Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 582 Make a Prosthetic Hand for Ran Min

Chapter 582 Make Ran Min a Prosthetic Hand

Chapter 586 Make Ran Min a Prosthetic Hand

Due to the arrival of Ran Ming, coal resources were developed and used in advance, and coal briquettes, briquette stoves, and coal-burning earth dragons replaced traditional charcoal.Due to the use of coal, this snow disaster did not cause many casualties to the common people, and the villages in Luoyang Kinki gradually became alive.

Because of this sudden blizzard, Ran Zhi's return journey was also full of difficulties.Neither Ran Zhi nor Pei Bi rode a car, but a tall horse.

"My Majesty the Great Wei Emperor's civil and martial arts, he is talented, the empress is intelligent and virtuous, and the prince is intelligent. It is really a blessing for the country!" Pei Bi said: "However, there are some things that the redeeming minister is rude, can you tell him?"

Youdao is a good minister who thinks of a good minister when the country is in trouble, and you can see the truth when you are in great trouble.At the beginning when Ran Zhi was sent to the military camp by Ran Min, all the officials in the East Palace lost their hearts, only Pei Bi never left.At this time, Ran Zhi not only regarded Pei Bi as his chief adviser, but also his confidant.For many times, Ran Zhi called Pei Bi the son of Han and Zhuge Kongming of Shu.

Ran Zhi said kindly: "Why does Pei Qing have to be so opinionated? Good medicine is good for the sick, and honest words are good for the ears. I still know this truth. If you have anything to say, Pei Qing can't defend against it!"

Pei Bidao: "Now that His Majesty the Emperor is at the peak of his spring and autumn, if His Highness the Crown Prince wants to take the throne, it may take a long time."

Ran Zhi nodded.

Pei Bidao: "A few days ago, when His Highness was in the East Palace, he always targeted King Jiaodong. If he was not on guard, why did His Highness act like a prime minister? Could it be that this action is for the world to explain that His Highness is not as good as King Jiaodong in everything?"

"Gu is wrong, wrong, wrong!" Ran Zhi bowed his head and said, "I hope you can teach Gu!"

Pei Bi said: "Your Highness, you are only the prince." After a pause, he said, "Even if the prince's talent is not as good as that of the King of Jiaodong, is it true that this great treasure should be considered in terms of talent and learning? Doesn't your highness remember Ziheng and Zijian? Your highness is a student of Ziheng. Mo Xuezijian."

Ziheng refers to Cao Ziheng and Cao Pi, and Zijian refers to Cao Zijian and Cao Zhi.Before Cao Cao's northern expedition to Wuhuan, Cao Zhi wrote poems and poems, but Cao Pi could only hold Cao Cao's sleeve and cry bitterly.

Ran Zhi nodded and said, "Gu understands!"

"From now on, the crown prince only needs to do one thing. You don't have to worry about power, and you only need to be filial!" Pei Bi said: "Of course, this filial piety must come from the heart, and it must not be artificial. If it is artificial, it will be superfluous. It's not beautiful!"

Pei Bi was telling Ran Zhi not to worry too much.The more he grabs power, the more anxious Ran Min will be.If there is a benevolent, righteous, wise and popular prince, Ran Min will feel afraid instead.No matter how much he likes Ran Zhi, he will launch a prince to balance Ran Zhi. Even if there is no Ran Ming, there will be Ran Yu and Ran Cao.Don't look at Prince Cao and Yu, they are young now, God knows what will happen to them in the future?This is Pei Bi telling Ran Zhi that there is no need to be so worried and afraid, as long as he fulfills his filial piety, the natural filial piety, don't fake it too much, and don't be too hasty about the throne.It doesn't matter if you make a little mistake.Is it really that simple to abolish the crown prince?This is even more difficult than abolishing the queen.Not only do you make some small mistakes, but it doesn't matter much if you cultivate some close staff.

Ran Min is only in his 30s, not even [-] years old. How could he easily delegate power? If he wants to be a prince, he should wait and wait.This is the reason for all hardships and rewards.

Ran Zhi is actually very smart, he already understood what Pei Bi said.In fact, those servants of the Eastern Palace were a little eager for quick success.Just like Yang Guang, his policies are actually good. If the Grand Canal is dug in 20 years and [-] sites are excavated, will it force the whole world to turn against it?As for the defeat of Goryeo, it cannot be said that Yang Guang failed and did not understand military affairs.In fact, the army of the Sui Dynasty at that time was basically from the nobles of Guanlong.Yang Guang deliberately interfered in the military and missed the opportunity to fight. In fact, he also saved a plan to kill with a knife.

The Guanlong nobles were mainly the Sinicized Hu people during the Northern and Southern Dynasties.During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the general term for the powerful military groups whose main native places were located in Guanzhong, Shaanxi and Longshan (or Liupanshan) in Gansu. Six military towns were established in the border areas, which are today's northern Hebei and southern Inner Mongolia, collectively known as the Six Towns.Over time, the Guanlongmen faction was formed, which is actually a military group.Their power is too great, far greater than the power of the Five Surnames and Seven Wangs. They control nearly 36% of the armed forces of the Sui Dynasty.If Yang Guang is a little slower, don't make it too obvious, and it won't force the world.What are the 72 roads against the king, and the 60 roads of dust and smoke? If the Sui Dynasty really made people unable to live because of excessive expropriation, then how could there be the money and grain used by the Tang Dynasty for [-] years?
In the final analysis, this was a perfect military coup by the Guanlong nobles.

Ran Zhi can't be in a hurry, he can only take it slowly.When Ran Zhi became the crown prince, he took possession of righteousness.What can Ran Ming do?Although Ran Zhi was only one year older than Ran Ming, the difference in age also caused the difference between monarch and minister.Unless Ran Minghui led the army to rebel.But if Ran Min is alive, who would dare to rebel in the Wei army?

Seeing Ran Zhi's expression, Pei Bi was very relieved.Ran Zhi is so smart, so smart that he can understand everything.If Ran Zhi is too stupid, even if he has the skills like a fairy, there is nothing he can do.But Ran Zhi's cleverness allowed him to get twice the result with half the effort. He had already won half of this war.

As Ran Zhi adopted a more secretive method to fight for reserves, although Wei State stopped the war, the internal war also began to intensify.However, no matter how smart Pei Bi was, he would never have thought that Ran Ming would adopt the same method as Ran Zhi.

Bizarrely, the car crashed, and the two sons competed for filial piety.

Chinese people have great enthusiasm for filial piety, like the one who lay on the ice and begged for carp, and the mother wanted to eat fish, but she actually asked for it on the ice. Couldn’t it be possible to dig ice or buy it?
The purpose is to be so earth-shattering?

When Ran Zhi returned to Yecheng, he walked into the palace, hugged Empress Dong's leg, and cried faintly, but Empress Dong saw that her son had turned dark, and also lost a lot of weight, her hands were covered with calluses, and her face There were also traces of frostbite, Ran Zhi cried, and Empress Dong also cried.

Ran Min, an iron-blooded man, also had red eyes.

"I have seen my father and my mother, my son has worried my father and my mother, my son will die!" Ran Zhi was very sad, he wanted to cry, but when he took a sneak peek, Ran Min had two eyes. Turning red, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

"What crazy talk!" Empress Dong's eyes burst into tears, and she continued: "What nonsense is Zhier talking about? What is ten thousand deaths, you just live well. If you want to talk about national affairs, the queen mother doesn't understand. Only Knowing that Zhier can eat well, sleep well, and be free from disease and disaster, that is the blessing of the ancestors!"

At this moment, Ran Yu flew into Empress Dong's arms and said coquettishly: "Mother, don't cry, don't cry, brother prince, cry, shame..."

Seeing that the opportunity came, Ran Zhi followed Ran Yu's example, hugging Empress Dong's trouser legs, and using the thread on his clothes, he touched the tear line. The human tear line is very weak. difficult.

"Zhi'er, you've lost weight and darkened. It looks like you've suffered a lot!" Empress Dong burst into tears, especially stroking the frostbite scars on Ran Zhi's hands and face, feeling Ran Min's punishment for Ran Zhi It's heavy.

Ran Zhi said: "My son is not bitter, really not bitter at all, especially seeing that the mother is getting younger and younger. At first glance, the mother is not like the mother of the son, but rather like a sister."

Scholars die for their confidants, and women are for their own appearance. There is no woman in the world who does not want to be beautiful.Even Empress Dong was very happy when she heard Ran Zhi's praise, and laughed and scolded: "Zhi'er, nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense, this is my son's sincere words!" Ran Zhi stretched out his hand to grab Empress Dong's hand, and said to Ran Yu: "Brother Yu, do you think your elder brother's hand looks better, or your mother's hand?"

Although Ran Yu is young, he can tell the good from the bad.Empress Dong didn't have to work so hard in the past few years, she took good care of her skin, and her skin was supple, as if she was a young girl.In fact, Ran Zhi didn't suffer much, but during the [-]-mile journey, he traveled in the snow and suffered frostbite on purpose, so he naturally looked haggard.

There is a saying that wears everything, but flattery does not wear it. Which woman does not like to praise her beauty, this trick is very effective against women.Empress Dong tapped Ran Zhi's head lightly, and the whole family was harmonious and happy.

Ran Zhi secretly looked at Empress Dong's expression, and seeing that she was very happy, he took out a jade ruyi like a treasure and said, "Mother, this is a magic weapon that my son asked the eminent monks of the White Horse Temple to consecrate when he was in Luoyang. You can live a long and healthy life after babysitting.”

Although Shihu is a famous tyrant in history, he was very active in killing, but he has one thing, that is, he respects Buddha Tucheng, an eminent monk in the Western Regions, loves Wu and Wu, and greatly supports Buddhism. Buddhism flourished in the later Zhao Kingdom. There are as many as 890 three famous temples.Luoyang has gone through wars, but no one destroyed the White Horse Temple outside Luoyang City.

"Zhier has a heart!" Empress Dong, like Ran Min, has no clear religious beliefs. Both she and Ran Min worship both Buddha and Taoism, just for peace of mind.Empress Dong happily put away the jade wishful pendant.

Ran Yu said: "Brother Prince, did you bring a gift for Yu when you came back this time?"

Ran Zhi said: "Why not. I know that Brother Yu likes to practice martial arts, so I invited famous masters in Luoyang to make a treasured sword for Brother Yu. It's just that I haven't brought it into the palace now. I'll send someone to send it to Brother Yu later!"

Following Ran Zhi's return, Empress Dong held a family banquet in the palace.Ran Zhi's wives and concubines from the East Palace all came by order, and everyone gathered together.Ran Zhi is different from Ran Ming, he doesn't like mature women, he only likes fresh and pleasant young girls.Due to the young age of the woman, the chances of conception are low and delivery is difficult.In this way, Ran Zhi's children are far more prosperous than Ran Ming.

Ran Zhi now only has one son and one daughter, the eldest son Ran Shu was born by Liang Di Chen's family, and it has only been three months now, and still needs the care of a wet nurse.The eldest daughter is the son of the princess, and she is only a little over one year old.

This family banquet is also lively.Ran Zhi and Ran Min sat and drank, while Empress Dong ate with Crown Princess Liu and Liangdi Chen.

Ran Zhi said: "Father, this deer was hunted by my son himself on the way back, Father will pay you back soon!"

Ran Min knew that when Ran Zhi returned from Luoyang this time, he brought five hundred soldiers as guards.All of them are soldiers in the army and well-equipped.Now it is arranged in a military camp outside the city.Ran Zhi dismissed the guards of the East Palace because of his honorary return. It seems that Ran Zhi planned to use the soldiers he personally selected as the guards.

Ran Min wanted to use Prince Ran Zhi to supervise the country, of course, he also needed to decentralize some powers appropriately.And what the prince's prison country needs is prestige.Restoring the crown prince to lead the guard is also to express to the officials that the gap between Ran Min and the crown prince has been eliminated.

Seeing Ran Zhi's experience, there are many remarkable things, and Ran Min is also relieved.He said: "This year Jin invaded our Great Wei, and the national treasury was exhausted. I want to personally conquer Jin and avenge this arrow. It shows that the treasury is empty and powerless!"

Ran Zhi thought about what Ran Min meant, and he had a little bit of Ran Min's pulse.There are two meanings in Ran Min's words, one is to ask him how to solve the food shortage like the literal meaning, and the other is to test whether Ran Zhi is enthusiastic about supervising the country.You must know that the crown prince supervises the country, but it is the best time to gain reputation.Ran Zhi thought for a while and said: "My son heard that brother Ming brought more than 100 million stones of rice grain from Champa, which can solve the urgent need!"

Ran Min shook his head and said, "This winter has been hit by heavy snow, and many houses have collapsed. We need both emergency relief and large-scale loose rice to curb grain prices. More than 100 million shi rice sounds like a lot, but there are too many places to use it." If you want to meet the needs of Dawei, I am afraid it is no less than a drop in the bucket!"

Ran Zhi suddenly thought that Ran Ming had sold his titles to those merchants and got a lot of money and food, so he said, "Father, why don't you sell some unimportant officials and titles to those rich merchants in exchange for the food and grass needed for the Southern Expedition?"

Ran Min shook his head, and said, "How can you teach a country's important weapon privately?"

The title of knighthood has always been regarded as rare and expensive, and it is worthless if there are too many.For example, there are more than 3000 marquises in the state of Wei, especially the nameless Marquis of Guannei.It's almost to the point where nobles walk everywhere and there are as many marquis as dogs.There is no way around this, Ran Min's marquis was entrusted with military merits and expelled all the millions of Hu tribes who invaded the Central Plains. Even if the harsh system of the Qin Dynasty was adopted, the marquis would probably get so many points.

Now Ran Min is afraid that there are too many titles, because more titles means more salary. In ancient times, there was no national economic development plan. The financial expenditure was first to raise soldiers, second was salary, and third was the construction of city water conservancy roads.But the corresponding financial income is very low.To put it bluntly, the territory of the Wei State was larger than that of the Northern Song Dynasty, but its financial revenue was only one-thirtieth of that of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Ran Zhi frowned secretly, why could Ran Ming do this but he couldn't?
Ran Ming's approach is to win over merchants and balance the aristocrats.Use the manpower and material resources in the hands of merchants to develop the economy rapidly.If titles are flooded, the consequences are fatal.In order to quell the chaos of the San Francisco, Kangxi sold officials and nobles to raise military funds. When it was Yongzheng's turn that there was a big hole in the country's finances, he had to adopt the gentry to pay for food.However, in the Qing Dynasty, because the power of the clan and the gentry was too weak, there was no resistance at all.If it was the Sui and Tang Dynasties, if the emperor dared to do this, the world would definitely be turned upside down.

Ran Zhi then made a few more comments, but Ran Min was not satisfied with all of them.

Ran Min secretly sighed that it seemed that the Southern Expedition would come to an end without a problem.

Ran Ming returned to Yecheng more than a month later than Ran Zhi, and when Ran Ming arrived in Buqi City of Jiaodong Kingdom, it was already the end of the eleventh year of Yongxing's sixth year.At this time, the expressway to Yecheng has been suspended.Of course, the main project is basically finished, and even if it is not finished, there is no way. After the weather is cold and freezing, the construction cannot be carried out.

Even Ran Ming found it incredible that a highway with more than [-] kilometers was completed in less than a year.And without any mechanical assistance, all artificial constructions were used, which was actually completed.This cannot but be said to be a miracle.

Even when the Jin Dynasty and the Wei Kingdom were in a dark battle, the construction of the expressway did not stop, and Ran Min was also afraid.One hundred thousand Xianbei craftsmen, as long as weapons are distributed, it will be one hundred thousand troops.Once a change is triggered, I am afraid that the Wei country will change.This is also thanks to the 5 unsafe factors in Wei State at that time. Otherwise, with Ran Min's character, he would have dared to release all the elite troops stationed in Yecheng. From the beginning to the end, Ran Min left more than [-] troops in Yecheng. The army, without moving an inch, was thinking of such Xianbei craftsmen.

The rest of the project is basically a small problem, such as drainage facilities, roadside fences and greening. At most, after the spring thaws, the expressway can be opened to traffic.

It is no longer suitable for the ten-mile long pavilion to appear on the expressway. Now these Xianbei craftsmen have not all rested, but are rushing to work overtime to build a rest service area.According to the plan, there will be a service area fifty miles away on this expressway, for pedestrians and convoys to rest and drink water, and for horses to eat.The buildings in the service area are generally the same, each of which can accommodate two thousand carts to park at the same time, and three to four thousand horses to feed grass at the same time.Thousands of rooms of varying heights.

Such a large station will be an important part of the country's fiscal revenue in the future.

Although the weather is cold, these Xianbei people are very cold-tolerant, and when they work to the point of interest, some people actually work shirtless.

Murong Ke walked all the way, watched all the way, and found that his clansmen were not at all uneasy and dissatisfied as imagined, but beaming with joy.He was rather depressed, and it was inconvenient to ask in person, for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstanding.Let Murong Yunxing inquire.

Murong Ke sat in the four shock-absorbing carriages invented by Ran Ming, and was so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

Just when Murong Ke was about to fall asleep, Murong Yunxing rode over and said outside the curtain of the carriage: "My lord, I have something to say!"

Murong Ke was about to fall asleep, but was disturbed by Murong Yunxing, so he was naturally in a bad mood.He frowned and said, "Say!"

Murong Yunxing said with a bitter face: "I went to ask those clansmen, but..."

"Say!" Murong Ke shouted coldly.

Murong Yunxing couldn't see Murong Ke's expression, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet, "My lord, the clansmen are all used to the current life. They don't want to go back to the bitter cold place outside the Great Wall. They all said that life is very difficult now." Well, every family has food, clothes to wear, and no worries about food and drink. Although life is hard, it’s not like being precarious outside the Great Wall!”

Murong Ke was slightly taken aback, but suddenly became furious.He suddenly thought of an allusion.I don't want to miss Shu.

The nomads are strong only by force, but they are very yearning for the culture and customs of the Central Plains.The nomads who adopted slavery only benefited from the leaders and nobles, and all nationalities were oppressed classes.Of course, if the Xianbei people were really in the Tanshihuai period, Ran Ming's trick might not be able to achieve results.It's just that the Murong Department fell into a split. Murong Ke and Murong Ping fought a battle, which consumed the only vitality of the Murong Department. In the war against Wei, they failed consecutively and demoralized the people.As captives, they have the consciousness of being killed, and as captives, they also have the consciousness of being slaves.But the tolerance of the Han people made them feel that being such a captive was a happy thing.

Although they need to work, although they will still be poor, what they get is much more than they imagined.

It is impossible for Ran Ming to satisfy everyone by doing this. What he damages is the power and interests of those nobles and tribal leaders.Of course, under Ran Ming's subtle influence, those voices of dissatisfaction disappeared.

Murong Ke's eyes shed hot tears, "The Xianbei clan is dead, and there is no power to recover!"

Ran Ming arrived in Yecheng at the beginning of December of the sixth year of Yongxing.Ran Ming caught up with the moment when the city gate was finally closed and entered the city.Compared with the ice and snow outside the city, the inside of Ye City is full of ice and fire.The city is still brightly lit and bustling.There are restaurants, clothing stores, all kinds of snacks and handicrafts.

Ran Ming took a breath of the slightly dirty air in Yecheng, the air was filled with the smell of barbecue, Ran Ming suddenly felt like a dream, as if he had returned to the pedestrian street of later generations, the bustling crowd of people, the brightly lit world was a little strange, yet a little familiar.

Suddenly Ran Ming felt strangeness and harmony.

Finally, Ran Ming found out what the disharmony was. It turned out that there were still many disabled people with missing arms and legs on the street, although Ran Min treated the soldiers well.Especially disabled soldiers, but with the prosperity of Wei's business, all prices are rising.The money that could have lived for 20 years is now barely enough to live on for ten years, or even ten years.

From the perspective of economic development, this is a very normal phenomenon.It doesn't matter if prices rise as long as they aren't too outrageous.The most bitter thing is that those who are disabled by war and only receive death pensions, they have families, wives and children, and they need to live.Some beg on the street, while others do small businesses within their capabilities.Like those soldiers who followed Ran Ming and learned how to make soy milk and deep-fried dough sticks snacks, Ran Ming, who was more or less familiar, met as many as a hundred.

Some of his arms were broken, some of his legs were broken, and some of his eyes were broken, which made Ran Ming's eyes sore from looking at them.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Ran Ming's head.

At this time, Ran Ming couldn't make a mechanical arm, but he could make a prosthesis. If the joints were cut off, Ran Ming couldn't do anything about it.However, Ran Ming discovered that many of these disabled soldiers had their feet, calves, or wrists cut off. Even if they were artificial limbs made of wood, even if they could not be used flexibly, they could at least allow them to walk like normal people.Life can also take care of itself.

Ran Ming gave up the idea of ​​entering the palace overnight, and hurried back to the Jiaodong Palace in Yecheng. He didn't even care about greeting his family, wives and children, and went straight to the study.This prosthesis can be used not only for disabled soldiers, but also for Ran Min.Although Ran Min's arm was lost, there were still four or five inches of his upper arm left. The elbow could not move freely, at least he could create a prosthesis to maintain his body balance.

You can also use a built-in crossbow or a fixed hard bow to restore Ran Min's confidence that his left and right hands can hurt the enemy.

It is not difficult to make prosthetics. Even if you don't use wood, you can also use silicone.Don't worry if you don't have silica gel, the glue made from beef tendon is not much different from silica gel, and it can be used with refined steel as the skeleton.

Du Cong, who was greeted by Ran Mingchong, said: "Send someone to find beef tendons, or horse tendons, the more tendons from large animals, the better. Once you get it, cook it right away. In addition, find three good blacksmiths, and refine them one after another. Steel, get a hundred catties. By the way, and those disabled soldiers, get another ten!"

(End of this chapter)

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