Chapter 585
Chapter 589

"I'll tell you about this!" Suddenly, Ran Min entered the palace fully dressed.Ran Min was like a great general going to the battlefield, with a determined face, as if he was going to die generously.Ran Ming digs his memory carefully, he feels that he has never seen such a solemn expression on Ran Min's face.

Memories are like floods that burst a bank, wantonly crashing into Ran Min's heart.There are regrets, obsessions, sweetness, troubles, and deep self-blame.At that moment, Ran Ming read a lot of meaning from Ran Min's eyes.

"What are you talking about? It's all in the past." Empress Dong said angrily, "This is not a story about His Majesty going to battle with troops to kill the enemy majestically. It's not a glorious story to tell!"

"I want to say it!" Ran Min's eyes were red, and he shouted like an angry child: "I just want to say it, I want to say it!"

Ran Min's furious roar made the maids and eunuchs around the palace who were about to listen to the wall run away like rabbits.Empress Dong couldn't hold back Ran Min, so she had to say: "Your Majesty wants to say it, then say it!"

Ran Mingming was very curious about Ran Min's gossip, but he knew that the more he knew, the worse his death would be.A smart person is able to distinguish clearly what should be known and what should not be known.Taking advantage of Ran Min's silence, Ran Ming interjected: "Father, Empress, I think that there are still some important things to be done in the mansion, please forgive my rudeness, and allow me to leave first!"

Ran Min roared like a crazy tiger: "Shut up!"

Ran Ming had a wry smile on his face, he wanted to slap himself a few times at this moment, why he was so cheap, what story was hard to tell, but he was talking about returning pearls, and it was okay to talk about returning pearls, but he actually collided with Ran Min's experience.If Ran Ming was given another chance, he would rather offend Empress Dong than tell this story to Empress Dong.Even if you tell some vulgar jokes about Zhao Benshan, it's better than looking for trouble for nothing.

Let his son listen to Lao Tzu's gossip, I am afraid that only Ran Min can do it in this world.Ran Min refused to allow Ran Ming to resign, so Ran Ming bit the bullet and listened to Ran Min tell his story.

Ran Min slowly sat on the low step, and slowly replaced the six-stone hard bow of the prosthetic hand, and then slowly put on the prosthetic hand with beef tendon, and then he said: "Jianwu three years (Eastern Jin Xiankang five years) , [-] A.D.), Tuoba Shiyiqian took the throne as the acting king, and established his capital at Shengle. The Xianbei tribe of Tuoba gradually became stronger. Because Shihu was not in the right position, there were too many people in the world who did not accept Shihu. At that time, Zhao The country is also suffering from internal and external troubles. The Xianbei Murong and Tuoba tribes often invaded the border. As a guerrilla general, I participated in Zhao Guo's counterattack against Xianbei's Murong tribe. In the Changli battle, Zhao's army was completely defeated. Murong Department's attack, so the Department has been preserved.

When Tuoba Shiyijian saw that the Zhao army had suffered heavy losses, he also fell into trouble, and led [-] troops to attack Xihe County (now the approximate area of ​​Jinzhong City, Shanxi). Counterattack Tuoba Shiyijian tribe.I fought three times with Tuoba Shiyiqian, first two victories and then one defeat.Although it was only a defeat, our troops suffered heavy losses and were unable to attack again.Because of Tuoba Shiyijian's domineering and domineering, he forced the Langdong tribe of the Gaoche clan attached to Dai to rebel.I received the support of more than [-] Hu tribes from the Langdong tribe of the Gaoche tribe, and then launched a night attack, defeated the Dai army, and won a big victory.

Although this battle was won, I was severely injured, and I suffered from Qi disease (should be a disease such as acclimatization to the soil and water), and was bedridden.The soldiers were helpless, they could only search the surrounding area, looking for a famous doctor.Later, the sergeant found a famous doctor and healed me of my gas disease.

The Langdong tribe of the Gaoche tribe who surrendered to Ran Min at that time was a different kind of Gaoche tribe.Most of the Gaoche people believe in Shamanism, but only this Langdong tribe believes in Manichaeism.Because of the different beliefs, the Langdong tribe is incompatible with other Gaoche tribes, and even hates them like enemies.Due to the limited influence of Manichaeism in this era, the tribe with the only belief is also facing life and death.At that time, the Huoyun Saintess of the Manichaeism in the Langdong tribe felt that Ran Min, as the adopted grandson of Emperor Zhao, would definitely be able to talk to the emperor.For the development of Manichaeism, the Holy Maiden of Huoyun personally took care of Ran Min who was ill.

Ran Min is handsome. As the adopted grandson of the emperor, he became the leading general at the age of 14. He is young and rich, and has a fatal attraction for young girls.In this way, the love between the Holy Maiden of Huoyun and Ran Min arose secretly.

Later, Zhao Jun defeated the Jin Dynasty and returned to the court after victory.The Langdong Department was also formally merged into the State of Zhao.Ran Min has more and more contacts with the Holy Maiden of Huoyun. Once, after drinking, Ran Min and the Holy Maiden of Huoyun became husband and wife under half-push and half-compliance.One thing remains unchanged from the beginning to the end of Manichaeism, that is, the holy woman must be a holy virgin, and a virgin for life.Can't get married, can't get married.It is even more impossible to betray and leave the religion, otherwise he will be burned at the stake.But this Huoyun Saintess had a relationship with Ran Min, and later became pregnant.

Manichaeism has its unique features. With the surrender of the Langdong tribe, Manichaeism has gained ground for development in Zhao State just as the Huoyun saintess thought.As more and more people join Manichaeism, the Buddhists in Zhao State feel the crisis.Because Fotucheng was trusted by Shihu, he said in front of Shihu that the Langdong tribe had the intention of treason.Shihu ordered Ma Qiu to slaughter the Langdong tribe.

When Ran Min knew the news, it was too late.Ma Qiu killed almost the entire Langdong tribe, only a few escaped.Ran Min couldn't find Huoyun Saintess no matter what.

Afterwards, Ran Min searched in many ways, and finally got the news of the Huoyun Saintess.The Huoyun Saintess has a very high status in Manichaeism, even higher than the tribal leader, and has countless and loyal servants.They protected the Holy Maiden of Huoyun and entered the Mobei Grassland to live.But at this time, Saintess Huoyun's belly gradually grew bigger, and she couldn't hide it from anyone anymore.The elder protectors in the Manichaeism felt that the Manichaeism, which was betrayed by the Huoyun Saintess, insisted on burning the Huoyun Saintess at the stake.

During the execution of the fire, the saint of Huoyun was rescued by a group of unknown people, and she has been lost since then.

Since then, the Fire Cloud Saintess has disappeared from the grasslands, leaving behind only some absurd legends. Some people say that the Fire Cloud Saintess was bestowed by heaven to be the next generation of the Fire Cloud Saintess.She flew up to the sky on a colorful cloud to serve the god of fire.It is also said that the Fire Cloud Saintess lived in the grassland with more than 100 loyal servants, and gradually developed into a tribe, which is called the Fire Cloud Department.Anyway, now that the matter has come to this point, there is nothing Ran Min can do to regret it.

Empress Dong was vaguely aware of these things. When Ran Ming just talked about returning Zhugege, he thought that the daughter of the Huoyun Saintess came to Yecheng and found Ran Ming, wanting to recognize her ancestors and return to her clan.Even though the daughter of Saint Huoyun is a concubine, she is older than Ran Zhi, so she can be regarded as Ran Min's eldest daughter.

If Huo Yunsheng's girl was the eldest son, Empress Dong would still have a sense of crisis, but a daughter could never threaten her status.

Ran Ming was speechless. The stories of Ran Min and Qianlong were different. After all, Xia Yuhe suffered far less than Huoyun Saintess.

However, it seems that men are all the same.His first love is also unforgettable to death. So many years have passed, and his sons have grown up. It seems that Ran Min has not forgotten the saint of Huoyun.

Ran Ming sighed inwardly, what kind of sacred is this Huoyun Saintess, who can occupy Ran Min's heart?Could it be that she is peerless and possesses a peerless demeanor?
Ran Ming suddenly heard that Ran Min had a relationship with a Manichaeism saint.This girl was so hot that it made people speechless, Ran Ming secretly gave Ran Min a thumbs up, Ran Min conquered cities and land, he was unparalleled in the world, even the way he won a woman's heart was amazing.

After Ran Min told this story, it was as if he had collapsed, feeling relieved and happy.However, this kind of emotion only stayed on Ran Min's face for a moment, and suddenly Ran Min became confused, and the loss in his brows was so obvious, as if he was preoccupied.

Ran Ming was very confused. How could Ran Min, who is brave and good at fighting, show such an infatuated side?
Suddenly, Ran Min rushed to Ran Ming and said, "Lan Ling is looking for you?"

Ran Ming was even more confused: "Who is Lan Ling?"

"You don't know Lan Ling?"

Ran Ming shook his head blankly and said, "I don't know!"

"So, what about Qianyun?"

Ran Ming also shook his head.

Empress Dong said: "Lan Ling is the saint of Huoyun, and Qianyun may be the eldest princess!"

Ran Min suddenly stared at her eyes, which were filled with scorching flames. "Ming'er, do you know why your father turned against Shihu?"

Ran Ming didn't speak, the conclusion given to Ran Min in history was treachery, the reason was that Shi Hu raised Ran Min, but Ran Min killed Shi Hu's descendants.

Ran Min said: "Although Shihu was kind to me in nurturing me, Emperor Gao (posthumous title of Wei Liedi Ran Zhan) attacked cities and plundered land for Zhao State during his lifetime. He took the lead in several battles, captured more than fifty cities, and defeated countless enemies But how did Shi Hu treat Emperor Gao? It’s just that Emperor Gao’s martial arts are better than Shi Hu’s, and his military skills are greater than Shi Hu’s, so Shi Hu fears him a lot. Therefore, Shi Hu resorted to the strategy of borrowing a knife to kill someone. Strictly ordered Emperor Gao to lead the weak army to fight. Emperor Gao used the weak to overcome the strong and defeated the enemy ten times more. However, Shi Hu saw that the plan of killing people with a knife failed, so he ordered more than [-] Zhao troops on the left and right wings to retreat quietly, deliberately not notifying Emperor Gao, Let Emperor Gao's troops fall into a tight siege, and in the end they were outnumbered and killed."

Ran Min spoke very resolutely, and said every word fiercely, but his heart was very painful. It turned out that Shi Hu and Ran Min not only had the hatred of killing their father, but also the hatred of humiliating their mother.Before Ran Zhan's body was cold, Shi Hu wanted to occupy the Wang family, but the Wang family refused and committed suicide.Back then, Ran Min witnessed the destruction of his family, and he was only six years old.No wonder he hates barbarians so much, it's not hard to tell that he has a little selfishness...

Shi Hu was cruel by nature, tyrannical and easy to kill. When he was not on the throne of God, he not only killed his two wives successively by cruel means; Take the opportunity to kill the opponent to relieve the anxiety; in the battle, the captured prisoners were killed regardless of whether they were good or bad, regardless of gender, and few prisoners survived.After proclaiming himself emperor, his nature did not change, he was desperate for extravagance, he wasted money, he built palaces, and the labor burden of the people exceeded that of any generation.

Ran Zhan is brave and resourceful, so he will naturally be tolerated by Shi Hu. Shi Hu's character is relieved, and it is not surprising to kill people with a knife.

Ran Min said bitterly: "That bald donkey in Fotucheng is not a good thing. In order to arouse Shihu's hatred of Manichaeism, he not only framed the Langdong tribe for rebellion, but also said that Lan Ling was unparalleled. Don't implicate me, so I ran away in a hurry."

Originally, there were so many secrets.

Ran Ming thought about it, if it was him, it would not be surprising to kill all the descendants of Shihu under the hatred of the country and family.

Knowing that Ran Min never met Lan Ling, nor did he see Qian Yun, the so-called Princess Huanzhu, and the girl Qianli Xunfu were just a coincidence, and Ran Min was suddenly very disappointed.

Suddenly, Ran Ming thought of a way to leave the chaotic whirlpool of the court.Ran Ming doesn't want to compete with Ran Zhi, it's not that he doesn't want to be emperor, but Ran Ming is very smart, and with Ran Min's physical condition, he has at least ten or twenty years to live, even if he can defeat Ran Zhi, even if he can Being a prince may not necessarily make him an emperor smoothly.

Just like Li Tai and Li Chengqian, the sons of Li Er in the Tang Dynasty, had a great fight, but in the end, Li Zhi, a little boy, was taken advantage of.The situation in Wei State and Tang Dynasty is similar now. As Ran Yu grows up, does he have no hope of seizing his son as a son?
Now, Ran Min might not easily delegate power.He hasn't been an emperor yet, and Ran Min will not like it if the prince is mediocre, but he is too capable and prestige, and Ran Min will feel threatened.

If Ran Zhi's power is increasing day by day, making Ran Min feel threatened, even if he doesn't fight, Ran Min will support him in order to balance the power of the prince.Since fighting or not fighting is a result.Naturally, Ran Ming didn't want to fight for the crown prince.

Maybe you can take this opportunity to leave the center and stay away from the place of right and wrong.

Ran Ming said: "Father, my son is willing to take a trip to Mobei!"

"You!" Ran Min looked at Ran Ming coldly, without saying a word for a while.

Ran Min frowned tightly, his face seemed to be filled with pain.The Princess Huanzhu that Ran Ming talked about, the orphan who was looking for her father thousands of miles away, was like a pair of invisible hands tearing apart Ran Min's dusty memory.From what Ran Min felt in his heart, he hoped that Ran Ming would go to the Mobei Grassland to find his daughter who had not masked his face.

Looking for a daughter who doesn't know her appearance, height, fat or thinness, but only vaguely knows her age from the vast grassland, is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.Although this difficulty is not as high as ascending to the sky, in fact it is even more difficult than ascending to the sky.Thinking of this, full of anticipation, turned into resentment.

Ran Min's aggressive gaze suddenly became distracted.

"This is the troubled autumn of Great Wei, the state affairs are important!" Ran Min withdrew his slack gaze, and looked at Ran Ming lightly, "I know that no matter what I ask you to do, you will never let me down. What do you do? things, I will never let me down. However, I can't forget the public for selfishness."

"It has been six years since I ascended the throne. During these six years, I have seen too many joys and sorrows, and the separation of wives and children." Ran Min continued: "I not only want to restore the dignity of millions of people in Wei, I want the common people to eat well, eat well, dress warmly, and dress well. Minger has done a very good job in terms of people's livelihood and internal governance. Qingzhou is rich, but the people in Jiluo and Yu are still poor. They need Minger more, to lead them to live a prosperous life!"

Ran Ming thought that Ran Min had always been a ruthless general who liked to fight and kill. It was only now that Ran Ming felt that Ran Min was an emperor who cared about the world.At this moment, Ran Min's image in Ran Ming's heart became taller, this is the emperor who is aloof and looks down on all living beings.

Ran Min said: "If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. This sentence is very correct. In the past, the consumption of material transfer was very heavy. Only with good roads can we reduce unnecessary consumption and quickly transport the needed materials to where they are needed. For example, the allocation of military rations and supplies, food relief, and now the road to Yedu has basically been repaired, but this is not enough. I want to build roads from Yedu to Luoyang, to Chang'an, and to the prefectures and counties of the Great Wei Dynasty. "

Ran Mingdao: "The technology for building highways is now mature. The craftsmen of the Wei Dynasty have already learned how to make cement and build highways. Even if they don't need ministers, other ministers can also be competent for this job."

Ran Min raised his head, looked at the already dark sky, and said, "It's already three quarters of the day (21:45)!"

Ran Ming said: "I've been bothering my father and queen today, and it's getting late, so I'll take my leave first!"

When Empress Dong heard this, she also realized that it was too late.The harem is a forbidden place for any man except the emperor, even Ran Ming, who is his son, cannot violate this principle.

Ran Min shouted coldly: "Did I let you go?"

"What does the emperor mean?" Ran Ming became anxious.

Ran Min said: "Now the Great Wei needs to recuperate and develop the economy, but this is not my specialty."

Ran Ming was very embarrassed when he heard the words. Others didn't know, but he knew his own affairs.Regardless of his reputation, in fact, there are too few things in his stomach. If you take out a little, there will be less. Ran Ming has to keep a little back.So he said: "There are hundreds of civil and military officials in the imperial court. There are ministers in the three provinces and six ministries, each of which performs its duties. These are the pillars of the country. The emperor can ask about this matter, so why call the ministers to answer!"

"Ministers have the thoughts of ministers, and their hearts are not pure. They are not just for this country, but for themselves and their families!" Ran Min sighed: "In the final analysis, this world is only for the sake of the country. Only you and my father and son can give without reservation!"

The sweat in Ran Ming's heart cannot be expressed in words.How could he be selfless, although he didn't express anything on the surface, but in his heart he was staring at Ran Min's seat.Ran Ming didn't know how to say: "My son is ashamed!"

Ran Min said: "I believe in you, it's late today, go back first, I'll make a report tomorrow!"

"Yes!" Ran Ming felt even more uneasy.He tried to ask, "Royal Father, what about the minister's trip to Mobei..."

Ran Min said: "I have already made up my mind about this matter, so there is no need to worry!"

When Ran Ming left the palace, there was no one on the street.The wheels are rolling on the silent street, and the sound is particularly harsh.Ran Ming suddenly felt an inexplicable hotness in his heart, he stuck his head out of the carriage, and the cold wind hit his face, which made him feel better.

Suddenly, Ran Ming felt a chill on his face, and he fixed his eyes, and at some point in the sky, heavy snow began to fall again.In just a moment, a layer of snowflakes appeared on the street.

Ran Ming's head is in a mess. After all, he is just a big boss in later generations. To revitalize a society or a company, Ran Ming has experience and methods.But as big as a country, Ran Ming felt helpless.

In this era, there are many things you can do, but you must never bring them to the court.For example, the Huaxia Business Alliance and various strategies for promoting business, if Ran Ming thinks of formulating it as a national policy, he will definitely be boycotted by all the ministers in the world.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants have a lower status than farmers.It’s not that the past dynasties couldn’t see the benefits of promoting business, it’s just that their thoughts were imprisoned, and their hands and feet were bound. The policies of the entire Song Dynasty were inclined to promote business. Unfortunately, any literal decree did not promote business. typeface.

Because of the distinct class, officials, that is, bureaucrats, are high above them, and they look down on businessmen, and they don't think much of farmers.The imperial court attached great importance to agriculture, but before officials became officials, they only studied the scriptures hard, recruited friends, and talked loudly. Almost every official from the gentry family spoke clearly, but did not know what to do.What's more, what Chinese officials learn is only tactics, and what they study is officialdom. They are very powerful, and few officials put their minds on agriculture.Even if there are officials who really attach importance to agriculture, they only persuade them to do farming and mulberry, and they still don't understand agriculture.

It is a taboo in the industry for laymen to guide experts, but in this era, it is the most common phenomenon.

Relying on officials, not to mention promoting business, just wants to transform existing practices into policies and regulations, and there is still a long way to go.Ran Ming didn't have a particularly good solution, but it was imperative to develop business and enrich the country.Ran Ming had no choice but to use the strategy of promoting agriculture to implement the reality of promoting business and enriching the country.

As for the golden finger, what makes muskets, cannons, and trains, Wei Guo will unify the world.This is just pure obscenity. It is not difficult to make gunpowder, it is not difficult to change the steelmaking technology, and it is not too difficult to manufacture cement. It is too difficult to change.

Without a complete industrial foundation, Ran Ming knows how difficult it is. For example, to make a gun, a simple barrel can't be made with a lot of manpower and material resources in Ran Ming's hands. Those skilled craftsmen can do it. It is handcrafted, but unfortunately, the quality not only cannot meet the demand, but also the cost is too high.

How many countries in the world can afford a gun barrel that costs almost the same as gold?The current fiscal revenue of the Wei State is equivalent to one-third of that during the Tang Zhenguan period and one-twentieth of that during the Northern Song Dynasty. In addition to supporting more than [-] troops, there are also a large number of officials, and the treasury is barely balanced.If Ran Ming hadn't paid for it privately, that expressway could only remain on paper forever.

Ran Ming sighed and said, "Time doesn't wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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