Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 584 Ran Min's Eight Diagrams

Chapter 584 Ran Min's Gossip

Chapter 588 Ran Min's Gossip
If it was just an ordinary prosthesis, Ran Ming would not have to avoid other people, but there is a murderous intent hidden in it, the less people know the secret in Ran Min's left hand, the more effective it will be at critical moments.So Ran Ming, let Ran Min wave back to the left and right.

Empress Dong was the only one left in the whole bedroom at this time, at this time Ran Ming said: "Father, please look!" After saying that, Ran Ming stepped forward, gently grabbed Ran Min's fake hand, and then gently moved back. Break, four crossbow arrows shining with blue light are exposed.

Ran Min looked at the shining blue crossbow and said in surprise, "This is..."

"You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to defend against others!" Ran Ming said cautiously: "My son made his own decision and made this crossbow machine to let the emperor defend himself!"

Ran Ming felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although Ran Min lost his left arm, with his martial arts, even without the close protection of Jin Nu and Tie Nu, ordinary assassins would never want to get close to him.Of course, like last time, poisoning factors should be ruled out.Using this kind of crossbow to save his life is an insult to Ran Min.Ran Ming was also afraid that this move would arouse Ran Min's resentment.

However, very unexpected.Ran Min's reaction was very flat, "Ming'er, you have a heart!"

Ran Ming said: "Father, please look, this is the place where the crossbow is wound. You only need to pull it lightly, and the crossbow can be wound. This crossbow can shoot targets within thirty steps!"

In fact, this is not a crossbow machine.Because this prosthesis cannot be made too thick, the crossbow arm of the crossbow machine is too short, and its power will be reduced.Ran Ming couldn't imagine how far a crossbow arm with an inner diameter of only eight or nine centimeters could shoot.As for the sleeve arrows in martial arts novels, Ran Ming consulted several crossbow machine craftsmen, and they couldn't make them.In desperation, Ran Ming had no choice but to think of the air guns of later generations.

Since Ran Ming manufactured the shock-absorbing spring, he has worked hard to improve the spring, making the spring lighter and more elastic.Although the current spring steel is not as good as that of later generations, it is sufficient as the power for firing air guns.Ran Ming adopted the simplest piston-type spring-loaded air gun.The air pump is made of cast copper, and the crossbow bolts are actually pointed bullets with tail fins.

After overcoming various difficulties, Ran Ming managed to create this simple air gun.

Empress Dong's mind is simple. The last time Ran Min was assassinated, she was very worried and frightened. Now that she saw that Ran Ming made this crossbow, she asked Ran Min to try its power.Under Ran Ming's guidance, Ran Min completed the winding action by himself, and then Ran Min pointed at the solid wood screen in the palace and touched the mechanism.

With a sound of "Bang!", a crossbow flew towards the solid wood screen dozens of steps away with a slight soaring sound.

Ran Min fixed his eyes, and there was a small hole in the finger-thick screen.

Ran Ming said embarrassingly: "Father, due to the limited space, the power of this crossbow machine is a bit small. If it is a layer of iron armor, it can barely break through it within ten steps, and it will be powerless beyond ten steps. In the future, if Father needs it When using this crossbow to kill an enemy, the target must be the unprotected face or throat. Erchen is asking people to prepare the kind of poison that will see blood seal the prince. If the poison is added, the power of this crossbow will become greater! "

In fact, Ran Ming also knew the limitations of this air gun. With Ran Min's strength, even if he used his right hand to throw anything as a hidden weapon, the power would not be less than this air gun.It's just that this air gun is not only stealthy from winding to firing, it is not easy to be discovered, and it can have an unexpected effect.

Ran Min looked at Ran Ming with an expectant expression on his face, and understood Ran Ming's mood as a son. Ran Ming was really for himself.

Then, Ran Ming instructed Ran Min to reload the air gun and how to restore the artificial hand to its original state.The operation of this air gun is easy to learn, and Ran Min learned how to use it after a test shot.

At this time, Ran Ming said: "Father, there is another thing outside, which can be sent in by You Neishi!"

At this moment, Ran Min shouted at the eunuch outside the hall: "Bring over the things that King Jiaodong sent here!"

After a while, a servant walked into the hall holding a large box.Ran Ming opened the box, Ran Min's eyes widened, and his heart became excited.

Ran Ming picked up the prosthetic hand that fixed the bow and arrow, and then gently rotated the ordinary prosthetic hand on Ran Min's arm. After a dozen circles, the prosthetic hand was taken off, and Ran Ming connected the prosthetic hand with the bow.

Ran Min excitedly said: "Can I still shoot arrows?"

Ran Ming said: "It should be possible!"

In fact, when shooting an arrow, the left or right hand must be straightened, and then the right or left hand pulls the bowstring to form a full moon, aim at the target, and then release it.Ran Min's artificial hand can completely use his own strength to straighten the artificial hand, and then move it up, down, left, and right.

There is no need for Ran Ming to teach this thing. When Ran Ming connected the artificial hand, Ran Min couldn't wait to walk out of the bedroom and let the eunuch set up the target in the imperial garden.

"Hoo!" Ran Min shot out with an arrow.Of course, this fake hand is not a real hand after all, and Ran Min pendulum's target is only a hundred paces away.Although the arrow missed the target, Ran Min's interest did not diminish at all.

Ran Min shook his head and said regretfully, "Ming'er, although the idea is good, it's a pity that the bow is too soft and not strong enough!"

Ran Ming clicked his tongue secretly. This is a three-stone bow, which requires a pulling force of 360 jin.Veteran Huang Zhong only used this kind of three-stone bow, and even Changsun Sheng, who killed two birds with one arrow in the Sui Dynasty, was only used to using two-stone bows.

"Father, if you are used to a few stone bows, you can find someone to exchange for them!" Ran Ming said.

Although this bow is also an ordinary bow, it is equipped with bolts that can be connected with prosthetics. Although it is not difficult, it must be specially made.

"Three stones are too soft, not enough for fun!" Ran Min said excitedly, "Six stones are barely enough!"

Ran Ming was dumbfounded. He knew what a six-stone bow and arrow was. It required a pulling force of 720 jin. Looking at countless military generals throughout history, there were only a handful of people who could pull a six-stone bow, and there were only Lu Bu, Li Cunxiao, and Yang Kan. .Like Xue Rengui, one of the fierce generals in the cold weapon era in history, the white-robed arrow Xue Rengui is famous all over the world with a three-stone strong bow.

In fact, the bow and arrow are not as hard as possible. It requires basic personal strength. Being able to pull a hard bow is not necessarily extremely powerful. During the Sui Dynasty, Yu Juluo, a general in the Sui Dynasty, could also open a six-stone bow, but Changsun Sheng wanted to kill Yu Juluo. There is no chance.

Ran Ming also sighed secretly at this time, how much history has covered up the truth, there is no record in the history books that Ran Min was good at shooting, the only record is that he was fierce enough, but he didn't say how fierce.Moreover, historical records derogate Ran Min more than they are pertinent.

Ran Ming said: "My son, go and exchange it now!"

"I'm not busy with this matter. You haven't seen your mother for a long time, take this opportunity to spend more time with her!" Ran Min said: "You Yi, go and get my lacquer bow, let someone take it Take this thing off and put it on the bow!"

Ran Min is also very good at drawing inferences. He saw that the only difference between the bows and arrows made by Ran Ming was the bolt, and everything else was the same as ordinary bows.Since there is no electric welding, the only thing that fixes the bolts is silk thread, which can be done by ordinary craftsmen.

The loss of his left arm made Ran Min lose all confidence for a while.And now the fake hand didn't make him much happier.However, the appearance of this bow and arrow undoubtedly greatly increased Ran Min's confidence.

While the craftsman was changing the bow and arrow, Ran Min also asked You Yi to put on a battle armor for him. The appearance of the six-stone bow made Ran Min feel like a fire was burning in his heart. He couldn't wait to announce to the Wei soldiers that the original Ran Min is back again.

Seeing Ran Min happy, a happy smile appeared on Empress Dong's face.

Ran Ming remembered that he hadn't bowed to Empress Dong until now when he entered the palace. Ran Ming suddenly knelt down to Empress Dong and said, "I have long wanted to enter the palace to visit my mother, but suddenly I saw so many disabled soldiers in Yecheng. Struggling and struggling, Erchen had no choice but to try to make artificial limbs for them so that they could live in peace of mind. Because of this matter, Erchen went back to Ye for half a month and met his mother for the first time. He was really unfilial and deserved to die!"

Empress Dong waved at Ran Min and said, "Ming'er, come to this palace! I know you have worked hard, from the battle of Liantai to the battle of Qingzhou, from Qingzhou to Luozhou, and then to Tongguan, there has been no rest , finally let go of the errand, but also supervised the construction of the road. It's just that you are the prince, and you have a heavy responsibility, how can you waste your time."

Ran Ming stepped forward slowly.Ran Ming feels guilty for Empress Dong, although she is not her son Ran Ming, but her love for him has never changed.

Ran Ming said: "I heard that my mother's blood is a little weak, so I specially brought golden bird's nest from the Indochina Peninsula to nourish my mother's body. Although there are bird's nests in the palace, my son still brought them here. I feel more peaceful in my heart. I am really ashamed."

Empress Dong held his hand, but she pursed her lips and said with a smile, "It's okay, I haven't never had a hard time in this palace, and it's much better now than before. It's boring to stay in this palace city."

Ran Ming told Empress Dong what he had seen and heard in the Indochina Peninsula, and Empress Dong smiled.

When it was time for dinner, Ran Ming was naturally left to eat in the palace.

However, during the meal, Empress Dong asked about the situation outside more than once, it seemed that she was really bored in the palace city.As the mother of a country, although the queen's status is noble, she has no freedom.When the year comes, you can only stay in the palace. Although there is nothing missing in the palace city, it is just a bigger cage.

Ran Min doesn't like musical performances, and the palace doesn't have any musicians.Sometimes it is necessary to show off, and it is also necessary to find outsiders to make up the numbers.Besides, Empress Dong doesn't like that kind of Yiyi's babbling singing.

Normally, Empress Dong has nothing to do in the palace, Empress Dong can't show her talents, and she can't help Ran Min in political affairs.

Ran Ming understood Empress Dong's suffering, and thought about telling a story to Empress Dong to relieve her boredom. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin" and "Journey to the West" are familiar, but unfortunately they are not suitable for women to read. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is suitable for women to read, but unfortunately Ran Ming has never read it himself. What he dislikes most is romance novels.

The only exception is "Returning the Pearl". Ran Ming sponsored the filming of "Returning the Pearl", so he had read the script and watched the TV series.The plot inside can be remembered roughly.

Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "Queen Mother, let me tell you a story!"

Empress Dong nodded and said, "Alright! Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so let's relieve boredom!"

Ran Ming began to contemplate that Gege is a unique title of the Manchus. In fact, all aristocratic women can be called Gege, not the emperor's daughter.Huanzhugege was changed to Princess Huanzhu by Ran Ming!

"The name of this story is "Princess Returning the Pearl". Of course, the story is a story and it is fabricated. The queen mother doesn't have to think about it, just listen to it as a story!" Ran Ming was also afraid that Empress Dong would ask him, who is Qianlong? The emperor of which country.A lie needs countless lies to justify, and I am afraid that Ran Ming will not be able to justify himself in the end.This can be regarded as a vaccination for Empress Dong.

Empress Dong said: "I understand."

Ran Mingdao: "During the previous dynasty, there was an emperor named Qianlong. Of course, the queen mother can also think that this emperor is a cat or a dog. When Qianlong was young, he went to the south of the Yangtze River and had a dewy marriage with a woman Xia Yuhe. Later, this Xia Yuhe gave birth A daughter named Xia Ziwei. Qianlong did not know that the woman named Xia Yuhe gave birth to a daughter for him that year. Many years later, Yuhe died of illness. Ziwei took her maid Jinsuo and the token left by Qianlong to the capital to find her father. .”

Ran Ming was smearing all over the place, and unknowingly, the maids and eunuchs around him gathered around and listened to Ran Ming's story with great interest.However, Ran Ming didn't see that Empress Dong's face was covered with clouds, and she became more and more resentful. Suddenly, Ran Ming felt something strange in the atmosphere.

Empress Dong's face was full of dark clouds, like an angry little daughter-in-law, her eyes revealed emotions such as resentment, melancholy, and misery, and the places where her eyes passed made people unconsciously feel pity.

Although Ran Ming was young, he had a lot of experience in his previous life, and he was able to read words and expressions. Seeing Empress Dong's expression, Ran Ming became uneasy.

Subconsciously, Ran Ming quickly closed his mouth, and at this time the palace maids and eunuchs who were listening to the story also disappeared all of a sudden.

Ran Ming said: "Queen mother, did my son make a mistake?"

Empress Dong said: "Ming'er, is your mother such a vicious and jealous woman in your eyes?"

"What is this about?" Ran Ming was confused, he reacted quickly, and quickly explained: "The story of the queen mother was fabricated by my son."

"You're still cheating on your mother!" Empress Dong said coldly, "You were born to me, how can I not know what you think in your heart?"

"Ah!" Ran Ming's plagiarism has always been unfavorable, how could he have been spotted by Empress Dong all of a sudden.Ran Ming was resentful, and was about to confess his crime of plagiarism to Queen Dong.

Suddenly, I heard Empress Dong ask: "Tell the empress, who asked you to tell me these words, so you have seen her?"

"Ah!" Ran Ming finally realized that Empress Dong didn't question his character, nor did she find him shamelessly plagiarized, but this story of returning the princess accidentally collided with the reality.

"Who is it?" Ran Ming asked in confusion.

"You still don't say it!" Empress Dong said angrily, "How long are you going to lie to Queen Mother?"

"I really don't know!" Ran Ming called Tian Qu, "How dare I lie to my mother!"

"I'll tell you about this!"

(End of this chapter)

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