Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 586 I Can't Be So Unbearable To Defile Myself

Chapter 586 I'm So Unbearable To Defile Myself (Part [-])
Chapter 591

When Liu Wei heard about making money, little stars seemed to appear in his eyes.

After eating, Ran Ming asked someone to find some cartilage and added beef tendon. Anyway, he bought a lot of beef tendon lately to make glue.The State of Wei could not kill cattle, and the number of cattle that died of illness, fell, and were disabled was very limited. Counting on the cattle that died in accidents in the State of Wei could not meet the consumption at all.So Ran Ming has asked people to buy beef tendon outside the Great Wall.

Ran Ming is actually not an invention, it's just a small invention, making toffee.This is to use bone marrow and beef tendon to boil gelatin. After the gelatin is refined, sugar and milk are added and stirred vigorously. After cooling, it can be made into blocks, and then packaged for sale.

This toffee technology is not difficult, and can be sold in large quantities.

While Ran Ming was looking at the gelatin that was gradually becoming viscous, suddenly there seemed to be a commotion at the gate of the mansion.Before Ran Ming could find anyone to ask what happened, Du Cong signed in sign language: "My lord, something happened, go and have a look!"

Ran Ming followed Du Cong to the gate of the mansion. Hundreds of people surrounded the gate. These were all disabled soldiers.

Ran Ming said: "What's going on!"

At this time, a guard surnamed Zhao said: "Your Highness, these veterans came here spontaneously after learning that His Highness provided them with prosthetic limbs for free. They are unwilling to accept His Highness's favor in vain, and are willing to be His Highness's retainers!"

"Retainer?" Ran Ming was confused.It's been a long time since we came to this era. In fact, Ran Ming didn't know much about the retainer system. Du Cong, Jing Zhan and others were the first batch to worship under Ran Ming's family and became Ran Ming's retainers.Retainers are different from disciples.The strength that Qiangzong relied on was mainly scholars.This kind of scholar who works in the family of the doctor Qing is also called a retainer, and the retainer is loyal to the family.

In the feudal era, this system of retainers has always existed, especially in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.A county magistrate or prefect has his own retainers, who are called the lord or master by the retainers.

Du Cong repeatedly signaled Ran Ming to agree.

Ran Ming was afraid of causing Ran Min's jealousy, so he hesitated.

Du Cong hurriedly said in sign language: "These are disabled soldiers. They live in a difficult situation. If His Highness doesn't accept them, even if they have prosthetic limbs, it will be quite difficult for them to survive. Taking them in is a good deed, don't look at them They are all disabled people, so that it will not arouse His Majesty's dislike. Although they are all disabled people, they are not useful, in fact, accepting them is equivalent to taking in their families. They all have sons, and sons have Grandson, from generation to generation, will be loyal to Ran Ming, this is not a small force!"

Seeing Ran Ming's hesitation, these disabled soldiers became anxious. One year old one-armed veteran said: "Your Highness, I can't repay you for your kindness. Please accept me as your servant. If there is a repetition, the sky will thunder and thunder, and the descendants will die!"

Ancient people generally did not swear, and they would keep their oaths, unlike modern people who swear like farting.

Ran Ming consciously chose to believe that he didn't necessarily want these people to be dead soldiers, but because they had made contributions and shed blood for the Great Wei, he should give them a fortune.

In Ran Ming's plan, his three-dimensional ecological breeding will be implemented immediately after the beginning of spring.It happened that manpower was needed, and those barren hills, ponds, and useless swamps could accommodate them.

Ran Ming said: "Are you really willing to be lonely retainers?"

The one-armed old soldier said: "Zhao Dafu is willing to die!"

Ran Ming brought these disabled soldiers who volunteered to be Ran Ming's retainers into the mansion.Receiving retainers needs to complete a ceremony called hemolysis.In fact, it's like the gangsters of later generations drinking blood wine and begging for help.The master cuts a bloody cut on the wrist, and the retainer also cuts a bloody cut. Then, the blood of the master and the retainer intersects, which is hemolysis.

It took almost a whole day to complete this ceremony.Ran Ming has taken in 370 nine retainers today, plus Jing Zhan, Du Cong and others, Ran Ming has more than 500 retainers.

After accepting these retainers, Ran Ming fell into deep thought again.Although his Ten Strategies for Rejuvenating the Country were nothing new, they still had merits. However, this memo was like a pebble thrown into the sea, and it didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

Ran Ming was not discouraged, he continued to ask the court for leave. Anyway, the Ministry of Industry did not have much to do this winter, and it would be very busy after the beginning of spring. Taking advantage of this free time, Ran Ming seized the time and shared it with his wife and children. Family fun.

After leaving Mrs. Li's bedside, I went to find Wang Zhi, Liu Wei, and Xie Daoyun. Day and night, for a long time, even hard-working people couldn't bear it. Sure enough, Ran Ming's indulgence was severely punished.

In just over ten days, Ran Ming's majesty was gone. He felt light when he walked, and his face was frighteningly pale.

Ran Ming rested his head on Xie Daoyun's lap, Xie Daoyun gently put Ran Ming's body in a comfortable position, she was afraid that Ran Ming would be uncomfortable, Ran Ming was lazy, as if he was too sleepy to open his eyes.

Xie Daoyun looked at the painful expression on Ran Ming's face, and said softly: "The situation is really so serious, my husband, do you have to smear yourself and seek self-protection?"

"The situation is more than grim!" Ran Ming said with a wry smile: "Since ancient times, the emperor's family has no kinship. The lonely prince elder brother can't wait to swallow Gu's life alive. He can't wait for Gu to make mistakes. Gu's military achievements are too great. The emperor felt the danger, and now Gu is helping those disabled soldiers to modify their prosthetic limbs. Buy people's hearts. Don't underestimate the humble beef tendon and fine iron, but it will make thousands of disabled soldiers feel grateful to Dudu. If this is done by the father, there is nothing wrong with it, but if it is done by Gu , but it’s a little ulterior motive.”

Although Xie Daoyun is young, as a talented woman famous in history, her thinking is particularly quick.In just a short while, Xie Daoyun thought of the danger.However, Xie Daoyun saw Ran Ming's weak look and complained: "Then you don't know how to be more restrained, just put on a show!"

Ran Ming laughed secretly, he really didn't understand why people in this era would be so perverted, their bodies hadn't grown up yet, so how could they feel anything.Unlike the mature ones, that figure, that chest, that buttocks are the deadliest temptation for a man.Ran Ming smiled and said, "You can't blame me for that, who told you that your charm is too great, even if you want to bear it, you can't bear it!"

Xie Daoyun sneered when she heard what Ran Ming said.She was all smiles.

After Ran Ming and Xie Daoyun finished washing, it was already [-]:[-] when they left the bedroom.Ran Ming and Xie Daoyun hugged each other and walked out of the bedroom, only to find that there was no maid who was blushing outside the house.The whole yard was quiet, and Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin, who were almost raised by Ran Ming as sons, could not be seen in the yard.

Ran Ming secretly wondered, why have they all changed their sex?

When he came to the restaurant in the front yard, Ran Ming said: "Gu this is considered to save food, I only eat two meals a day."

Xie Daoyun didn't dare to answer, her face was so red that it was about to drip water.

Just when Ran Ming entered the restaurant, Ran Ming knelt down on the ground with a plop.

Xie Daoyun was shocked, thinking that Ran Ming was too weak to stand up, so he hurried to help Ran Ming.However, Xie Daoyun was also terrified when she saw maids and servants kneeling in the dining room, and a statue sitting on the head seat.

Xie Daoyun's face turned pale with fright, she could see clearly that there was still soy milk that had condensed into frost on the table, and fried dough sticks that were as hard as a rock.These things were not taken away in time, apparently when Ran Min arrived, he stopped their actions.

It seems that Ran Min must have been waiting here for a long morning. Xie Daoyun became more and more frightened when he thought of this, and broke out in a cold sweat, "The concubine sees Your Majesty!"

Ran Ming knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "I don't know that the emperor is coming, but the son is far away to meet him, he deserves death!"

Ran Min got up suddenly, came to Ran Ming, kicked Ran Ming somersault, and cursed: "You are damned, you are so worthless!"

Ran Min thought about Ran Ming's performance, it is said that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, he was so angry that he was speechless for a long time.Ran Min's chest rose and fell, and it took him a long time before he roared: "You, you, you!" Ran Min stretched out his finger and pointed at the three women, Liu Mo, Stripes, and Xie Daoyun, and said, "Go to the palace immediately and find the queen to receive the punishment!"

"The king of Jiaodong stays here, and the rest of you should go away!" Ran Min looked at Ran Ming's pale face. As a man, how could he not know what was going on? The more Ran Min thought about it, the more angry he became, and he stretched out his hands Ear said: "You are so fucking worthless!"

Ran Ming shouted: "Father, calm down, Father, please be merciful, my son is hurting..."

"I hurt you...I hurt you..." Ran Min heard Ran Ming begging for mercy, not only did he not show mercy, but it got worse.The ears were twisted 180 degrees, but at this time, Ran Ming was relieved.

The way Ran Min handles the problem is actually very simple, simple and rude.The Ba general Wang Tai refused to accept him, so Ran Min killed him.Da Sima Li Nong conspired against him and tried to restore Shi's rule, but Ran Min killed his whole family in the simplest way.If Ran Min was really disappointed in Ran Ming, he probably wouldn't beat him himself.The more you do it, the more you will be fine.

"I'm so unbearable in your heart, and I still defile myself, I tell you to defile yourself, I tell you to defile yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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