Chapter 580
Chapter 584

Wang Tanzhi sat in the small pavilion in the concierge courtyard of Honglu Temple for a whole night.

The frost and fog in the early winter made Wang Tanzhi's beard and eyebrows pale.The early winter in Yecheng was already terribly cold.Although not as cold as the bone-chilling wind.At least it makes people feel uncomfortable.But Wang Tanzhi didn't feel the cold, instead his heart was burning like a fire.

"The situation is not good!" Wang Tanzhi's deputy envoy was Lang Yinjuan, a writer of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Chu Suanzi felt that Huan Wen was getting more and more out of control, so he wanted to use Yin Hao, the lieutenant general and governor who had been dismissed earlier.Unfortunately, ever since Yin Hao was demoted, he was so angry that he fell ill.Unable to serve the court.Chu Suanzi activated Yin Juan.Don't look at Zhuo Lang, he is just a small official who compiles national history.

However, don't underestimate this little official.This author Lang is a very important qualification, just like the Hanlin Bachelor in the Ming Dynasty.As long as you take one term as Zhuo Lang, or Zhuo Zuo Lang, you will be at least a prefect of a county.Of course, this is also a signal released by Suanzi.It is also the release of resentment against Huan Wen.

"That's right!" Yin Juan sighed, "I originally thought that the Queen Mother had made such a big concession, and Wei Guo would definitely agree to negotiate peace. Guo Zuo!"

Wang Tanzhi was also helpless.The Wang family is different from other gentry families. They placed too much bet on the Sima family of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.But a real combination of interests.Now the situation in the Jin Dynasty is becoming more and more unfavorable. Who would have thought that Ran Min, who was dying, had only one isolated city, Yecheng, with less than [-] songs. A Xiajun prefect is also stronger than Ran Min.However, in just three years, Ran Min managed to conquer Liaodong from Yecheng, and then annex the three prefectures of Lianghe and Sand from Guanzhong.Ran Min used a mere tens of thousands of troops to accomplish what a million troops could not do. This cannot be described as a miracle.

Xianyu's big turnaround, or a shocking reversal.Not enough to describe the miracle created by Ran Min.

Although Huan Wen guaranteed a local advantage to Wei Guo for a while, it was a pity that this advantage could not last.Now Wei State has gained an absolute advantage in Liangguo in the northwest and Bashu in the southwest. Although it is impossible to withdraw all troops, at least it can draw a large number of elite troops.What's more, the dynasty changed from one generation to another, and the Northern Han Dynasty was established at the beginning, which could not play a role in containing Wei State at all.

Once the Wei State completes its internal integration, it is inevitable that all the troops of the whole country will go south.

Wang Tanzhi sighed and said, "It seems that the Wei State is not as harmonious as the queen mother thought. Instead, it is united and works together. Because of this stimulus, Ran Min got 11 yuan for no reason. For money, even if you are raising donations in the Jin Kingdom, the Empress Dowager does not have the prestige to let the courtiers and princes generously donate in such a short period of time."

Regarding this matter, Wang Tanzhi was not only helpless, but also speechless.

And Yin Juan also felt incredible.Yin Juan was very touched by the princes in the court, almost all of them belonged to Pixiu, they could only enter and exit.But why are the ministers of the Wei State different from the ministers of the Jin Dynasty, and they changed their temperament instead?

Yin Juan couldn't think of a reason for this.Wang Tanzhi also couldn't think of the reason.

It's actually pretty easy to explain.That is related to Ran Min's character. Ran Min himself is not very rich, and he is very emotional, with a clear distinction between likes and hates.Whoever treats him well, he can give his heart to others, of course, whoever treats him badly, he will hate to the bone.The Western Jin Dynasty was rich and had a lot of treasury. Almost [-]% of these gold and silver properties were taken to Pingyang by Liu Cong. Later, the former Zhao died and the later Zhao rose.This batch of wealth was obtained by Shi Le again.Shi Hu expropriated and expropriated, and almost all the money he got fell into Ran Min's hands. Ran Min didn't keep it for himself at all, and almost all of it was rewarded to meritorious people or ordinary people.

Ran Min used the money in the Zhao State treasury to establish his own prestige, and won the hearts of the army, the people, and the hearts of the people.The current situation is that Ran Min is in a difficult situation, and these ministers can use money to relieve Ran Min's urgent needs. Similarly, Ran Min will not treat them badly afterwards.This is like an upfront investment in business, the greater the investment, the greater the income.

Wang Tanzhi and Yin Juan couldn't figure it out, they sat opposite each other, thinking hard, they didn't sleep all night, and at dawn, they became a pair of rabbit sons.

For breakfast, Wang Tanzhi was also like chewing wax, it was tasteless.Fortunately, just when Wang Tanzhi had no intention of eating and was at a loss what to do, Chang Wei, Minister of the Great Wei Honglu Temple, arrived.

In the second year of Yongxing, Chang Wei was sent by Ran Min as an envoy to the country of Yan.Tongue war Yan Chen, righteousness awe-inspiring.In August of the same year, facing Chang Wei, who was unyielding to Yan, Murong Jun had to be released.Chang Wei, who returned to Yecheng, was directly promoted from Da Sima Chenglang, a junior official of the seventh rank, to one of the nine ministers, Honglu Temple Minister.Zhanghonglu Temple is an institution that manages court meetings, banquets, sacrifices, guests, and praise etiquette, which is equivalent to the ministers of culture, education, and foreign affairs in later generations.Great official position.

Not only that, when Chang Wei was sent to Qianyan, it was just when Ran Min was newly defeated, Yan, Xu, Luo, and other counties were all demoted to Jin, and when the world was not optimistic about Ran Min, Chang Wei did not turn his back on Ran Min.Obviously, a very loyal loyal minister.Wang Tanzhi gave up on buying this person.

He didn't have many chips in his hand, no matter how big the chip was, would it be bigger than Murong Jun at that time?

Chang Wei said: "Your Majesty has something to do, so you can't entertain your envoys for the time being, so I ordered this old man to entertain your envoys, in order to do the best of the landlord's sake. I think Yecheng was first owned by Cao Wei, then the capital of Zhao State, and now it belongs to our Wei State. When the city was first built during the Spring and Autumn Period of Duke Huan of Qi, the city had a profound history, outstanding people, cultural landscapes, places of interest, and many others. If your envoy wants to go somewhere for fun, the old man will accompany you. Of course, some places are not convenient for your envoy to go to. I hope that your envoy will not embarrass this old man!"

Wang Tanzhi said: "Wendu came to Ye with a mission, so he came here for fun. I hope that Chang Shijun will introduce you to Tanzhi, and invite His Majesty the Emperor of Wei to meet the foreign ministers!"

"It's the same with the old man about anything!" Chang Wei was very satisfied when he saw that Wang Tanzhi was excited and anxious.As a messenger, psychological quality is very important.Wang Tanzhi fell behind.Chang Wei said: "Your Majesty has explained that the old man is solely responsible for entertaining the envoy. By the way, the envoy must have read what happened in the court yesterday, what do you think?"

"I see!" Wang Tanzhi said timidly.

In fact, Wang Tanzhi is talented, but his bearing is obviously not as good as that of Xie An.Wisdom is not as good as Xi Jiabin.

Chang Wei smiled and said: "Then please tell your empress dowager the truth, she wants to fight, and Wei Guo will accompany her to the end."

Blisters formed on Wang Tanzhi's mouth, and sweat appeared on his forehead.Others don't know, but he knows it very well.The Jin Dynasty could not continue to fight. Even if they wanted to fight, they were passively beaten.His heart twitched even more, did Wei Guozhen decide to go south with all his troops?
There are only a few thousand people in the area, which makes Jiankang's people fluctuate and extremely uneasy.What if the Wei army who arrived in Jiankang City was not thousands of people, but tens of thousands?He faintly heard that in Jiankang, hundreds of people (peripheral members of Tianyan) wanted to open the door to surrender to Wei, but they were beheaded by Sima Yu.

Wang Tanzhi didn't know that these were the secret works of Wei State, but he thought they were Jin officials from the Jin Dynasty who had the intention to collude with Wei State.

Wang Tanzhi laughed a few times, his face twitched, as ugly as he wanted.

Yin Juan said: "God has the virtue of loving life. It is a foregone conclusion that the Jin, Wei, and South countries will stand side by side. I also hope that the king will take the common people's life as his concern and turn hostility into jade."

"Your envoy misunderstood!" Chang Wei said: "My Majesty has always been unwilling to be an enemy of Jin. From the beginning of the founding of the country to the present, has he ever invaded a city of Jin and hurt a person of Jin? The so-called peace, is it Adding swords and soldiers, but keeping people from resisting?"

Wang Tanzhi and Yin Juan had no way to refute Chang Wei's words.Wang Tanzhi said: "Please let the king pass it on for you. His Majesty the Emperor is willing to serve the people of the world and turn the war with Wei into a treasure. However, if the land is ceded, I am afraid it will be difficult to explain to the people. It is better to change the tribute year and use it as a ransom."

No matter how you say the Jin Dynasty is orthodox in the world, regardless of Dai, Qianyan, or Diqin, the Jin Dynasty is the main one.The face of the Jin Dynasty is still needed, and ceding land not only loses face, but also loses face.Even Sui Gong is a slap in the face.

But play with words, and it pays off.The emperor of the Jin Dynasty was kind, and in order to rescue the captured soldiers and civilians, he spared no expense to redeem them. The Wei State got benefits, but the Jin State saved its face.

Chang Wei and Wang Tanzhi smiled tacitly.Chang Wei said: "It's just that since the Wei and Jin battles, our army has captured very few Jin troops."

It's no wonder that the Wei army didn't keep any prisoners. In fact, the Wei state had no prisoners.Unexpectedly, the Jin Dynasty launched the Northern Expedition, and the war started on the third front. The Wei State had just started, and it was completely passive, and the initial battle was not good.Although the east and west fronts were victorious one after another, the soldiers of the Jin army who surrendered directly on the battlefield were all Han Chinese. After a simple education, they were compiled into the Wei army.Huan Wen, on the other hand, maintained a great victory all the way on the center line battlefield.

Except for Jiang Gan who captured two or 3000 people from Sima Xi's department, Wei Jun basically had no prisoners.

"Two or three thousand ordinary soldiers, even if the lion opened his mouth, how much can they pay?" Chang Wei mused, "I'm afraid this is not enough to pay for Wei's losses!"

Hearing what Chang Wei said, Wang Tanzhi obviously agreed with this redemption strategy.He laughed and said, "How many captives Wei Guo has, isn't Wei Guo the one who has the final say? Although Wei Guo only has two or three thousand captives in his hands, if it is changed to [-], [-] soldiers, and tens of thousands of civilians!"

Chang Wei heard it: "That's fine, but if you don't get the three counties of Pengcheng, I'm afraid it will be difficult for His Majesty the Emperor to explain to the subjects of Wei!"

Yin Juan said: "Actually, this is easy to handle, the big deal is to increase the ransom!"

"That's fine, then the grain is 200 million shi, the money is 300 million gold, and the silk is 50 pieces." Chang Wei laughed and said: "Three counties, so our country Wei has lost a lot!"

"100 million shi for food, 100 million gold for money, 20 bolts of silk. No more!"

Doing business is about asking a lot of money and paying back the money when you land.Chang Wei had a deep understanding of this way, and he pondered: "200 million shi for food, 200 million gold for money, and 30 bolts of silk can't be less!"

Wang Tanzhi received Chu Suanzi's instruction to cede the north of the Huaihe River, which is a full effort.Even keeping the south of the Yangtze River is considered meritorious service.As long as Wei Guo is asked to retreat, he has completed the task.

Although Wei Guo has a big appetite, it is much smaller than the original estimate.Wang Tanzhi said: "150 million shi of grain, 150 million gold, 20 bolts of silk, no more!"

"That's it, deal!" Chang Wei smiled, and Ran Min just asked him to blackmail Dong Jin, without any other meaning at all.Although it is good to fight Jiangnan, Liangguo's new surrender must be appeased, and the army needs to deter and digest Liangguo.

Wei Guo's current goal, what is the southward unification, is impossible at all, and Ran Min is still afraid of the Jin Dynasty in his heart.

The founding emperor of any dynasty could unify the world in a short period of time. Li Tang of Li Yuan took nine years to basically complete the unification, but Li Tang only fought three major wars.Ran Min doesn't have so many contacts and prestige, all of them are typed.

Luoyang City is the transfer base for materials going south prepared by the State of Wei, and the materials here are extremely sufficient.In particular, the eight-ox crossbows that are densely covered with city walls can completely surpass the bed crossbows of the Jin army, suppress and shoot at them, and if the rockets are placed close, they will be attacked by the Wei army.The arrangement is far away, but it cannot threaten the city wall.

As for the old-fashioned catapults, there is no way to compare with Wei's Xiangyang cannon. After some long-range weapons fired at each other, the Xifu army ended in complete defeat.

The method of sending gunpowder was used to blast the city wall. As a result, the soldiers of the Jin army could not rush under the city wall at all, and were shot to death by the Wei army.After paying the price of as many as a thousand people, Huan Wen finally placed the gunpowder under the gate of Nanyangmen in Luoyang. It turned out that it was a formula problem, or the city of Luoyang was too strong to blow up the city wall.The gunpowder had lost its effect, and Huan Wen never thought about conquering the city wall head-on.

Gunpowder couldn't break through the city, rockets couldn't reach the Wei army, and the catapult failed in the battle, which made Huan Wenmeng quit.

Huan Wen didn't know that Murong Chui was threatening his food supply. Those cavalrymen could not directly threaten Huan Wen's army in a short period of time, and he still had more than a month's supply of food.If this time is exceeded, Huan Wen's army will have difficulty sustaining food and morale will definitely be shaken.

Huan Wen wanted to retreat, but there was a sliver of luck.Said: "Guest, do you have a clever plan to help me!"

Xi Chao said: "Duke Ming can order people to dig tunnels in the barracks."

"It's a clever plan to break down the city!" Huan Wen mused, "It's just that the Wei army has always been cunning. Could it be that they don't know how to use tin urns? At that time, I'm afraid they won't be able to attack the city, but they will lose their soldiers and lose their generals instead!"

Xi Chao said: "My move is not to attack, but to lure the enemy."

"Luring the enemy!"

"That's right!" Xi Chao said, "Our army's barracks is in the middle of Yique. If the Wei army wants to take back Luhun and Wancheng, this is the only way to go south. We dug a tunnel in the barracks, and the tunnel is supported by wooden boards. Then let the soldiers use floating mud to make sure that the Wei army will not be able to detect our army's ambush. Once the Wei army sees our army retreating, it will definitely follow and attack. You can let Duke Ming decide!"

I would like to recommend a good fantasy novel "The Romance of the Ancient Heaven" to everyone. The protagonist was impulsive in the early stage, and his dantian was abolished. Not bad!

(End of this chapter)

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