Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 579 The sudden sudden change of the situation and the prince's return to Ye

Chapter 579 The sudden change of the situation and the return of the prince to Ye (second update)
Chapter 583

Ran Min naturally understood that Huan Wen and Chu Suanzi were at odds.It's just that "deaf and dumb" didn't find out the secrets of Chu Suanzi and Huan Wen.Ran Min said coldly: "And then!"

Wang Tanzhi said: "Since the first year of Yonghe, when His Majesty came to the throne, the war in the Central Plains has lasted for more than ten years. The countryside was destroyed by the war, and the people were displaced. The suffering is unspeakable. The people of the world have already suffered. God has the virtue of good life, My emperor has fulfilled the destiny of the heavens and the will of the people, and is willing to stand side by side with His Majesty the emperor of Wei from the north to the south, recognize each other's throne, and never invade each other! To restore the eternal peace of the world, how about it?"

Wang Tanzhi's words aroused great repercussions in the court of Wei State.The most embarrassing thing for Wei Guo is that Ran Min's throne has a wrong origin.Even the Jin Dynasty also usurped the throne from Cao Wei.But they have already ruled for nearly a hundred years, and Sima's rule has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Wei State ruled for a short period of time.However, some scholars feel good about themselves, and they succumbed to the barbarian's despotic power in front of the barbarian's sword.And Ran Min couldn't bear to fight with swords, so he didn't raise the butcher knife to the Han people easily.

But those Qingliu people refused to recognize Ran Min's throne.Speaking of it, the Qingliu celebrities in Chinese history are actually disgusting enough. They are useless except for boasting.I always feel that I am the most talented person.The so-called strength of character is blind confrontation.Especially in the Ming Dynasty, no matter whether the emperor's policy decisions were right or wrong, they opposed them all.If you dare to oppose the emperor, you have the strength of character, and you will gain popularity.

In fact, this is just a superficial phenomenon.There is a saying that power grows out of the barrel of a gun.As long as Ran Min maintains his absolute force, his rule in the north of Wei State is basically unshakable.However, this cannot be said to have no effect.At least, with the recognition of the Jin Dynasty, in terms of legal principles, this Qingliu celebrity would have no excuse to oppose Ran Min.

Ran Min said: "Since I launched an army against the Shi family, I was afraid that the countryside would be destroyed in the fire of war, the people would be displaced and die unexpectedly. If there were no Hulu oppressing the Han people, I would never take the initiative to attack any Han people's paradise. I won it from the Jie people. The six prefectures of Ji, Yan, Luo, Bing, and Henan captured Qingzhou from Duan's Xianbei, You, Ping, and Ying from Xianbei's Murong, and Sizhou from Di people. In the Sha and He states, if the Zhang family of Liang State hadn’t taken the initiative to attack our Great Wei, how could I have started the war lightly? But the Jin State’s performance in this regard is disgraceful. In the second year of Yongxing, I was defeated by the hands of Shi Zhi , The elite of the Great Wei Dynasty is almost exhausted. Who instigated the rebellion against Xuzhou Governor Zhou Cheng, Yanzhou Governor Wei Tong, Yuzhou Mu Zhang Yu, and Jingzhou Governor Le Hong against Wei Fujin? Yongxing six years, the world is all right, you can enjoy peace, However, who committed the great Wei Qingzhou from Xuzhou, who committed the great Wei Yuzhou from Jingzhou? who committed the great Wei Liangzhou Hanzhong from Yizhou? and who committed the great Wei Yongzhou Guanzhong?"

Liu Qun said: "Emperor Huai lost his morality and could not guard his weapon. The old capital Luoyang fell, and then Chang'an was sacrificed. Liu Yuan, Liu Yao, Shi Le, Shi Hu, and the separatist party, the Jin State did not want to crusade against the ministers and restore the great rivers and mountains. However, His Majesty the Emperor obeyed the heaven and responded to the people, held high the flag of righteousness, overthrew the tyranny of the Shi family, and the Jin State conquered our Great Wei without any reason, what is the intention?"

Facing Liu Qun's questioning, Wang Tanzhi was neither angry nor angry, and said without changing his expression: "The Shi clan brought chaos to the Central Plains, and this is a last resort. However, the people are worried about peace, and they have long been unwilling to fight. My Majesty has He said that both he and His Majesty the Emperor of Wei belonged to the destiny. At this time, if His Majesty the Emperor of Wei insists on continuing to fight, he will betray the people's hearts, and not only will he have a reputation of being aggressive, but he may also repeat the same mistakes! My Majesty is not afraid You are just seeking peace in the world!"

After hearing this, Ran Min's originally good mood was suddenly destroyed.He flew into a rage, beat the case, and said angrily: "Since I'm not afraid..."

When Ran Min saw Liu Qun and Cui Yue winking at Ran Min, Ran Min immediately stopped talking.

Liu Qun said: "According to the intention of the emperor of Jin, does it mean that our Wei army commander's water army should retreat from Jiankang?"

Wang Tanzhi happily said: "Exactly!"

Cui Yue said: "It's really a good plan! You continue to attack in Luoyang, but let our Great Wei not attack your Wei State. Could it be that the Great Jin deceived my Great Wei and no one called!"

Wang Tanzhi said: "It's not just to let the Wei State withdraw its troops. His Majesty the Emperor has already ordered special envoys to go to the Xifu Army. If the Xifu Army continues to attack Wei, he will order the Xifu Army to disband on the spot. Both sides will stop fighting and share peace. !"

Tiaoyou said with a smile: "You have heard that the Jin Dynasty is now recruiting troops on a large scale. The states and counties of the Jin Dynasty have already poured in. There are nearly a hundred new troops, big and small. Could it be that this is just to suppress bandits!"

"This!" Wang Tanzhi was speechless for a moment.

In fact, Chu Suanzi did not intend to oppose the north and south of Wei State, but was determined to pacify the north.The Wei State was newly established, and the old and new forces needed a long period of adjustment. This was the only chance for the Jin Dynasty to turn defeat into victory and destroy Wei State.Once Ran Min is allowed to integrate the various forces of the Wei State, the Jin Dynasty is waiting to be destroyed.

Therefore, Chu Suanzi not only has to break the control of the elites on talents, but also needs a long time to train her many new troops.But now in the Jin Dynasty, there is just a lack of time.As long as she can make peace with Wei Guo, she can train more troops that are more conducive to command.

Wang Tanzhi was at a loss for words.He did not give up and said: "Our Great Jin withdrew its troops from Luoyang, and the Wei State withdrew its troops from Jiankang. The two sides shook hands and made peace. I wonder what your majesty would like?"

Ran Min said: "Everything can't be explained in a single word. You Jin State has beaten Liangzhou and the three counties in the south of Yuzhou to pieces in our Great Wei Dynasty. Now you have nothing to say to let me retreat. There is no way!"

"I don't know how His Majesty is willing to retreat?" Wang Tanzhi was secretly overjoyed, he was not afraid that Ran Min would open his mouth like a lion, but he was afraid that Ran Min would not even open his mouth.As long as Ran Min raises conditions, Wang Tanzhi has the confidence to persuade Ran Min.

Ran Min said: "Unless Jin is willing to pay for our great Wei's losses in this war!"

"I don't know how to guarantee compensation?"

"Ceded the three counties of Pengcheng in Langya, East China Sea, and paid 100 million gold in compensation, 300 million shi of rice grain, and [-] bolts of silk!"

Ran Min's request for peace made Wang Tanzhi's face change when he heard about it.Generally speaking, the two countries negotiate a peace, and the bottom line of the peace negotiation is determined by the emperors of both sides, but specific envoys or representatives negotiate a settlement.But Wang Tanzhi never expected that Ran Min would directly raise his request in front of all civil and military officials of Wei State in the court hall.

Not only did Ran Min put down his airs and talk directly to him, the emissary, but he also made a request openly, without any concealment, and his lion opened his mouth.

Wang Tanzhi said: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Wei, this appetite is too big. Xuzhou is only 62 counties in the five prefectures. Your Majesty is about to go to Xuzhou for most of the time. The foreign ministers will definitely not be able to explain to His Majesty the Emperor! As for the money and grain, then It’s even more impossible, since our state of Jin doesn’t have enough money and food, and we don’t have enough self-sufficiency, how can we pay such a huge amount of money and food to Wei?”

After a pause, Wang Tanzhi continued: "In the battle between the Jin and Wei Dynasties, the two sides are evenly matched. If the stalemate continues, it will not benefit the situation except to increase the casualties and make the people suffer from the flames of war. It is better for both sides to withdraw their troops and maintain the original border. .”

Ran Min sneered: "It's funny, is this the so-called sincerity of Jin?"

Chang Wei, Minister of Honglu Temple, said: "Since Jin has no sincerity, it is impossible to negotiate a peace like this. Let's decide the outcome on the battlefield. Although Wei is rich, his family still has a little property. I wish you Donate two thousand shi of corn to His Majesty, so that His Majesty can cope with the consumption of the continuous war against Jin."

Honglu Siqing is also one of the three princes and nine ministers of Wei State, a member of two thousand stones.By doing this, Chang Wei donated his one-year salary to Ran Min.Ancient times were not like modern times. Although the salaries of officials in ancient times were high, the drivers, staff, guards, and servants were all recruited by themselves, and they paid out of the salaries themselves.Free of salary for one year, Chang Wei not only voluntarily serves the State of Wei, but also contributes to pay for it.
Nearly a hundred subordinate salaries.

As soon as Chang Wei said this, all the ministers of Wei Guo secretly scolded Chang Wei.Even though most of these officials belonged to the rich and powerful, there were some ministers, especially the officials of the Qingshui Yamen, who could neither embezzle nor accept bribes. Their lives in Yecheng were extremely difficult.

But once Chang Wei opened his mouth, the other ministers had no choice but to express it.

Liu Qun was the head of the hundred officials. Although the Liu family in Zhongshan was not a pity to compare them now, the thin camel was bigger than the horse, especially because they recognized a family member like Liu Yuan, so naturally there would be no shortage of money.Liu Qun said: "I would like to donate three thousand coins to fund the southern expedition."

Three thousand coins, that is, three million coins, three hundred gold.It doesn't sound like a lot, but the amount of money is very heavy. If converted into weight, it is more than 300 catties, and China Everbright needs hundreds of vehicles.

Cui Yue, Wang Meng, Zhang Qian and other ministers also donated money one after another. In just one meeting, the courtiers of the Wei Kingdom donated 11 yuan. The money to buy rice, even if it is the price of grain in Yecheng, is enough to buy more than two million shi .

The Jin Dynasty saw that the treasury of Wei State was empty, and the follow-up was weak.What they are most afraid of is that the more than one million shi and rice grain that Ran Min robbed from Champa will enter Wei State. With the donations of these courtiers, Ran Min is naturally not afraid of the crisis of food shortage, so he can send troops to continue southward. Among other things, the defense of the Wei Kingdom alone has more than [-] steps to ride south near Yecheng. No matter if it is added to any point in the east, middle and west directions, it can definitely change the balance of the battle in an instant.

Hearing this, Wang Tanzhi not only broke out in cold sweat.

Ran Min saw Wang Tanzhi's performance, and he was delighted in his heart. Ran Min felt extremely comfortable as if he drank jade liquid and fine wine.

Wang Tanzhi slowly regained his composure, and said lightly: "Your Majesty, please forgive the rudeness of the foreign ministers. His Majesty the Emperor of the three counties of Xuzhou will definitely not give it to you. Although King Wuling was defeated by the Wei army, he still has tens of thousands of people in his hands. Xiongjun, once His Majesty ordered to resist, don't say that the King of Wuling can't defeat the State of Wei, but if the State of Wei wants to eat the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under King Wuling's troops, it is probably only five or five. Of course, in the case of the State of Wei His Majesty the Emperor has a great reputation. Once His Majesty leads the main force of the Wei army from Yecheng to the south, the King of Wuling will be defeated. But since then, the state of Wei is empty, but at this time, what Liu Kuren of the Northern Han Dynasty will think, he will definitely understand The truth is that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Besides, His Majesty will not sit back and watch Wuling King be eliminated by His Majesty, and will naturally support Wuling King."

Ran Min said: "Since this is the case, what else is there to say? Although I lost an arm, it is not impossible to ride a sword or lift a spear. It is not a problem to deal with a mere Sima Xi. If Jin has the confidence to dare The might of the tiger that blocks me, please wait and see!"

"You!" Wang Tanzhi was too angry to speak.Although the situation in Wei State is not good, Jin State is not much better. There is still a Wei State army under the city of Jiankang in the Jin Dynasty. There is absolutely no possibility of survival.It is a pity that the generals of the Jin Dynasty are now withered, and the Changshui Army has decayed and is unbearable to fight again. Although the number of soldiers recruited hastily is large, the soldiers who have assembled in a hurry can barely use it to defend the city, but not to fight in the field. Thinking about it, it is no different from sending to death.

However, if you lose someone, you can't lose. Wang Tanzhi is also on the verge of death and has no choice but to attack.He definitely couldn't be weak at this moment, so he could only persevere.

"See you on the battlefield!" Wang Tanzhi dropped the blunt words and walked away.

Ran Min said: "Chang Aiqing, look!"

"Without him, bluff!" Chang Wei said: "Wang Wendu's heart is already in turmoil. This time the peace talks will surely come to fruition. Although it is certain that His Majesty's goal cannot be achieved, it is not far away!"

The stars are hanging low, and Yecheng has already imposed a curfew after nightfall.Although the fireworks and willow alley is still brightly lit at this time, the pedestrians on the street have disappeared.The soldiers of the Patrol Division patrolled back and forth with dippers and waist knives.

The patrol department of Yecheng is not only responsible for maintaining the law and order of Yecheng, they are also responsible for fire prevention and theft prevention in Yecheng.Since the beginning of winter, the weather is dry and prone to fires.Most of the ancient buildings were made of wood. Once a fire broke out, it would be endless. If the rescue is not effective, it is not impossible to burn a city.

In the concierge courtyard of Honglu Temple, Wang Tanzhi couldn't fall asleep for a long time. He knew that the trip was difficult, but he didn't expect that it would be difficult for Ran Min not to imagine.

It was almost three o'clock, and Wang Tanzhi was still sleepless. Tonight, there are many sleepless people.Liu Qun, Cui Yue, Zhang Gan, Chang Wei, and also the emperor Ran Min of Wei.On Ran Min's desk, there was a pile of thick memorials, which he hadn't had time to review.In fact, the emperor is not a good job. Of course, it is very easy to be a licentious and foolish emperor.But it is very difficult to be a good emperor.

All the emperors with a little success in history were workaholics.Among them is Lao Zhu, a workaholic.Although Comrade Zhu has many shortcomings, he does not deny that his work attitude is worthy of respect.For more than ten years like a day, only sleeping for two hours a day, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Ran Min rubbed his astringent eyes, he really wanted to sleep, but when he saw such a thick memorial, he shook his head endlessly.In fact, the memorial is also filtered through the sect and the two provinces of Zhongshu.It was just sent to Ran Min, so it can be said that it is full of memorials that need to be approved by Ran Min.While reviewing the memorial, Ran Min's heart slowly flew away.

He was very worried about the situation in Luoyang.But what is more worrying is that it is Murong Ke and Murong Chui.Murong Chui brought his [-] cavalry with him. Although the [-] armored cavalry were quite strong, Ran Min believed that it would not be so easy for Murong Chui to conspire.But Murong Ke is different, he holds all the naval forces of Wei State in his hands.

If this navy fails, it will be even more difficult for him to build another navy.Without the navy, the great cause of reunification would be even more difficult.

Thinking of this, Ran Min didn't even bother to review the memorial. Ran Min put on a cloak and walked to the huge sand table in the inner room of the imperial study, looking at the power sand table that wanted to conquer the Wei, Northern Han, and Jin dynasties.

From the sand table, it can be seen that the blue color that originally symbolized the Yan State, the blue color of the Liang State has been changed to the black color of the Wei State, and the white color of the Jin Dynasty is still very eye-catching in the sand table.

Wei's territory is getting bigger and bigger, with a vast territory.But Wei Guo also had many problems.From Yecheng to the west, the land expanded seven thousand miles all the way.The State of Wei merged into the land of the three states of Liang State and pushed the territory to Congling. He had heard from Ran Ming that after passing Congling, there was still land tens of thousands of miles away.

In the far west, there are two huge countries, one is called the Sassanian Dynasty and the other is called the Roman Empire, and the area is larger than that of Wei State.

Ran Min's mind is in a mess now, at first he just didn't want to be enslaved, and he didn't want to be oppressed by the Hu people.But now, his greatest wish is to restore the prosperity of the strong man and unify the world like the first emperor.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is too skinny.

Ran Min was tortured by various problems in Wei's reality.Compared with sitting on the throne of emperor, he imagined a general, leading the great Wei iron army, across the battlefield.

It's time to break the deadlock between the Wei State and the Jin Dynasty, and he still wants to lead the army.However, if he wanted to lead the army out, he had to leave the prince to supervise the country.


Ran Min smiled wryly.

The prince once disappointed Ran Min very much.Although Murong Chui's assassination incident, there is no evidence to prove that Ran Zhi was behind the scenes.But Ran Min knew that Ran Zhi's role in it would never be glorious.Ran Min hated a person who dared to attack even Lao Tzu.

However, as an emperor.If you are too emotional, it is not the blessing of the country.

Thinking of Ran Zhi, Ran Min unconsciously thought of Ran Ming.

Ran Ming seems to be better than Ran Zhi in everything, but in Ran Min's view, he seems too weak.Of course, this does not mean that the enemy is weak.But when Ran Zhi was persecuted several times, Ran Ming didn't fight back, but just avoided it blindly.This made Ran Min very disgusted.

He is the adopted grandson of Shi Hu, who grew up under the habits of Hu people.In fact, Ran Min was also influenced by the Hu people. He has the character of the Han people in him, and he also has a bit more wolfishness.

Of course, this wolf nature is not commendatory or derogatory.

The wolf king has always been the bravest of the wolves, so he can lead the wolves to become stronger.

The Han people have been weak for too long, what they need is not a benevolent king, but a strong man with iron blood.

If Ran Ming knew what Ran Min was really thinking, he would probably burst into tears. In Ran Min's eyes, he turned out to be a kind and weak person.Anyway, Ran Ming has nothing to do with weakness, right?
Ran Min returned to the front of the case again, and splashed his pen and ink, "Come here, go to Luoyang immediately to deliver the decree, and order the prince Ran Zhi to return to Ye without delay!"

PS: That's all for today, two updates of [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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