safe!"

Xie's mansion soon staged a scene, the scene of the bitterness of a loving father and his daughter, Ran Ming felt very embarrassed watching it.I feel like a big bad wolf cheating sheep.

On the flagship of the Wei State Navy, Murong Ke was speechless for a long time looking at the empty river.In fact, Murong Ke miscalculated.

He miscalculated the courage and guts of Wang Teng, the commander of the Jin Army, Shui Xiaowei.

Not only did the Changshui Army of the Jin Dynasty not follow the Wei State Navy, let alone follow and pursue, they even did not send gifts out of the country.After waiting for a day and a night, Murong Ke didn't even see a single reconnaissance ship, not to mention the main warships of the Jin State Changshui Army.

"General Murong, are we still waiting!" Wei Guochang Shui Captain Cui Cheng said suspiciously: "It seems that the Jin Dynasty navy has not moved its nest yet, what do they mean by this, do they see the general's plan? "

Murong Ke is also quite speechless. The Jin Dynasty navy is the only dominant force in the Jin Dynasty. In water warfare, they are the strongest. Although the warships are not as advanced as Wei's, they win because of their large number.But Murong Ke never imagined that the highest military branch in the Jin Dynasty, the chief general was not the general of tiger and wolf, let alone the general of tiger and wolf, even a barking dog would be better than a whole pig as the chief general.

Murong Ke shook his head and said, "We can't wait any longer. General Feng only brought dry food for three days. It won't last long, and things will change if it's too late. It's hard to reach Gushu within two days. Feng Once something happens to the general, there is no way for Ke to explain it to His Majesty!"

Cui Cheng was also silent.

Murong Ke was originally a surrendered general, so he had to be cautious in his actions.If you just sit and watch Ran Min's confidants annihilate the whole army, it is definitely impossible for Ran Min to have no idea.

Cui Cheng grimaced, and said, "General Murong Ke, are we going to break the iron chains on the Yangtze River by setting fire to it like the great general of the Jin Dynasty, Wang Jun?"

"We don't need it, Murong Ke said: "This moment, that moment.Today is different from the past. Wang Jun did not have a five-toothed warship at that time, but we had a five-toothed warship. The Yangtze River is too wide. The iron lock must not be made too thick. Even if we use a bump, we can break the iron lock Array! "

"Bump!" Cui Cheng said, "Is this possible?"

"Is it okay, don't you know if you try it?!" Murong Ke said: "Now the general orders the entire fleet to turn around collectively, and the target is familiar!"

Murong Ke is always good at catching fighters, and even better at surprise attacks.If he has [-] cavalry in his hands, he can turn the Eastern Jin Dynasty upside down. If he has [-] cavalry, he is sure to consume the last bit of vitality of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.It's a pity, now he has a navy in his hands,
The Navy is also Murong Ke's most unfamiliar military branch.

However, Murong Ke's strategy is very clear, which is to use movement and take advantage of the slow movement of the Jin army to find favorable fighters.However, as time went by, the situation became more and more unfavorable for Wei Guo.Murong Ke had no choice. Although he didn't have Ran Min's order, he knew that the surprise attack had failed.

Even if he fails again, he must bring back the only naval army in Wei State in its entirety, otherwise his crime will be serious.

Although Murong Ke said it easily, in fact he didn't dare to be careless in his heart.The Wei army's reconnaissance ships were spread widely, almost fifty miles away by water.Such a warning distance is nothing to cavalry, but it is not a small difficulty for warships that move extremely slowly on the water.

The battle flag of Wei State with white letters on a black background fluttered in the wind, and the battleship sailed against the current with difficulty.The malicious Jin army ships around were completely gone, but the corpses and pieces of wood drifting down the river from time to time showed that there was a fierce battle ahead.

On the flagship of the Jin Army Commander, Wang Teng was sweating profusely. Although the river wind was cold, his heart was on fire and restless.

"General, Wei Jun's speed is very fast, it seems that he is about to break into the iron lock formation!"

Although Wang Teng was anxious in his heart, the panicked expression on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by a cold murderous look.The soil is still three-pointed, and Wei Jun has pushed Wang Teng to a dead end.For a long time, the Jin State's long navy was extremely corrupt, and Tang Facai was the pillar of it. Wang Teng lost this pillar and was really flustered for a while.Now he has no way out. The Changshui Army spent a lot of money and food, but most of the money and food were swallowed by Wang Teng.However, he did not embezzle it privately. In order to cover up these corruption charges, Wang Teng used more than half of the embezzled money and food to manage relationships.

If the Wei army were to wipe out the Changshui army in one battle, Wang Teng's cover would not be able to cover it. Once the cover was lifted and the matter was revealed, Chu Suanzi would never let him go.

"If you don't retreat, you will retreat!" Wang Teng gritted his teeth and said, "pass on the order, pass it on to the whole army, and fight to the end. Those who behead the Wei army at the first level will be rewarded with ten coins; , If anyone retreats before the battle, he will be killed without mercy!"

If it is said that under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, it definitely depends on the target.The generals and leaders of the Changshui Army of the Jin State are no longer an army, they have completely escaped as merchants.Even an insignificant pawn has some wealth.The Duwei with a family of tens of thousands of dollars does not know how much money he has, which shows how rich this Wang Teng is.

String is the unit of measurement of money in ancient times. One string can also be said to be a hang, or a string, which is one thousand dollars.Ten thousand qian is not a small amount. If all the food is bought, it will be enough for a family of five to feed for several years (except for the famine years. When there are more rice and ten thousand qian, the Jin Dynasty has more).But these soldiers of the Changshui Army didn't pay attention. They lived on the water, as long as they had a little brains, sent some goods to others, or smuggled some things by themselves, and showed a little bit of their fingers, it was more than that.

The war had a strange atmosphere from the very beginning.

Soon, the vanguard of the Wei army arrived in front of the first iron lock, and seeing the vanguard battleship stop and break down, Murong Ke said: "Go and ask what's going on, why don't you leave!"

The time is not long, and using semaphore to communicate is faster than using centipede boats.However, the semaphore also has its disadvantages. It cannot be used at all in the case of heavy fog or low internal visibility.And the opinions expressed are too simple to convey complex meanings.I saw a small wheeled boat appearing on the river. This is also a fast boat invented by Zu Chongzhi. Because of the appearance of Ran Ming, everything became possible.

There was a small school on the wheel ship, and the small school quickly climbed up the flagship from the rope ladder without even being out of breath.

Murong Ke ignored the military regulations, and said after seeing the ceremony: "What's going on in front?"

"General Murong, this iron lock is too weird!" Xiaoxiao said: "The iron locks are all below the water surface, and the draft of the boat is extremely shallow, so there is no hindrance to the passage, but our big five-toothed ship cannot pass through at all. And It is impossible to break the iron lock."

"How can it be impossible!" Murong Ke said: "The Yangtze River is so wide, and this iron lock is so long, it must be very heavy. Under the force of gravity, it will definitely be broken!"

"I can't hit it!" The little principal said anxiously: "I don't know what the person who arranged the iron lock was thinking. The iron lock under the water is tied to a big wooden stake twenty or thirty feet away. This big stake Not only were the two ends sharpened, but iron locks were also used to tie stones to the stakes to carry weight. In this way, not only would the iron locks not sink directly to the bottom of the river, but they would sink three feet below the water. If Wuya If the big ship hits the iron, the wooden stake will definitely break the bottom of our ship, but the iron lock will not break, and our ship will sink first!"

Cui Cheng murmured: "If you want to be poisonous, put it under the water. There are so many logs and stones tied to an iron lock, and you can't lift it up with manpower. Even if we follow Wang Jun's example and try to burn it with fire, we can't do it." !"

Murong Ke pondered: "If we can't lock it from the river, what if we start from the river bank!"

"On the shore!" Cui Cheng said, "Start from the shore?"

A small school who surrendered from the Jin army said with a bitter face: "I'm afraid it will not be easy on the shore. The iron locks are all set by Mr. Tang. No, Lieutenant Tang personally arranged them. The fixed places on the shore are all chosen to be easy to defend and difficult to defend." At least a hundred guards are guarding every point of the attacking ground, and a strong camp has been built!"

Murong Ke said: "No matter how easy it is to defend but difficult to attack, you have to try!"

Murong Ke turned around and shouted: "Murong Yunxing!"

"My lord, I am humble!"

Murong Yunxing is the captain of Murong Ke's personal army, and Murong Ke's personal army is the light cavalry.Although there are only a mere 100 people.These soldiers were all from Xianbei, and Ran Min was very magnanimous, at least Murong Ke's personal guards did not bother.

These soldiers are all Murong Ke's old troops, and they are also the most valiant warriors of Xianbei's Murong Department. Of course, they can also be said to be Murong Ke's dead soldiers, and their equipment is the most advanced in Wei State.The most surprising thing is that these personal guards are not equipped with the standard horizontal swords of the Wei army, but all three-stone hard bows, with two short spears, each with a big knife and four small axes.This is also the strangest personal guard of the generals of the Wei Army, without a shield or a crossbow.

And Murong Yunxing is Murong Ke's adopted fake son, less sensitive and more cunning.Brave and resolute, he was deeply loved by Murong Ke.

"You lead the cavalry to go ashore, and fight against the thirteen coasts, and pull them all out!"

"Yes!" Murong Yunxing knew coldly, his voice was resonant and his face was resolute.

Murong Yunxing is also a rare talent. It is said that gold shines wherever it goes. Murong Yunxing followed Ran Ming to build roads. He rose from an ordinary craftsman to the top of the capital in just three months.This is a foreman who manages thousands of craftsmen, almost equivalent to the position of a commander.

However, this person is also very loyal to Murong Ke.It is said that he is a big boss, and he has the opportunity to be promoted. Once he enters Ran Ming's eyes, he will be rich and prosperous in the future. Things came to Murong Ke's side immediately.Although Murong Ke is Ran Min Yufeng's General Henghai, but this general is only a temporary leading general. Once the task is completed and the order is handed over, he will be a polished commander.It's not 01:30 different from Ran Ming, the prince of Wei's clan who is in full swing.

Murong Yunxing was about to leave, and took a horse boat to the shore, Murong Ke said again: "Remember the military order, don't kill innocent people, don't rape and plunder, don't harass the people. Anyone who violates it will be executed!"


Murong Ke sent troops this time, and he carried very few horses. Except for the horses that the generals rode, there were only more than two hundred horses in his personal army. However, horses are just like people. Some horses will get seasick and get sick Quite a few died, and now Murong Ke only has a mere [-] to [-] war horses.

The three horse boats turned around and approached the shore at the beginning, and all one hundred soldiers disembarked. These hundred soldiers were carefully selected by Murong Ke, and all of them were brave and powerful. Wei's elite infantry is not necessarily weak.Of course, let them fight on the water, and that's what they are.

The horse boat docked, and the war horses that had already been restless on the big ship were like tigers that had escaped from prison, and their hooves were flying with excitement.The well-equipped personal soldiers rode their horses and walked around in small steps. When the horses and equipment were all ashore, a "Murong" banner fluttered in the wind.


Murong Yunxing seems to cherish words like gold, his order only has one word, but it is murderous.

Wang Teng watched Wei Jun's horse boat approach the shore, and of course he knew what they seemed to be planning to do, but his face became more and more gloomy, but he had no countermeasures. Jin's long-water army was only a little stronger on the water. If they are pulled to the shore, they are not even as good as ordinary county soldiers in the Jin Dynasty.

Wang Teng had no choice but to pray that the defenders in the strongholds along the river could live up to their expectations.

However, Wang Teng was destined to be disappointed. When the cavalry came ashore, it only took more than a quarter of an hour from the assembly to the end of the battle. He didn't even hear the cry of killing, and saw the strong stronghold with flames, and then, Wei Jun's fleet passed the first iron lock without any hindrance.

Those cavalry rushed to the next stronghold like a gust of wind.

Wang Teng secretly thought it was over.

What else can he do if he loses the life-saving magic weapon of Iron Lock Hengjiang?
The heavy reward did not play its due role at all, but instead made those soldiers flee a lot in the chaos.Deserters appeared before the battle. The result of this war can be imagined.

"General, the Wei army is rushing up, and they are going to surround us! Keep the green hills here, so we don't have to worry about running out of firewood. The last general is willing to be the vanguard and protect the general to leave!"

This is simply the funniest joke. The main force of the Wei army has only fourteen five-tooth warships, plus the captured Jin Dynasty warships, there are only more than 100 ships, but the main force of the Jin army's navy has nearly 100 ships Large and small ships, using more than 3000 ships to surround more than [-] warships, this is simply an international joke.But looking at the solemn faces of the generals on the flagship, no one took this incident as a joke.

"Hey!" The general looked at Wang Teng in disbelief, he never thought that he kindly protected him to leave, but let Wang Teng kill him instead.

The general fell on the deck unwillingly, and there was a sound of gasping around.To kill the general who persuaded him to escape, Wang Teng said: "Whoever dares to retreat will be shot!"

Then, Wang Teng said: "Get ready, set fire to the boat, and fight to the death with the Wei army!"

When Wei Jun broke through the first iron lock, he saw densely packed boats, almost blocking the entire river.

Murong Ke said: "Whoever takes the lead will break the formation!"

"The commander-in-chief please!"


There was a plea for orders from the flagship, and Murong Ke used the same method as Ran Ming, preparing to use gunpowder to deal with the Jin army's fireboat.

When the fire boats hadn't been ignited, suddenly there was a huge "boom" sound from the river surface, enveloping a thick water column, flying up to a height of [-] to [-] feet, and tearing the surrounding fire boats into pieces.

"Run, Wei Jun asked the thunder to bombard us again"

I don't know who yelled this cry, but the Jin army fleet suddenly became chaotic, and no one even lit the fireboat that had just been prepared.It was simply a defeat, and the Changshui Army of the Jin Dynasty with more than 3000 large and small warships was in chaos without fighting.

Seeing this huge pie hit on the head, Murong Ke said in disbelief: "I'm not dreaming!"

"The general is not dreaming!" Cui Cheng was very speechless. If these fire boats were ignited, even though the Wei army would not lose, it would delay a lot of time. However, these fire boats were like clowns, floating alone on the river.

In Wei State's Ye City Imperial Palace, Ran Min's mind was full of worries. The news of Luoyang's soldiers had already arrived.

"I want to conquer in person, and fight to the death with the Huan Wen thieves!" Ran Min was really furious.

Liu Qun is Ran Min's old partner and is familiar with Ran Min's temper. Now Ran Min is really angry.He is organizing his words, trying to persuade Ran Min to give up this idea.However, he didn't speak yet, he knew that Ran Min was angry, and persuading him would only anger Ran Min even more.

Waiting for Ran Min to calm down, and then persuading Ran Min, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

However, at this moment, Chang Wei, Minister of Honghe Temple, said: "Your Majesty, the Jin Dynasty sent envoys to Yecheng, and they have already stayed in the concierge courtyard of Honghe Temple!"

Ran Min said: "Do you know what they are talking about?"

Chang Wei said, "It seems that we are still negotiating peace!"

"It's really a good plan!" Ran Min said indignantly: "While negotiating peace with me, and attacking my city at the same time, I really think I'm a fool!"

"Come on!" Ran Min suddenly yelled, "Send someone to the Courtyard to kill all the envoys and entourages of the Jin Kingdom!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qun hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down!" Liu Qun said, "There is a saying that the two countries should not cut off their envoys when they fight each other. Why don't Your Majesty listen to what the Eastern Jin envoy has to say!"

Ran Min murmured: "The envoy of Xuanjin Kingdom has an audience!"

The warrior standing in the hall received the order and turned to outside the hall and shouted loudly: "The envoy of Xuanjin Kingdom has an audience!"


Ran Min was the emperor on horseback, never afraid to lead the army into battle.In February of the second year of Yongxing in Wei State, Shi Zhi sent envoys to ask for help from Murong Jun and Yao Yizhong of Yan State. Murong Jun sent his former general Yue Wan with 48 soldiers to support Shi Zhi, and Yao Yizhong sent his son Yao Xiang to lead the army. Thirty-eight thousand cavalry support stones.Ran Min dispatched Hu Kui, the chariot and cavalry general of the state of Wei, and Sun Wei, the general of Wei State, to meet the enemy.As a result, the entire Wei army was wiped out.Hu Kui and Sun Wei fled back to Yecheng alone.Afterwards, Ran Min also lost against Shi Zhi.Hu Ren Li Tekang and others captured Taiyuan Wang Ranyin and Zuo Pushe Liu Qi and others and gave them to Shi Zhi.Ran Min was defeated in this battle, and almost all the [-] founding heroes were lost.Wei Guo and Li Nong turned against Ran Min, and finally fell apart.

At that time, Ran Min did not lose confidence, but continued to fight.For Ran Min, he would rather fight, even die, than live humblely.

Now, although the state of Wei is generally stable, behind this stability, there is also a turbulent undercurrent.Once Huan Wen defeats Zhang Wen again and conquers Luoyang, it is possible that generals at all levels in the states and counties of the Wei State will collectively surrender to the Eastern Jin Dynasty like in the second year of Yongxing.He must defeat Huan Wen and stabilize the hearts of Wei.

Ran Min thought of this, looked at all the ministers in the hall, and said: "I want to conquer Huan Wen myself, what do you think?"

Taiwei Shenzhong came out and said: "Your Majesty, how can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife? I think there are more than a hundred generals in the Wei Dynasty, and there are only a few Huanwen children. What's the point? Your Majesty only needs to send one general to lead our Wei Dynasty's elite cavalry to support us." Luoyang, with the strength of Luoyang's city walls, Huan Wen will not be able to conquer it easily, and Huan Wen's food road is thousands of miles away. As long as the general Dong Run arrives in Luoyang from Hanzhong and threatens Huan Wen's food road, Huan Wen will not last long. Defeat and retreat."

Ran Min nodded.At this moment, Zhang Ai, the captain of Shesheng and the founding father of Jiyin County, said: "It's a matter of being loyal to the emperor! I am willing to share the worries for your majesty!"

Zhang Ai is the captain of Wei Guoshesheng, but this person has a very strategic vision.In the second year of Yongxing, Ran Min was defeated, Hu Kui, Liu Qi and others were killed. Ran Min also lost confidence, feared the enemy and avoided the battle, and was ready to bow his head and accept his fate.At the beginning, it was Zhang Ai who offered advice to Ran Min, asking Ran Min to stabilize Yecheng's people by offering sacrifices to heaven.In this way, Ran Min defeated Liu Xian.Zhang Ai knew that at this time, what Wei Guo needed most was stability, and Wei Guo could not stand any setbacks.Ran Min's role was not to annihilate many enemies, but to stabilize the hearts of Wei in Ye City.As long as Ran Min is alive, the state of Wei is alive.When Ran Min died, the people of Wei State lost their hearts.No matter how big the Wei State is or how many troops it has, they are all united because of Ran Min.

Zhang Ai volunteered to lead the army to fight in Luoyang, and Ran Min felt relieved.At this moment, the samurai standing in the hall said: "Report to Your Majesty, the envoy of the Jin Kingdom is begging to see you!"

"The envoys of the Xuanjin Kingdom enter the palace to have an audience!"

After Wang Tanzhi entered the hall, he saluted Ran Min respectfully.Said: "His Majesty the Emperor of Wei, the foreign ministers came here this time with enough sincerity to discuss peace with Wei, stop the war, and eliminate the disaster of war."

"The so-called sincerity is to confuse me, Wei, under the guise of negotiating peace, and at the same time, attack my city and hurt my people behind my back!" Ran Min sneered, "Is this your sincerity? From my point of view, you This kind of sincerity, we Da Wei can't stand it!"

Faced with Ran Min's sarcasm, Wang Tanzhi did not change his face.In fact, Chu Suanzi had ordered Huan Wen to retreat since the Wei army appeared in Jiankang. However, for some unknown reason, Huan Wen ignored Chu Suanzi's order.In Wang Tanzhi's mind, Huan Wen and the State of Jin were almost torn apart at this time, only the last layer of window paper was missing, but no one wanted to pierce it.

Wang Tanzhi shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Your Majesty clearly learned that it was not His Majesty's original intention for the Xifu army to go north to invade the land of the Great Wei. His Majesty the Emperor of Wei is a heavenly genius, a wise king, how could he be caught by the thieves who are so subtly provoking dissension?" The plan? His Majesty the Emperor has already announced that if the Xifu army does not accept the imperial edict, it is really rebelling against the superior, and all people with lofty ideals in the world can be removed."

(End of this chapter)

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