Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 587 Wei Guo’s 5-year Development Outline

Chapter 587 Wei Guo Five-Year Development Outline (Third Change)
Chapter 592 Wei Guo Five-Year Development Outline

Ran Ming finally had a tragedy. He found that the artificial hand he made for Ran Min seemed to be the object of Ran Min's practice of beating people.The fake hand made of beef tendon is not much different from the real hand in terms of texture, and it also has a common feature, which is especially painful when used to hit people.

Ran Min beat Ran Ming until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he stopped when he felt satisfied with the beating.

Ran Ming was full of remorse, with snot and tears streaming down his face.Looking at that appearance, it is very miserable.

"Don't howl!" Although Ran Min was decisive and kind-hearted, he was also a high-ranking emperor. He was not so angry that his courtiers were vain with him, but every time he thought of his son, he also had feelings for himself. The guarded mind made Ran Min feel very angry.Ran Min suddenly threw a memorial from his sleeve, and threw it on Ran Ming's face.

Ran Ming quickly stopped crying, and then wiped the sweat and tears off his face with his sleeve. He picked up the memorial and saw that it was actually the Ten Strategies for Rejuvenating the Country that he adopted.

"I'm very angry, my son is thinking of ways to fool me!" Ran Min pointed to Ran Ming and said, "I asked you to write a book on the strategy of rejuvenating the country, but look at what you have done, the weather is different in different places, and the terrain is different. Same thing, water and soil are different, so adapting measures to local conditions is the best way. The fertile green interplanting and three-dimensional breeding you have produced can’t be promoted at all. As for light corvee and thin tax, it’s even more on paper. As long as the king is not cruel, he wants to Be a sage. However, if the country needs it, how can it be possible not to collect taxes? Without taxes, how to raise soldiers, how to protect the country and the people without soldiers? How to distribute salaries to officials? If officials don’t even have salaries, it’s not forcing them to go to poverty. The common people extorted violently? How can you rule the world with virtue? It’s bullshit. Emperor Huai of Jin Dynasty was virtuous, but he was captured and became the king of subjugation. The Hu people don’t recognize your virtue or immorality. Recognize fists and only talk about knives. Your fists are bigger than theirs, and knives are faster than them. If you beat them, they will obey you. If you don’t practice military equipment, what kind of harmony is there? Convince people with virtue, this If the country is not finished, it is almost a soft egg."

Ran Min was roaring, while Ran Ming was sweating from below.It is said that the ancient people were stupid, pedantic, and easy to fool. These words are simply deceiving ghosts.At least Ran Ming has no way to lie to Ran Min.

Ran Ming's ten strategies for rejuvenating the country are actually very empty.The best way is to promote business and heavy industry, or to put commerce and industry on an equal footing with agriculture.As for light corvee and low tax, in Ran Ming's mind, it's not that there is no taxation, but that it is to reduce the taxation of poor peasants, and turn it to the gentry, the rich landlords, or the merchants.The best way is to come to a personal income tax. The higher the income, the more tax you pay.In this way, the gap between rich and poor can be reduced, and social conflicts can be reduced.

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is too skinny.

In the state of Wei, these conditions are still met now.Taxation will only push these wealthy households and noble families to the Jin Dynasty.Without the support of their people, not only would Ran Min's throne be unstable, but Wei Guo might also be strangled by landlords' armed forces, just like the Dashun regime.

Tax transformation requires a specific and stable environment, first of all, the absolute unity of the regime, and it also needs to be escorted by a strong armed force.Unless Ran Min wiped out the Jin Dynasty and the Northern Han Dynasty, and then wiped out all the local vassals and towns, then the method of boiling frogs in warm water can be changed slowly.

Otherwise, if you are eager for success, you will definitely be forced to turn against the government and the people will rebel, and the flames will spread everywhere.

Ran Ming timidly said: "Actually, these ten strategies for rejuvenating the country still have merits, such as advocating frugality, prohibiting waste, and preventing malfeasance and corruption."

Ran Min nodded, "That's a good suggestion, but have you ever thought about the sluggish trend of luxury and waste in our country of Wei now?

Although the court officials of the Great Wei Dynasty were not saints, they were already very clear. Compared with other dynasties, even the Jin Dynasty and the Northern Han Dynasty were already considered clear and clear, so what should they do?Are they forced to eat bran swallowed vegetables? "

Having been in this era for a long time, Ran Ming also understands that the so-called politics is just a game to deceive the common people. To succeed, one has to be thick and black, and the other is to be shameless.Never take the words of politicians seriously.Ran Min also completed the transformation from an iron-blooded general to a mature politician.Ran Ming said: "Father, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Why do you say that? If a person does not have his own goals, he will lose the motivation to fight. The humble official wants to work hard to make political achievements, and can change his identity to become a soldier. A real official, while a small official wants to make political achievements and become a bigger official. The county magistrate wants to be the prefect, the prefect wants to be the governor, and the governor also wants to enter the central government. People are alive and always have motivation. The same is true for the country.” Ran Ming continued: "My son has an immature idea!"

Ran Min said: "Say!"

Ran Ming said: "Our Great Wei needs to formulate a long-term goal and a big plan. This time should not be too short or too long. It should be based on five years. Make a five-year plan. In these five years, our Great Wei will meet Do some things, what to bring to the people, what to do to the country. Then what will the country do in the second five years. This is called the five-year plan. In addition, what tasks will be completed in that year. This is called one year Small plans. Government affairs will not be burdensome, and the country will have a development direction."

This idea is not too clever. In later generations, even a middle school student would know about it.But most countries have it. Regardless of whether they fool the people or not, having a clear direction does have some benefits for the country.

Ran Mingdao: "My son thinks that our first five-year plan for the Wei Dynasty has to set a tune. That is, in the next five years, what we must complete is the great cause of unification. Eliminate Jin and Beihan, and complete the country. Only in this general direction can we better accomplish the great cause of reunification. In this way, the officials of all ministries, prefects and prefects of all states and counties also know what they need to do."

Ran Ming said again: "A person's ability is always limited, so how to formulate and implement this five-year plan requires brainstorming among Beijing officials of rank five or above, as well as local officials of various states and counties."

Ran Min was very shocked by Ran Ming's proposal.He thinks a lot, such as how much wasteland will be reclaimed in five years, the household registration statistics of various places should be counted, and the living standards of the people should be improved.Of course, it is more necessary to recruit talents and expand the talent team.

Things that had no clue at first became much clearer after Ran Ming enlightened him.

Ran Min looked at Ran Ming, and suddenly found that the second son was more suitable to inherit the throne than Prince Ran Zhi.In comparison, Ran Zhi and Ran Ming are much weaker in all aspects.

Ran Min thought for a while about Ran Zhi, who had worked so hard and trained so hard, and his head was once again confused.

"Ran Ming is the best candidate to inherit the throne!" At that moment, Ran Min even gave birth to a deposed prince, changing Ran Ming's mind.But then think about it, whether it is the crown prince or Ran Ming, they are all his direct sons, the palm of the hand is flesh, and the back of the hand is also flesh.It was difficult for Ran Min to decide on this choice.

In fact, Ran Zhi is not bad, even if Ran Min hands over the power to Ran Zhi, Ran Zhi can still use a few years to unify the world and make the people of Wei rich and strong.And Ran Ming was just a big boss in his previous life, and he was quite proficient in economics, politics was not his strong point in the first place.

However, Ran Ming lives in an era of information explosion, as long as his qualifications are not too bad, he can hear and see.The horizon is much wider than in ancient times.Ran Zhi has always been very jealous of Ran Ming's military talent. In fact, from Ran Min's point of view, the emperor does not have to be proficient in military affairs, as long as he can govern the country well.

Ran Ming didn't know at all that in Ran Min's heart, he had already turned around from the position of prince.However, it doesn't matter, once Ran Min's idea is born, it is like a seed, it will quickly take root and germinate.

Ran Min was very satisfied with Ran Ming's five-year plan.I heard Ran Ming continue: "The Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty once commented on himself that he is not as good as Zhang Liang when it comes to strategizing and winning thousands of miles. He is not as good as Xiao He when it comes to comforting the people and supplying food and grass. He is not as good as Han Xin when it comes to commanding millions of troops and fighting decisively on the battlefield. But But he was able to make the best use of his talents and give full play to his talents. This is the fundamental reason why Liu Bang achieved hegemony."

Ran Min said: "Ming'er means that I also want to recruit talents?"

"That's right!" Ran Ming said, "Although the gentry family has talents, their abilities are also very good. However, for the talents cultivated by the family, they first consider the family, and then the country. Inexhaustible and inexhaustible talents can also balance the danger of the court regime being controlled by the clan."

Ran Min said: "After I return to the palace, I will issue a decree to open up the world. Talented people in the world, but those who have a skill, please take the initiative to recommend yourself, or the prefects of various states, the princes of various counties, and recommend them to the imperial court. I will personally welcome them. !"

Ran Ming said: "There is another problem that is urgent and needs to be resolved!"

Ran Min said, "What's the problem?"

"National issue!" Ran Ming said again: "Father, in the past, called on the Han people in the world to resist the tyranny of the Hu people with the order to kill the Hu people. Qin State, Murong family Yan State. Now in our Wei State, there are not only Han people, but also Jie people, Xianbei people, Tiefu people, Dingling people, Donghu people, Yi people, Goguryeo people, Fuyu people, etc. It is said that The sea is tolerant to all rivers, and tolerance is great. If we divide the Hu into Han, I am afraid that the country will continue to hate and turmoil, and will not take advantage of long-term stability."

Ran Min's head is not pedantic, otherwise he would not have given orders to keep those who agree with the government and let those who disagree.Although his order to kill Hu was severely criticized by the moralists in history, in fact, this order to kill Hu was quite enlightened. However, as the Xianbei people in the Northern Wei Dynasty officially entered the Central Plains, they were very disgusted with Ran Min, a Han nationality, because of his background. The great hero, using the public opinion in his hands, deliberately misled the people, slandered and poured dirty water, so Ran Min was also covered by the truth of history.

Ran Min nodded and said: "This is indeed a problem. People who are not of my race must have a different heart. Now my Great Wei Dynasty starts from Liaodong in the east and reaches Congling in the west. The territory is huge, but it is not easy to govern. Everyone The customs and habits of the tribe and the Han people in the Central Plains are different, how to treat them?"

Ran Ming actually had no good solution.

In this world, many people are very mean, the more you hit him, the more obedient he is, the better you treat him, the more he will push his nose in the face.For example, a certain island country and a certain He family are the best in this category.

Ran Ming suddenly thought of the Manchu period. It has to be said that the Manchus in the Qing Dynasty were the only regime in history that completely transformed the Han nationality.Winners and losers, the political strategy of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was extremely successful.Ran Min couldn't help blurting out: "First of all, we must put an end to discrimination in terms of attitude, and advocate Han and Hu family members. How can we distinguish between each other? His wife is my wife, and his relatives and friends are my relatives and friends. Yicheng, if you don't accept it, the king's teacher will be cut down, and he is also a teacher of justice. What does the emperor want?"

Ran Ming's suggestion is very clever. In this era, the Han nationality is still very attractive, and the phenomenon of worshiping foreigners does not exist at all, and vice versa.There are a lot of people who worship Han and flatter Han.This is something that cannot be helped, because the five chaos in China and the sharp drop in the population of the Han people. If we want to quickly develop the economy of the Wei state and restore national strength, we must eliminate ethnic barriers and work together.

At present, Ran Ming's method of the Murong tribe of the Xianbei tribe has been very successful.Sinicizing Murongbu is also very effective.This is the soft power of culture.Simply nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

Ran Ming knew that he could raise this policy with Ran Min and let Ran Min implement it.Because as long as this proposal is announced, it will win the hearts of Hu generals and officials very well.Ran Ming didn't dare to do anything to win people's hearts anymore.

Ran Min said: "Ming'er, you are very good. These suggestions are very popular with me, and I like them very much!"

Ran Ming said: "My son is ashamed and dare not take it!"

"If you have meritorious service, you must be rewarded, and if you have done wrong, you must be punished!" Ran Min said, "I appreciate your meritorious advice. Change Jiaodong King to Qin King!"

In the first five years of Qinzhou Taishi, the five counties of Longyou in Yongzhou, Jincheng in Liangzhou, and Yinping in Liangzhou were combined to set up Qinzhou and town Jicheng.In the third year of Taikang, Qinzhou was dismissed and Yongzhou was merged.In the seventh year, he was re-established, and he was in the town.

Ran Ming was not overjoyed by the redesignation of King Qin, on the contrary he was worried.Regardless of the fact that Qinzhou has seven counties, and the territory is large enough.But what kind of place is that, let alone more than 600 years ago, even in later generations, this is a place where birds don't shit.After years of wars, the Han is weak and Hu Qiang, and the people in the seven counties of Qinzhou are worse than those in the Central Plains.I'm afraid there are not even ten rooms and nine empty spaces.This is the real barren land for thousands of miles.

Moreover, Ran Ming's influence in Jiaodong Kingdom and Qingzhou is increasing day by day, so large that it almost becomes a country of its own, the trend of a country within a country.Moreover, Qingzhou's economy is extremely prosperous. With a single state, it occupies a quarter of Wei's population and generates nearly half of its taxes. This makes Ran Min feel threatened.He couldn't sit still anymore, he had to move.

In fact, Ran Min's methods are also very clever.Regardless of the fact that he gave Ran Ming the land of seven counties in one state, the territory is more than ten times larger than that of Jiaodong State in terms of land area, but the population of the entire Qinzhou is only 60 million people.More than half of these 60 million people are Hu people.As for the economy, there is simply no way to compare.

Sure enough, in mid-December, when the Wei State met, Ran Min proposed the concept of Wei State's five-year plan, and then stipulated that the five-year plan would be updated every five years, and the country would work hard according to this direction. .

The five-year plan is not considered clever, and even middle school students will know it in later generations.But in this era, it was the first time that the ministers in the court had heard of this idea.Before Ran Min's five-year plan was put forward, the ministers in the court were full of discussions.

Zhongshu ordered Liu Qun to say: "Your Majesty, this is a wonderful move!"

Cui Yue also flattered Ran Min at the right time: "This five-year plan is not only wonderful, but also wonderful!"

Ran Min said: "In the first five-year plan, I feel that our Great Wei should start from five directions. First, prepare the army and strive to complete the great cause of unifying the world within the next five years."

The unification of the world is on the agenda.Just when this goal was set, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty cheered.

"The second point is that the Hu and Han families are relatives to build a peaceful and prosperous world. The laws of the Great Wei are enacted to prohibit discrimination against Hu people and encourage Han and Hu to intermarry. Hu people can be like Han people. They can be in politics or the army. The prerequisite is that they must obey the court. Management. Do not accept enlightenment, resolutely attack, and show no mercy. The third point is to organize households to equalize the people, emphasize agriculture and promote agriculture, reduce corvees, lighten taxes, and moralize the people. Abolish torture, except for the heinous, all will not Death penalty. All the prisoners in the Wei state should be put in prison instead of being reformed through labor. This point is naturally from Ran Ming’s opinion. The fourth point is that the extravagance of the Jin state is detrimental to the country. The lessons learned from the past, the whole country must put an end to luxury and advocate frugality. Ran Min is still announcing that the Kingdom of Wei will not build a palace from now on, and the emperor will live in military camps when traveling. To reduce extravagance and waste. But starting from the royal family's frugality, it has raised the issue of officials' treatment, in addition to increasing the salaries of officials by [-]% to [-]% In addition, the working meal system was first proposed.

The inspiration for this comes from Ran Ming’s canteen in later generations. As long as it is a large-scale canteen, it is actually a way to save money.Officials from the seventh rank to the ninth rank can eat four dishes and one soup, two meat and two vegetables for free.Four to six products, six dishes and two soups, four meat and two vegetables.More than three products, eight dishes and four soups.You can eat meat or vegetables as you please.

The fifth point is to face the whole country and recruit talents.

Ran Min said very modestly again: "I just have a preliminary idea. How to formulate it will need to be discussed and formulated by the ministers of the court. It will be the direction of our work in the future. My goal is that we In the next five years, the Great Wei will have 150 million registered households, reclaim tens of thousands of arable land, and produce more than 3000 million shi of grain. Each household will have 2000 shi of disposable grain per year. Steel production will triple again to 800 million shi The output of cement has increased by five times to [-] million bags per year. Coal has been fully exploited and wood has been replaced for burning. The expressway will be built another [-] miles to connect the highways to Yecheng, Yecheng to Luoyang, and Luoyang to Chang'an Build!"

After the five-year plan was put forward, the court ministers started a heated discussion.He carefully considered the feasibility of Ran Min's plan.

Like farmland, the output is easy to handle.But the population is very difficult. After all, it is very difficult to increase the population by one million within five years.Liu Qun was about to refute Ran Min's plan when he suddenly saw Cui Yue quietly handing him a note.It was written in charcoal with only two words on it.That's Shade.

Liu Qun was about to refute Ran Min's plan when he suddenly saw Cui Yue quietly handing him a note.It was written in charcoal with only two words on it.That's Shade.

This is a historical phenomenon.In ancient times, the tax rate set by the imperial court was actually not high. According to the tax rate set by the Western Jin Dynasty, it was [-]% of the tax, which was one-thirtieth, and theoretically [-]% of the income was turned over to the state.This rate is actually not too heavy, even after the founding of the People's Republic of China, before the agricultural tax was abolished, the tax paid by the citizens of the Celestial Dynasty was much heavier than this.But policy is one thing, and implementation is another.

However, due to the layer upon layer expropriation by government agents, the actual tax paid by the free people is often dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, the policy.Even in good harvest years, they barely make ends meet. Once natural and man-made disasters occur, they will break up their homes and flee.The free people are often inferior to the tenants who farm for the big family. The tenants have the big family as their backing.

Therefore, because of this situation, many freedmen were not willing to rent the official land of the government at all, but voluntarily rented the private land of the rich and powerful.More and more free people became tenants of the gentry, which also caused the loss of court revenue.Although the condition of the shade households in Wei State is better, they still exist.Ordinary gentry have more or less shady households ranging from hundreds to thousands of households.These shady households did not have to pay the imperial court's taxes, nor did they have to serve corvee, and gradually became the imperial court's black households.

Although Liu Qun was born in the Liu family of Zhongshan, he is also the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan that Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms talked about.Liu Bei's Empress Jingwang is only far-fetched, and Liu Qun is the descendant of Jingwang, a noble family, although he is not as popular as Wang Xie Qizong, but in Wei State, Zhongshan Liu's status is unshakable .

Liu Qun was not stupid, he knew that if he dared to raise the issue of private households, it would be tantamount to offending the dignitaries of the Manchu court to death.If you stand out by yourself, you must be the spearman for Cui Yue.However, for Wei Guo, Liu Qun still stood up.

Liu Qun said: "Your Majesty, in order to organize households for the people, it is necessary to re-establish the shady household system. According to the nine-rank Zhongzheng system, the ninth-rank one shady household, the eighth-rank official own two households, the seventh-rank four households, the sixth-rank eight households, and the fifth-rank officials. There are 32 households of the first rank, 64 households of the fourth rank, 120 households of the third rank, and [-] eight households of the second rank."

(End of this chapter)

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