Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 581 Flying Catastrophe and Heavenly Blizzard

Chapter 581 Flying Catastrophe and Heavenly Blizzard
Chapter 585 Flying Catastrophe and Heavenly Blizzard

Huan Wen is a general who knows how to fight. Although Xi Chao's strategy is good, he can see the disadvantages at a glance: "Master, Wei Jun is not a fool. Both Zhang Wenwen and Dong Run are Ran Min's confidants. After studying in the West for many years, how can you not see the mystery in it?"

Of course, Huan Wen was referring to Xi Chao's ambush of the army underground. The number of people was small, and the ambush had no effect.The number of people should be moderate, at least 5000 people are needed.Moreover, there are many armors and weapons to be buried, and a lot of gunpowder weapons are also needed.There are 5000 people and a lot of supplies to be buried in the camp.And they don't know if and when Wei Jun will pursue it, so food and water will definitely be needed, and this underground cave for hiding soldiers needs to be dug very large, otherwise it will not be able to meet the needs.

This place is different from the south of the Yangtze River. The climate is less rainy in autumn and winter. It is very difficult to hide such a big movement of digging a hole from Wei Jun's scouts.A conspiracy is not the same as a conspiracy. Once the other party learns about the conspiracy, not only will all the arrangements be useless, but it will give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it.Even if Yang Mou saw it, he had to follow the other party's request.

Xi Chao said: "It's really not easy to hide from Wei Jun, but what if we create a little noise to attract Wei Jun's attention?"

Huan Wen understands.

In defending the city, it is said that there are advantages and advantages, and the aggressive side is said to have disadvantages, but in fact it also has advantages to a certain extent.Of course, this advantage is to hold the initiative on the battlefield.How to fight, how to fight, and when to fight are all decided by the offensive side.The defenders of the city can only passively accept and dismantle their moves.

The Jin army and Shi started a scolding battle outside the city, and they could scold whatever was unpleasant.Zhang Wen is called Master Rabbit, and Dong Run is called Grandma Dong.Some Xifu soldiers even picked up women's clothes on the barrels of their guns.Dong Run was furious when he saw this situation, and ordered Wei Jun to attack.

However, just as the city gate was opened, a provocative Xifu soldier turned around and ran away.Because the cavalry under Zhang Wen was ambushed in the Yique Grand Canyon and lost all.The cavalry under Dong Run's command was taken by Murong Chui to attack Huanwen's grain road. At this time, the Wei army in Luoyang actually didn't have many cavalry available.Two thousand cavalry and more than three thousand infantry went out of the city to pursue.The cavalry were able to catch up with the Xifu army soldiers very quickly, but before they had time to make their contribution, those Xifu soldiers scattered and fled in all directions. At the same time, a dense array of crossbows appeared behind the Xifu army.

Archers, foot crossbows, bed crossbows, and catapults have long been ready for battle.Seeing that the Jin army was waiting, Wei Jun had to retreat angrily.

But when the Wei army retreated, those Xifu soldiers who had just fled in all directions stuck up again like a dog's skin plaster.

After receiving the report from the cavalry, Dong Run said: "It's dangerous, it really is a trick to lure the enemy."

Zhang Wen nodded and said: "In this case, they will not be reconciled."

"Don't worry about it!" Dong Run said, "Actually, at this time, when we wipe out Huan Wen's troops, the happiest thing is not Wei Guo, but Chu Suanzi laughing. We must not be fooled by letting Huan Wen leave it to Chu Suanzi That old lady has a headache!"

"Haha!" Zhang Wen was amused by Dong Run.In fact, with the joint efforts of Zhang Wenwen and Dong Run, it is not impossible to counter Huan Wen.It's just that Zhang Wen's previous failure, the morale of the Wei army was depressed, and the loss of soldiers was serious. Instead, they could only resist the city and defend.

Sure enough, just as Dong Run expected, the Xifu army continued to come to the city to challenge after seeing that they failed to lure the enemy.Seeing that the Wei army was avoiding the battle, they played Cuju outside the city, drank alcohol, and sang popular tunes. Anyway, they would do whatever they wanted to anger the soldiers of the Wei army.

However, Wei Jun was afraid of being ambushed, and kept avoiding the battle.

In fact, if they go out to fight in the city at this time, they may gain something.Because Huan Wen placed the ambush in the rear except for the first time, and the next few times, he sent the elite troops to dig the ground in full swing in the camp.To put it bluntly, the peasants in ancient China were the greatest. In wartime, they were sergeants.They can go to battle with weapons to kill the enemy, and they have to serve corvee in their spare time. They are all kinds of craftsmen who build water conservancy and cities.Work more than cattle, but eat very poorly.

Huan Wen looked at the city wall of Luoyang and said helplessly, "They really have become turtles!"

"The tortoise is good!" Xi Chao said, "The tortoise has a long life!"

Huan Wen asked again, "Are you ready now?"

"Get ready!" Xi Chao said, "For six consecutive days, we have dug an underground city that is more than two thousand steps long and criss-crossing. Five thousand soldiers can be hidden in the underground city."

Huan Wen said: "It's time for us to retreat too!"

It so happened that at this time, Chu Suanzi's will arrived.Huan Wen said: "Order Mao Husheng to lead [-] armored soldiers, and each of them will carry ten days' worth of dry food and water into the underground city!"

Mao Husheng followed the order and entered in a file with [-] Xifu soldiers.Other soldiers closed the tunnel entrance from the outside.First spread the excavated wet soil evenly in the camp, and then use dry floating soil as a camouflage.Other soldiers of the Xifu army came out of the camp.

Xi Chao's strategy is not too complicated.He left three thousand soldiers in the barracks.As long as the Xifu army retreats, they will give Wei Jun the illusion that they are all retreating, and once Wei Jun relaxes his vigilance.Those soldiers can quickly rush out of the ground and take the opportunity to seize the city.

Of course, these [-] soldiers could not occupy Luoyang City, but Huan Wen also ordered Zhou Chu to lead more than [-] Xifu soldiers to ambush in the Yique Grand Canyon in the south of Luoyang.As long as they see Mao Husheng's signal, Zhou Chu's troops can lead the more than [-] troops to Luoyang within half an hour.

These [-] soldiers can completely persist until Huan Wen returns with the main force of the Xifu Army.

Huan Wen retreated, while Zhang Wenwen and Dong Run dared not be careless. They did not send troops to pursue them.It must be that Chu Suanzi and Huan Wen have almost completely broken off. Keeping Huan Wen to cause trouble for Chu Suanzi is far more rewarding than eliminating him.

Dong Run didn't dare to be careless, and only sent two thousand cavalry out of the city, quietly following the Xifu army.Moreover, it was thirty miles away from the rear guard of the Xifu Army.Huan Wen's troops walked fast, so did the Wei cavalry, but they walked slowly, so did the Wei cavalry.

Two days later, Huan Wen arrived at Luhun Pass.Suddenly asked Wei Jun about the movement in Luoyang City, but the scouts reported that Wei Jun had no changes.

Huan Wen felt uneasy.Walk slowly all the way, and walked for three days.Arrived in Nanzhao.

"What's wrong with Wei Jun!"

The result was very frustrating, and the words were still there, "There is no change."

"Investigate again and report again!" Huan Wen said, "It seems that Wei Jun will not fall into the trap!"

When Huan Wen's main force arrived in Wancheng, the scouts finally brought the news, "Wei's army is moving!"

Huan Wen was overjoyed, even if he arrived in Wancheng, he could go back quickly, "What's going on in Wei State?"

"The Wei army is now mobilizing the whole city, not only dredging the moat again, but also repairing the city wall on a large scale."

Huan Wen was speechless, so he had to order Mao Husheng and Zhou Chu to retreat.

When the Wei army scouts saw the Xifu soldiers emerging from the ground, and Zhou Chu's troops emerging from the canyon.Zhang Wenwen and Dong Run broke out in a cold sweat.Fortunately, Zhang Wenwen and Dong Run are veteran generals of the Wei army. Their positions are already very high. No matter how many meritorious service they make, it will cause Ran Min's fear.If they were greedy for success and taking risks, it would definitely be another big defeat.

On the Yangtze River, more than [-] large and small warships crossed Jiankang Yanziji, and thousands of sails competed. The scene was very grand.Although Murong Ke did not break through Jiankang, he managed to break through the Jin Dynasty navy and took many prisoners.And successfully copied Huan Wen's old background, and took down the Daqingshan Camp of the Xifu Army.Murong Ke is not a Han general, but a member of Murong's tribe.Maybe it was an old mistake. Not only did he capture more than [-] large and small ships of the Jin army, but he also moved the Daqingshan camp in Huanwen. If the mouse saw the Daqingshan camp, it would cry in pain.

Although Huanwen's Xifu military family has a solid background, it cannot fill more than [-] large ships. Murong Ke saw that the ship was empty anyway. The gentry, including all their property and population, were taken prisoner.

For this reason, Captain Changshui asked Murong Ke to discover a fierce conflict.

Cui Cheng has a good tongue, but Murong Ke is not bad either.The two sides insisted on their own words, and Feng Lei was involved again.Feng Lei, who was born in the begging army, didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Murong Ke's actions. After all, the begging army's combat policy was actually just four words: "Eat against the enemy!"

This is no different from the later war support war.

However, as a Confucian scholar, Cui Cheng, who was born in the Cui family of Qinghe, had a huge conflict with the Confucian benevolence and righteousness.There are three generals in the Henghai Expeditionary Army, two to one, and Cui Cheng has nothing to win.After Ran Ming arrived at the flagship, he impeached Ran Ming for Murong Ke's atrocities.

Cui Cheng's eloquence is very well understood, he is both quoting from chapters and sarcasm, and he almost pointed at Murong Ke's head and cursed, anyway, he made Murong Ke a cruel man who is unparalleled in the world and rare in the sky.

If Ran Ming had just been reborn, he would have been fooled by now.Generally speaking, this kind of statement is very correct to Ran Ming's thinking. After all, the purpose is to weaken the enemy, so it is difficult to talk about benevolence and justice with the enemy.However, although the principle is this principle, it can be done, and it can be done silently, but it cannot be said.

As long as Ran Ming said, I agree with this approach.A big hat of cruelty was placed on Ran Ming's head.If you say against?This plundering of the enemy's property for self-reliance was the most obvious measure of Wei State in the previous war against Yan State.Moreover, the sergeants adopted must be somewhat honorable. Once Ran Ming objected, he would offend these sergeants.After all, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "Ming is just a prince, he has no position or power, how can he interfere with military and state affairs? General Murong is a third-rank Henghai General bestowed by His Majesty. If you want to deal with him, it must be His Majesty."

When Feng Lei heard this, he almost laughed.It is definitely a joke that Ran Ming has no right to dispose of Murong Ke.No matter how noble Murong Ke's position is, he is just a surrendered general. Not to mention Ran Ming, even Feng Lei can punish him with the crime of misconduct.With so many soldiers of the Wei army, Murong Ke can still turn against the sky.

Cui Cheng was dumbfounded.

The river is surging and the breeze is blowing.Murong Ke looked at the river water, dazed in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.Ran Ming looked at Murong Ke's temples with white hair, and his face was full of vicissitudes.

"General Murong is so elegant!" Ran Ming walked up and said with a smile.

Murong Ke turned his head and found that it was Ran Ming, who said respectfully: "The last general will see King Jiaodong!"

For Ran Ming, Murong Ke has complicated feelings.Without Ran Ming, it would be hard to say who would win between Wei Guo and Yan Guo.But as a nation that worships heroes, Murong Ke has more courage to admit defeat than the Han people.There are not many people in Wei State who can give Murong Ke a discount. Although Dong Run is a general and Zhang Wen is a general of hussars, these two people have never been placed in Murong Ke's eyes.

The one who impressed Murong Ke in Wei Jun was Ran Min first.Ran Min fought such a scene almost with bare hands.Among the heroes, Ran Ming is next.The three realms of a soldier, on the strategy of fighting soldiers.Followed by cutting and crossing, and cutting the city again.Ran Ming has already left the realm of war and entered the realm of treachery.Although Murong Ke is not afraid of Ran Ming with the same strength and resources, Ran Ming's age is his greatest advantage. Given time, there is still a lot of room for Ran Ming to grow.

Ran Ming is different from Ran Min. Ran Min's thinking is still very conservative.When Wei Tong forced Yanzhou to surrender to the Jin Dynasty, if Ran Min had made a decisive decision and sent troops to kill Wei Tong, the 30 Wei army would not be in chaos without a fight.What is benevolence and righteousness, a big fist is the greatest benevolence and righteousness.

Besides Ran Ming and Ran Min's father and son, there was another person in Wei Guo that Murong Ke feared very much.That is General Anbei's nationality.Ji Wei's reputation is not obvious, but after he came to Wei State, he found that he trained almost all the Wei Army first-hand.

Murong Ke was very impressed by the well-trained and fearless Wei soldiers.To be able to train such a powerful army in the world, this person must be extraordinary.

"Why, still angry!" Ran Ming said with a smile, "There is nothing wrong with General Murong doing this!"

"It's not angry!" Murong Ke said in a deep voice, "It's just that there is one thing that Ke really can't figure out!"

"Oh!" Ran Ming felt a little apprehensive.He was very afraid that Murong Ke and Cui Cheng's ideas did not agree, which would cause fierce party disputes.The party struggle in China is the most idiotic party struggle in the world, and their dispute is for the sake of party struggle.As long as the opponent is opposed, regardless of right or wrong, all agree.As long as it is a policy supported by the opponent, no matter who is right or wrong, they will all oppose it.Regardless of national affairs and national interests.Ran Ming disliked this kind of bad competition very much.It can be contested, but there must be a bottom line.For example, the struggle between the Niu and Li parties in the Tang Dynasty, the Yuanyou party in the Song Dynasty, and the Donglin party in the Ming Dynasty.

No matter Murong Ke or Cui Cheng.None of them represent a single person.For example, Murong Ke represents the new forces of Wei State, such as Liu Xian's surrender general, former Yan's surrender, Di Qin's surrender, and even Liang Guo's Zhang's surrender headed by Xie Ai.If these forces cannot be fully integrated, it will bring great harm to the development of Wei State.Behind Cui Cheng is the Cui family of Qinghe, which also represents the old forces in the Wei state. Once the old and new forces clash, it will be the vitality of the Wei state that will be lost.

Hearing that Murong Ke didn't seem to care about Cui Cheng's dispute, Ran Ming heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "There's something General Murong can't figure out."

"There is a saying, soldiers are precious and fast, and you can't miss the opportunity!" Murong Ke said: "Ke can't understand, my great Wei has now conquered the north in one fell swoop, and there is no more elbows. Preparations for the attack of the army of Wei. If our great Wei kings attack vigorously, it will be too late to cover our ears, or we will wipe out the Sima family in one fell swoop. The Jin Dynasty can also sweep Jiangbei at the last time. This is the best strategy for military strategists. The Eastern Jin Dynasty will definitely not sit idly by. If you fail to mobilize the army in a hurry and rush to the battle, you will definitely lose sight of the other and be in a hurry. Even if you cannot destroy the country in one battle, you will still be able to severely defeat the Sima family of the Jin Dynasty and make it slump."

After hearing Murong Ke's opinion, Ran Ming burst out laughing.This is also a question of perception.In the minds of the nomads, wars have always been adopted to support wars, while people's hearts are ignored.However, the Han nationality has always been a tenacious nation. The Xiongnu plagued the Central Plains for thousands of years and finally disappeared in the long river of history.Even in the most serious period of Shenzhou's sinking in Wuhu Luanhua, some heroes such as Zu Ti, Liu Kun, Ran Min, Zhang Yu, Huan Wen, Xie An, and Xie Xuan appeared.Even the famous Mongolian cavalry in history occupied the Central Plains for less than a hundred years, and was sung by a group of "I am a man, why are the Tartars a horse and an ox." , so that the mighty Mongolia can never regain its glory.

Think about how high-spirited Fu Jian was in history. He defeated Qianyan, destroyed Dai, Liang, and unified the north. However, nearly a million troops were defeated by the [-] Beifu Army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the country was destroyed in World War I.The current situation of the Wei State is simply a replica of the historical Di Qin, not even as good as the historical Di Qin. At least Fu Jian ruled stably for seven or eight years, recuperating, and then poured his troops south.

However, Ran Ming naturally wouldn't tell Murong Ke about this issue.He asked back: "General Murong, you are the best at cavalry combat. If you are alone in the grassland, what will the result be if you have the same military strength!"

"Your Highness is a rare genius, and the final general will be ashamed to be inferior to him, he is far behind!" Murong Ke said respectfully.

Ran Ming shook his head: "That's wrong. Although Gu fought against General Murong, but Gu's reputation was not obvious at that time, presumably General Murong despised Gu, so Gu took advantage of it."

Murong Ke was not the only one who underestimated his opponents and punched the master to death. Xie Yan was also a tragedy.Xie Yan is the son of Xie An, who served as a general of the auxiliary country during the Battle of Feishui.He led [-] Beifu soldiers across the Feishui River and defeated Fu Jian's Liang Cheng tribe.However, such an all-rounder in civil and military affairs with noble background, illustrious military exploits, and versatility was defeated by Sun En and eventually died.Before he was alive, he said proudly: "Fu Jian sent millions of people to die in Huainan, not to mention Sun En, who fled to the sea in a hurry, how can he make a comeback! If Sun En comes again, it is because the heavens will not allow the country's traitors to come and die quickly. "

Ran Ming said: "Prairie cavalry are fighting on equal terms, or fighting for a country. In terms of strategic vision, they are inferior to you. If you fight with small-scale troops on the plains or in the complex terrain of the Central Plains, you and you will win or lose. If you use the Jiangnan water network You are not as good as alone in fighting in a large area. The so-called victory or defeat in a battle involves too many factors, such as morale, equipment, climate, terrain, and timing. There are many water networks in the south of the Yangtze River, and the great Wei cavalry in the north are useless here. And it is also inconvenient for our Great Wei to transfer light and heavy equipment. Only one Yangtze River is a natural danger. If we fight on water, our Great Wei Army’s combat effectiveness will not be able to exert 80% to [-]%. Like Cao Cao’s [-] troops (imaginary number), it is not enough to defeat Sun Liu’s [-]. The coalition forces, although our Great Wei has many people, but many soldiers go out to Hebei. If we unite, the male will be the male, but we are not good at water warfare!"

After hearing this, Murong Ke's eyes showed a dazed look and said: "So it is so, Your Highness knows how to be idle, and the end will never be as good as it is!"

"The battle to attack Jin is related to the fate of the Great Wei Kingdom." Ran Ming said seriously: "If the first battle goes well, Jingxiang and Lingnan will go down without a fight. If it doesn't go well, it will be difficult in the future. The Sima family of the Jin Dynasty has not lost their hearts! "

Murong Ke said: "Zhao has lost his deer, and he has watched the changes in the Central Plains for a long time. Your Majesty's martial arts and talents are magnificent. Although Duan Kan, Fu Jian, Tuoba, and Zhang Chonghua ruled on one side, everyone is behind. At first, I thought that His Majesty should search for something to seize the world, but looking at it today, although there are no talents in this Jianghuai land, but because of this great river, I am amazed!"

"The Sima family has ruled the world for a long time!" Ran Ming said: "The gentry all over the world regard him as the orthodox of the world, and the hearts of the people aspire. Although Sima Dan ascended the throne when he was young, Chu Suanzi was the regent behind the curtain. My man. Although there is no great rule in Jin Dynasty, Sima Dan was able to destroy Chenghan and pacify Bashu during his reign, and even launched an attack on our Great Wei, which made the people of Jin Dynasty feel the rejuvenation atmosphere. With Huan Wenping destroying Bashu and becoming Han, this The first anti-Jin self-reliant regime, which lasted for 44 years after the Five Lords, also came to an end. Cheng Han established the country, and the Jin Dynasty has never stopped conquest. He was also defeated and died. Sima Rui Jianyuan Jiankang sent Qingqi General Sima Po to lead [-] troops on land and water to conquer the Han Dynasty. Jin General Sima Jiu died in battle. Jiangyang returned without success. However, in the second year of Yonghe, Huan Wen destroyed Cheng Han, which greatly increased Sima Dan's reputation. Now that Sima Dan is getting older, he is not far away from taking office, and Chu Suanzi is accumulating power. Chu Suanzi pinned all his hopes on Sima Dan, and he will not be reconciled to failure. If the journey of Great Wei to the south goes well, it will be fine. If not, the two families will fight for more than ten years, and the Central Plains will be broken. Who will win at that time? The world has no meaning."

"The situation has evolved to the present, and the confrontation between the two countries is not due to a single battle!" Murong Ke said: "Is His Royal Highness King Jiaodong worried about the Northern Han Kingdom behind us?"

Ran Ming smiled resentfully.There is a lot of meaning in the smile.

With the demise of the Murong tribe Yan State, there is a power vacuum among the tribes on the Liaodong grassland in Youzhou, which is not safe.Ran Ming received the news from Tianyan, and the Rouran people began to show signs of going south.In the past, Murongbu conquered Rouran, and seeing Murongbu perish, the Rouran people wanted to replace them.

Ran Ming didn't have much impression of this Rouran family.I just know that in the history of Rouran’s prosperity, the territory extends from Hulunbuir to the east, to the west of Altai Mountain and the area around Lake Balkhash in the west, to Lake Baikal in the north, and to Yinshan Mountain in the south.Although there is no Yan Kingdom now, there is still a Northern Han Kingdom in the north as a buffer zone. Once the Northern Han Dynasty negotiates peace with the Rouran people and let the Rouran people go south, with Ran Min's character, he will definitely launch a counterattack.At that time, the time when Wei Guo will unify the world is still far away.

Could it be that this is the strong resilience of history, although Ran Min banned the Murong tribe of Xianbei, wiped out the Fu family of the Di tribe, and unified the north.But the confrontation between the Northern and Southern Wei and Jin Dynasties will still continue to split as in history?
Thinking of this, Ran Ming felt a little confused.

In November, Luoyang ushered in the first snow since the beginning of winter. This was a sudden blizzard. The blizzard fell for three days and two nights. The snow outside the city was half a foot, and the snow also covered countless houses.Following Ran Zhi's departure from Luoyang, Zhang Wen returned to Yecheng to return to his command, while Dong Run stationed in Luoyang instead of Zhang Wen.

With Huan Wen's departure, the Wei army took the opportunity to recover more than a dozen lost cities including Luhun, Nanzhao, and Wancheng.A large amount of relief supplies were transported from Yecheng to Luoyang, and then scattered from Luoyang to the surrounding cities.The people who were originally prepared to resign themselves to their fate, after receiving the relief supplies.Snow removal has also begun and home repairs have been accelerated.

PS "Today's two updates are [-] words!
(End of this chapter)

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