Chapter 583

Chapter 587

Ran Ming returned to Ye City, and Ran Min received the news that night, but it was already late that night, Ran Ming was tired from the journey, and did not enter the palace for an audience, and Ran Min didn't care.However, on the second day, Ran Ming still had no intention of entering the palace for an audience, and on the third day, there was no one there.On the fourth day, it was Wei Guo's ten-day court meeting, and Ran Ming still had the position of minister of the Ministry of Industry, so he had to attend the court meeting.

Ran Min thought, now, you boy can't hide from me.

Unfortunately, Ran Min was disappointed again.What he waited for was just a memorial to leave from Ran Ming.

Ran Min almost ran away. After the imperial court was dismissed, Ran Min took Ran Ming's false memorial to Zhong Changshi Youyi and said, "The king of Jiaodong is really suffering from a severe cold like the memorial says?"

You Yi is just a little eunuch in the imperial palace. After Cao Chun, the permanent servant in Luoyang, died for Ran Min's sword, this clever You Yi came into Ran Min's sight.As a result, he became the head of the eunuchs in the inner palace from a humble recruiter.After You Yi became a Zhongchang servant, he has always been cautious.

You Yi took a very clever decision to sit on the sidelines regarding the dispute between Prince Ranzhi and Jiaodong Wang Ranming.You Yi is a smart person, he knows that Ran Min is in good health, and he is not yet 40 years old, so he has many years to live.And he might not live until Ran Min abdicated.Therefore, You Yi was neither attracted by Ran Zhi nor kept a distance from Ran Ming.

You Yi was a little embarrassed when he heard what Ran Min said.Although in this era, the eunuchs did not control the factory guards like in the Ming Dynasty, but as the servants of the Central Committee, there were eunuchs who were loyal to You Yi.He had to answer Ran Min's question truthfully, but once he answered truthfully, he would offend Ran Ming.

However, he didn't dare to hide what Ran Min asked.Feeling in a dilemma, You Yi said bravely, "Reporting to Your Majesty, after hearing that the king of Jiaodong had returned to the palace, the old slave stayed behind closed doors and hid in the lower courtyard of the mansion. No one has ever seen the king of Jiaodong, and they don't know what he is doing now. What to do. However, Du Cong, King Neishi of Jiaodong, is quite busy, he ordered a lot of beef tendons to be purchased, and he also found a few skilled blacksmiths and some disabled soldiers."

"So, the king of Jiaodong is not sick!" Ran Min said a little displeased: "His so-called cold, is it nothing?"

You Yi said, "The old slave vaguely heard that the King of Jiaodong seems to want to make arms and legs for disabled soldiers!"

"What, making hands and feet?" Hearing this, Ran Min spat out the tea he had just taken into his mouth.You Yi hurried forward, combing Ran Min's back, flustered, it took a long time for Ran Min to recover from coughing.

"In this world, the best doctors are probably powerless to cut off hands and legs. This is simply nonsense. Could it be that this person's hands and feet can still grow back like leeks after they are cut off?"

"The old slave doesn't know either. Hearing about it just now, the old slave also felt that it was absurd, but the old slave didn't look like the King of Jiaodong." You Yi said.

Ran Min pondered: "Could it be that there is such a medical skill in this world that can use lotus root to fake a body like the real Taiyi?" A hope arose in Ran Min's heart, could my hands grow back?If it grows out, can I still ride a horse and fight like before?

Thinking of this, Ran Min said, "You Yi!"

"The old slave is here!"

"I will immediately pay close attention to the Jiaodong Palace secretly, and report immediately if there is any news from the Jiaodong King!"


Just when Ran Min was secretly paying attention to the Jiaodong Palace, the focus of the entire Yecheng was also on the Jiaodong Palace.After all, Ran Min's loss of his left arm when he was assassinated was an eternal pain in the hearts of Wei's officials.Speaking of the emperors in Chinese history, there were those who liked to play with birds, and some who liked to play with gold and stones.But the disabled, especially those missing arms and legs, really don't exist.

The only lame emperor in Chinese history will take more than 1000 years to be born, and the only one-eyed emperor has no shadow yet.One-armed Ran Min became the only alternative.Of course, if Ran Min wasn't the founding emperor, he wouldn't be able to become emperor even with his one-armed handicap.

When Ran Min paid attention to the Jiaodong Palace, the ministers of Wei State and Prince Ran Zhi who got the news also sent people to guard the Jiaodong Palace.

But Ran Ming didn't know about all of this.It's not that I don't know, I just don't have the energy to ask about it.Ran Ming ordered the craftsmen to make many models of legs or arms of various types, then put the skeleton made of fine steel into the mold, and then pour the boiled beef tendon into the mold.

After cooling down, the prosthesis is considered to be the first part completed.The first subject of Ran Ming's experiment was Jiang Zhuzi, a soldier who participated in the Battle of Lulong.

When Murong Chui attacked Lu Long, he was standing guard on the city wall. He and another soldier lifted a log and were about to throw it down the city wall, but the soldier was shot by an arrow and died on the spot. The ball hit his left foot, weighing more than [-] kilograms, and the entire surface of his left foot was smashed into pieces by the sharp rolling log.

With a completely comminuted fracture, even in later generations, the possibility of his left foot recovering is extremely small.In this era, of course, it is even more impossible.Although he escaped from Lulong, his whole foot was inflamed and festered.In order to save his life, he had to cut off everything from the ankle down.

Ran Ming selected a prosthetic foot similar to this person's from the manufactured prosthetic feet.Then after many revisions, it was finally determined.More than a year has passed since the Battle of Lulong, and the section of his foot has long since healed. Ran Ming tied his artificial foot to his left leg with a rope.

Only when you have lost, will you know how to cherish and possess.Jiang Zhuzi has been lame for more than a year, and he can bear it long ago. Now that he has artificial feet, he can't wait to walk on the ground.

Visually, there is still a certain gap. After Ran Ming's trimming, his left foot and right foot are nearly an inch higher. Even so, Jiang Zhuzi still walks with one foot higher and one foot lower.

Ran Ming said: "Jiang Zhuzi, see if there is anything you are not satisfied with, I can modify it for you."

"Appropriate, appropriate!" Jiang Zhuzi laughed loudly, "His Royal Highness, look, I can throw away the stick and leave, what else is inappropriate!"

Jiang Zhuzi was very excited. Although he walked like a big horse monkey, he didn't care.Smiling all over his face, after a while, he actually wept with joy.

Ran Ming looked at it and said: "It's not suitable, the artificial foot is too high, take it off and fix it!"

Jiang Zhuzi suddenly knelt on the ground and cried: "Your Highness, please, show mercy, don't take my foot away, I will be your cow or horse, please give me this foot!"

Ran Ming didn't explain, and roughly asked the two servants to hold Jiang Zhuzi down. As a guinea pig in the experiment, Jiang Zhuzi was a little disappointed, he thought Ran Ming wouldn't give him the foot.Ran Ming ordered Jiang Zhuzi's legs to be straightened, and then he drew a line on the ground with a stone pen. After comparing, he cut off the excess tendon and trimmed it several times before he put Jiang Zhuzi's artificial foot on.

The soft plastic body made of beef tendon is full of elasticity, especially when light yellow dye is added, it is not much different from real feet. Without high-hardness plastic, the beef tendon cannot support the weight of the human body at all, and it will deform.However, since it is filled with a fine steel skeleton, not to mention supporting the weight of the human body, it is not a problem even if it is loaded.

The function of artificial feet is actually similar to that of walking on stilts. After training, stilt runners can make a variety of complex movements, which is almost the same as not walking on stilts.Jiang Zhuzi's other injuries were fine.From now on, he can completely live like a normal person.

After another modification, Jiang Zhuzi's prosthetic foot is much more suitable. Although it is still a little unnatural, it can walk more stably and faster.

This made more disabled soldiers present feel hopeful.

"Plop!..." Ten disabled soldiers knelt on the ground at once, and shouted in confusion: "Please give me feet, Your Highness, give me legs!"

After the first trial, the rest was much quicker to do.The legs and feet are easy to handle, but the hands are not.What Ran Ming was looking for were disabled soldiers who were not amputated at the root. Even if the lower limbs were amputated, they must be below the knees. As for the hands, it is much more difficult.

Because hands are different from feet and legs.Hands require a lot of dexterity.If it is the mechanical arm of later generations, it can barely follow the will of people to make imitative actions.Unfortunately, in this era, Ran Ming dare not even think about it.

Prosthetic legs and feet are more or less practical.But hands, but only a symbolic meaning.For those disabled soldiers who were amputated below the elbow, Ran Ming created a variety of options for their hands.Taking action in the palm area, of course, is actually a bolt.Don't underestimate this inconspicuous bolt, Ran Ming took a lot of effort.Ran Ming couldn't make tool steel, so naturally he couldn't make a cutting knife.In order to wire the stainless steel, Ran Ming even employed [-] strong men to continuously rotate the original machine tool.

Don't look at a small bolt, its cost is no less than the same weight of gold.

The beef tendon is fine, but because of the bolt problem, Ran Ming invented the prosthetic foot, which is destined to be a loss-making business.After all, not every disabled soldier can afford the money, and even if he makes money, Ran Ming will feel uneasy.Anyway, Ran Ming wasn't short of money, so it was all a good deed.

Each soldier has more than three choices. For example, a movable clip is installed, which works like an inverted umbrella rib. As long as the clip is not grasping, the clip will be loose. Live in things that are not too heavy, such as carrying water, picking up firewood, carrying clothes and other small tasks.There is also a fixed sickle.

In this era, the main way of life for retired soldiers is farming, and they are the main force and pillars of the family.Therefore, Ran Ming equipped them with sickles made of refined steel, so that they could help their family harvest some grain during the busy farming season.The third type is the tendon hand. This hand is not much different from the real hand, except that it does not move and looks the same.

Although the results were unsatisfactory, Ran Ming's hard work was not in vain, and he received sincere thanks from the disabled soldiers.

Ordinary soldiers are easy to handle, after all, they don't have too many requirements.It's just that the prosthesis for Ran Min is more difficult.Ran Min's cut-off position is above the elbow and four or five inches below the shoulder. In this way, without mechanical assistance, even if Ran Min is fitted with a prosthetic, his arm will still not be able to stretch.

However, Ran Min was different from other soldiers.Ran Min doesn't need to worry about life. Ran Min's meals and clothes are served by special people. What he needs are self-defense weapons.

In this way, Ran Ming added some organs to the prosthesis made by Ran Min.First of all, this artificial foot is a small crossbow. As long as the artificial hand is broken off, the crossbow can be wound, and four small steel crossbows will be exposed. Although this crossbow is small, it is not weak, and it can effectively take thirty steps. Shoot through a three-inch thick plank within ten steps.

With this prosthetic hand, Ran Min's body can better maintain balance, and there are more means of self-protection.There are also three different options for Ran Min's prosthetic hand, but Ran Ming did not make a sickle for Ran Min, but installed a three-stone strong bow for Ran Min. Anyway, when a person shoots an arrow, the arm is straight, and the prosthetic limb It can also be done like this.Moreover, Ran Min's right hand is normal. With a little restorative training, Ran Min can draw a bow and shoot arrows as usual.

Ran Ming entered the palace with the manufactured prosthesis.

In fact, Ran Ming made artificial limbs for disabled soldiers, so that those disabled soldiers with broken legs and feet could stand up again, and the news of normal walking has spread, and Ran Min knew it.Ran Min is also full of expectations for the regret of the broken arm.

Seeing Ran Ming coming, especially seeing Ran Ming carrying a big box.Ran Min couldn't wait to rush out, stopped Ran Ming from saluting, and said directly: "Hurry up, Minger, quickly put on prosthetic limbs for father!"

Ran Ming fitted Ran Min with artificial limbs, and Ran Min behaved worse than Jiang Zhuzi.He looked at the artificial hand, cried for a while, laughed for a while, and fell into a demonic disorder.

All of a sudden, Ran Min ran quickly, trying even the crossbow machine, bow and arrow, and ran to the harem.

Lian ran and said, "Ming'er, you come too!"

After a while, Ran Min disappeared without a trace.

Ran Ming is not familiar with the inner palace, although he is not lost, but he can't tell where is the restricted area and where he should go.In case he ran to his palace by accident and ran into one of Ran Min's concubines taking a bath naked, I'm afraid Ran Ming would not be able to tell if his mouth was all over his body.

Fortunately, Ran Min had already given orders, and someone led Ran Ming there.

"Your Majesty, the concubine is not dreaming!" Empress Dong looked at Ran Min with an exaggerated expression.At this time, Ran Min was touching Empress Dong's hand with his fake hand.

"This is Ming'er, the fake hand made for me!" Ran Min said with great satisfaction, "Look, can you tell where the fake hand is?"

In fact, this fake is fake, no matter how true it is, it is still fake.Even if it is a sex doll from the Japanese kingdom of later generations, it is still possible to tell the real from the fake at a glance.

Empress Dong followed Ran Min's words and said: "Don't say it, if the concubine didn't know His Majesty's left hand, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to tell the truth from the fake."

Ran Min was like a child, he went crazy for a long time, almost brought down the whole palace.Many concubines in the palace were alarmed.

At this moment, Ran Ming felt that it was superfluous for him to appear here. Ran Ming looked at Ran Min, surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, and coughed: "Father, my son has something important to do, so I have to report to Father alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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